February 2007 Volume 4 Issue 2 Campion Cares Projects Fall Clean Up Operation Christmas Child Open all lunch periods DECA Bears Den We sell Snacks and School Supplies 275 Brisdale Road Brampton, Ontario L7A 3C7 Telephone: 905-846-7124 Fax: 905-846-1527 http://w3.dpcdsb.org/campi CO-OP Showcase Principal: Vice-Principals: Chaplain: Secretary: Director of Education: Associate Directors: Superintendent: Trustee: School Council Chairs: W. Selihar B. Bieth K. Fenwick M. Harrison W. Hope M. Bator R. Borrelli J. Geiser L. Zanella J. Di Giovanni D. Proietti J. Kostoff 905-890-1221 905-840-2707 V. Miller Campion Champion 1 From the Principal’s Desk -Wally’s Brag IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLE PAGE From the Principal’s Desk, by W. Selihar From the Vice-Principals by B. Bieth , K. Fenwick, D. Proietti Mathematics, A. Galvao Canada &World Studies, C. Cini Technological Education , L. Novia Science, A. Selvam Library, M. Conway English Department, C. Clarke Academic Resource, R. Ariganello Graduation, R. Ariganello French & International Languages, F. Haten Co-op Education and Business, F. Campese Student Services, D. Kowaluk From Our Trustee, L. Zanella Campion Cares, R. Dobson-Efpatridis Drama Club~ The Company St. Ursula helps Nicaragua, L. Furtado Sports News, coaches Catholic School Council, J. DiGiovanni Chaplaincy, M. Harrison Spanish Night & Silent Auction 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 Layout & Editing M. Pasquini Special Thanks to W. Hope In the near Future Feb 1 Exam Return Day Feb 2 Semester 2 Classes Begin Feb 9 Spanish Night & Silent Auction Feb 14 Valentine’s Day Feb 15 PIP Dance / Civvies Day Feb 16 Early Release Day Feb 20 Waterloo Math Contest Feb 21 Ash Wednesday Feb 27 School Council Meeting March 8 - 17 Europe Trip March 12 -16 March Break March 27 School Council Meeting March 29 Grade 10 Literacy Test April 6 - 9 Easter – School Closed April 12 – 16 Godspell April 18 – 21 Washington Trip April 19 Civvies Day April 20 Report Cards Home April 24 School Council Meeting April 26 Parent Teacher Interviews With this newsletter is your child’s final report card for the first semester and I ask all students and parents/guardians to carefully review it as it relates to your academic goals for this year. You may be satisfied, however if there are areas that need improvement, discuss it with your children and if you have specific concerns, I encourage you to speak with our Student Services Department. Ongoing communication throughout the year with your child’s teachers will ensure that you understand what is being achieved. Increasingly, we find that many parents receive little or no information from children about our school. Please review the Student Agenda or connect to our website at http:// w3.dpcdsb.org/CAMPI for information. Due to the rapid growth of our student population , St. Edmund Campion has been capped by the Board for September 2007. The maximum number of students that can attend next year has been set at 2209, approximately 300 more than our current enrolment, making Campion the largest secondary school in Dufferin-Peel. To house this large population, portables will be installed during the summer. Once this number is reached, any student wishing a Catholic secondary education will be accommodated at Notre Dame Secondary School. I cannot stress strongly enough that all existing Grade 9 through 12 students must complete their registration and option sheet immediately or risk not having a spot in September. Our registration cycle began in early December and despite numerous reminders, a large number of students have not registered. If we do not hear from these students by February 15, 2007, we will assume that they are not returning. This also applies to the Grade 8 students in our Catholic elementary schools that feed Campion who were informed of the cap and their registration deadline of January 25, 2007. Guidance counselors visited each school and distributed registration packages to all interested students in mid January. Students who do not register in time for Campion will find themselves at Notre Dame. As we have developed into a full secondary school we are pleased to conduct our first Graduation Ceremony on June 27, 2007. All Grade 12 students must complete a graduation application so that we know how many students will be attending this event. More information about the Graduation ceremony can be obtained from Ms. Ariganello, Mrs. Galvao and Mrs. Fenwick, the co-chairs of the committee. Please support the efforts of our School Council and attend the monthly meetings held in the school library. The meeting dates can be found in the Student Agenda, our School Website, this Newsletter, and on our sign at the front of the school. The next meeting is Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there! Wally R. Selihar, Principal Campion Champion 2 From the Vice-Principals McCarthy is Now Selling in Brampton! 44 West Drive 416 593-6900 www.rjmccarthy.com New Blue Golf Shirts! Fleece jackets (or Campion vests) are required when wearing the blue or white golf shirt. White golf shirts are no longer sold but are an option until they are phased out. Winter Uniform Reminders: During the school day from 8:00 am to 2:38 pm ⇒ Change from boots to all black leather or leather like dress shoes when inside the building. ⇒ All coats, hats, gloves/mitts, scarves and other non-uniform items MUST be stored in lockers. Other Reminders: URGENT! Option Sheets & Registration Fees now Overdue! NO BOOTS! ⇒ We are a capped school for 2007/2008, you MUST register now to ensure enrollment. LATES are unacceptable after 8:00 am and getting increasingly worse! ⇒ Students must be inside their classrooms in full uniform with learning materials by 8 am bell. ⇒ Suspensions occur when lates are habitual. No electronic devices (1 day suspension results first time) Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Thursday, March 29, 2007 All Grade 10 students will be writing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. This is a requirement of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. All students must pass the test to graduate. Any student new to the province or country or who were not successful the first time must also write the test. These students must ensure that their name is on the list. Please see Miss Proietti to confirm that you are on the list by February 5th. Our team of teachers are giving students who are writing the test every opportunity to succeed. There have a number of activities and resources to familiarize the students with the test. On December 13th there was a mock test. This test was marked and given back to students for future reference. Every Wednesday, Period 1 will be extended by 30 minutes and those writing the test will have practice literacy activities. That day has been declared Literacy Day! There will be after school classes leading up to the test to prepare any students who need extra support. For students who have been identified, letters will be sent home. The After School Literacy Course will run from March 9 - 12 and 19 - 23, the week before and after March break. March 26-28 will be optional extra-help days. Anyone wishing to take the classes can sign up. On March 29th, there will be a 30 minute review before the students write the test. Attendance on March 29th is mandatory. Any student missing the test will have to wait a year to write the test again. Thank you to all the members of the School Literacy Committee for all the hard work in giving our students the opportunity to be successful on the March 29th OSSLT. Members of the Literacy Committee are: Mr. Clarke, Ms.Dobson-Efpatridis, Miss Tremblay, Mr. Weatherson, Miss Bradley, Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Ruscica, Miss Melo, Ms. Hanna, Mrs. Gomes, Miss Lasch, Mrs. Navas, and Mrs. Dobson-Schwieg. Campion Champion 3 Mathematics Department This semester we introduced a Numeracy Tip of the Week program. A cross-curricular Numeracy Committee from Math, Science, Moderns, Technology, Business, and Canadian and World Studies was formed to create math contest questions on a weekly basis that are accessible for all students. Prizes are awarded to our weekly winners. Look for more Numeracy Tips of the Week posted on Bulletin Boards throughout the school in second semester. The CHAMP Math Contest was written by over 100 students in December. Results will be available in the Spring. The Waterloo Math Contest will be written in February. Stay tuned to announcements for more details. Our fourth year of EQAO Assessment took place in Grade 9 math classes in mid-January. Results will be available in the Fall. A big thank you to Ms. Garthson, Ms. Camilleri, Ms. Meier, Mr. Malhotra and Mrs. Grosso, who administered the assessment to our math students! Thank you to Mrs. Iannetta, Mrs. Joanes and Ms. Puzzo who taught our Grade 9 and 10 Remedial Math Modules from November to January! We appreciate all of your hard work and dedication to the increased success of our students. Congratulations to Mrs. Grosso who welcomed her first child into her family in January! We welcome Ms. Katipunan and Mr. Bouwmeester who have joined the Department for the second semester. Math Extra Help runs every night for one hour after school in Room 308 until 3:45 pm. unless a Staff Meeting is scheduled. Take advantage of extra help early in the semester for increased success! Canadian & World Studies In the Canadian & World Studies Department we have always prided ourselves that our curriculum extends outside of the classroom. Our first Mock Bail Hearing at the Grenville-Davis Courthouse was very successful. Six schools from Dufferin-Peel and the Peel Board prepared and presented a Bail Hearing before Justices of Peace. Congratulations to Michael Appiah-Kubi, Daniela Esposito, Leila Khokher and Marisa Mayers for their first place finish. Special thanks to Ms. Castro and Ms. Stewart. Our school had the privilege of hosting Leonard Vis, a child Holocaust survivor, to speak about his experiences. Our students were captivated by his descriptions of hiding, separated from his family, in poor conditions to avoid capture. His speech along with the poster displays created by our Civics students helped Campion commemorate Holocaust Education Week. Special thanks to Ms. Landriault and Civics teachers. This year our United Nations Club was created. The first project for the club was to update and maintain our International Great Hall ensuring that our flags represent all of our students. They are now preparing for their interschool simulation. Special thanks to, Ms. Soares, Ms. Castro and Ms. Newton. Ms. Fournier’s World Issues class has been learning about regional disparities and the ability to meet basic human needs by participating in a drive to raise funds for Rwanda and food drives for the local community. In April, 45 students will be traveling to Washington DC for a 4 day tour. Students will be visiting the Smithsonian, Gettysburg and the Holocaust Museum. All students attending the trip should submit their forms or money to Mr. Weatherbee or Ms. Fournier. We welcome back Mr. Tambureno next semester and preparations are in full swing for our Greece trip in 2008. Stay tuned! Campion Champion 4 Technology Education / Computer Studies The TECS program continues to develop into an exciting and vibrant area of study for our students and school. The stain glass club is creating great works of art with Mr. Bruzzese and Mr Bulhao is leading the Computer club. Mr. Menanno has gained great strides on the EC Morning News with our Grade 10 Communications students. Mr. Cascioli is preparing our Career Path Horticulture program for next semester while Ms. DeSantis and Mr. Stavrinou help students prepare meals and refreshments for our school and community functions. Mr. Ibrahim and Mr. Bisante have opened “The Salon” where students tend to their beauty needs from hair to nails. We are preparing students to develop relationships and master their skills for their future. Transportation Technology In the Grade 12 Transportation program, our senior class focuses on student-centred practical projects and activities from the Technology Curriculum. We continue to develop new relationships with the automotive industry in Brampton and welcome any support and contributions to this venture. The school received a 2000 Chevrolet Impala donated by General Motors, supported and delivered by Roy Foss Chevrolet of Woodbridge and are expecting the delivery of our new Lexus from Toyota Canada that we won at the NATA CarFix World Career Day in September. It is through these relationships that we can work together to build a strong school-industry community, committed to our students’ education and future. The students’ and teachers’ passion for cars will be the focus in the curriculum this year. Students continue to develop their automotive skills in electronics, diagnostics, mechanical aptitude, computer applications and engine management systems. We repair and service all types of vehicles that meet and/or exceed manufacturers’ specifications. Any repairs and services completed by the school program will not void any manufacturer’s warranty including new vehicles. You are not responsible to bring your vehicle into the dealer for repairs, but rather maintain your vehicle to manufacturer’s recommendations. The live shop is fully equipped and licensed by a factory trained licensed professional who provides a high degree of quality servicing and repairs. We have the latest high tech equipment to service your vehicle to manufacturer’s specifications (OEM). Science Department The Science Department raises their chemical-filled beakers to welcome new staff: Ms. Dolan, Ms. Reis, and Mr. Selvam. We shared Miss Mahendran with the Math Department first semester. We wish her well in the future. We welcome Mr. Hadley who is filling in for Ms.Dolan who is on maternity leave. In second semester, we welcome Mr. Specic, from Phys. Ed, to the third floor labs. Once you join the science clan, it’s hard not to resist staying! In semester 2, our greenhouse will be operational! It will teach our workplace horticulture class on the secret to having a green thumb! Science put on a great performance at the Christmas variety show with their awesome singing skills and mini-explosions. We serenaded students with a variety of ‘genetically mutated’ Christmas carols like: Frosty the Photon ( ‘Frosty the Snowman’), Gravity (‘Jingle Bells’), Deck the Labs (‘Deck the Halls’) and O Chemistree (‘O Christmas Tree’). Mr. DiCicco and Mr. Huber made sure that you literally ‘had a blast’! During the Christmas season, you may have seen one or two Santas from Science: Rock Star Santa from the variety show (Mr. Schroder) and you may have taken pictures with Brown Santa (Mr. Selvam). You may have been walking by the third floor or studying hard in your other classes only to hear what sounded like a loud boom. As you pick up your heart from the floor, you can rest assured that it’s just another day in the life of Mr. DiCicco’s class of explosions. You may have seen Ms. Pellegrino’s illustrious library of heavy books giving her kids a preview of university life. When you come in to a science classroom, you are not only getting a dose of education, but also some of the corniest jokes this side of the Milky Way. Ok…maybe just some of us are nerds, but come in and see the inner working of our classes. There is no fee, we’ll just think of you as little neutrons – no charge! Campion Champion 5 Swim Team The Bear’s Swim Team’s season ended at ROPSSAA on December 13th, 2006 with two medals. Thomas Slek earned a silver medal in the 100m freestyle and Chantale Holmes received a bronze medal in the 200m freestyle. Congratulations Thomas and Chantale! Nicole Clements placed 16th overall in the 50m backstroke. We celebrated at our end of season party and look forward to sleeping in on Tuesday mornings. Our 6 am practices sure proved to be challenging! Our next season will begin in mid September so if you are interested in being part of our swim team, remember to try out next year. We look forward to welcoming new members. Thanks team, for a great season! Coaches Iannetta, Cole, and O’Riordan. Bears Lose Nail Biter in ROPSSAA Final The Varsity Boys Football Team capped off their remarkable season at the ROPSSAA Final against the St. Francis Xavier Tigers at the end of November. The team finished the season second overall in their division with a very respectable record of 5-1, with their only loss coming from Xavier. Last year during the teams’ inaugural season, the seniors went 0-6. In our second year, the varsity team had a very different record: Game 1: Game 2: Game 3: Game 4: Game 5: Game 6: Turner Fenton 6 @ CAMPION 24 CAMPION 19 @ Bramalea 10 Northpark 0 @ CAMPION 50 St.Francis Xavier 23 @ CAMPION 0 CAMPION 45 @ Harold Brathwaite 6 CAMPION 28 @ Robert Hall 7 On Thursday, November 23rd, the Bears lined up against the dreaded Tigers, a team that went undefeated all season and who had not let an opposing team score on them until the first round of the playoffs. The battle went back and forth with both sides giving little to their opponents. Although Xavier went up early in the game with a quick touchdown in the first half, the Bears were able to rally back late in the game to bring the score closer. In the end, time was our worst enemy and we lost 8-6. In spite of the final score and the outcome of the game, the team has nothing to be ashamed of as they had an outstanding season. The Bears success can be attributed to a number of factors, however, the greatest factor was our players. Every day for three months, the team showed dedication and discipline and practiced regardless of the weather, for 3 hours a day. The coaching staff is extremely proud of the team’s success and many accomplishments. We are looking forward to next season when the team moves up to Tier One. Next semester, the team will work out in the weight room with the Football Strength and Conditioning Club as part of their off-season training and will also look forward to the Spring Combine and summer camp. Congratulations on a great season! Coaches L.Venier, C.Cini, B.Schroder, J.Ruscica, S.Burchill, O.Ocampo Campion Champion 6 Indoor Soccer St. Edmund Campion celebrated tremendous success with their first intramural soccer league this year! Comprised of 9 student teams and one teacher team, approximately 100 players particpated. The teacher team had a flawless record and provided great competition for the students. One of the league’s highlights was an all-star tournament that was very exciting. Easy Strikers captured gold, defeating their opponents 6 to 1. Members of the championship team include: L. De Lima Rosa, D. Leone, J. Henry Thompson, A. Solyom, D. Caro, R. Baxter, A. Grant, J. Amiel, S. Vrdoljak, D. Aviles, and D. Campbell. We look forward to another successful season next year!!!! Congratulations to all those who participated. Coaches Galati and Spagnoli School Council News The Campion Cook Book sales were very successful during our Parent/Teacher Interview night and the Christmas Coffee House. For anyone who would still like to purchase a Campion Cook Book, we still have a few copies available for $10 each. Please contact one of the School Council Chairs. Our fundraising committee, headed by Penny Greco, is working on a Used Uniform Sale. It will be held at the end of March and again at the end of August. School Council will be collecting gently used uniforms to be sold on consignment or as a donation. More information will follow. We will be holding a Trunk Sale for the school community in May. This event will take place in the school parking lot. Spaces are limited so if you are interested please contact School Council to reserve a spot. Our next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday February 27, 2007 in the school library. Please come out and join us! Jacqueline Di Giovanni and Vikki Miller School Council Co-Chairs Europe Trip March Break 2007 Paris Riviera Rome Bon Voyage to the students going on this trip. The Moderns Department is excited for our travelers and wish them all the best. Campion Champion 7 Library News The library has access to Knowledge Ontario, a government sponsored on-line database of newspapers, magazines, journals, and general information. The resources, suitable for all levels of research, can be accessed from the school’s computer labs, your home computer, and public libraries. http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/ko_k12hs_d22, password is “trillium.” The resources include: Computer Database 1980 - 2007 Expanded Academic ASAP 1980 - 2007 Student Edition Academic OneFile 1980 - 2007 InfoTrac OneFile 1980 - 2007 LegalTrac 1980 - 2007 CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals) 1980 - Jan 2007 Discovering Collection General Reference Center Gold 1980 - Jan, 2007 Gale Virtual Reference Library Junior Edition 2003 - Dec 2006 English Department The English Department congratulates all of their students for their success this past semester. We are losing Ms. Ceolin at the end of the semester. We wish her well and hope to see her return to Campion soon. We welcome back Mrs. Lorkovic who took a year off to care for her baby. We are continuing to expose students to a wide variety of literature with the creation of new courses for Grade 12 English students. The Grade 12 University Multicultural Studies in Literature course will focus on texts written by authors of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Through the study of short stories, world mythology, The Kiterunner, Hamlet, and A Blade of Grass, students will have the opportunity to explore their own heritage from a unique perspective and examine how social, economic and political views in our world have an impact on the literature we read. The Grade 12 College Sports Literature course will look at how the world of sports is reflected in literature, examining the novels, Coach Carter and Bleachers, and how the issues surrounding sports in society are incorporated into literature and media. We continues to incorporate Accelerated Reader in Grade 9, 10, and 11. Students should select books and take tests at the beginning of the semester, accumulating the points needed for their particular grade level. AR is worth 10% of their overall mark, and should not be left until the last minute. The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test will be administered on March 29th. There will be a number of opportunities for in-school and after school remedial assistance for students. Successful completion of the OSSLT is a mandatory part of every student’s graduation requirements. Field trips next semester will take our Grade 11 Media Studies students to Toronto for a workshop at the National Film Board of Canada, tours of three radio stations, and CityTV to participate in the studio audience for Much on Demand. Finally, our grade 12 students will have an opportunity to go to Stratford to watch a production of King Lear on May 15th. This will be the first time Campion students will be going to Stratford as a group. The English Department wishes students best success in the second semester! Campion Champion 8 Academic Resource Department We received many applications for our Grade 9 Career Path Program for the 2007-2008 school year and have accepted 30 students for this program. We look forward to having them with us in September. As we approach our second semester, we encourage all parents/guardians to review their child’s course selections and levels of difficulty (essential, applied, academic, workplace, college, university) in order to ensure that they are taking courses at an appropriate level. Parents/guardians can address these concerns with their child’s Guidance Counselor. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) will be sent home at the end of February. Parents/guardians should review the IEP in order to ensure that their child is seeking the accommodations he/she needs to experience academic success. Included with the IEP are the Contact form, IEP feedback form, and Waive form. Parents/guardians are asked to sign and return these documents to their child’s Resource teacher. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Resource teacher if you have any questions or concerns about their progress. Graduation 2007 On June 27, 2007, St. Edmund Campion Secondary School is proud to celebrate its first graduating class in its 4 year history. There will be a few events to celebrate this special achievement. The Prom will be held on Monday, June 25th at Le Jardin Banquet Hall and tickets for this dinner and dance will be sold early in May. Graduates and Staff will attend the Graduation Mass at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 27th. Following the Mass, there will be a graduation ceremony rehearsal and a breakfast. The Graduation Ceremony will be held in the evening at 7:00 p.m. Each graduate will be entitled to 2 guest tickets. Stay tuned for more information regarding fees and details for these events. French and International Languages This past semester not only have we increased the number of teachers in the department but we have also increased the types of courses offered. We added Italian this year and Spanish will be offered in the near future. Take a look at the course calendar for further details. By continuing your studies in French and Italian through to grade 12 you will receive your Certificate of Concentration upon Graduation. For the 2007-2008 school year, we will be offering Italian at the Grade 10, 11 and 12 levels. If you are graduating next year, you have an opportunity to enroll in both the grade 11 (LWI CU1) and the grade 12 (LWI DU1) courses in order to obtain your Certificate of Concentration. Please see Ms. Pallotta in the French and International Languages Department or your Guidance Counselor for further details. On November, the grade 10 Italian students traveled to the Columbus Centre in Toronto. They visited the piccola piazza of Villa Colombo, saw drawings influenced by Dante’s Divine Comedy, admired beautiful mosaics created by Vancouver’s own Lillian Broca, and shared an amazing meal at Ristorante Boccaccio. Through the recount of the immigrant story, Mr. D’Iulio was able to convey the influence Canadian immigrants have had on our history and society. This spring, the French and International Languages Department will be organizing the Concours D’Art Oratoire, a national French public speaking contest sponsored by Canadian Parents for French. Those who win at the school level, will move on to represent St. Edmund Campion at the Board competition on April 18; the winners then move onto the provincial and national competitions. There are prizes to be won at each level. For further details see your French teacher or visit the department office. The St. Edmund Campion French Club, under the direction of Mrs. Spottiswood, is in full swing and has a full calendar of events for the upcoming year. The French Club had a movie showing in November and helped to create a wonderful Parisian ambiance for the Drama Club’s Christmas Coffee House in December. Upcoming events in February include, the presentation of “Chocolat” with Johnny Depp on Tuesday, February 13th in the Theatre Room and activities leading up to Mardi Gras on Tuesday, February 20th. For a complete list of activities see the calendars available on the bulletin board outside the French and International Languages Department. Campion Champion 9 Career Studies The Business / Co-op Department continues to offer students a variety of courses and access to numerous resources that will assist them throughout their academic career and beyond. As part of the Career Studies ongoing commitment to continuing education, students look forward to an upcoming presentation by the Canadian Armed Forces about careers within the Canadian military and other educational opportunities. Next semester, students will be introduced to the My Blueprint Education Planner . This program is an invaluable organizational tool to practice goal setting and create an interactive Annual Education Plan. Students can build customized course plans, instantly identify post-secondary pathways, and explore valuable information regarding apprenticeship, college, and university programs across the country. All Careers students will be provided with login information and will be taught how to navigate through the planner. My Profile allows students to record multiple plans, programs of interest, exploration activities, and future goals. The Blueprint will help students to make the most informed decision about their education. For more information, please see http://www.myBlueprint.ca . Co-op At Campion The Cooperative Education Department would like to congratulate the very first group of students who successfully completed the 2-credit co-op program this year. These students represented Campion with their enthusiasm and commitment and put Campion on the map as leaders in Career Education for Dufferin-Peel in Brampton. They have incredible success stories including offers of parttime employment and requests to return for a second co-op placement in semester 2. Two students, Paul Grajo, and Diana Henriques, have been accepted into the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. On behalf of the staff and students involved in the Cooperative Education program we extend a special thank you to everyone who dedicated their time and shared their expertise with our students. We look forward to working with such a fine group of professionals in the future. We extend our gratitude and appreciation to the following organizations: B-Pro Grooming CFM Corporation Classic Honda Ego Hair Salon Future Shop Rona Home & Garden Speedy Muffler Walter's Music Studio Campion’s Planning for Independence Program Heart Lake Sports Medicine & Orthopedic Clinic Fletcher’s Meadow Dental Care Prudential Vendex Realty St. Lucy Elementary School St. Ursula Elementary School DECA On November 30, Campion’s DECA Club competed in their first Dufferin-Peel Regional competition hosted by Father Michael Goetz SS. With over 350 students, our 15 members were the youngest and smallest group to compete. Despite our youth and lack of experience, our students put Campion on the scoreboard! A special congratulations to our President, Nicole Royer-Herdsman, who won and placed in the Top 10 in the Oral competition and Top 10 Overall for Quick-Serve Restaurant Management. To all of the DECA students who competed, you truly are Campion Champions! DECA Campion will be in downtown Toronto on February 12th and 13th for the DECA Ontario Provincial Competition competing against 5,000 students from schools all across Ontario. DECA wants to remind you that The Bears Den is open during all of the lunch periods. We’ve got Lifesaver Lollipops, Airheads, Nerds, Fuzzy Peaches, Ring Pops …and soooooooo much more… Come and see what’s new! Campion Champion 10 Student Services Semester 1 has flown by, students have completed their final exams and semester 2 has started. On top of all this, the registration process has already been completed for next year. Our pioneer grade nines are one semester away from graduation. Imagine, our first graduating class! Registration packages were due on December 15, 2006 yet there are still a number of outstanding applications. Next year Campion will be a capped school, meaning our enrolment will be limited. You must return your completed registration package now to ensure your spot at St. Edmund Campion next September. Please bring your completed package to Student Services immediately. Each registration package MUST include: ⇒ a completed and signed option form and ⇒ $60 activity fee. (cash, certified cheque or money order only) ⇒ Option forms are date stamped when they are received. ⇒ * If there is a problem with an elective course filling up, priority will be given by date received. Once the courses have been processed we will be printing up verification sheets that will be given to students to bring home. At this time, you will be given a final opportunity to make any changes to your child’s course selections. This is a very important step in the registration process. We need precise numbers to create an accurate timetable for next year. A handout explaining the procedure will be given out at that time. I think it is always important to mention the 40 hours of community service. This is a necessary requirement for graduation and must be completed by the end of Grade 12. For more information on volunteerism and many other topics please visit the Student Services page on Campion’s web site at http://w3.dpcdsb.org/CAMPI . Don’t wait or hesitate, get started this year! Important Dates Friday, February 9th Friday, February 16th Last day for course changes Last day for course level changes Friday, April 20th Thursday, April 26th Mid-term report cards Parent/Teacher Interviews From Our Trustee I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for re-electing me as your trustee. I will continue to work hard on your behalf. I encourage you to call me with any concerns that you may have. I want to hear from you. Your needs are very important to me and I value your input. Please feel free to call me anytime at (905) 840-2707. At the present time, the Board has been taken over by a Supervisor. He has not made any cuts to the system as of yet. He will be approaching the Board for advice in the months to follow. I will keep you informed. Thank you, Linda Zanella Campion Champion 11 Campion Cares St. Edmund Campion’s social justice and charitable group focuses on issues of peace, charity at school, in the community and the world, and justice for those who are suffering or may be less fortunate is called Campion Cares. Students meet with teacher advisors every Tuesday after school, share time in reflection and then work on projects that will benefit individuals or groups in need within our school population, the Brampton community, and the world. Staff advisors are Mrs. Dobson-Efpatridis, Ms. Kalymon, Ms. Melo, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Zettler, Ms. Fournier, Ms. Bradley, and Ms. Ouellette. Students and advisors have been working on many initiatives during the first semester of the 2006 school year. Harvest Clean Up During the months of October and November, club members cleaned up the property surrounding the school gaining valuable community service hours from the City of Brampton. Operation Christmas Child In celebration of Amnesty Universal Children’s Day on November 20, many shoeboxes were wrapped by Club members and then filled by students in Religion and Philosophy classes. Over 150 shoeboxes with school supplies, personal hygiene items, and small toys were sent to Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children and shipped to children in developing countries. Write for Rights On December 8, the Club participated in a letter writing campaign to support Amnesty International Human Rights Day. This world-wide campaign helps raise awareness about the lack of rights and freedoms that occurs in many countries. Members selected issues of injustice facing Aboriginals and individuals in countries abroad who have been imprisoned for expressing their opinions, and wrote letters to government officials about their release. Over 500 students participated in signing the form letters to show their support for individuals whose rights are being violated throughout the world. Christmas Food and Gift Hampers St. Vincent de Paul gave us a list of 50 families within our local community who are in need. Through a school-wide effort, teachers and students “adopted” a family, purchased small gifts for the family members and most importantly, collected a Christmas hamper of food. Campion Cares thanks everyone who participated in this annual tradition of living one’s faith and for keeping the meaning of Christmas alive through the spirit of giving. Knights Table Campion Cares has renewed its commitment to working with the Knights Table so members can gain regular community service hours once a month through service with the Brampton Food Bank. Students were required to serve food and drinks, label items in the freezer, separate items in the food bank, and prepare food for meals that are served to the public on a daily basis for the cost of $1. Our next visit is February 8; permission forms are due by February 5. Popcorn Fundraiser Finally, the fundraising created through the sale of peanut-free popcorn, will enable us to purchase school supplies for the Nicaragua trip, to produce many layette kits for Vita Manor in Brampton, and to donate funds to Canadian Food for Children. Next semester we will focus our attention on raising money for Project Rwanda through the collection of coins during Lent, a spring clothing and athletic shoe drive which will begin on Earth Day to commemorate “reusing” items that are no longer needed within your home, an Easter food drive to support the Knights Table, the annual Peel Water Festival on May 24, and various other social justice projects to support and raise awareness for not-for-profit organizations including the Catholic Cross Family Services Association which helps Brampton women in abusive relationships find shelter. Campion Champion 12 Drama Club ~ THE COMPANY Highlights of our first semester were The Halloween Coffee House, Elegance, our Christmas Coffee House, and our Holy Bear Fundraiser. All the while we have been rehearsing for our major musical production of GODSPELL. GODSPELL Thursday April 12, 7:30 pm Friday April 13, 6:00 pm * Saturday April 14, 7:30 pm Monday April 16, 7:30 pm *Friday night will be a dinner theatre with show only – doors open at 6 for the dinner and show starts at roughly 7:30. This event will also feature a cash bar and a beautiful art deco inspired ambiance will transform our cafeteria into an elegant dinner theatre environment. Tickets available after March Break Adults $12.00 Contact: Ms. Pallotta or Mr. Thomas Students $8.00 Dinner Theatre $25.00 New York Trip The Company will be hosting a trip to New York City from May 9 to 13. A weekend of Theatre, Sightseeing, Shopping, NBC Studios, and Harbour Cruise; all this and more in one of the most exciting cities in the world. Ms. Pallotta, Mr. Thomas and Ms. Nardilli look forward to taking these students on an unforgettable trip of a lifetime. The Company will be selling CAMPION personalized wristbands and our originally designed CAMPION Bears. Both will go on sale in next semester. THE COMPANY – all the world is a stage! St. Ursula helps Nicaragua One of the Nicaragua team’s main objectives is to promote social justice throughout the community. On December 19th, we went to St. Ursula, on of our feeder schools, to give a presentation on poverty and how students can help everyday. The students were attentive and lived up to the challenge. Together, the St. Ursula community raised $324.20 through a spirit day. On behalf of the Nicaragua Club, we would like to give a big thank you to the St. Ursula community, who helped make a difference in the world. We would also like to acknowledge Mrs. Pazzelli, the Principal, who organized the fundraiser and the intermediate teachers for allowing us to spread awareness. If anyone would like us to do a presentation, please contact Ms. Gomes in the Academic Resource Department at Campion. Campion Champion 13 Chaplaincy News The Advent Season is always a hectic time in Chaplaincy, but it is a great blessing to have so much support from the school community. Our Advent Masses were held on Thursday, December 21. I am so grateful to FR. NORM ROBERTS for celebrating with us, and for preparing our hearts for Christmas. We were also privileged to have our superintendent MR. GEISER in attendance. As usual, the SCHOOL CHOIR did a terrific job in leading our community in song. We were thankful for the contribution of the school’s vocal music class, under the direction of MS. DOBSONSCHWEIG. I am also indebted to MR. NOVIA and MS. HANNA for their help in organizing the seating plan, to MR. NEWLAND and MR. SELVAM for helping with the choir, and for B. SMEILKLE and his audio-visual team for making everything sound so good. Overall, we were very pleased with the behaviour and respect shown by our students. Mass is our most holy and sacred celebration. Thank you all for recognizing this. Our celebration was further enhanced by our new liturgical draping. We thank MR. KIREC and one of our parents, MS. COUTO, for their outstanding efforts in helping us to add a touch of formality to our masses. Thanks as always to the PHYS. ED. STAFF for allowing us to take over their space! Advent would not be the same in our school without our annual Advent Hamper Drive. The driving force behind the collection was once again MS. DOBSON-EFPATRIDIS and CAMPION CARES. In collaboration with St. Vincent De Paul, we were able to assist nearly 60 needy families right here in our own community. Special thanks to MR. MAURY and his leadership class for delivering our ample collection to St. Leonard’s Church. In January and February, preparations are underway for our first overseas social justice trip to Nicaragua in March. Many thanks to all of the staff, students, and parents who generously supported our fund-raising efforts. Our last and biggest fund-raiser will be our SPANISH NIGHT, which will take place on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, at the school. This event will boast great food, music and a silent auction with some incredible gift items! Tickets are available through me, MS. GOMES, or any of the ‘Team Nicaragua’ students. All money raised goes towards student airfare and contributing to our actual service project. Please come out and show your generosity. . May the blessings of the New Year be upon you and your family as we journey into second semester. God Bless! Michael Harrison, Chaplain Campion Champion 14 YOU ARE INVITED TO CAMPION’S Come out and support Team Nicaragua Campion Champion 15 Team Nicaragua “See you at Our Spanish Night & Silent Auction on Friday evening, February 9, 2007” 2006—2007 Council Members Name Jacqueline DiGiovanni Vikki Miller Position Co-Chair Co-Chair Phone Number H 905-450-7319 H 905-450-2315 Email Address enlife@rogers.com vikki.miller@sympatico.ca Penny Greco Tina Ball Treasurer Secretary H 905-846-8494 H 905-846-4181 tp.greco@sympatico.ca tballb203@rogers.com Fiorella Di Rubbo Cassandra Russell Council Member Council Member H 905-4956345 H 905-846-6925 fdirubbo@aol.com nurserussel@hotmail.com Darlene Vickress Denyce Braithwaite Council Member Council Member H 905-846-1225 H 905-970-1119 leniev@rogers.com dbraithw@apotex.com Jessie Stifano Erica White-Ryan Council Member Council Member H 905-495-3749 905-840-5942 jessiestifano@ica.net eryan0674@rogers.com Laura Genoway Rosina Ariganello Non-Teaching Rep Teacher Rep W 905-846-7124 W 905-846-7124 laura.genoway@dpcdsb.org rosina.ariganello@dpcdsb.org Andrea Pearl Wally Selihar Teacher Rep Principal W 905-846-7124 W 905-46-7124 andrea.pearl@dpcdsb.org wally.selihar@dpcdsb.org Campion Champion 16