St. Croix County Association for Home and Community Education



February/March 2014


St. Croix County Association for Home and

Community Education


The HCE theme says it all--we are working together to build our community, and keep it intact, for our children and grandchildren. And community is not just the physical community, it is the friendships that are formed and the relationships that evolve from having common goals. Think about all the skills that you’ve learned and passed along to others. Think about all of the people you’ve helped in many ways through your involvement with HCE.

We are continuing forward. The new program booklets are out and an exciting year is planned and still being planned. (There are some corrections probably noted elsewhere in this newsletter.) The big Services of Love project for the year will be the bookworms reading trails. We will be having fundraisers to help pay for the cost of a little house along park trails. Maggie Hall is heading up this project with help from all of the clubs. There will probably be a raffle with several items between now and the fair with the drawing to be at the county fair.

Contact me or someone on the executive board if your club wants to donate something to be raffled.

The Stitches of Love book bags for Haiti children are coming along and expected to be completed by Spring

Council. Eunice Hop is heading up that project.

An afternoon project was added to the calendar for March, Whirly Twirly scarves, to be knit or crocheted. See article in the newsletter.

An exciting Sustainability Day will be held in April in time for gardening projects, recycling projects, and new ideas for everyone. The May 1 Spring Council meeting will be very entertaining. The Fall Council meeting is already being planned. St. Croix County will host the District Spring Meeting, so plans will be finalized at our

March executive board meeting. And the convention in September is going to be very “owly”…the theme being

“Ow’l always be an HCE member.” The newsletter has information about the cultural arts challenge to build an owl for an entry at the spring council meeting with a chance by vote to go to the state convention. Get your creative juices flowing.

And remember to support candidates in the up-coming elections who will be supportive of what you believe

“community” should be.

St. Croix County HCE President Charlotte Croes

In this issue:

Note from Joan Sprain

Program Directory Changes

Board Minutes

Cultural Arts

Newsletter Procedure

Impact of HCE

Member Contribution Report

State Conference Invite page 2 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7

HCE Scholarship

Rural Schoolbook Scholarship

Club News/Onion Information

On the Move and In the Groove

Calendar of Events/Meet & Greet

Valentine’s Day Fun

Cultural Arts Guideline

Cultural Arts Registration page 8 page 11 page 14 page 15 page 17 page 18 page 19 page 20


A Note From Joan

- Submitted by Joan Sprain

A note from Joan…

I hope all of you are staying warm and safe this winter.

Maggie Hall, Char Croes and I have been planning the now April 26 th (NOT MARCH) sustainability event at

Badlands Snow Park. It is so fun to think about gardening and outdoor living in January. We are hoping to attract not only HCE members but younger families who are interested in becoming more “green”.

Potential topics include:

Urban Chickens of Hudson -benefits and how to get started

Safe homemade cleaners

Bee/butterfly gardening-identifying good plants for this

Safe Salsa Making -- tomato base and chutneys with fresh garden produce

Re-purposed furniture and household items

Hot new plants

And a few more

There will be vendors, lunch, door prizes and more surprises. Cost $15

If your club would like space to sell “homemade” green items such as crafts let Maggie or Char know.

(Contact information is in your program book.)

We will also have a book sale. We are looking especially for donations of gardening and craft books but other books will do.

Program Directory Changes

Club Presidents' Page: Eunice Hop of Happy Valley Hour, Zip

Code is 54002;

Executive Board Member page: Cultural Arts Linda Sutherland's address is 1594 5th Avenue and phone is 715-248-7279.

Board member Bev Wubbels was spelt wrong; correct as shown here.

Update Subscription prices were listed incorrectly: One Year for $6.00 or Two Years for $11.00.

"Create an Owl" cultural arts category, which Joan has copies.

Linda Sutherland should be sending you an article on the Whirly

Twirly scarf project for March 12.

Page 2


Board Meeting Minutes

Submitted by: Mary Hampton, Secretary

St. Croix County Executive Board Meeting

Monday, January 13, 2014; 2:00 pm

Ag Services and Education Center

Members Present : Char Croes, Lois Burri, Mary Hampton, Maggie Hall, Eunice Hop, Betty Lee, Marie

Nelson, Merlee Jensen, Phoebe Shourds, Linda Sutherland, Donna Wilcoxson, Bev Wubbels, Advisor Joan

Sprain and Vista Erica Timmers

Members Absent : Jean Kelly

Meeting called to order by President Charlotte Croes

Flag pledge and Creed recited

Roll Call

Secretary minutes approved in newsletter

Treasurer’s report by Phoebe Shourds.

Discussions on more expenses in 2013. Lois made a motion to approve and Mary seconded; passed.

Two scholarships of $750.00 to be given this year. The updated applications are due April 1.

Old Business :

The calendar for 2014 was reviewed.

Discussion if clubs have checking accounts and if banks charged for it or were clubs on a cash basis.

Haiti Book Bags Project: Meet at Eunice’s apartment on January 20 to put in strings. Bags are to be done by Spring Council. Will possibly do a picture of the project at Spring Council for P.R.

Maggie Hall told us more on Bookworms Trail and discussed how fundraiser could benefit this project.

Possibly setting up a raffle and sell tickets for items such as quilts or other items; all in talk stage yet.

April 26 is Sustainability Day. The committee for this event is Joan, Char, Maggie met later and will get us more details of Fun Day.

New Business:

Joan signed agreement from Communicator Update prices are now $6.00/year or $11/two years.

Cultural Arts will be held on March 12 from 1:00-3:00pm at the Ag Center.

Bev started pricing places for Fall Council.

Service of Love Project will be the Bookworms Trail building.

Char submitted an article to Update.

Lois made motion to remove “and hotel fee” from Bylaws; Phoebe seconded; passed: Article 6, Section 4.

Meeting adjourned with prayer at 3:45pm.

Page 3


Cultural Arts


The display you create is your choice and you can use any media to construct your entry. Note that the size restriction is no larger than 10" x 8" x 8" (vertical or horizontal)

Your entry will be judged at the county spring council meeting and the winner will go on to state convention to be voted on by those attending the convention.

If you have any questions about this entry for the 2014 Cultural Arts show, please contact Veronica

Sustar, N2894 Overgaard Road, Mauston, WI 53948, Phone 608-847-1140, or e-mail


Back Pack Book Bags Stitches of Love project for Haiti

We have 120 back pack book bags ready to go to Mission E4 headquarters to be filled and hand carried to Haiti. This is where the group goes several times a year to build schools where there was earthquake damage. That means there are 20 bags still out there. Please bring them to Birchwood Apt. #1, 20, or 22 where Happy Valley Hour members live. If they are unfinished, we will get them sewed. We have extra tabs and the cords to thread into them. Thank you for your help!

Eunice Hop 715-684-2052

Newsletter Procedure

To guarantee that the newsletter reaches all the members on time, there will be deadlines that articles need to be submitted by. The process will be Melissa will send an email reminder to the HCE Board on the first of the month that the newsletter is being published. The board members have until the 15th of the month to submit any articles to Melissa. The newsletter will be typed up and proofed by the

HCE President and Joan Sprain. After that process has been completed, the newsletter will be printed.

Therefore any articles submitted after the 18th of the month will not be published.

Page 4

The Impact of HCE

Your participation in "On the Move and in the Groove" in 2013 was GREAT and we will be continuing it in

2014 and we hope the enthusiasm will continue!!

We will be adding a new project in 2014. You will be asked to keep a record of your volunteer hours for

HCE. After you report your hours, we will place a monetary value on them. These hours and monetary values are helpful not only at the State Board level, but also to you at the county level to show your value to your communities.

You are asked to give your recorded hours to your Club President by June 1 st . The Club President will be asked to send them to the County Vice President of Family and Community Education or County President.

They need to then be sent to the WAHCE Vice President for Family and Community Education by June

20 th .

We hope you will participate in both "On the Move and in the Groove" and reporting your volunteer hours.

However, you may choose to do only one if you wish. There will be a report on both at the WAHCE

Conference in September. The first part of this new project will be from January 1 st to June 1 st , 2014. We will then continue the volunteer hour reports into 2015 so watch for a:

Reminder in Update and a follow-up letter to your County Presidents by May 2014 as to the starting date for the 2015 reports.

Reports will always end on June 1 st so that they reach the State Vice President for Family and Community

Education by June 20 th . Forms for these reports will be available on the WAHCE website,

or from your FLE or your County President, or Vice President for Family and

Community Life.

Page 5

Invitation! Invitation! Invitation! Invitation! Invitation!

SEPTEMBER 8, 9, and 10, 2014


Northwest District welcomes all HCE members to the 2014

WAHCE Annual Conference in Cable, Wisconsin at the beautiful

Lakewood's Resort.

Circle the dates September 8 - 10, 2014, to relax and enjoy the Northwoods. Lots of fun activities and workshops are planned inside and out. We suggest you bring along some casual summer and warm clothing.

If you haven’t already done so, make your reservations by calling 1-800-225-5937 and tell them you are with WAHCE to get the $85.00 bedroom rate. You can reserve one of the nearby condos for you and your family or fellow HCE members. There will be a shuttle service and most of the condos are close by for walking. Consider coming in a day or so earlier or stay later to enjoy all the things there are to do in the area.

The Northwest District is looking forward to seeing you.

Co-Chairs Phoebe Shourds and Muriel Anderson

For Sale

Maxine Schiltgen from Woods n Hills has three cookbooks she would like to sell. The ones for sale are one golden Anniversary, one checkered and one 1959 cookbook.

To get a hold of Maxine to purchase one of these cookbooks, call her at: 715-781-8327

Page 7

Club News:

Happy Valley Hour —The program Directory was handed out and changes were noted by Eunice. On

January 20, they met to put the strings in the Love Bags for Haiti. The theme for State Conference is the “Owl”. We are to design an owl and bring to the Spring Council. Our program was on St. Lucia as

Eunice traveled there with Global Volunteers. Their mission was to help people eat healthy, especially women while expecting. They can grow bananas and sweet potatoes but need to import most foods.

They are now building earth boxes to put in good soil, calcium and minerals so they can grow other vegetables.

Lincoln —The club will donate two backpacks to the Backpack Buddies program. Fall Council was discussed. Christmas party was held on Friday, December 13 and they brought six cookies to share.

The club decided to bring items to donate to the food pantry instead of exchanging gifts. January meeting was on January 21 and they made cards. Stitches of Love sewing day was November 20. Club looked at the Bookwork Trail brochure and discussed it further.

Nike Neighbors —Club donated $50 to Holiday Angels. Christmas party was held on January 3 with potluck and white elephant gift exchange. Club voted to increase the money for the Children’s Holiday

Shopping Spree to $50 and Bea will do the shopping. The club also decided to gift $100 to Grace


Pleasant Grove —Christmas party was held and Dorothy treated the club with choice of chili or wild rice soup. We sold our white elephant gifts so each member had 100 pennies to spend and then will donate to Pennies for Friendship.

Page 14

Wisconsin Association for

Home and Community Life, Inc.

On the Move and in the Groove

March 2 nd to May 24 th , 2014

Family and Community Life will again be focusing on walking and exercise as a county-wide activity. Any activity you do between March 2 nd and May 24 th can be counted. This includes walking, biking, gardening, cleaning, painting, swimming, hiking, etc. Each 20 minutes equals

1 point, for example, one hour equals 3 points.

All forms for individuals or groups are available below or you may develop you own -- as long as you use points for your totals. Remember 1 point for 20 minutes of activity.

Compile your reports at the county level or send your individual reports to the Vice President for

Community Life. Your reports should include totals for each individual. Please remember to include the name, address, county, phone and e-mail for the person sending in the report.

In 2013 there were 32 counties that reported participation in 'On the Move and In the Groove'.

Number of participants reported:about 200

Points: 53,921







Give yourselves a big hand and let ' s see what we can do in 2014!!

The Winners for 2013 were: Adams County (10 participants) 3,594 points

Chippewa County (12) 8,721 points

Outagamie County (14) 8,897 points

Please forward your reports to me by June 20 th , 2014.

I need them for my NVON report in July. If I don't have them on time, they will not be included.

These numbers look good on our report for NVON.

Thank you to all of you for your participation. Looking forward to 2014!!

Donna Kohnke

Vice President for Family & Community Life

N664 Kohnke Road, Cambria, WI 53923—e-mail:

Page 15



















Calendar of Events

Meet & Greet

Executive Board Meeting

Knit/Crochet Scarves

Meet & Greet

Scholarship Applications Due

Meet & Greet

District Spring Meeting

Live Sustainably (Membership/fundraising for

Bookworm Trail)

Women Walk the World

South Fork Café (River Falls),


Ag Center 2:00 – 3:30pm

Ag Center 1-3pm (Wednesday)

Phoenix (Baldwin), 11:30am

Brady’s (New Richmond),


Das Loch Haus – Cumberland

Badlands –Maggie

Local activity

Meet and Greet Opportunities

Wednesday, February 26—South Fork Café (River Falls)

116 S Main St; 715-425-2575

Wednesday, March 26—Phoenix (Baldwin)

2570 Gracie Dr.; 715-688-3473

Meet and Greet gatherings are at 11:30 am.

Join us for a good meal and great company!!

Bring a joke!

Committee: Joan Brown 715-749-3302 and Kathy Guski 715-796-2772

A variety full menu is offered at all restaurants

* If area schools are cancelled due to snow or cold,

Meet and Greet will also be cancelled—stay warm and safe?*

Ag Services and

Education Center

Hours of Operation:


8:00 am—4:30 pm


Page 17

Valentines’ Day Quiz and Answers

1. True or False; Valentines Day is the largest card giving holiday?

2. The name Valentine comes from which of the following? English, Latin, Italian or Greek

3. The giving of Valentines started during which century? 16th, 17th or 18th.

4. In what year did Valentines Day be declared an official holiday?

5. Which country began the tradition?

6. What does the word Valentine stand for or mean?

7. True or False; Some girls eat unusual food on Valentines Day to help them dream about who they will marry.

8. An ancient Celtic tradition was giving what with carved hearts on it, as a Valentines gift?

9. Love messages were first sent on cards during what century? 16th, 17th, or 20th.

10. Who first introduced Valentines Day as a Pagan ceremony in England? It was later dropped as a pagan belief.

11. How much does the average American spend on Valentines Day? $50, $75, $80, $100.

12. The greeting card association estimates that 85% of all cards are bought by what sex?

13. Including children exchanging cards, how many Valentines are bought each year? 700 million, 800 million,

900 million, 1 billion, 2 billion.

14. What percent of women send themselves flowers on Valentines Day?


1. False 2. Latin 3. 17th 4. 1537 5. England 6. Valor 7. True 8. Wooden spoons 9. 17th 10. Romans 11. $75 12. Female 13. 1 billion 14. 15%

The First Letter of My Name is:

What is your CUPID name?

A – Frilly

B – Flashy

C – Sassy

D – Mooshy

E – Reckless

F – Flirty

G – Dreamy

H – Classy

I – Wild

J – Snappy

K – Sexy

L – Fiesty

M- Shy

N – Mischievous T – Bashful

O- Crazy U – Confused

P – Bubbly

Q – Cheerful

V – Rowdy

W – Starry-Eyed

R – Naughty

S – Steamy

X – Wacky

Y – Romantic

Z – Happy

The Month I was Born In is:

JAN – Chunky-


FEB – Sweet-Buns

APR – Love-Bug

May – Cutesy-Pie

JUL – Heart-Throb

AUG – Winky-Poo

OCT – Eye-Candy

NOV – Hot-Stuff

MAR – Sugar-Lips JUN – Pants-on-Fire Sep – Love Machine DEC – Heart-


Bring the Cultural Arts form with you to spring council with your item (s) that will be judged.
