The World Language Honor Society exists to promote the study... and world cultures at Penncrest High School, Rose Tree Media...

The World Language Honor Society exists to promote the study of language
and world cultures at Penncrest High School, Rose Tree Media School District,
and the greater Philadelphia area.
Requirements to be inducted into the World Language
Honor Society
In order to be eligible to be inducted into the WLHS students must maintain a
90% overall average for a year and a half at Penncrest and be enrolled in
Elementary French, Spanish, Latin or Mandarin Chinese or higher. Students must
also have an overall G.P.A of 3.0 or higher. Qualifying students receive a notice of
eligibility and can be inducted into the WLHS if they compete their application by
the given due date and are accepted. There is a ceremony in the spring called the
World Language Fete where the inductees are formally welcomed into their
respective society (La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, Société Honoraire de Français,
National Latin Society or The National Chinese Honor Society). It is possible for
some double language students to be inducted into more than one society. Most
qualifying students are inducted the spring of their sophomore year, however, it is
possible for juniors and seniors to be inducted depending on when they started
their language study.
General Membership Requirements
Keep in mind this club is a collection of officially inducted societies. Once
inducted, students are part of their respective society (La Sociedad Honoraria
Hispánica, Société Honoraire de Français, National Latin Society or The National
Chinese Honor Society). However, all members will need to meet the following
requirements in order to remain active members of the Penncrest World Language
Honor Society. Students can still be in the WLHS even if they are no longer in a
language their junior or senior year. However, in order to put the words “Penncrest
World Language Honor Society” on college resumes ALL WLHS members must
complete the following.
 Attend monthly meetings regularly and check for updates weekly.
Meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month after school in the
library. Students who miss more than 2 meetings in a year are forever
dismissed from the club. Students are only excused from the meetings if you
they are sick or have an away game and tell Ms. Nemec-Osborne about the
absence. Students are responsible for checking Ms. Nemec’s website and
their account and drive at least once a week for
updates/announcements. There are over 100 people in this club and this is
the easiest way to communicate information.
 Participate in 2 events/activities per year. Examples of past events
include peer tutoring at Penncrest, dodge ball tournament, bake sales,
volunteering at Springton Lake, participating in Fair Trade themed events,
and fundraising with Equal Exchange. We are looking for WLHS members to
take a lead and run new events. (I.e. Foreign film party, reading children’s
books in another language to elementary school students, cultural events in
the greater Philadelphia area, authentic restaurant event, cooking, caroling,
crafts, trivia night, etc.) Make sure to see Ms. Nemec or Ms. Baker in advance
for approval. You must complete your two service requirements before our
last meeting in April. If you do not complete your two service requirements
by this date you are out of the club.
Graduation Cord Requirements for Seniors
Want to wear a special WLHS cord at graduation? Each language has its own color
(Spanish-Red, French-Blue, Mandarin Chinese-Purple, and Latin-Gold). The
requirements to for senior WLHS members are:
 Maintain a 3.0 cumulative G.P.A.
 Stay enrolled in the language(s) you were inducted in your
senior year.
 Maintain an average of 90% or higher in your language class.
 Maitain an overall G.P.A of 3.0