OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL SECONDARY SCHOOL COUNCIL “Our mission, based on the values of Christ through the guidance of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, is to involve family, parish, community, and members of the school community in fostering a positive, caring and Catholic environment by providing input, advice and support. Minutes of Meeting held on Sept 18, 2014 Meeting Called to Order 7:10pm Welcome & Introductions Sandra Fernandez In Attendance: Theresa Marinacci, Patricia Romero, Terri Jean-Marie, Susan Tanabe, Karen Magdangal, Kathy Sturm, Chris Hills, Geraldine Roy, Sandra Fernandes, Beatrice Lewis, Isabel Holmes, Pam Oliveiri, Katiana Cisneros Panza, Tom Reilly, Samantha Millar, Heidi Carney, Richard Tanabe, Cheryl Fernandes, Kylie Richardson Regrets: Alana Marshall, Esther O’Toole May 22, 2014 Minutes Approved Minutes: 1st – Terri Jean Marie, 2nd – Karen Magdangal Student Council Report: Dylan Jean Marie Grade 9 Orientation & BBQ held on August 27th, Link Crew in Attendance Grade 9 Social Event September 26th Treasurer’s Report Closing 2013-2014: Terri Jean Marie Opening Balance Sept 2013 482.90 Parent Involvement Grant Less Expenses 500.00 ------- Parent Reaching Out Grant Less Expenses Books Raffled To Parents Refreshments for Parent Engagement Guest Speaker – Megan Popovic 1000.00 110.08 117.11 603.00 Student Uniform Sale 500.00 169.81 1205.01 OAPCE Conference OAPCE Conference Cheque Returned – Paid by Association 75.00 Christmas Gift Baskets for Families 456.22 School Council Award – Megan Provost Ending Balance August 2104 200.00 75.00 1701.59 $500.00 left from a Grant to use…we have to choice to order more agendas for us. Treasurer’s Report Approved 1st – Terri Jean Marie, 2nd – Karen Magdangal Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP): Tom Riley Ontario Regional Council (ONRC) started an education fund – grants of up to $2000.00 to assist our friends in need. See attachments. School Council Elections: Co-Chair: Theresa Marinacci & Terri Jean Marie Vice-Chair: Susan Tanabe Secretary: Pam Olivieri Treasurer: Samantha Millar St. John of the Cross Parish Rep: Cheryl Fernandes OAPCE Rep: Karen Magdangal Community at Large: Katiana Cisneros Panza Fundraising Chair: Kathy Sturm Teaching & Non Teaching Staff Reports: Kylie Richardson Team Unbreakable – a running group to improve their overall well being. It promotes healthy living, students encouraged to pursue personal goals, etc. Brochure to be handed out. 3:15-4:15 twice a week. Its an off shoot of Cameron Helps.Company providing discounts on to Running Shoes. All Feeder School Elementary Teachers are invited to meeting here tomorrow to share transition plan. Rising Stars, a Leadership Organization where Sr Students earn volunteer hours go to schools and assist other students. New Hockey Program started here this year. In line with Hockey Canada. Started with Grade 12’s, 12-15 students, will only run first semester this year and then open it up next year. It’s a Credit. Information Communication Technology High Skills Major has started, focus on video, graphics and broadcasting – there is a banner outside, Mr Quinn will come in and present to us soon. PIP – large class this year, 28 students. Student number is 1706 right now, each Grade is capped at 400 students. October 16, 2014 is Awards Night (last yr Gr 9, 10, 11) at St. John of the Cross Church @ 7:00pm Principal`s Report: Patricia Romero Parent/Teacher Night is 6:30pm October 9, 2014 Pastoral Plan – Alana Marshall will present at the next meeting. Council of Ontario Directors of Education – handed out kits to council members on how to build healthy relationships. Meetings Parent Teacher Night Term 1 – October 9, 2014 Awards Night @ St. John of the Cross Catholic School – October 16, 2014 Parent Teacher Night Term 2 – March 26 2015 2014/2015 School Council Meeting Dates: Thursday-Nov 6 2014 Tuesday-Dec 2 2014 Thursday-Jan 8 2015 Thursday-Feb 5 2015 Thursday-April 9 2015 – Guest Speaker? Wednesday-June 3 2015 All meetings are held at 7:00pm in the school library. Closing Prayer: Adjournment: 1st – Terri Jean Marie, 2nd – Karen Magdangal