Document 14267527

The first official task of the UN
Club is to update the flags in
the International Great Hall.
Stay tuned for upcoming
announcements to make sure
November 2006
Volume 4 Issue 1
From the
Principal’s DeskWally’s Brag
With a busy start to the new school year, the School Council jumped in to assist the staff and students with our Grade Nine
Orientation. We also prepared treats and provided refreshments for the Academic Awards Ceremony on September 28th and
following this event, we helped with the Terry Fox Run the next morning.
On Tuesday, September 26th we had our first School Council meeting in the library. This was an opportunity to finish last
year’s business and thank the Council for all of their efforts during the 2005-2006 year. We also held elections for the 20062007 School Council and I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new School Council members. It was wonderful to
see some new faces and I would encourage all parents and guardians to participate in future Council meetings: October 24,
November 28, February 27, March 27, and April 24.
I look forward to having the opportunity of meeting each of you throughout the school year.
Warmest Regards,
Jacqueline Di Giovanni & Vikki Miller
2006—2007 Council Members
Jacqueline DiGiovanni
Phone Number
H 905-450-7319
Email Address
Vikki Miller
Penny Greco
H 905-450-2315
H 905-846-8494
Tina Ball
Fiorella Di Rubbo
Council Member
H 905-846-4181
H 905-4956345
Cassandra Russell
Darlene Vickress
Council Member
Council Member
H 905-846-6925
H 905-846-1225
Denyce Braithwaite
Jessie Stifano
Council Member
Council Member
H 905-970-1119
H 905-495-3749
Erica White-Ryan
Laura Genoway
Council Member
Non-Teaching Rep
W 905-846-7124
Rosina Ariganello
Andrea Pearl
Teacher Rep
Teacher Rep
W 905-846-7124
W 905-846-7124
Wally Selihar
W 905-46-7124
The 2006/2007 school year is well
underway and proves to be another
exciting and memorable year at Campion.
The founding Grade 9 class of 2003 is now
in Grade 12 and plans for their Graduation
Ceremony and Prom are in the works. It’s
hard to believe that we are already
celebrating our first graduation. Time sure
flies when you’re having fun!
As we have now added our final grade to
the school we find ourselves with 1941
students and 128 teachers. Our tiny school
has grown into a very large secondary
school and with no end in sight with the
development in the area, we will definitely
pierce the 2000 student mark next
September. Unfortunately, in order to
accommodate this growth, portables will
have to be installed on site. As this
unfolds, I will keep the school community
Registration for 2007-2008 will begin in
the next few weeks and I strongly
recommend that students and parents pay
close attention to the timelines and due
dates. There is a possibility that the school
will be capped at a certain number and
once that number is reached no further
registrations will occur. Therefore, if you
want to have a seat at Campion next year
please register on time.
On Tuesday, September 26 we held our
School Council elections and I want to
thank all the parents who put their names
forward to run for a position. I am pleased
to announce that all 10 parent positions
have been filled for this school year.
Continued on page 2
275 Brisdale Road
Brampton, Ontario
L7A 3C7
Telephone: 905-846-7124
Fax: 905-846-1527
W. Selihar
B. Bieth
K. Fenwick
M. Harrison
W. Hope
Director of Education:
Associate Directors:
School Council Chairs:
M. Bator
R. Borrelli
J. Geiser
L. Zanella
J. Di Giovanni
D. Proietti
J. Kostoff
V. Miller
In this Issue
From the Principal’s Desk, by W. Selihar
Fall Food Drive, M. Fournier
Breakfast of Champions, A. Pearl
From the Vice-Principal’s Desk
by B. Bieth , K. Fenwick, D. Proietti
Mathematics/ News, A. Galvao
Canada &World Studies News, C. Cini
Technological Education News, L. Novia
Library News, M. Conway
English Department News, C. Clarke
Academic Resource, R. Ariganello
Arts, D. Sbrocchi
Communications Technology, R. Menanno
Guidance Department News, by D. Kowaluk
Academic Awards, R. Ariganello
Terry Fox Run / Walk, M. Rodricks
Varsity Boys Football, O. Ocampo
UN Club, J. Newton
Campion Website, M. Pasquini
Coop Education & Business Dep’t News
Letter to Parents, W. Selihar
Theology Department News, A. Lebar
More Sports News, fall coaches
Chaplaincy News, M. Harrison
Catholic School Council, by J. Di Giovanni
The Campion Champion
Layout & Editing
M. Pasquini
Special Thanks
D. Sbrocchi and W. Hope
In the near Future
Nov 17
Nov 21
Nov 23
Nov 28
Report Card Distribution
Seneca College Visit
Parent Teacher Night
Breakfast of Champions
School Council Meeting
Nov 30 DECA Competition
Dec 14 Christmas Coffee House
Civies Day
Jan 10 OUAC Univ Apps Due
Jan 11 Gr 8 Curriculum Night
Jan 17-19 Math EQAO
Jan 23 - 29 Sem 1 Exams
Jan 30, 31 PD Days
Feb 1 Exam Return Day
Continued from Page 1
Jacqueline DiGiovanni and Vikki
Miller are the Co-Chairs of the School
Council. This year Council will be
conducting a fundraiser. Stay tuned for
details and please support their great
work. The council will be assisting Ms.
Soares and Ms. Newton (Canadian and
World Studies) with our International
Great Hall Flag Project. Details of this
campaign are found in this edition of
the Champion. We are looking forward
to the entire school community getting
behind this project. Gold and Platinum
supporters will have their names placed
on a plaque which will be found in the
Great Hall.
Fall sports and a lengthy list of clubs
are in full swing. Thanks to the large
number of teachers that go the extra
mile each day for your children, we
have a fabulous after school program.
Only students who are involved in these
activities and supervised by teachers are
allowed to stay after school. With such
a large student population we cannot let
students hang out after school in the
building. By 3:00pm each day students
must clear the building if they are not
involved in a supervised activity.
I strongly urge all parents to read the
Student Agenda Book if they have not
already done so. The school’s policies
and procedures are clearly identified
and explained in this book. Almost
daily in our conversations about
acceptable behavior, uniform
expectations, and attendance
procedures, parents tell us they didn’t
know. Student educational success
resides in a partnership between the
student, school and parents. Please
become informed and be supportive of
what our goals are for your children.
Carefully review your child’s academic
performance reflected on the midsemester report card and please attend
the Parent Teacher Interview Night
which will be held on Thursday,
November 23 from 6:00pm until
9:00pm. Hope to see you there!
Wally R. Selihar
The first food drive took place from
October 2 -13. Organized by the
Grade 12 World Issues class, a
school wide competition was initiated with the top three homeroom
classes receiving a small token of
Non-perishable food items were
brought in and then were donated to
the Salvation Army. As a school
community we collected 2591 lbs,
the front office was packed full of
The top three classes were :
PIP class
- 14.8 lbs per person
World Issues - 14.7 lbs per person
Gr. 12 English - 9.0 lbs per person
Congratulations Campion on your
Our Campion tradition continues as
we celebrate this semester's Breakfast
of Champions on Tuesday, November 28th during first period. This
celebration gives all St. Edmund
Campion staff the opportunity to
nominate one student who has exemplified good Christian values and has
consistently shown respect for Campion school policy during this past
semester. These students will be recognized for their great work ethic and
positive contributions in class, and in
our school community. Their continued efforts to be in full uniform, on
time and fully participating in class
are of great value to all the staff and
students of our school. Students who
are then invited to the celebration are
treated to congratulatory breakfast, a
raffle for prizes and are then recognized with a certificate. We congratulate all those nominees in advance, and encourage them to keep
up the excellent work!
Chaplaincy News
The biggest news floating around the Chaplain’s office these days is the excitement surrounding our first-ever
overseas social justice trip. Twelve brave students and four courageous teachers will be heading to Nicaragua during
the March Break to work on a community-building project, and to gain awareness about causes and effects of global
poverty. The process of selection began back in September, and after an exhausting process of interviews and
screening, we were thrilled to name the following 12 students as “Team Nicaragua”:
Matthew Del Grosso
Mithuna Thushanthan
Blair Rose
Cassandra Edwards
Jozef Neu
Stacey Rose
Lindsay Furtado
Jennifer Dobiecki
Peter Mietus
Alicia Mancuso
Dustin Vickress
Jamie Lynne Scott
The teacher supervisors will be Ms. Gomes, Ms. Ariganello, Mr. Bulhao, and myself. Our greatest challenge will be
fundraising for the project. So
if you see any of these terrific
young people selling coffee or
chocolate, please buy
Another new initiative has
been the start of our Grade 12
retreat program. I am
extremely indebted to our new
Department Head of Religion,
Mr. Lebar, for bringing us such
a rich retreat experience. Grade
12 retreats will be running
throughout November, giving
students an opportunity to visit
downtown Toronto, and to
help the homeless in a very
tangible way. If you see a
happy but unfamiliar face
around the Chaplain’s office these days, please say hello. I am very fortunate to have Deacon Bill Burns from St.
Anthony of Padua parish as a Chaplaincy volunteer. Deacon Bill has been active in many aspects of school life from
morning announcements, to classroom visits, to informal chats with students. Deacon Bill has been a tremendous
source of inspiration for me, and I wish him well in his unfolding Chaplaincy career.
As we approach the season of Advent, our school will be ‘preparing the way for the Lord’ in a number of ways. First
is the Advent Food Drive through which students will be asked to support a needy family in our own parish. We
encourage all our families, through Campion homerooms, to support this drive generously so that Christmas may be a
time of joy and celebration for everyone in this community. May the blessings of the Advent Season be upon you all.
And may your hearts and homes be open to the arrival of the Christ-child.
Have a blessed and restful Christmas Season.
Michael Harrison,
Girls Basketball
Campion junior girls’ basketball
team has started a season with
great enthusiasm. The team is a
good mix of grade 9 and 10 students. The players and coaches are
developing their basketball skills,
team work, and personal development. At this point in the season,
the team is sporting a 2-5 record.
The young ladies are playing their
best and showed the Campion
sportsmanship that our school is
known for.
Coaches Wojt and Hanna are
anticipating a fun-filled and successful year for the following
Achioso, Janelle
Dagmang, Janine
Goulbourne, Shanice
Hemanez, Krista
McFarland, Christianna
Mefful, Beryl
Mitchell, Shinae
Morgan, Shinead
Obeng, Maame
Oduro, Loretta
Robale, Nicole
Strecke, Kadijah
Taylor, Tamara
Many members came
back this year
and we have some new swimmers
who want to make an impact on the
swimming circuit. We welcome Rachel Cardozo, Katrina Dellos Santos,
Jessie Medeiros, Chris Thompson,
Jana Posovec and Tia D’Angelo.
Coaches Iannetta, and Landriault
welcome back Coach Cole who has
returned from a maternity leave and
we welcome aboard Coach
O’Riordan who joined Campion this
year. The rest of the swim team includes: Angie Astone, Jacob Blanchard, Nicole Clements, Jason Da Silva,
Brittany Decker, Kyle Farquhar,
Chantale Holmes, Emily Hurd,
Nicolina Martino, Deanna Noel, Josef
Neu, Ciara O’Neill, Giancarlo Panetta, Thomas Slek, Alex Viera and
Thomas Zajac.
Our meets are scheduled for October
25th, November 6th and November
15th. ROPSSAA is scheduled for
December 13th at the Etobicoke
Olympium. We wish all our swimmers perseverance and dedication to
be successful this season!
Junior Boys’
Volleyball Team
The Junior Boys’ Volleyball team
is in the midst of an exciting season. Tryouts took a long time this
year because of the number of
boys who came out and the quality of players. After almost three
weeks, Coaches Cudic, Huber and
Spottiswood narrowed the field to
the following fourteen boys:
Drew Livingstone (power)
Patrick Amaral (power, left side)
Mike Karwowski (power)
Justin Faiola (left side)
Luka Bago (middle)
Dylan Webster (defense, setter)
Ronnie Melara (defense)
Garrett Brazzier (libero)
Jonathan Osorio (setter)
Brandon Naraine (middle)
Nadeem Kadir (left side, defense)
Kevin Adiefeh (middle)
Aron Sawyers (middle)
Myle Innis (power)
The boys are at the end of the
regular season and their record is
8 wins, 2 losses, putting them in a
solid position for ROPSSAA
playoffs that begin in November.
Good luck Girls!
Personal Electronic Devices
Recently we reminded our students of the school policy on Personal Electronic Devices as
stated in the Student Agenda on Page 38. Some examples of P.E.D. are Cell Phones, PSPs,
IPods etc. An announcement was made and a letter was sent home to parents. A copy of the
letter is reprinted in this newsletter. We do understand that as a parent you may want your
child to have a cell phone. We ask that cell phones be put in the students’ lockers during the school day. Students
should not be listening to music devices, watching movies etc. during the school day. If a student is found to have a
P.E.D., the device will be taken and returned to the student at a later time and the student will be suspended.
A reminder that R.J. McCarthy is the School Board provider for our school uniform. Different pants for both girls and
boys are starting to appear. These students have not been allowed to wear a different pant. Parents, your support in this
matter is greatly appreciated. Students are to wear their vest or sweater at all times during the day. It was made clear to
the students that at all times during the school day, including their lunch or spare, they are to be in complete uniform.
To avoid any variance in the uniform we have asked that students not change during the day. This would be the case
even on their lunch if they are leaving the building to ensure that upon their return they are in complete uniform. The
complete uniform policy is found on Page 40 of the Student Agenda.
Lunch Period
Students are encouraged to make good use of their time by using part of this 75 minute period for homework completion
and working on research and assignments in the library. We discourage students from just “hanging out” for a long
period of time especially in fifth period.
Students who are not in a supervised after school activity are expected to clear the building by 3:00 p.m. Student safety
is our priority so parents, please encourage your children to come home promptly after school.
Lates and Skips
There is a direct correlation between attendance and academic success. It is important that students are on time for all
their classes and are not skipping. Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. A warning bell rings at 7:55 a.m. Parents, if your child is
absent for the day, a phone call on the day of your child’s absence and/or a note the day upon return is the policy. Any
unapproved absence is considered a skip.
Neighborhood Police Unit
The 2006 season has been off to a great start for Campion’s Girls Flag Football team. In
our fourth season we held our first tournament at the school on Friday, September 29th and
it was a huge success with 14 teams from both the Peel and Dufferin-Peel school boards attending. Our girls showed
off their offensive and defensive skills by making it to the finals. The girls then attended Mayfield Secondary School’s
Annual Flag Tournament where they played in the final to earn a silver medal. Coaches Currah, Fernandes and Pearl
are extremely proud of the girl’s and the continued effort they put into both practices and games!! Here are the member’s of this year’s team: Freda Agyekum
Jen Arruda
Kacian Armas
Valerie Ball
Sandra Dickson
Kaitlin Frank
Tamique Gordon
Siobhane Galloway
Jamika Kerr
Keisha Nunes
Boney Okeowo
Abbey Rodriguez
Sam Ruiz
Jennifer Seedu
Jessica Shaw
Sasha Watson
Our NPU officers for this year are Constable Gooden and Constable Cook. These officers are
assigned to our school as part of the Peel Police initiative to assist us in keeping our schools safe.
They are involved in positive intervention programs with students and are available to share their
expertise with students, staff and parents. The Constables make daily visits to our school and are
willing to offer their assistance and support to any student or parent in our community.
When we work together good things happen!
The Company presents Campion’s First Halloween Coffee House
On Monday October 30th, 2006, Campion’s Drama Club, The Company, presented The Halloween Coffee House. Students
showcased their talents from singing to dancing, acrobatics to spoken word, musicians to improvisations. Special thanks to
all the participants and audience members. Upcoming events include the Christmas Coffee House “ELEGANCE” on Thursday, December 14th at 7:00 p.m. and this year’s exciting musical “GODSPELL” will run from April 14th to 18th, 2007.
Notice to Parents, Guardians
Your support is required as we move into the 2006/2007 school year and continue to struggle with the increasing
problems that electronic devices, skateboards and uniform infractions are creating.
Please see page 38 of your child’s Agenda Book: CELL PHONES & PAGERS/MUSIC DEVICES AND SKATEBOARDS
Remedial Numeracy Modules are also
As we begin our fourth year in Campion being planned to run after school for
history, the Math Department finds itself students in grades 9 and 10 applied, or
grade 10 academic math who are
growing in number of staff and in new
initiatives. We welcome Ms. J. Garthson, encountering difficulties. Modules
Mrs. K. Grosso, and Ms. D. Mahendran should already be in progress for
to our department. Our staff complement semester one at the time of printing. If
you are interested in such a program for
is now 14 full-time teachers. How we
semester two, please speak to a math
have grown from only 2 full time math
teachers in Year One! In addition, we
have put into place two new programs:
The “Math Contest for All Students” and Our EQAO results for the Grade 9
Assessment of Mathematics 2005/2006
our Peer Tutoring Program.
have been received. Individual Student
Reports will be sent home with the
The “Math Contest for All Students”
report card. In our Academic Math
runs on a weekly basis, inviting all
students in the school to stop by the Math program, 74% of students participating
achieved level 3 or higher on the
Bulletin Board on the third floor to
assessment, while in our Applied Math
complete the Numeracy Problem of the
Week. Students complete a ballot with a program, 42% achieved at or above the
provincial standard. Consistent with our
response to the math question to be
history, our students continue to achieve
entered in a draw for prizes. Our first
in line with the Board average in the
week’s winners were Rochelle Watt,
Academic program and above the Board
Dimitri Mikhailitchenko, Matthew Del
Grosso, and Alicia Greco. If you know of average in our Applied program. Further
a local business who would be interested analysis of the data will take place in
in donating prizes to our contest, please order to continue to refine our grade 9
contact Mrs. Galvao in the Math Office mathematics program.
(905) 846-7124 ext.72186.
Canadian & World Studies
Our Peer Tutoring Program involves
eight of our top grade 12 university
bound math students who have
volunteered their time after school to
assist in our Extra Help Room. Under the
direct supervision of the math teacher(s)
on duty, these students will be available
to help junior students with their math
homework. The Math Extra Help Room
in room 308 is open every afternoon
from 2:45 to 3:45 p.m.
Plans are already being made to run the
CHAMP Math Contest for grade 9, 10
and 11 students during the first week of
December. The Waterloo Math Contest
will be held during the third week in
February 2007. Stay tuned to
announcements for more details!
“Leadership and learning are
indispensable to each other.”
John F. Kennedy (1917 – 1963)
As we have the great honour of teaching
our future leaders, Canadian & World
Studies ensures that our students have a
sense of their community and
encourages their participation in it. By
offering a diversity of courses and
having our students apply what they
learn outside of the classroom, we hope
to be an integral part of preparing our
students for their lives after graduating
from St. Edmund Campion.
In our fourth year, we have added a new
slate of courses. Students are now able
to take courses in Politics, World Issues,
Resource Management, Economics,
Law, European History, Sociology in
grade 12 and Anthropology and
American History in grade 11.
We have also added new staff members
to continue to deliver the most diverse
and dynamic program for our students.
Adding to our already energetic staff is
S. Soares, N. Castro, C. Jones, M.
Navas, J. Newton, A. Bianchi and F.
We are looking forward to this year’s
initiatives including a trip to
Washington, the creation of the United
Nations Club, our participation in the
Mock Bail Hearing at the GrenvilleDavis Courthouse, Mock Trials, our
Parenting computerized baby simulation
and we are in the early stages of
planning for Greece in 2008. We are
also looking forward to leading the
Remembrance Day celebrations and our
participation in Holocaust education
week. Our goal is to ensure that students
are able use their skills to enhance not
only the classroom experience but also
those of the entire community.
In the school, there are numerous phones available for emergencies, and pay phones are available for regular student
use. Students are asked to limit the length of their conversations when using these phones. Students with cell phones,
pagers, walkmans, MP3 players, video games, and skateboards are not permitted to use these items in the building or on
school premises. Students who interrupt class with any of these items, or who are found using these items in any location
of the school, will be asked for the item and the teacher will refer the item and the student to the appropriate
administrator. Failure to comply with this policy will result in consequences and may result in having the item(s)
confiscated. The school is not responsible for the loss or damage of these items.
Please also review page 40: UNIFORM GUIDELINES
Students are to be in full uniform at all times in the school building, including hallways, classrooms, gymnasiums, the
library and the cafeteria until they leave the property. While in the school, there will be no changing into other attire at
any time during the school day. This pertains to all articles of clothing including footwear. St. Edmund Campion is a full
uniform school, which identifies and protects our students. Failure to properly and completely wear our uniform between
the hours of 8:00 am and 2:38 pm is an infraction which will result in consequences to the student.
As you can appreciate, safety, distraction from learning, and theft/loss of property are issues that will be minimized with
the adherence to these important policies. Please review this information again with your child.
W. Selihar
Theology Department
It is with a tremendous amount of Joy and Love that I say hello from the Ladies and
Gentlemen of Religious Studies here at St. Edmund Campion. My name is Mr. Lebar and I
am the new Head of the Department. I have been resting my hat at St. Francis Xavier over
the past several years and feel very fortunate to be heading up such a vibrant and dedicated
collection of teachers as we continue to grow the school. I would like you to know that the
department has many new faces in it: Mr. Alonzi, Mrs.Bisante, Miss Guerrera, Mr. Vitale,
Mr. Brunton, Miss Konnerth as well as returning teachers Mr. Marcolla, Mrs. Lewis, Mr.
Newland, Ms. Shanahan, Ms. Vella and Mrs. Dobson- Shweig. We are fortunate to have
several teachers doing a tremendous job teaching various sections of Religion this semester:
Miss Petrauskas, Miss O’Riordan and Miss Ratulowski. Thank you to everyone for the
wonderful start.
Starting in September, the Theology Department will find some significant changes. The
Grade 11 and 12 courses will be available in Essential, College and University levels.
Philosophy will be retained as an option to fulfill the religion requirement in grade 12.
Another significant change will find the department welcoming prerequisites for the first time. As a general board policy,
grade 11 and 12 students will be expected to choose their Religion courses according to the same destination they choose
for English. This will be enforced beginning in September 2008 to allow for a transition period.
On the very happy side of things, We would also like to congratulate Patrick and Josephine Marcolla for beautiful baby
Sophia who just recently joined the Campion community.
Peace from the Theology Department.
Technological Education / Computer Studies
Cooperative Education & Business Department News
CAMPION CO-OP…where it’s at!
On September 26, seventeen Grade 12 students, Campion’s first ever co-op, embarked on
what will be an 18 week long experiential learning experience. Some of the work
placements include hairstyling, auto mechanics, dental assistant, teaching assistant, clinical
physiotherapy assistant, and dog grooming. These students are proving to be leaders in the
workplace and make Campion proud. For further career exploration speak with your career
studies teachers, Mr. Ibrahim, Ms. Navas, and Ms. Ratolowski. For more information about
Cooperative Education and Youth Apprenticeship programs contact Mr. Bisante or Ms. Campese in the Co-op
Department. Also, go to Campion’s web page and browse current information under Co-op.
Campion Means BUSINESS
St. Edmund Campion Business Studies department is excited to welcome four new business teachers this year. Mr.
Camilleri, Ms. Katipunan, Ms. Marshall, and Ms. Peca. They join Ms. Campese, Ms. Zettler, and Ms. Vanier with
enthusiasm and excitement. They all bring a wealth of experience and energy into the department and have started a
variety of school initiatives this year that Campion can be proud of. As course selection will be fast approaching make
sure you look for the new courses that are being offered in Business Studies for the 2007-2008 school year.
Entrepreneurship and Sports & Entertainment Marketing are two new dynamic courses coming to Campion next year
and we are excited to be offering them. Check out the Business Studies course offerings in the 2007-2008 course
calendar coming to the nearest homeroom class soon.
Mr. Camilleri and Ms. Katipunan organized the first ever Campion Business
Club. DECA has 20 members and a mandate to teach students key business, marketing and management techniques while
running the school store, The Bear’s Den.
Furthermore, Ms. Peca’s Grade 11 Marketing class is to be commended for their
fantastic marketing skills displayed in The
Bear Den window each month. DECA is
an association of business students that
consists of numerous chapters throughout
the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board, Ontario, and the United States.
Students learn about leadership development, marketing and business skills, and social interactions.
The Grand Opening of The Bear’s Den on October 10th was a huge success. It is the hot spot for candy, school
supplies, and Campion gear. DECA wants to remind you that The Bear’s Den is open during ALL lunches.
DECA Meetings are held every Monday at 2:50 p.m. in Room 101. DECA Campion Members are:
Shanyce Anderson
Tyrel Anderson
Dimithri Anthony
Romain Baker
Natalia Diaz
Christina Incognito
Ewelina Krol
James Lawson
Vicky Nguyen
Sharmaine Rodrigues
Nicole Royer-Herdsman
Anika Siuda
Daniel Stuart
Stephanie Sumsion
Mithuna Thushanthan
Khate Trinidad
Dean Valera
Teacher Advisors: Mr. Camilleri
Ms. Katipunan
Ms. Peca
Upcoming events:
November 30th - Dufferin-Peel Regional Competition at Father Michael Goetz Secondary School
The Technological Education/Computer Studies program at St. Edmund Campion is continually
developing into a very positive and exciting area of study for our students. This is reflected by the
extra time and efforts of our staff that has worked hard and continue to work hard, to give our students
the opportunity to meet the curriculum initiatives, requirements and challenges of the future. Students,
parents and industry are welcomed to be part of the ongoing process in student development for their
future; in industry and post secondary education.
Our department is continuing to grow and this year we are welcoming three new teachers into the
department. We wish all our teachers, Mr. Ibrahim, (Cosmetology) Ms. Theresa Leyes, (Communications Technology) and
Mr. Richard Menanno, (Communications Technology) the best success in their future here at St. Edmund Campion.
Transportation Technology
The senior transportation program focuses on student-centred practical projects, selected expectations and activities for the
Broad-based Technology Curriculum. We are looking to develop new relationships with the automotive industry in
Brampton for future years and welcome any support and contributions to this venture. It is through these developmental
relationships that we can together build a strong school-industry community, committed to our students’ education and
The student’s passion for cars will be the focus in the curriculum area of study this year. Students will continue to develop
their automotive skills in electronics, diagnostics, mechanical aptitude, computer applications and engine management
In the Transportation Technology program, we are able to repair and service all types of vehicles. The repairs and services
we offer will meet and/or exceed manufacturers’ specifications. In no way will any repairs and services completed by the
school program, void any manufacturer’s warranty (this includes new vehicles). You are not responsible to bring your
vehicle into the dealer for repairs, but rather maintain your vehicle to manufacturer’s recommendations. The live shop is
fully equipped and licensed by a factory trained professional to provide a high degree of quality servicing and repairs. We
also have the latest high tech equipment to service your vehicle to manufacturer’s specifications (OEM).
Some of the Services we provide are:
Computerized Tune up
(including On-Board-Computer
Pre Emission Testing and Servicing (Drive Clean)
Computer Link/Interfacing Diagnosis and Repairs
Electronic Fuel Injection Service
Electronic/Electrical Repairs/
Computerized Wheel Balancing/
Complete Brake servicing and
Purchasing/Repairs (Manufacturer
warranty-Tech Repair System)
Front End Servicing and Maintenance
Suspension Servicing and Repairs
(McPherson Strut)
Suspension Servicing and Repairs
(McPherson Strut)
Cooling System Servicing
Exhaust Repairs and Servicing
Transmission servicing and Repairs
Lube, Oil & Filter
All general repairs and Servicing
There is NO LABOUR FEE. You are only responsible for the parts, which will be estimated (written form) and ordered for
you. The service is provided at no charge (except for parts and materials). If you would like to have your vehicles scheduled
for service at the school and during the school day, you are asked to call Mr. L. Novia for
further information and assistance at 905-846-7124.
We are here to service the needs of the school community. Come in and visit our labs
and be part of the excitement of technology in action. Call and visit soon.
Happy Motoring
Library News
U.N. Club
The computer lab in the library is finally up to full speed! We have 26 computers for students to use for research and
projects, offering the full student suite of programs and internet access.
St. Edmund Campion has started its first ever Model U.N. Club!
The school has grown much larger this year with the addition of Grade 12, but our library is still the same size. We
now have senior students who regularly use the library as a quiet place to study and do homework while on their spares
or lunches. We are encouraging students to view the library as the “Quiet Zone” rather than as an extension of the
matrix, and respect it as a shared workspace rather than a place to socialize. We want to provide a suitable place in our
busy school for quiet concentration.
We are a competitive club that will train to compete in regional and national competitions. We
discuss international politics to prepare for Model United Nations conferences, which is an
authentic simulation of the U.N. General Assembly and other multilateral bodies. We also
promote diversity and bring together students interested in expanding their roles as global
The library has its own web page on the school web site. It can be accessed at
Here students can find access to the Campion Assignment Guide, which gives information on how to give sources
properly in MLA and APA, and how to set up a typical essay, including a thesis and topic sentences. We also have
links to the library catalogue, government resources, on line resources such as newspapers and magazines, and specific
links for course assignments. Be sure to check this out!
We are an active group that wants to create change and awareness of local to global issues which are a part of everyday
life. This is a club that promotes social justice and change within our school, community and the world at large.
The library is looking for helpers after school. Students who need to collect community service hours should talk to
Mrs. Pasquini or Mrs. Coyle as soon as possible. Don’t miss this opportunity to tuck some community service hours
under your belt and gain some valuable work experience.
The popularity of Model United Nations continues to grow and today more than 200,000 high school and college /
university students participate every year worldwide. Many of today's leaders in law, government, business and the arts
participated in Model U.N. during their student careers.
If you’re interested in being a part of the U.N. Club and making a difference, come out to our regular meetings. All are
welcome to join. See Ms. Soares or Ms. Newton in the Canadian & World Studies Department for inquires about the
UN Club.
English Department News
The English Department welcomes all new and returning students to the school as we move into our second year at our
beautiful new facility. Joining us this year on staff are Mrs. Alvaro, Ms Ceolin, Mrs. Herd, Ms Kalymon, Ms Lodej, Ms
Tremblay, and Mr. Weatherson. These teachers bring a wealth of knowledge to share with our students from their other
secondary and elementary schools in our board. We also welcome the return of Mrs. Cole after taking a year off to care for
her new baby.
New literature being studied this year in grade 12 University is Frankenstein, The Wars, Inherit the Wind, and King Lear or
Taming of the Shrew. In grade 12 College the books being studied are Life is Funny or Flowers for Algernon, and Leaving
Home. We are continuing our efforts to expose students to a wide variety of literature by the creation of our Multicultural
Studies in Literature course. This optional grade 12 University level course will focus on the study of texts written by
authors of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Through the study of short stories, world mythology, The
Kiterunner, Hamlet, and Waiting for an Angel students will have the opportunity to not only explore their own heritage from
a unique perspective, but examine how social, economic and political views in our world have an impact on the literature we
read. The optional grade 12 Sports Literature course plans on offering College bound students a look at how the world of
sports is reflected in literature, and delve into how the issues surrounding sport in society are incorporated into literature and
various media.
Once again English incorporates Accelerated Reader into our evaluative program. Students have begun selecting books and
taking tests, accumulating the points needed for their particular grade level. Students are reminded that AR is worth 10% of
their overall mark, and advise them not to leave this until the last minute. The current mark for those students taking English
this semester reflects half of the total number of AR points needed in their course of study.
Field trips being planned this semester will take our grade 10 students to see the play Othello at Hart House Theatre in
Toronto. Another successful field trip for our grade 11 Media Studies took students to Toronto for a workshop at the
National Film Board of Canada, tours of three radio stations and the CityTV environment, and allowed them to participate
in the studio audience for Much on Demand. Finally, students in grade 12 Writers Craft had an opportunity to listen to guest
speaker, Marnelle Tokio, a Toronto author whose book More Than You Can Chew, won the 2005 OLA White Pine award.
This was an outstanding chance for students to listen to a professional writer and get solid, creative insights into the writing
process. We thank Ms Tokio for taking the time to visit us at St. Edmund Campion.
Campion website is now online…
A board-wide initiative to give all schools an online presence took place last spring. Our website can be viewed at or linked under the Secondary Schools menu on the school board’s home page. A team
of staff volunteers have designed the various pages within the site. When you reach our home page, you will see links
across the top for Athletics, Co-op, Courses, Events, General Information, Guidance, Library, Newsletters, Parish,
Parent Council and School History. This is the standard template that was set up for all schools.
Under General Information you will find various items that are duplicated from the student agenda. Scroll over the
calendar on the home page to see what is happening at the school each day or click on the Events link to find the
monthly school calendar. All general events are listed here. Space does not permit us to list retreats, field trips, club
meetings or team schedules. The Newsletter Archive has Champion newsletters from the past school year. St.
Leonard’s Parish mass schedule is listed under Parish Information. Our parent council members and meetings are
found under School Council. The final click on the page is a short history of our school describing the events that have
taken place over the past four years.
Special thanks to Mr. Bulhao, Ms. Campese, Ms. Conway, Mrs. Pasquini, and Mr. Weatherbee for volunteering to
design the school website and making it live. A more detailed explanation of the various department web pages can be
found in the departments’ articles within this newsletter.
Campion’s Annual Terry Fox Run/Walk
Academic Resource Department
Our Annual Terry Fox Run/Walk took place on Friday, September 29th, during Period 1. Participating students chose
to run or walk the 5km route through the community surrounding the school property, ending on our track. Approximately 600 Students participated and $7,000 raised to support Cancer Research.
Academic Resource provides services to students with various learning needs in order to facilitate their academic success. We would like to welcome our new staff members, Mrs. Kussmann from St. Francis Xavier Secondary School and
Mrs. Ranieri from Notre Dame Secondary School. Also new to our staff is Mrs. Marchand, our Child and Youth worker .
Congratulations to Ms. Vella’s class who raised $505, Ms. Rodricks’ Class who raised $ 429, and Mr. Newland’s Class
who raised $314. Special Thanks to Mr. Novia, Mr. Cascioli, Mr. Bruzzese, Ms. Macri and their students who contributed $807 even though they were on a trip that day and couldn’t physically participate. Some incredible students went
ALL OUT for the cause: Brittany Rahal raised close to $2,000 all by herself, Kirsten Fernandes $180, Ariel Baur $180,
Kevin Costa $162, Alicia Mancuso $110, Dean Blasutti $100 and Devon Mc Clean $100…WOW!
Our Resource Room is up and running in Room 213 and we encourage students to access this support as needed. Just a
reminder that there are specific guidelines to follow regarding the use of Study notes for those identified exceptional
students who are provided with this accommodation as outlined in their Individual Education Plan (IEP). Students in
Grades 9 and 10 are permitted to use one piece of paper, 8.5” X 11” front and back, and students in Grade 11 are permitted to use one piece of paper, 8.5” X 11” one side only. Study notes may be typed using a minimum font size of 12 or
they may be hand-written. Please encourage your son/daughter to make and use study notes that meet these requirements.
Thank-you to Tony Moniz at Dominion Graphics who donated $500 and two gorgeous personalized Campion Terry
Fox Banners displayed in the Matrix and outside the school building, as well as Seydeco Packaging who also pledged
$500. As well a great BIG thanks to the parents who were so generous in their pledges. Thank-you to the Terry Fox
Committee (Ms. Rodricks, Ms. Dobson-Efpatridis, Ms. Sheik and Mr. Maury) for organizing the Event. Thank-you to
Mr. Maury’s Leadership Class, Campion Cares, Student Council, and our Parent Council for all their help in running
the event. Thanks to all the Staff Volunteers: Ms. Campese, Mrs. Conway, Ms. Ouellette, Mrs. Cerminara, Ms. Soares,
Mrs. Marchand. Mrs. Zettler, Ms. Scapicchis, Ms. Newton, Ms. Gomes, Ms. Rembacz, Mr. Thomas, Miss De Santis
and Mr. Vitale. And let’s not forget Ms. Mikulic and Ms. Jarrett who did our water and snack run! Thank-you to Mr.
D’Souza, the PIP Team and students for their enthusiasm, participation, and supervision. And of course, Thank-You to
the Big Bear himself, Wally Selihar for supporting this event every year! It is wonderful to see a community make a
Varsity Boys Football team – Bears continue to claw their way to the playoffs!
The Boys Football Program took a turn for the better this year after deciding to switch to a Varsity Team. The decision
was made after the coaching staff returned from an invaluable coaching clinic at Ohio State University and has not
looked back since. With Coaches Venier, Burchill, Ruscica, Schroder, Cini and Ocampo, the boys have kicked off
their season with an amazing 3-0 start sending a strong message that Campion Football in North Brampton has truly
Preparation for the 2006 season began last winter, when team members worked out with the Football Strength and Conditioning Club, and continued to train throughout the school year. Over the summer, athletes from grades 8 -11 were
invited to participate in an intensive summer camp. As tryouts finished, the final team was selected, composed of 61
students. The team has benefited from the time each coach spends with their squads developing technique and skills.
In only its sophomore year of the Campion Football Program, the Bears have very quickly established themselves as a
legitimate contender for a ROPSSAA title by defeating traditional powerhouses such as Turner Fenton (24-6),
Bramalea (19-10) and Northpark (50-0). Although the team did lose a hard fought game against the St..Francis Xavier
Tigers, the Bears are definitely playoff bound and look to make a strong surge deep into the finals. The Bears are hoping to finish the season amongst the top three in their division during regular season play, thus guaranteeing at least one
home game during the playoffs.
Part of the teams success can be attributed to their participation in a number of team building events such as attending
the Hollywood blockbuster, Gridiron Gang at Trinity Commons Silver City as well as an Argos vs. Saskatchewan CFL
game at the Rogers Centre. This team bonding has led to a definite sense of family among the players and has helped
tremendously both on and off the field. The team also got an opportunity to learn from Orlando Bowen, a former professional football player with the Toronto Argonauts and the Hamilton Tigercats, after he dropped by Campion during
an afternoon practice midway through the season. The team has surpassed many of the expectations that lie before a
second year program and continue to improve and progress by leaps and bounds. The coaching staff is very optimistic
about the future of this team and is looking forward to seeing how the remainder of the season will unfold.
We are entering our second year of the Career Path Program. This program provides identified exceptional students the
opportunity to gain knowledge, develop employability skills, and participate in work experience programs. The teachers
and support staff for this program include: Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Bruzzese, Mrs. Genoway, Mrs. Gomes, Ms. Jarrett, Mrs.
Luke-Cabral, Mr. Ridley, Mr. Sammut, Ms. Snoyer, Mrs. Valido, and Mrs. Wojt-Lindley. We wish Mrs. Marcolla all the
best with her new-born daughter, Sophia Gabriella, as she leaves us until next year. Mrs. Bamford will be returning from
her maternity leave in December and we look forward to having her back.
New this year at St. Edmund Campion is the Planning for Independence Program. This program provides identified exceptional students with specific learning needs the opportunity to develop literacy and mathematical literacy skills while
further developing life skills that will prepare them to be independent in the future. We welcome Mr. DeSousa, the
teacher for this program, along with our support staff Mr. Gomes, Ms. Hall, and Mrs. Palmieri.
Individual Education Plans for all identified exceptional students were sent home in early October. Parents and Guardians are asked to review these plans with their child and to return the signed consent form to their child’s Resource
Teacher. Please do not hesitate to contact the Academic Resource Department if you have any questions or concerns.
Arts Department
The Arts Department welcomes new staff members Mr. J. Thomas (Drama),
Ms. T. Leyes, (Visual Arts) Ms. V. Picarazzi (Visual Arts), and Ms. K.
Petrauskas (Visual Arts). Many opportunities exist for students to get involved in the Arts at St. Edmund Campion, through a wide selection of Arts
courses and extra-curricular clubs such as The Company (Drama), Junior and
Senior Bands, Guitar Club, and Choir. You need to make it happen, so get
involved, discover and develop your talents!
Communications Technology
The Technology Department has added a new grade 10 course, Communications Technology. As well, with the assistance of Mr. Menanno and
Ms. Leyes, St. Edmund Campion has launched its first season of “EC
Morning News”, the first of its kind here at our school. Every morning
the school news is broadcasted from the Communications classroom, and
to date students and staff have been participating on a daily basis in the
operations and delivery of our school news. Parents are welcome to forward community related information to Mr. Menanno or Ms. Leyes at the
school, so that it can be shared with our school community. If you would
like more information regarding this service please feel free to contact us
at 905-846-7124.
College Information
Fall 2006:
Applications submitted to OCAS
Nov 2006: Earliest date that colleges acknowledge applications
Feb 2007:
Last day to apply where all applicants have equal consideration.
After this date, applications are considered on a first-come, firstserve basis.
Earliest date to receive or confirm an offer for admission.
Offers of admission continue until programs are filled
May 2007: Applicants confirm their acceptance offer online through OCAS
June 2007: Earliest Date that colleges can require payment of tuition fees.
Guidance Office
Due to increased enrollment, we have five full time counsellors. We are pleased to welcome
Ms. Galati, Ms. Steduto and Mr. Weatherbee to our family. Campion’s Guidance Office is a
very dynamic and informative place for students to learn. Students are divided alphabetically
for counselling purposes.:
A – CL
Mr. D. Kowaluk
Ms. A. Macri
Mr. R. Weatherbee
LU – O
O -Z
Ms. C. Galati
Mrs. S. Steduto
Mr. D. Hamilton
Mrs. P. von Hollen, our full-time Guidance Secretary, is always there to greet our students with a warm and friendly smile.
University Application Information
Ninety Grade 12 students attended the Ontario University Fair at the Metro Convention Center on September 29. Many
universities have come to our school to give presentations to our Grade 12’s this Fall and we are pleased to report that
many students took advantage of all these opportunities. All Grade 12 M/U level students have received INFO FALL
2006 a comprehensive guide to Ontario universities containing information about timelines, admission guidelines, programs of study, campus news, residence, scholarship and awards, and contact information as well as their credit counseling summaries, literacy test results, and logged community service hours to ensure that they will have 30 credits,
have completed 40 hours of community service, and have passed their literacy test; all requirements for graduation.
Important dates for university applications are:
January 10:
Deadline to submit hardcopy and on-line applications to OUAC.
February 6:
RECOMMENDED last date to submit all information to the OUAC
May 25:
Last date to expect a response from an Ontario university.
May 28:
Earliest date for students to accept an offer of admission
Guidance Web Page
My Blueprint
The Guidance Department has a web site with
the answers to your questions that is continuously updated. You can also win weekly prizes
by participating in our Guidance Trivia.
Visit us online at
An exciting new education-planning tool for our students, MyBlueprint Education Planner lets
students create an engaging and interactive Annual Education
Plan (AEP). Link through our Web Page and select HELP
can build customized high school course plans, instantly identify the post-secondary pathways, and explore valuable information about apprenticeship, college and university opportunities across Canada! Log in and learn about courses, diploma
requirements and the endless options available to your child.
MyProfile allows you to record multiple plans, programs of
interest, exploration activities, and future goals. My Blueprint
helps students make the most informed decision about their
Please contact us for login information.
Post-Secondary Options
Applying to University or College
Apprenticeship Programs
Scholarship & Financial Aid
Course Selection
My BluePrint
Course Calendar
School Survival Tips
Homework Help
Night & Summer
Jobs & Careers
Social Services
Exit Programs
Our students are fortunate to have the services of our Special Services Team:
• Dr. L. Crawford, School Psychologist
• Mr. B. Meffe, Social Worker
• Mrs. C. Marchand, Child and Youth Worker
We informed the grade nine students about the Government initiated programs such as Take our Kids to Work (TOKW) and
40 Hours of Christian Community Service. All students participate in a “job shadowing” experience during their first year
of high school. Held on November 1st , students learn about the daily routine in a workplace environment. The Government
initiated 40 Hour Community Service program was presented to the grade 9 students where they received the Passport to
record their community hours and the Passport Companion Parent Manual that includes a directory of service organizations.
This allows students to have a visible presence in the community and to make contacts for future job references. In January,
we will be assisting students with course selections for next year. Parents, please take note of this as your child will need
further guidance from you. Students are invited to come to the guidance office and get further clarification as needed. They
may also see us if they want or need assistance in areas outside of the classroom.
Grade 8 Transition to High School Day
On Wednesday, November 1, 2006 while our Grade 9s were away, we hosted a “Grade 8 Transitioning to Secondary
School Day”. Students and teachers from our feeder schools were informed about what to expect in grade 9. The grade 8s
were treated to a tour of the school, a snack and an information session where they learned about our extra-curricular
activities, guidance department, chaplaincy and student council. This move is a key transition point in a student’s life.
Awards Night, September 28, 2006
Campion celebrated its academic success with numerous students achieving Honour Roll Awards in grades 9, 10, and
11 The Awards for highest marks in all subjects for grades 9, 10 and 11 students were also celebrated. Special Recognition Awards were celebrated for the following:
Reading Champions Award:
Grade 9
D. Blasutti, B. Mefful, L. Normore
Grade 10
M. Brown, C. Howe
Grade 11
S. Edwards-Gibson
Overall Champion J. Pato
Principal’s Award
S. Varghese
Senior School Letter Awards
J. Biggs, C.Edwards, L. Furtado, A. Rodriguez, R. Watt.
Highest Academic Achievement Gr. 9 – M. McKiel; Gr. 10 – C. Ramsammy;
Gr. 11 – B. Rose
Exemplary Attendance
K. Wyatt
Deanna Smitheram Award
S. Watson
Catholic Leadership Award
A. Samson
Christian Com. Service Award K. Brennan