HCE NEWSLETTER . June/July 2015 St. Croix County Association for Home and Community Education Dear HCE Members, For all of you that attended the Garden Gig, thank you and I hope you learned a few new tips, I sure did! The Hauser Apiary Bee man and the owner of Plantables were the most interesting. All the speakers were good, and several asked if they could come back next year, so it sounds like Garden Gig III will be happening. I hope this spring weather isn't getting you down, Is everyone busy planning a full summer of activities, with family, friends or just trying one new thing each week. Trying one new thing per week isn't that hard to do. Maybe it is something as simple as a new breakfast cereal or creating a pretty place setting to enjoy your meal on. I have started to only drink my morning coffee with a cup and saucer, it feels so much more elegant. For another new thing to try, give one compliment to some one each day. I struggled for a long time to try and be less negative, and by forcing myself to say something nice, it improved my attitude and helped me steer myself away from negative people. So, cup and saucer, a compliment or something else you regularly don't do, get ready for summer--give it a try. It will make the summer so much more enjoyable. Remember that each club should be planning a silent auction item for the fair, in a $20-25 value. Thanks again the all who helped make the Garden Gig a success. And special thanks to Wanda Breitbach for assuming the office of Vice-President and to Char Croes for stepping in as Secretary due to Carol's moving away. Have a great summer everyone, Maggie Hall IN THIS ISSUE: Note from Joan United Way 2-1-1 Executive Board Meeting Spring Council Meeting Cultural Arts Bookworm Trail Scholarship Recipients State Conference page 2 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 6 page 7 page 7 page 8 Pennies for Friendship Gardening Tips Membership List Changes/Members 55+ years Impact Contribution Report Club News/Meet & Greet/Calendar Revised Executive Board page 8 page 9 page 10 page 11 page 12 page 13 page 14 Notes from Joan HCE NEWSLETTER Submitted by: Joan Sprain You are invited to attend the Basics of Alzheimer’s, a one hour education session on September 22 from 1:3—3:30pm at the Ag Center in Baldwin. Nancy Abrahamson from ADRC will be focusing on all forms of dementia. These sessions are free and open to the public and co-sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association and ADRC of St Croix County. This is an HCE sponsored event. In the Hudson area the Basics of Alzheimer’s (90 minutes) will be presented June 4 at the Hudson Hospital on Stageline Road at 9 am and 6:30 pm. To register call 800-429-0383 or online www.healthpartnerslocalcare.org/ Attend the 9th annual regional caregiver conference, The Unexpected Caregiver, at WITC-New Richmond, September 25, 2015. United Way * MRS 2—1—1 Get Connected. Get Answers Greater Twin Cities United Way UnitedWayTwinCities.org Services provided in partnership with Ceridian Printing donated by: MERRILL CORPORATION Phone: 2-1-1 Alternate: 651-291-0211 Statewide Service: 1-800-543-7709 Web: www.211unitedway.org Multilingual service available Board Meeting Minutes HCE NEWSLETTER Submitted by: Carol Brault Secretary Executive Board Meeting May 11; 2:00 pm Ag Services & Education Center Roll Call: Members present 11 Meeting called to order 2:00 p.m. Absent 3 Phoebe made a motion to accept the minutes of the last executive board meeting as they were posted in the newsletter. Seconded by Char. Treasurers Report: Phoebe gave report, motioned seconded and approved to accept the report. Old business: By-laws, it was decided at Spring Council to leave as is. Dues were also accepted as is. New Business: Next newsletter we should list the executive board members and when their terms end. List the Facebook page in the newsletter so members know where to find and contact us if needed. Add a correction to the newsletter that Merlee Jensen is no longer on the board. Maggie asked for suggestions on how to jazz up the newsletter. It was also brought up that we cannot use anything that can be traced back to its’ original owner or trademark; recipes, poems, etc. Suggestions were to add an expanded piece on the Mongolian Greenhouse project and feature a piece on the doll dresses Jean Kelley sells. Place an item in the newsletter that if you have e-mail and would rather get the newsletter on-line to help us save on postage. Service Awards; Phoebe is getting certificates signed by a state representative for members with over 50 years. List the names and years of service in the newsletter and let us know of any corrections that need to be made. Have an item on Betty and Shirley reading for the Bookworm Trail on June 10, July 8 and August 12 from 5 until 7 p.m. It was noted the next meeting is incorrect in our calendars and it was changed to July 13. It was decided to post this in the newsletter for anyone not attending today. Char Croes mentioned that she will complete this year on the Executive Board and then be done with her term. She also volunteered to complete the year as interim secretary as Carol is moving. New secretary will be voted in the new year of 2016. Phoebe mentioned block of HCE rooms are filled at state convention site: members will have to check with other hotels nearby. Also Executive Board members should get their class registrations in to Phoebe to send in to reserve for state convention. Joan moved to adjourn, Donna Wilcoxson seconded. ** Correction to the previous Board minutes that Merlee Jensen was not absent but is not on the Board. Page 3 St. Croix County HCE Spring Council Meeting Friday, May 7, 2014; 9:30 am—2:00 pm Hammond Town Hall, Hammond Meeting is called to order at 10:05 a.m. St. Croix County members in attendance: Deer Park 7 Glover 7 Happy Valley Hour 4 Honey Doer’s 7 Lincoln 2 McKinley 1 Nike Neighbors 4 Pleasant Grove 3 Springfield 3 Warren 3 Woods n’ Hills 5 Individual 4 Guests 3 Total Attending: 50 Treasurers report as reported in the Newsletter. Motion was made and seconded to accept the report. Secretary minutes approved as printed in the newsletter. It was asked that a second person be assigned to Joan Brown to go over the membership book and verify dates members joined in order to be accurate on having certificates and plaques made. Joan Sprain volunteered. Motion to approve was made and accepted. Committee Report: Old business: Honor was given for the Identity Theft demonstration. New business: Joan Brown reports there will no trip to College Day and suggested we have two drawings for partial funding for the trip to the State Convention in August. Char made a motion for two drawings of $100 each toward the trip. Seconded by Carol Keller. Amended to two drawings and two alternates. Motion made by Joan Brown and seconded by Lois Hall. Motion was passed. Maggie reports there will be 6 different speakers for the Garden Gig on May 16. The fee to attend will be $15 which will include lunch and handouts. There will be 10 door prizes and vendors there with merchandise for sale. Maggie also reported that Marie is stepping down as Vice President and Wanda Breitbach has agreed to the post. Wanda was welcomed. Carol Brault is stepping down and a new secretary will be voted in this month’s meeting. Linda explained our cultural arts project and contest. There is a bonus category of “Something Sparkly.” Linda reports that on October 3rd, cultural arts will have another class, possibly something with corn husks. It was suggested to members to send in a variation of the form letter to our legislators to not cut jobs for education. Page 4 Continued on next page... Reminders were made to the “Moving and Grooving” project. Maggie asked for displays for the Garden Gig and State Conference. Phoebe and Char volunteered for this. Linda reports that on October 3rd, cultural arts will have another class, possibly something with corn husks. Phoebe asked for volunteers to help at the fair and donate books for sale. It was mentioned maybe a silent auction. Bea made a motion to hold a silent auction at the fair and Donna Ray seconded. All in favor, only 1 opposed. Adopted. It was suggested that each club donate at least one prize valued at $20 to $25. Eunice reports the International Water Project has been covered and we will now be working on the Mongolian Project. The Fall Council’s new theme will be Africa. Phoebe reports we received 5 new members this year. She is working on the 55 plus years of membership to send to state this year. She received the $70 we raised for Pennies for Friendship. It was motioned and seconded to send the Pennies for Friendship we collect at today’s meeting to Women Walk the World. Scholarship Committee: Received two applicants for our two scholarships. The Wisconsin Bookworms™: Betty and Shirley will have the last reading for the year on Tuesday May 12th. They have been reading to about 45 children. They reported that each child receives a book and a small gift that Shirley makes relevant to the story and the system is working. The “Bookworm Trail at Homestead Park” has three buildings that are done and two more are in process. Dates when they are open will be in the newsletter to read the books and walk the trails. Betty and Shirley agreed to come out during those dates to read. Maggie suggested we send a thank you note to the Grant Lady thanking her for all her hard work on the Wisconsin Bookworms. Carol Brault will handle this. Joan Brown reported on Meet and Greet. Maggie brought up amending the by-laws. Since this is done at the county level, it was agreed to leave it alone and bring it up at the county meeting. Encouragement was offered for everyone to attend the planning meeting for 2016 and help come up with new ideas. Clarification was made on the annual dues as $6.50 and it was decided to leave it at that. Suggestion was requested on where the Pennies for Friendship funds will go next year. Phoebe gave us the information on the Mongolian Green House. Last year $137 was raised for Women Walk the World and $180 for Water for All. There were 5 categories. Phoebe made motion for the Pennies collected from the Fall Council go to the Mongolian Project, Eunice seconded. So voted. Scholarship announcement: Char presented the two $750 scholarships. One winner was Carol Keller’s granddaughter Sydney Jones and a copy of the Rural Schoolbook. The other was Donna Wilcoxson’s granddaughter Britany Hanson. The rules were clarified that all college students are eligible to apply for the scholarships. It is not for just new students or seniors. It was suggested we add the Jones Scholarship request to our newsletter for next year. Continued on next page... Motion was made and seconded to give a certificate for each 5 years of membership after 50 and a plaque for 25 and 50 years. If you don’t see your years of membership or an error in the newsletter please let us know so we can get it corrected. Motion made by Kathy M to close the meeting and seconded by Phoebe. Submitted by: Carol Brault ** A round, yellow Pyrex lid was left at Spring Council. If this belongs to you, contact Melissa at the Extension Office at 715-531-1932. Cultural Arts Congratulations to everyone who brought an item for our spring cultural arts show. What a wonderfully talented group we are! It was difficult deciding which items we liked the best but we managed to come up with the following winners. Painting Sewing Crocheting Quilt Table Topper Miscellaneous #2 Essay Linda Sutherland Merlee Jensen Linda Sutherland Betty Rudesill Betty Rudesill Renee Boe Melodee Sortedahl People’s Choice Photography Knitting Hand Stitching Wall Hanging Miscellaneous #1 Poem Bonus Category Phoebe Shourds Melodee Sortedahl Lois Burri Betty Rudesill Shirley Hampton Linda Sutherland Shirley Grinley Quilt by Betty Rudesill We will be sending 12 entries plus the bonus category winner to the State Conference. The winning entries will also be exhibited in the HCE building at the St. Croix County Fair. Be sure to stop by and admire them. Fall Craft Day SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, October 3 from 2:00-4:00pm. We will be having a FREE craft day at the Ag Center in Baldwin. We will be making a cornhusk bow and a cornhusk angel. They will be fun and easy to make. Page 6 Wisconsin Bookworms Providing early literacy programming for Wisconsin's Children Three Bookworm Trail events at Homestead Park this summer. June 6, July 8 and August 12 from 5-7pm. Two more reading stations are being added this summer. The park will have persons at each of five stations reading stories. Come out to the park and see our lovely cabin in use, take a 1/2 mile paved walk around the park with your kids or grandkids and enjoy outdoor entertainment. Admission to the park is $7 per carload. Located north of Burkhardt on Perch Lake Rd near 60th St and County Rd E. Scholarship Recipients Congratulations to the St. Croix County HCE Rural School Book Scholarship recipient: Sydney Jones of Edina, Minnesota. Sydney graduated from Edina High School in 2014. She is attending the College of St. Benedict and plans to be an English Teacher. She is currently a gymnastics coach. She is the granddaughter of Carol Keller. A certificate for the $750 scholarship and Rural School Book were presented to Carol in Sydney's absence at the Spring Council meeting. Congratulations to St. Croix County HCE Scholarship recipient: Brittany Hanson of River Falls. Brittany will graduate from River Falls High School in 2015. She plans to attend Chippewa Valley Technical College, pursuing a career in agriculture. She is the granddaughter of Donna Wilcoxson. She attended the Spring Council meeting and received a certificate for the $750 scholarship. Submitted by: Char Croes Page 7 State Conference Thanks to all the signed up for the State Conference at the Annual Spring Council Meeting! We had voted to give $100 towards two people attending the conference and have alternates if someone couldn't attend. The two winners are: Joan Brown and Lois Hall The Alternates are: Melodee Sortedahl and Stephany Bourdon Congratulations to all! Phoebe Shourds Pennies for Friendship Pennies for Friendship were collected at the Spring Council Salad luncheon ($31.34) and will be designated for Women Walk the World, as decided at the meeting. We voted on the monies collected at the Fall Council meeting will go towards the Mongolian Greenhouses. Below is a brief description of this project voted on at the CWC (Country Women's Council) meeting last fall. For the full article visit: http://www.cwcusa.org/Events.html Country Women's Council USA - CWC Meeting CWC adopts ACWW Project in Common to help fund the development and building of two greenhouses in Mongolia. Project No. 0973. The area: is Khovd Aimag, Mongolia, The Society: Sain Tus Center NGO Project is: Greenhouse Development ACWW Grant: £3,588 or $5742.04 US (This figure includes the money to build the greenhouses plus the cost of monitoring the project during the building process as stated in their application.) The Sain Tus Center NGO applied to Associated Country Women of the World for funding of the development of two greenhouses for their community. The member societies of CWC voted at their area meeting in Wisconsin last September to adopt and fund this project to help families in Mongolia to ensure a longer growing season for their food. By funding this project we are helping to achieve that goal. This project is monitored throughout the process and progress reports are to be sent to ACWW each six months. These reports will then be forwarded to The USA Area President for sharing with the CWC societies. The first report, with pictures, has been received and shared to society presidents, as a power point presentation. This project can be fully funded with just a small donation of 25¢ per society member. Please help us to help the families of Khovd Aimag, Mongolia learn more about growing, processing and selling the produce that they can raise with the development and construction of these two greenhouses. Submitted by: Phoebe Shourds Page 8 Page 9 Membership Please review the following membership list. Find your name and verify if the second column is correct, which is the year you became a member of HCE and the third column being the membership years. Virginia Aasmundrud Sharon Balcerek Lois Burri Charlotte Croes Vanessa Donahue Bonnie Eastvold Lola Fouks Bernia Goodrich Carol Kobernick Janet Krueger Barb McAnnany Phyllis Ness Ruth Severson Elaine Solum Roxanne Solum Vivian Wildasin Phyllis Albert Audrey Alton Marilyn Feyereisen Roberta Johnson Mary Kliszcz Nancy Nichols Rebecca Monson Laurine Paulson Mary Ross Betty Rudesill Carol Senn Phoebe Shourds Peg Steinmetz Marlene Wells Donna Wilcoxon Maxine Bakke Carol Brault Eunice Hop Ruth Johnson Margaret Mitchell Marilyn Olson-Lear Marge VanSomeran Alice Bertelson Lucille Gedatus Shirley Grinley Mary Hampton Shirley Hampton Laurie Newberry Elisabeth Lee 1972 1981 2009 1983 1987 1978 1981 1965 1983 2009 2014 2014 2006 1978 2008 1963 1973 1958 1964 1974 2010 2010 2015 1990 2009 1960 1977 1989 1990 1957 1957 1950 2013 1978 1977 2004 1970 1950 1995 1983 2011 1982 1983 2014 1984 43 34 6 32 28 37 34 50 32 6 1 1 9 37 7 52 42 57 51 41 5 5 0 25 6 55 38 26 25 58 58 65 2 37 38 11 45 65 20 32 4 33 32 1 31 Melodee Sortedahl Wanda Breitbach Georgia Hoberg Merlee Jensen Georgine Moelter Dorothy Nelson Linda Sutherland Beverly Wubbels Kay Walsh Jean Kelley Mary Frey Kathy Meyer Evelyn Peterson Louise Peterson Joan Vobejda Ruth Kay Wall Jody Wolski Carolyn Barrette Carol Keller Sandra Peterson Sheri Carter Darlene Coleman Doris Erler Bea Hunt Kathy Kuehne Joanne Libby Kathy Munkelwitz Suzie Overing Donna Ray Donna Ruetz Cathie Burlzlaff Sharon Fregine Cathie Godwin Shirley Hammer Dorothy Larson Rozanne Lund Shirley Reinhard Viola Roquette Heather Serier Sheri Stanitism Mary Vadnais Janice Annis Marge Canfield Julie Frieburg 2004 1989 1967 1954 1980 1989 1984 1978 1970 1974 1984 2005 1943 1959 1973 2015 1981 1968 1980 1991 2009 1970 2013 1986 2013 1970 1979 2007 1966 1998 1995 1982 1995 2009 1978 1978 2005 1953 1989 1972 2015 1982 1996 2010 11 26 48 61 35 26 31 37 45 41 31 10 72 56 42 0 34 47 35 24 6 45 2 29 2 45 36 8 49 17 20 33 20 6 37 37 10 62 26 43 0 33 19 5 Junalee Hogenson Stephany Bourdon Joan Brown Lois Hall Liz Doyone Elaine Flury Rosie Gjerstad Margaret Hall Georgia Huehn Dorothy Hughes Denna Johnson Karen Johnson Diane Kinney Peg Kinney Kim Lagerstrom Marie Nelson Janet O'Connell Ann Rebholz Joan Richie Maxine Schiltgen Bernia Schmitz Greta Shafer Ruth Tschumperlin Pat Wolf 1980 1984 1964 1944 1975 2015 2015 1987 1975 1962 1985 1978 1988 1951 2009 1975 1988 1986 1992 1977 1987 1996 1975 1985 If you find an error in any of the columns, please notify Phoebe Shourds at 715-425-8857 AND Melissa Nawrocki at 715-531-1932. Page 10 35 31 51 71 40 0 0 28 40 53 30 37 27 64 6 40 27 29 23 38 28 19 40 30 Changes HCE NEWSLETTER Submitted by: Maggie Hall Life happens; no matter how we try to keep on top of things, life can get in the way, or in some cases, life opens up new horizons. Our executive board is no different. Recent changes due to 'life' have included Carol Brault deciding to leave Woodville and return to her family down south, so she has relinquished her position as secretary as well as her executive board position. Char Croes has graciously accepted to fulfill the position from June 1 until January when a new secretary will be take office. A huge thank you to Char. Marie Nelson also has a busy 'life' going on right now and needed to step down as our vice president. Newly retired Brenda Breitbach just got a new 'life' upon retirement and stepped up to fill in for Marie. I am grateful to all the ladies who have been willing to assume these positions. We have two new board members, Wanda Breitbach and Carol Kobernick; welcome aboard ladies! A new membership recognition system is being implemented. Now that we have so many members passing the 50 years mark, we will be giving certificates to members as they reach the 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 years as members, and so on. Members will receive a wooden plaque for 25 and 50 years as well as lapel pins. 12 Members Celebrating over 55 years Audrey Alton 1958, 57; Glover Betty Rudesill 1960, 55; Glover Marlene Wells 1957, 58; Glover Donna Wilcoxson 1957, 58; Glover Maxine Bakke 1950, 65; Happy Valley Hour Marge VanSomeran 1950, 65; Happy Valley Hour Merlee Jensen 1954, 61; Individual Evelyn Peterson 1943, 72; Lincoln Louise Peterson 1959, 56; Lincoln Viola Roquette 1953, 62; Pleasant Grove Lois Hall 1944, 71; Warren Peg Kinney 1951, 64; Woods 'n Hills Also Congratulations - we had 5 new members join this year. Submitted by: Phoebe Shourds Ag Services and Education Center Hours of Operation: Monday—Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm 715-531-1930 Page 11 Club News: Deer Park—Cindy B., Yoga Instructor from Conscious Living Yoga came and talked about self care for women in midlife and also showed some yoga exercises. Club members sold pieces of pie at the Lions Club spaghetti dinner on April 25. Glover—Phyllis and Carol gave a continued lesson on England Ireland Wales and Scotland. Club received thank you notes from Grace Place and Our Neighbors Place for the pillows and pillow cases. A thank you note received for the library books “in memory of” Merle Klug and money donated “in memory of” Pat Stapleton family. Club discussed the upcoming meetings: Computer Security, Garden Gig, Spring Council, District Spring Meeting, Women Walk the World and the next Board Meeting. Happy Valley Hour—Eunice and Carol will attend the District Annual Spring Meeting from their club. The club received the name of the child they are sponsoring in Kenya; Noviak is 12 years old. They will send a gift with Nancy when she goes to Kenya in May. Margaret presented a program on Fun Expressions—their meanings then and now. Eunice provided a lesson on Earth Day at the April meeting. Lincoln—Club received a thank you from Family Resource Center for continued donations. Louise and Joan will attend Spring Council. Louise will try and get a picture of Evelyn for her 55+ years of membership. Mary Frey will attend the Garden Gig. At the May meeting, they will bring a white elephant gift and learn and play new games. Jody Wolski suggested a fundraiser by having a bake sale in the fall during Bingo. Club picnic is June 23. Club will donate to silent auction for the fair. Louise will work at the fair. Nike Neighbors—Jim Moenke from Roberts gave a presentation on Bipolar Disease at the March meeting. Kathy will purchase the supplies needed for the pie booth at Good Neighbor Days. Club voted to give their Social Service donations to Grace Place and continue to give to Pennies for Friendship. Meet and Greet Opportunities June 24 at Azul Tequila July 22 at Phoenix 2421 Hanley Rd., Hudson 2570 Gracie Dr., Baldwin 715-808-0275 715-688-3473 Meet and Greet gatherings are at 11:30 am. Join us for a good meal and great company!! Committee: Joan Brown 715-749-3302 and Ann Rebholz 715-386-2887 A variety full menu is offered at all restaurants Calendar of Events June 1 Reports Due: UPDATE, Service Awards, MISC July 13 Executive Board Meeting - Revised Ag Center 2:00 – 3:30pm July 14-16 NVON – West Virginia July 15-19 St. Croix County Fair Glenwood City 9am-9pm Fall Council Meeting/International (Africa) 1st Reform Church, Baldwin (Note location) Save the Date! Oct 15 Page 13 2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS (revised 5/12/2015) Term Position Name Address Club Email Phone 15-17 President Maggie Hall 783 Badlands Rd Hudson 54016 Woods n Hills hallmaggie@hotmail.com 386-6139 15-17 Vice President Wanda Brietbach 879 220th Ave, Somerset, 54025 Individual wjbright@frontiernet.net 248-3806 Dec 15 Past Pres/Int Sec Charlotte Croes 2264 200th St, Deer Park, 54007 Deer Park jccroes@amerytel.net 269-5201 Dec 15 Interim Secretary Charlotte Croes 2264 200th St, Deer Park, 54007 Deer Park jccroes@amerytel.net 269-5201 15-17 Treasurer Phoebe Shourds 401 State Hwy 65, River Falls, 54022 Glover pnpaulson@yahoo.com 425-8857 15-17 Scholarship Donna Wilcoxson 1027 Hazel St River Falls 54022 Glover gramma12@pressenter.com 425-5071 15-17 Cultural Arts Linda Sutherland 1594 5th Ave, Star Prairie 54026-5304 Individual tagalongacres@yahoo.com 248-7279 13-15 International Eunice Hop 1600 Birchwood Dr, Baldwin, 54002 Happy Valley Hour wehop@baldwin-telcom.net 684-2052 15-17 International Jean Kelley 1429 130th Ave, New Richmond 54017 Individual Jeanekelley07@hotmail.com 246-5591 15-17 Bookworms™ Betty Lee 2684 Pecan Lane, Woodville 54028 Honey Doers Email Bev Wubbels 698-2832 15-17 Lois Burri 2215 Hwy 46, Deer Park, WI 54007 Deer Park Email Char Croes 269-5145 15-17 Bev Wubbels 37 6th Ave Baldwin 54002 Individual belaw@baldwin-telecom.net 684-2348 15-17 Mary Hampton 158 Cty Rd NN, Spring Valley, 54767 Honey Doers Email Bev Wubbels 772-4503 15-17 Marie Nelson 453 Tower Road, Hudson 54016 Woods n Hills mlnelson12@hotmail.com 386-2532 15-17 Carol Kobernick 310 South St W. Deer Park 54007 Deer Park Email Char Croes 269-5229 COUNTY COMMITTEE MEMBER CHAIRS – Cultural Arts Co-Chairs Linda Sutherland 1594 5th Ave, Star Prairie 54026-5304 tagalongacres@yahoo.com 248-7279 Marketing/Marketing Phoebe Shourds 401 State Hwy 65, River Falls, 54022 pnpaulson@yahoo.com 425-8857 Fair Board Phoebe Shourds 401 State Hwy 65, River Falls, 54022 International 1600 Birchwood Dr, Baldwin, 54002 1600 Birchwood Dr, Baldwin, 54002 pnpaulson@yahoo.com wehop@baldwin-telcom.net 425-8857 Eunice Hop Eunice Hop Family Living Agent Jean Kelley Joan Sprain 1429 130th Ave, New Richmond 54017 1960 8th Ave Ste 140 Baldwin, 54002 Executive Admin Melissa Nawrocki Wisconsin Bookworms™ Awards (plaques) 684-2052 684-2052 wehop@baldwin-telcom.net Jeanekelley07@hotmail.com Joan.Sprain@ces.uwex.edu 246-5591 531-1930 1960 8th Ave Ste 140 Baldwin, 54002 Melissa.Nowricki@ces.uwex.edu 631-1932 Betty Lee 2684 Pecan Lane, Woodville 54028 349 Lindsey Rd Hudson 54016 Joan Brown Send INVOICE CESA 11 Head Start ; New Richmond 1010 Hwy 12 Roberts 54023 Bev Wubbels - belaw@baldwin-telecom.net Hughes78@sbcglobal.net Mona Karau monak@cesa11.k12.wi.us 698-2832 Dorothy Hughes grandmajoanbrown@gmail.com 749-3302 377-0173 DISTRICT and STATE OFFICERS State President Betty Anne Tubbin W6631 The Clearing, Merrill 54452 batubbin@charter.net 715-436-4033 2015 State Treasurer Judy Bender N1440 Spring Lake Drive, Dalton 53926 jmbender@centurylink.net 920-394-3008 2015 th District Director NW Carol Medchill 2364 250 Ave, Cushing 54006 medchill@lakeland.ws 715-648-5817 2017 District Membership Kristy Sand 963 85th Ave, Cty Rd H, Amery, 54001 kcants@hotmail.com 715-268-8696 2017 th District Secretary Carol Van Heulkom 1132 55 St Amery 54001 cnsvan@amerytel.net 715-948-2323 2017 District Treasurer Susan Hitz E4756 1050th Ave Wheeler, 54772 russellhitz@centurylink.net 715-632-2143 2015 District Cultural Arts Phoebe Shourds Kaye Leaman 401 State Hwy 65, River Falls, 54022 1266 Barron Dunn Ave, Ridgeland, 54763 pnpaulson@yahoo.com jkleaman@chilbardun.net 715-425-8857 715-949-1175 2017 2017 District International Eunice Hop 1600 Birchwood Dr, Baldwin, 540021 wehop@baldwin-telcom.net 715-684-2052 2017 Jean Kelley 1429 130th Ave, New Richmond 54017 715-246-5591 2017 N 6977 430th St., Menomonie 54751 vilnev@wwt.net 715-235-3656 Update Editor Elaine Villeneuve Karen Scheibe Marcelline Protheroe 12895 Birchwood Rd, Drummond 54832 N6131 22nd Drive, Wild Rose 54984 proth@centurytel.net 715-739-6632 920-622-3959 FLE Liaison Michelle Tidemann Michelle.tidemann@ces.uwex.edu 920-929-3174 WI Bookworms Coord Page 14