Dear Families,

Dear Families,
Your student should have brought a note to you confirming our conference time. Report cards
go home on Thursday, and some of you have conferences on Thursday evening. Others have
conferences with me on Monday, Nov. 23. If you did not get the note, please search through
your student's home folder. It was a half-sheet of paper. If you still can't find it, please send me
an email.
Also, your student brought home the science test which was taken on Friday. Please look for
that to see how well your student understood the concepts taught about weather.
We will be going to the Book Fair on Thursday morning. You may send money with your
student if you would like. The students will also be making a "wish list" to give you.
Finally - tomorrow is Monday. That means the reading calendar, reading report about a book
read during the week, and the math packet are due. I would LOVE to have EVERYONE turn in
ALL the homework on Monday.
Hope you are enjoying this gorgeous day!
Robin Kern