ST. BONAVENTURE APRIL 2011 NEWSLETTER Principal: Mrs. S. Wolfe Vice-Principal: Ms. T. Loftus Head Secretary: Mrs. L. Pietrantuono Trustee: Mrs. L. Zanella Superintendent of Brampton West Family of Schools: Mr. G. Prajza Parish Priest: Father Jan Gogolewski GUARDIAN ANGELS PARISH INFORMATION www.guardianangelsparish. corn Pastor: Reverend Jan Gogolewski Love Dear God, You have done such a marvelous job of creating us and the world around us. You have placed this creation, including all the people we meet, in our care. We come to you now asking for the grace and strength to love. We want to love like Jesus loved -- without holding back; without wondering what‟s in it for me; so that everyone around us will know what your love looks like. Mass Venue: St. Edmund Campion Secondary School 275 Brisdale Drive Brampton, ON L7A 3C7 Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am, 10:30 am & 12:00 pm Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday: 7:30 am May we find the courage to forget ourselves on purpose for the good of your people. We ask this in name of Jesus, our brother, who lived to show us your way. Amen. EASTER MASS SCHEDULE AT GUARDIAN ANGELS PARISH HOLY THURSDAY: Lord‟s Supper Mass at 7:00 pm GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER MONDAY Good Friday is Friday, April 22nd and Easter Monday is Monday, April 25th. There will be no school for staff and students on either day. GOOD FRIDAY: Good Friday of the Lord Passion at 2:30 pm Stations of the Cross and Veneration of the Cross at 3:00 pm HOLY SATURDAY: 7:00 pm EASTER SUNDAY: 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12:00 pm FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Congratulations to our Grade 2 students who received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sunday, April 10, 2011 at Our Lady of Fatima Church. May God Bless you all as you continue on your faith journey. CONFIRMATION Confirmation will take place on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 7:00 pm at St. Leonard Parish. VIRTUE FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL: LOVE During the month of April, we celebrate the Virtue of Love. Love can be seen in the simplest acts of kindness, such as sharing a book, playing a game or even by saying, Thank you. Love is about seeing the good in people. We remember that Jesus‟ most important message to us is the message of love. God wants us to serve and to see the goodness in everyone we meet. A loving person…. Follows the examples of holy people Is willing to make sacrifices for the good of others Knows that we are all lovable Prays for others and cares deeply about them LENTEN LOVE On Thursday, April 21, 2011, Mr. Torres' grade eight class and the Safe Schools Committee, will be going to the Canadian Food For Children Warehouse run by Dr. Simone, located in Mississauga. The students will be collecting food and clothing donations during the Lenten Season to bring to Dr. Simone and the CFFC Warehouse. Attached is a copy of the Lenten Love letter which states the 5 key items that we wish to collect with our Lenten Love Project. Thank you in advanced to the St. Bonaventure Parent community for your generosity. How to Fast Give up complaining——focus on gratitude. Give up pessimism——become an optimist. Give up harsh judgments——think kindly thoughts. Give up worry——trust Divine Providence. Give up discouragement——be full of hope. Give up bitterness——turn to forgiveness. Give up hatred——return good for evil. Give up negativism——be positive. Give up anger——be more patient. Give up pettiness——become mature. Give up gloom——enjoy the beauty that is all around you. Give up jealousy——pray for trust. Give up gossiping——control your tongue. Give up sin——turn to virtue. Give up giving up——hang in there! (Source Unknown) LENTEN REFLECTION Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing. (Joel 2:13) Did you ever wonder why we mark ourselves with ashes at the beginning of Lent? It‟s a reminder that someday our life on earth will come to an end. For some people, the idea of death is so scary that they don‟t want to think about it at all. But for Christians, death is the gateway to eternal life with Jesus, thanks to his saving death on the cross and his resurrection on Easter. At the beginning of Lent, we remember that the Holy Spirit and the promise of salvation have been given to us through baptism, and we ask ourselves, "How are we living differently because of that gift?" Lord Jesus, you gave your life for us on the cross. Help us to give our lives for you this Lent and always. From Springs of Living Water by Mark Neilsen © 2011 Creative Communications for the Parish OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL HERITAGE SCHOOL COUNCIL School Council Members: What guarantee for separate schools does the Canadian Constitution still contain? Debbie Kicul - Chair (Can be contacted at: Candida Charles - Treasurer Margaret Gill - Secretary Heatherdawn White - Member at large In 1867 the Fathers of Confederation made section 93(1) part of the Constitution. It states: Nothing in any such [provincial legislative] Law shall prejudicially affect any Right or Privilege with respect to School Council meetings will be held at 7:00 pm in the Denominational Schools which any Class of Persons [i.e. school library on the following dates. All are welcome! separate school supporters] have by Law in the Province at April 12 the Union. May 18 (please note change of date) Exactly what separate school rights does section 93(1) On March 22, 2011, St. Bonaventure School Council guarantee? hosted a special guest speaker, Jerome Walker, from Section 93(1) protects all the provisions of the last separate Cassie Campbell Community Center. He shared informaschool legislation passed before Confederation, the Sepa- tion about free programs for children and adolescents. For rate School (Scott) Act of 1863. Among others, the Act pro- more information on these programs please contact the Community Centre at 905-840-4041. vided the following rights: (a) to form a separate school board with five or more Catholic heads of family resident in a public school juris- Invitation from School Council: diction; (b) to receive government grants equitable with those of the Tuesday, May 17 - Brampton Northwest Connects prepublic school system; sents a 'You Need To Know' Event for Parents & (c) to receive equitable funding; Guardians. 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Anthony McLean will (d) to have separate school boundaries enlarged; bring his iEngage Bullying Prevention workshop to our (e) to elect separate school trustees with all the powers of community. Hosted by Rowntree Public School, 254 public school trustees Queen Mary Drive, Brampton. Online registration available on the event page at: VICTORIA DAY MAY 23 NO CLASSES FOR STUDENTS CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK: INTERMEDIATE BALLROOM DANCING The Intermediate students have been learning a variety of ballroom dances as part of their dance curriculum. Please feel free to come out to cheer on the students as they participate in a friendly dance competition featuring the Meringue and the Tango on May 1 to May 6, 2011 Wednesday, May 4 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am in the In our school, the Spirit of God if alive! When you walk school gymnasium. through the halls, stop and listen, you will hear the marvelous work of the students and staff reflection God‟s graciousness in their learning and teaching. This year‟s LET'S DANCE! Catholic Education Week gives us an opportunity to shine a light on our school with the theme: Catholic Education Week: Celebrating the Spirit. During this Education Week, let‟s open our doors to God‟s Spirit in a special way and celebrate how the Spirit is renewing the face of our school! JUNIOR GIRLS BASKETBALL There are five sub-themes, one for each day of Education Week: On Tuesday April 12th, St. Bonaventure School hosted the Brampton West Family of Schools Junior Girls Basketball Monday—The Spirit of Hospitality Tournament. Our junior girls‟ team represented Tuesday—The Spirit of Understanding St. Bonaventure with great sportsmanship and enthusiasm. Wednesday—The Spirit of Wisdom The girls tried their best and finished in second place. All Thursday—The Spirit of Justice their coaches are extremely proud of the dedication Friday—The Spirit of Gratitude displayed in practice and teamwork throughout the tournaEvery year, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees‟ Asso- ment. ciation provides our Catholic schools with a resource kit to Many thanks to Mr. Torres and Mrs. Tuzi for coaching help schools prepare for Catholic Education Week. Using this fabulous team! these resources, as well as our own school-developed events, we have prepared a series of activities to highlight Way to go girls! Go Sharks! why our school should “rejoice in hope”. The activities in our school will include: Team members: Chantelle, Nicky, Ivie, Shayla, Natasha, Melody, Katrina, Claire, Samantha, Dana and Mackenzie. Daily - Prayer Services at 9:00 in the gym (all Assistant Coaches: Christina, Stephanie, Sabrina, Ashana, are welcome to come and watch) Samantha, Jhoanna and Monica. May 2—Heart and Stroke Kick-off May 2—Winning classes from Valentine’s DanceHead Coaches: Mr. F. Torres OCT and Mrs. S. Tuzi OCT a-thon go to the Mandarin for lunch (as out-lined in the previous newsletter) May 4—Intermediate Dance Competition 10:00am to 11:00 - All are welcome to watch May 6—Jump Rope for Heart and BBQ Lunch Daily—Final Preparations for Confirmation May our thankful hearts continue to be open to God‟s love, to celebrate the Spirit of gratitude. The grade 7 students in Ms. Poerba‟s class have been busy making paper cranes this Lenten season, in response to the massive earthquake and devastating tsunami that hit Japan on March 11th. The students got the idea from where young people throughout the world were asked to share their love and support for the Japanese people by participating in the “Paper Cranes for Japan” project. Ms. Poerba‟s class decided to make 1000 paper cranes for this project and wanted to display their origami in the form of a Japanese flag. According to Japanese legend, anyone who folds 1,000 origami cranes will be granted a wish. We are proud to announce that the students have reached their goal of making 1000 paper cranes and have wished that Japan be granted a quick recovery. The display was taken down on April 15th so that the cranes could be shipped to Students Rebuild where a donation of $2 would be rewarded for each crane made. Congratulations Ms. Poerba‟s class. Your 1000 cranes have helped contribute $2000 towards the Japanese relief fund. ARE YOU MOVING? EQAO PRIMARY AND JUNIOR ASSESSMENTS We are in the process of planning classes and staffing for the 2011/2012 school year. If you are planning to move anytime between now and September 2011, please inform the school at your earliest possible convenience. Each student in Grades 3 and 6 in Ontario will be assessed in Reading, Writing and Math for a period of 3 days beginning May 30th, 2011 through June 10th, SCHOOL ORGANIZATION FOR 2011/2012 2011. Kindly avoid booking dental, doctor and other appointments during this period. If you have a child in The staff at St. Bonaventure School will meet in either grade 3 or 6 you will receive specific communicaMay to discuss the academic and social/ tion and information regarding the Provincial Assessemotional needs of our students and determine the class placement that will best meet their needs. We appre- ment just prior to the start of the testing. ciate your input concerning any special needs your child(ren) may have. Please submit any feedback that you may have in Please visit to access practice assessment material and other valuable resources. writing to Mrs. Wolfe by Friday, May 1, 2011. Please do not make specific requests for a teacher as current and tentative assignments may change between ST. BONAVENTURE STUDENTS now and September. Wherever possible we will meet “CREAM OF THE CROP” requests but the final decision rests with the Principal and the teaching staff. St. Bonaventure School is proud to announce that we are on “Peel’s Cream of the Crop” list of the ten highest FREE DENTAL PROGRAM 2009/2010 EQAO scores in Peel Region. Staff and students are working hard again this year to prepare for the 2010/2011 EQAO Primary and Junior Assessments. In the March newsletter, we included informaIn addition to the many strategies that are being impletion on the Free Dental Program sponsored by the Region of Peel Public Health for children 17 and under. If mented in the classrooms during the school day, the you are interested, but have misplaced the flyer, please visit school has also offered our Grade 3 and 6 students a tenour office for another copy, or, call Peel Public Health Dental week After School Tutoring Program. Program at 905-799-7700. Many thanks to our dedicated staff for their commitment to student success! SUMMER PROGRAMS 2011 St. Bonaventure is one of the Board sites that will offer Summer Literacy Camps. See the attached flyer for additional information. PARENT RESOURCES TO SUPPORT STUDENTS’ LEARNING MATH HOMEWORK HELP PILOT PROJECT The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce that once again it will be participatThe Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat has ing in the Math Homework Help pilot project. This is the developed two new parent resources for second year that the students in our Board will have acschools across Ontario. These guides have cess to live, interactive online math help through the exbeen developed so that parents/guardians, can help our pansion of a pilot project funded by the Ministry of Eduyoungest learners further develop their reading, writing and cation. Homework Help is free, real-time math tutoring math abilities. They include tips, as well as practical activi- by certified Ontario teachers. ties, that can be used at home. The websites for these two resources are indicated below. This project has now expanded to 31 English-Language Boards across the Province of Ontario, and the project‟s HELPING YOUR CHILD WITH READING AND goal remains to provide students in grades 7 to 10 with an WRITING: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS GRADES 4 TO 6 after-hours online support in Mathematics. parentGuideLit.pdf HELPING YOUR CHILD DO MATHEMATICS: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS GRADES 4 TO 6 parentGuideNum.pdf Please visit and eduparents to access additional resources available online. DPCDSB SUMM ER 2011 ADULT PROGRAMS Adult CO-OP Programs (905-362-0701 or 905-891-3934) ESL English as a Second Language (905-891-9263) FSL French as a Second Language Conversation 905-8919263 (ext 37955) LINC Language Instruction for Newcomers (905-279-6816) Visit our website: “LEARN FRENCH”: French as a Second Language For Adults In the February newsletter, an insert was included containing information for adults who are interested in learning so speak French. If you are interested, but have misplaced the information, please visit our office for another copy of the insert. Students can log in from Sunday to Thursday, 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for 20 hours a week of individualized confidential math tutoring. There are discussion rooms for each grade where students can join in and see what questions other students are asking, watch the tutors draw on the whiteboard, and ask their own question for on-thespot help. If they can't wait until the discussion rooms open, videos of best tutorials and commonly asked questions are available anytime. Other online math resources include math games and a virtual locker, where students can save their work. To register for the site, visit the website homeworkhelp. Scroll down and you will find the link to the Homework Help Line. Students will need their OEN number to register. This number is different from their student number, and can be obtained from their school. For more information about the HOMEWORK HELP PILOT PROJECT, contact: Sam Mercurio e-Learning Contact for the Homework Help Initiative and OERB Resources 905-890-0708 ext 24517 REPORTING STUDENT ABSENCES PEDICULOSIS In the interest of student safety, a call or a note to the office reporting student absences is required. Please let us know if you know that your child is going to be late or absent. Attendance calls can be made after school hours, seven days a week for your convenience. Head lice are parasites which have been common among human beings for centuries. They are NOT connected in any way with dirt or neglect. If a case is found, we inform parents of the students in that classroom. We will check siblings. We ask that you check your own children regularly. Our attendance number is (905) 970-9069 ext. 2 DRESS CODE STUDENT LATENESS Please continue to encourage punctuality in your children. The bell rings in the morning at 8:45 a.m. Students who are late must come to the office to sign in prior to going to their classroom. We appreciate your calls to the school when your child is absent due to illness or will be late due to an appointment. (905) 970-9069, then press 2 for the attendance mailbox. STUDENT SUPERVISION TIMES School Board Policy states that all students are expected to dress to meet standards of neatness, cleanliness, modesty and good taste. Certain items such as shirts with inappropriate logos/wording, exposure of undergarments or midriffs, tight or torn clothing and short skirts are contrary to both the philosophy of our Catholic School teachings and to the standards we set as parents and educators. With warmer weather on the way, we will remind all students of dress code expectations. Your assistance and support are greatly appreciated. Please note that teachers are on supervision duty 15 minutes before the start of the school day and 15 minutes at the end LUNCH HOUR of the day. During the lunch hour, all students who For safety reasons we ask that you not drop your child stay for lunch are expected to remain at off at the school prior to 8:30 a.m., to please pick them school, and all students who go home up ON TIME at 3:15 p.m. for lunch are expected to go home every day. If there is a change in the regular lunch hour procedure for your child, parent/guardians are WATER IN THE YARD asked to provide the teacher with a note explaining the change. As we approach the rainy season, water is an inevitable feature of the schoolyard and presents an occasion for younger students to LEAVING DURING SCHOOL DAY get wet socks and clothing. Our school approach is to contact parents to bring dry clothing. This is often inconvenient When it is necessary for your child to leave school early, for parents. please send a note to your child‟s teacher advising him/ her of the time you will be picking your child up. Your We suggest that you place an extra pair of socks and child will be asked to meet you in the office at the track pants in your child’s backpack in the event that a indicated time. When dropping off or picking up stuchange of clothing is necessary. dents during school hours, please go to the office to sign your child in or out. ! DATES TO REMEMBER TRAFFIC SAFETY Our school driveway is a matter of great concern in regards to the safety of our students. Therefore, we are reminding you again to use the Kiss ‘n’ Ride lane to drop off or pick up your child. You cannot park your vehicle in the Kiss „n‟ Ride lane before school or at dismissal time during the day. When using the Kiss „n‟ Ride program to drop off or pick up students, please remember: We clear the Kiss „N Ride usually in 10 minutes. Please be patient we are all BUSY but SAFETY comes first. The inside lane (closest to the school) is the only lane where cars can stop to drop off their children in the morning and pick up their children in the afternoon. Drivers should not be parking and leaving their vehicle to walk to the school to pick up their child. The outside lane is a drive thru lane. This means that there should be no stopping and/or loading or unloading of students. If your child is not at the Kiss „N Ride area at dismissal time, please park in one of the spaces available in the parking lot or circle around once more. Students are not permitted to cross the parking lot unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please do not walk your children through the two Kiss „N Ride lanes. This is very unsafe and drivers may not see you in time. Take the time to walk around the Kiss „N Ride lanes. There is no parking in the driveway. This is a fire zone and blocks the flow of traffic. FRONT DRIVEWAY The front of the school is for BUSES ONLY. CARS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO PARK, DROP OFF or PICK UP students in the driveway or bus lane located at the front of the school. When stopping your vehicle on the road in front of the school, please refrain from blocking the driveway so that designated Board personnel can access it when needed. April 14 April 21 April 22 April 25 April 28 May 2 May 4 May 6 May 10 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 23 May 27 May 31—June 10 June 13 June 22 June 28 Lenten Liturgy and Welcome to Kindergarten Holy Thursday Liturgy Good Friday (school closed) Easter Monday (school closed) Easter Mass Kick-off Assembly for Jump Rope for Heart Intermediate Dance Competition Jump Rope for Heart Confirmation @ 7:00 pm (St. Leonard Parish) School Council @ 7:00 pm School Aerial Photo French Café Victoria Day (school closed) Positive Self-Esteem Day sponsored by Me to We for (Grade 6 & 7) EQAO Testing P.A. Day—No school for students Variety Show Grade 8 Graduation Welcome One Another As Christ Has Welcomed You, Romans 15:7 .