Document 14268428

Seth Paine Elementary
Classroom Highlights
Lodewyck Room 102
October 6, 2015
50 Miller Rd.
Lake Zurich, IL 60047
K a r e n . L o d e w yc k @ l z 9 5 . o r g
“Promise me you will always remember, you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you
seem, and smarter than you think.” ~ Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh
Message to PARENTS:
Please check your child’s backpack for a math kit and
game folder. Throughout the year, I will send home
additional games to help practice and reinforce the
concepts that we are learning in class.
Curriculum in Review
The children have been working to identify the main idea and
supporting details in a text. I have stressed the importance of
checking their work. After identifying the main idea, it is
important to read over the supporting details to make sure they
go along with the main idea.
During and after reading we have been checking our
understanding of texts. One way to do that is to stop and use
strategies when we come to a word that we don’t know.
Looking for clues in the text and pictures can be helpful. After
coming up with the meaning of the word your child should
reread the text to make sure it makes sense.
We have been focusing on pronouns. Examples of pronouns are
he, she, we, they, it and I. In our writing, it is important to be
clear and identify the person, character, or object before using a
pronoun. While we are reading, we also need to know who the
author is talking about when they use a pronoun to ensure that
we understand the text.
This week, we are also studying rules for capitalization. In
addition to capitalizing the first letter of the first word of a
sentence, we also capitalize names, days of the week, months of
the year, cities, states, counties, continents, product names,
proper places, and the pronoun I.
Yesterday, we began a new math unit. We will focus on
reading, writing, comparing, and ordering two-digit numbers.
The children will represent numbers in different ways using tally
marks, numerals, base ten blocks, and words. We will also
define and identify odd and even numbers. Lastly, we’ll sort
data and make picture graphs.
Beginning tomorrow, every Wednesday for 30 minutes, our
class will meet with Mrs. Smith, our math replacement teacher,
to work on thinking/reasoning activities.
Curriculum Continued
Social Studies
I’m so proud of the children for the effort they are putting forth
to learn their address. They’re doing a great job!
On Friday, the children will take the social studies test. Today, I
sent home a study guide and some of their work. Tomorrow, I
will send home a packet that went along with what we read.
Please review the information with your child to help him/her
Star of the Week
On Friday, I will send a letter and poster home with every child.
The letter will explain my “Star of the Week” program and the
schedule for the year. Please mark your child’s “date” on your
calendar. Your child can complete his/her poster any time
before his/her “week”. On your child’s designated week, he/she
should bring in his/her completed poster with some items to
share. The letter on Friday will include all of the details.
Conference Reminder
I will send home a conference reminder on November 2. If you
haven’t signed up for a conference, please contact me at your
earliest convenience.
Important Dates
9 – Social Studies Test
9 – MAP test results sent home
12 – Columbus Day (No School)
22 – Early Release
2 – Conference Reminder sent home
5 – Early Release
6 – Institute Day (No School)
11 – Veterans Day
19 – Parent/Teacher Conferences
23 – Parent/Teacher Conferences
25 – No School
26 – Thanksgiving Day (No School)
27 – No School