DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES Meeting Name: Statewide Contract Reporting System Workshop Date: October 12, 2011 Time: 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Location: Winewood Bldg#4, Dept of Children & Families Agenda Introduction of the DFS Team Members Overview - Senate Bill 2096 amending Section 215.985, F.S. – Transparency in Government Spending. Statewide Contract Reporting System - Project Overview Review of Phase 1 - Functional Requirements Document Closing Remarks Next Workshop – October 26, 2011 1:30 – 4:30 Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Conference Center, Conner Blvd Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Background The 2010 Legislature enacted Section 46 of Chapter 2010-151, Laws of Florida creating Section 216.0111, Florida Statutes (F.S.) which requires state agencies to report to the Department of Financial Services (DFS), within three working days after executing contracts in excess of the Category II threshold ($35,000) established in Section 287.017, F.S. that were not awarded by competitive solicitation or purchased from a purchasing agreement or state term contract. Agency Addressed Memorandum No. 01, 2010-2011, issued on July 2, 2010, identifies the following information regarding these non-competitive solicited agreements that must be reported to DFS. Agency name Agency site Contract/DO/agreement number Contract manager name and phone number Vendor name Term of contract Date of contract execution Original contract amount Amended contract amount and amendment date Description of commodities or services procured Summary of any time constraints that applied to the procurement Justification for not using competitive solicitation The statutory exemption or exception claimed The contract’s payment method The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number (if applicable) The Catalog of State Financial Assistance number (if applicable). The 2011 Legislature amended Section 215.985, F.S., making DFS responsible for the development and maintenance of a contract management system. Among the information required to be provided or accessed on the system is information and documentation relating to contracts procured by state governmental entities. The legislation identified specific data the system must include, but need not be limited to: Contracting agency Procurement method Contract beginning and ending dates 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 1 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Type of commodity or service Purpose of the commodity or service Compensation to be paid Compliance information such as: o Performance metrics for the service or commodity o Contract violations o Number of extensions or renewals o Statutory authority for providing the service The contract information must be entered or updated by the agency procurement staff within 30 days of any major change to when a contract or a new contract has been executed. A major change to a contract includes, but is not limited to, a renewal, termination, or extension of the contract or an amendment to the contract. As the result of the passage o the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005, it has been determined that the Florida Accounting Information Resource (FLAIR) Vendor File, W9 File, 1099 Subsystem and Contract and Grants Subsystem will require modification to capture and process information necessary to comply with the Federal 3% Withholding Law. The following information has been identified as required contract information that must be stored in FLAIR’s Contract and Grants Subsystem files: Original Contract Amount Contract Execution Date Amendment Execution Date Contract Materially Modified Contract Amendment Amount Contract Ending Date Change Description of Material Modification In addition to data elements mentioned above, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has directed that expenditure data and images of the contract documents be linked to the contract information in the contract management system. Functional Requirements The Contract Reporting System’s functional requirements are based on the State’s standard contract information and functionality required by State and Federal law, and CFO’s directions, as identified in the Background Section of this document for this project phase. The Contract Reporting System will replace the agencies’ usage of the Departmental FLAIR Contract Subsystem except for transaction validation (FLAIR Contract ID) and Federal 3% Withholding Law compliance. The Contract Reporting System will provide data for agency business systems. 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 2 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata The remaining phases of the project are: a) Phase Two – Recording of contract related General Appropriation information and daily disbursement data. b) Phase Three – Linking of contract procurement and documentation images to contract metadata. c) Phase Four – Providing for contract compliance reporting by DFS and Auditor General. d) Phase Five – Providing for the reporting of grant information and linking document images. e) Phase Six – Providing sufficient infrastructure to accept contract information and images from Water Management District, Community College, Universities, School Districts and Counties. This phase also includes the communications on the new reporting requirements and creation of new procedures for compliance monitoring. Functional requirements for the remaining phases will be developed as the phases begin. 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 3 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 4 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Elements The following required data elements should provide the data necessary to comply with State and Federal law, as well as the CFO’s requirements. Data Elements for Contract Reporting System Data Element Length Format Comments FLAIR Agency Identifier (OLO) 6 Alphanumeric FLAIR Contract Identifier (Contract Number) 5 Alphanumeric Must be an active OLO on Departmental FLAIR's Title file for use on FLAIR transactions. This data must be sent to FLAIR to update the FLAIR Title File and FLAIR Contract Information, if it does not already exist. FLAIR must provide nightly validation data updates. Must be an active unique value within OLO on Departmental FLAIR's Title file for use with FLAIR transactions. If not agency provided, the System must assign a new unique value within the agency’s OLO. See Functional Requirement Note 9. This data must be sent to FLAIR to update the FLAIR Title File and FLAIR Contract Information, if contract number does not already exist. There will be a onetime conversion of FLAIR Contract Subsystem data. 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 5 of 23 Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S and FLAIR Yes, FLAIR Tile File Yes, by FLAIR No Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Length Format Comments Contract's Short Title 10 Alphanumeric Must be active on Departmental FLAIR's Title file for display and reporting. This data must be sent to FLAIR to update the FLAIR Title File and FLAIR Contract Information, if the associated contract number does not already exist within the OLO. Yes, by FLAIR No Contract's Long Title 60 Alphanumeric Must be active on Departmental FLAIR's Title file for display and reporting. This data must be sent to FLAIR to update the FLAIR Title File and FLAIR Contract Information, if the associated contract number does not already exist within the OLO. Yes, by FLAIR No Agency Assigned Contract Identifier 50 Alphanumeric Agency Assigned Contract Identifier is for System display and reporting only. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. MFMP contract and DO field length is 50 characters and can be used by agencies as the agency assigned contract identifier. Yes, by 216.0111, F.S. No Contract’s Type 2 Alphanumeric Switch data element to State Standard from Agency Unique. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. State Standard codes will be maintained in the Contract Reporting System. Appendix A-3 Proposed Contract Contract Type Codes Yes, by 216.0111, F.S No 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 6 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Length Format Comments Contract’s Status 2 Alphanumeric Switch data element to State Standard from Agency Unique. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. State Standard codes will be maintained in the Contract Reporting System. See Appendix A-4 Proposed Contract - Contract Status Codes Yes, by Legislature and EOG No Contract’s Commodity/ Service Type 6 Alphanumeric Data Based on DMS Commodity / Contractual Services Catalog that is active on FLAIR’s Title file. There must be multiple records so as to accommodate multicommodity / contractual service type agreements. (Many to One Relationship) Must be able to link commodity/service types with deliverables. This data must be sent to FLAIR for the Contract Information File Service Type field for Federal 3% Withholding. FLAIR must provide nightly validation data updates. Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S Yes, FLAIR Title File 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 7 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Length Format Comments Contract’s Vendor Id 21 Alphanumeric Number valid on FLAIR's Vendor file, including the appropriate prefix, and must allow for multiple entries for multi-party agreements. (Many to One Relationship). For inter-agency agreements the data element must allow for the FLAIR valid 21 digit account code. Must not be displayed to the public. This data not must be sent to FLAIR. FLAIR must provide nightly validation data updates. Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S , IRS and FLAIR Yes, FLAIR Statewide Vendor File and FLAIR Account Description File for the interagency 21 digit code. Contract’s Vendor Name 31 Alphanumeric Must be retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor file data. Must allow for multiple displays. (Many to One Relationship). Must not be sent to FLAIR. FLAIR must provide nightly updates. Yes, by CFO and EOG No, Retrieved from FLAIR Vendor file Contract’s Vendor Street Address 31 Alphanumeric Must be retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor file data. Must allow for multiple displays (Many to One Relationship). Must not be displayed to public. Must not be sent to FLAIR. FLAIR must provide nightly updates. Yes, by CFO and EOG No, Retrieved from FLAIR Statewide Vendor file Contract’s Vendor City and State 30 Alphanumeric Must be retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor file data. Must allow for multiple displays (Many to One Relationship). Must not be sent to FLAIR. FLAIR must provide nightly data updates. Yes, by CFO and EOG No, Retrieved from FLAIR Statewide Vendor file 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 8 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Length Format Comments Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Contract’s Date of Execution 8 MMDDYYYY Must be valid date. This data must be sent to FLAIR to update the FLAIR Contract Information Date Executed field for Federal 3% Withholding. Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S , IRS and FLAIR No, however must be a valid date. Contract’s Beginning Date 8 MMDDYYYY Must be valid date. This data must be sent to FLAIR to update the FLAIR Contract Information Beginning Date field for Federal 3% Withholding. Yes by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S , IRS and FLAIR No, however must be a valid date. Contract’s Original Ending Date 8 MMDDYYYY Must be valid date. System must not change this date in the. This data must be sent to FLAIR to update the FLAIR Contract Information Ending Date field for Federal 3% Withholding. Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S , IRS and FLAIR No, however must be greater than Beginning Date Contract’s Original Amount 13.2 Numeric Must be greater than Zero. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. No, however must be greater than Zero Contract’s Recurring Budgetary Original Amount 13.2 Numeric Must be zero or greater. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. See Functional Requirements Note 10. Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S , IRS and FLAIR Yes, by Legislature and EOG Contract’s Non-Recurring Budgetary Original Amount 13.2 Numeric Must be zero or greater. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. See Functional Requirements Note 10. Yes, by Legislature and EOG No, however must be greater than Zero 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 9 of 23 No, however must be greater than Zero Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Comments Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Data Element Length Contract’s Accumulated Amended Amount 13.2 Numeric Derived from sum of System’s active contract amendment amounts per contract. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S , IRS and FLAIR No Contract’s Recurring Budgetary Accumulated Amended Amount 13.2 Numeric Derived from sum of System’s active contract amendment recurring amounts per contract. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. See Functional Requirements Note 10. Yes, by Legislature and EOG No Contract’s Non-Recurring Budgetary Accumulated Amended Amount 13.2 Numeric Derived from sum of System’s active contract amendment non-recurring amounts. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. See Functional Requirements Note 10. Yes, by Legislature and EOG No Contract’s Expenditures Year-To-Date 13.2 Numeric Derived from FLAIR Expenditure data based on contract’s FLAIR CONTRACT ID. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. This data must be received from FLAIR nightly to update the System. Yes, by CFO, Legislature and EOG No, FLAIR Generated Contract’s Revenues Year-To-Date 13.2 Numeric Derived from FLAIR Revenue data based on FLAIR CONTRACT ID. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. This data must be received from FLAIR nightly to update the System. Yes, by CFO, Legislature and EOG No, FLAIR Generated 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM Format Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System 10 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Length Format Agency Contract Manager Name 31 Alphanumeric This data must not be sent to FLAIR. There will be a onetime conversation of active contract associated Director/Manger File records. Yes, by 216.0111, F.S No Agency Contract Manager Phone Number 10 Alphanumeric Must not be sent to FLAIR. Must not be displayed to public. Yes, by 216.0111, F.S No Agency Contract Manager’s e-mail address 20 Alphanumeric Must not be sent to FLAIR. Must not be displayed to public. Yes, by EOG No Contract’s Method of Payment 1 Alphanumeric FLAIR must switch data element to State Standard from Agency Unique. Refer to Appendix E Current Departmental FLAIR Title Layout. Refer to Appendix A-2 Proposed Method of Payment Codes. There must be multiple records so as to accommodate Method of Payment per contract. (Many to One Relationship) Must not be sent to FLAIR. State Standard codes will be maintained in the Contract Reporting System. Yes, by 216.0111, F.S No 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM Comments Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System 11 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Length Format Comments Contract’s Method of Procurement 5 Alphanumeric Switch data element to State Standard from Agency . Refer to Appendix A-1 Proposed Method of Procurement or Applied Exemption Codes. Must be multiple fields so as to accommodate multi-procurement methods pre contract. (Many to One Relationship) If left blank, the Contract’s Competitive Solicitation Exemption must be activated for entry. Must not be sent to FLAIR. State Standard codes will be maintained in the Contract Reporting System. Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S No Contract’s Competitive Solicitation Exemption 5 Alphanumeric Switch data element to State Standard from Agency . See Appendix A-1 Proposed Method of Procurement or Applied Exemption Codes. If Contract’s Method of Procurement field left blank, the Contract’s Competitive Solicitation Exemption must be activated for entry. Must be multiple fields so as to accommodate multi-exemptions pre contract. (Many to One Relationship) Must not be sent to FLAIR. State Standard codes will be maintained in the Contract Reporting System. Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S No. 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 12 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Length Format Comments Contract’s Exemption Explanation 1,000 Alphanumeric Contract’s Statutory Authority 60 Alphanumeric Activated for entry if the Contract’s Competitive Solicitation Exemption filed is used. Free form to include purpose of the commodity or service and exemption explanation and summary of any time constraints that applied to the procurement. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. Free form to record statutory authority for procuring or providing the commodity or service not Chapter 287, F.S. authority. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. 1,000 Alphanumeric Contract’s Major Deliverables 1 - 100 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM Free form to record description for each deliverable. Each deliverable must be directly related to the scope of work and specify the performance measures. The performance measure is the required minimum level of service to be performed and criteria for evaluating the successful completion of each deliverable. Need ability to record up to 100 separate deliverables. (Many to One Relationship). Must be able to associated contract’s deliverables to specific contract performance metric and financial consequences. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. 13 of 23 Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S No Yes by 215.985 and EOG No Yes, by 215.985, F.S No Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Length Format Comments Contract’s Performance Metrics 1 -100 1,000 Alphanumeric Free form to record performance metric descriptions and measurements for the service or commodity. Need ability to record up to 100 separate performance measures. (Many to One Relationship). Must be able to associate contract’s performance metric to specific deliverables. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. Yes, by 215.985, F.S No Contract’s Financial Consequences 1 - 100 1,000 Alphanumeric Free form to record contract Financial Consequences for non-performance. Need ability to record up to 100 separate financial consequences. (Many to One Relationship). Must be able to associate contract’s financial consequences to specific deliverables. This data must not be sent to FLAIR. Yes, by 215.985, F.S No 6 Alphanumeric CFDA IDs based on FLAIR's Tile file and must be multiple fields so as to accommodate multi-funded agreements. (Many to One relationship) CFDA code must be allowed if with CSFA code is on the record. Must be sent to FLAIR to update the Contract Information File. FLAIR must provide nightly validation data updates. If applicable by 215.97, F.S. Yes, FLAIR CFDA Title File. Contract’s CFDA Code, if applicable 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 14 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Data Element Length Format Comments Contract’s CSFA Code, if applicable 5 Alphanumeric CSFA IDs based on FLAIR's Tile file and must be multiple fields so as to accommodate multi-funded agreements. (Many to One Relationship). CSFA code must be allowed with if CFDA code is on the record. Must be sent to FLAIR to update the Contract Information File. FLAIR must provide nightly validation data updates. If applicable by 215.97, F.S. Yes, FLAIR CSFA Title File Contract’s Recipient Type 1 Alphanumeric Based on FLAIR's Tile file State Standard. This data must be sent to FLAIR to update the Contract Information File. FLAIR must provide nightly validation data updates. Required if CFDA or CSFA codes are entered Yes, FLAIR Title File Record Status 1 Alphanumeric State Standard Codes. (Valid Values A – Active, I – Inactive, D – Deleted or C – Closed) . Refer to Appendix B Current FLAIR Departmental Contract Subsystem Data Elements. Inactive status will be sent to FLAIR as deletions based on agencies inactivating contract records and Contract Reporting System inactivation logic. See Functional Requirements Note 13. Yes, by CFO and FLAIR No 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 15 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Length Format Contract Change Type 1 Alphanumeric State Standard Codes. (Valid Values; A Amendment, E- Extension, R - Renewal. Must not to be sent to FLAIR. Amendment, Extension, or Renewal Number 4 Alphanumeric Materially Modified for 3% Withholding 1 No Cost Change for 3% Withholding Change Date Executed 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM Comments Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Yes, by 215.985, F.S No SCRS generated based on Change Type code sequence. Must be not sent to FLAIR. Yes, by CFO, Legislature and EOG No. Alphanumeric Must be Y or N. New to FLAIR for 3% Withholding requirement, not currently in FLAIR Contract Subsystem. Must become a FLAIR required field. Must be sent to FLAIR for Contract Information File Materially Modified field. Yes, by FLAIR and IRS No, however must be “Y” or “N” 1 Alphanumeric Must be Y or N. New to FLAIR for 3% Withholding requirement, not currently in FLAIR Contract Subsystem. Must become a FLAIR required field. Must not be sent to FLAIR. Yes, by CFO and IRS No, however must be “Y” or “N” 8 MMDDYYYY Must be valid date. New to FLAIR for 3% Withholding requirement, not currently in FLAIR Contract Subsystem. Must become a FLAIR required field. Must be sent to FLAIR for Contract Information File Materially Modified Date field. Yes, by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S, FLAIR and IRS No, however must be valid date 16 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Length New Ending Date 8 Change Amount 13.2 Change Description 60 Format MMDDYYYY Comments Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Must be valid date, required if Change Type equals E or R. Must become a FLAIR required field. Must be sent to FLAIR for Contract Information Ending Date field. Required if No Cost Amendment for 3% is N. The amount can be negative or positive. These amounts would be added to the Original Amount to determine Current Amount of agreement. FLAIR currently keeps track of all Amendment Amounts in a separate field on the Contract Information file and does not alter the Original Amount. This must be the same for the System. Must not be sent to FLAIR. If applicable by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S, FLAIR and IRS If applicable by 216.0111, 215.985, F.S, FLAIR and IRS No, however must be valid date Alphanumeric Required if Materially Modified is N. Must not be sent to FLAIR. If applicable by 215.985, F.S, FLAIR and IRS No Numeric No, however must be greater than zero Recurring Change Amount 13.2 Numeric Required by Legislature and EOG. Must not be sent to FLAIR. See Functional Requirements Note 10. Yes, by Legislature and EOG No Non-Recurring Change Amount 13.2 Numeric Required by Legislature and EOG. Must not be sent to FLAIR . See Functional Requirements Note 10. Yes, by Legislature and EOG No 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 17 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Data Element Compliance Requirements for the Contract Reporting System Must be Validated Against FLAIR Data Yes, by Legislature and EOG Yes, FLAIR Account Code Description Files Length Format Comments Account Code 27 Alphanumeric Becomes a required field. Must be sent to FLAIR to update the Contract Information File Account Code Field and the Contract to Account Code Correlation File Account Code Field. Date Added 8 MMDDYYYY Date change added and should be programmatically set to current date Must not be sent to FLAIR. Yes No Date Updated 8 MMDDYYYY Date record was last updated and should be programmatically set to current date. Must not be sent to FLAIR. Yes No Alphanumeric Should be generated based on User ID System security. Must not be sent to FLAIR. Yes No User ID of User Adding or Updating data. 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM TBD based on Contract Reporting System Security 18 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 19 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Functional Requirement Notes 1. Existing FLAIR Contract Subsystem a. FLAIR Contract Information File data elements not shown in the Data listing are not included in the System due to FLAIR minimal agency usage. b. FLAIR Contract Amendment File data elements not shown in the Data listing are not in the System due to FLAIR minimal agency usage. c. FLAIR Contract to Account Correlation File data not shown in the Data listing are not in the System due to FLAIR minimal agency usage. 2. Security Contract Reporting System must provide security so that only authorized users add or modify data associated with their entity. However, system wide inquiry access must be provided to authorize DFS personnel. In addition, the security must provide a means of identifying the user by entity (i.e. State Agency, County, Water Management Districts, etc) and name. In addition, the System must prevent the following data fields being seen by the public; a. Contract’s Vendor ID b. Contract’s Vendor Address c. Agency Contract Manger’s Phone Number d. Agency Contract Manger’s Email Address 3. Data Cleaning and Conversion a. Contract Reporting System must provide a one time data cleaning and conversion of existing data from the following applications: FLAIR Contract Subsystem CFO Non-Completive Solicitation of Commodities and Services Reporting web base application State Contract Management System Agency Business Systems b. Existing data to be converted from the various systems must undergo data cleaning by the agencies to ensure that all the required data for active contracts is present and that previously agency unique data values are updated to State Standard. c. Agencies must be given Excel downloads of their data from Non-Cumulative Solicitation of Commodities and Services Reporting Website, Departmental FLAIR Contract Files and the State Contract Management System. They must be reviewed and appropriately updated the data prior to being uploaded to the System 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 20 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata 4. Agency Data Upload Contract reporting System must provide a mechanism for State Agencies to upload data electronically, including error handling. Refer to Appendix C Current FLAIR Batch Contract Information File - Add File Layout, Appendix D Current FLAIR Batch Contract Information - Update File Layout. 5. FLAIR Data Exchanges Contract reporting system must provide appropriate timely data interfaces, including error handling, to and from FLAIR files for the data indicated as being validated using FLAIR data. 6. On-line Data Entry and Display a. Contract Reporting system must arrange data elements into logical groupings by sections, tabs or screens for user friendly access, i.e. general contract identification, contract purpose and authority, contract vendors / recipients, contract management, contract accounting, contract disbursements / revenue, contract performance metrics, and contract deliverables. b. Contract Reporting System must provide data entry assistance such as drop down pick lists for State Standard data code values. 7. Data Extracts for Agency Business System Contract Reporting System must provide agencies system extracts of data for the agency business systems. Refer to Appendix H - Current FLAIR Contract Information File Copy Sent to Agencies Via FTP, Appendix I - Current FLAIR Contract Amendment File Copy Sent to Agencies Via FTP, and Appendix J Current FLAIR Contract Correlation File Copy Sent to Agencies Via FTP. However, many of the fields listed in the appendix will no longer be available because they will not be available in the Contract Reporting system. 8. On-Line Data Querying a. Contract Reporting System must provide initially ad-hock querying, display, exporting, and printing of data. b. Contract Reporting System must provide querying assistance such as drop down pick lists for available data values. c. Contact reporting System must provide accessible for querying, displaying and printing contract data for a minimum of ten years (Contract Data History). Data retention, starting with initial data loading, will be ten continuous years. Data exceeding the ten year limit must be archived from production but, readily available analysis. 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 21 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata 9. System Assigned FLAIR Contract IDs and Linking of FLAIR Budgetary, Expenditure and Revenue Data a. Should an agency not provided a FLAIR Contract Identifier (Number), the Contract Reporting System must assign a unique identifier within the agency’s OLO. These numbers will be sequential and must be used on agency contract disbursements and revenue deposits in order to associate and accumulate contract expenditures and revenues. A crosswalk of assigned numbers to Agency Assigned Contract Identifier must be made available to the agency. b. Contract Reporting System must provide functionality for linking of FLAIR contract budgetary, expenditure and revenue data using the FLAIR Contract Identifier (Number). 10. Recurring and Non-Recurring Budgetary Amounts The Legislature is requiring that the Contract Reporting System track the recurring and non-recurring funding sources of contracts, including amendments, extensions or renewals. This information is not available in FLAIR. Therefore, The System must provide the ability for the agencies to entered this information into the System using the agencies Legislative Budget Request (LBR) documentation supporting the contracts funding. 11. Linking of Contract Document Images Contract Reporting System must provide functionality for linking of contract and procurement document images to the contract records contained in the System. 12. State Standard Required Codes and Data State Standard Codes must be developed from previously Agency Unique Values for the following data fields; Contract Status Contract Type Method of Payment Method of Procurement or Applied Exemptions Refer to Appendixes A-1, A-2, A-3 and A-4 for proposed Sate Standard Codes 13. Contract Inactivation and FLAIR Semi-Annual Purge As contracts expire their Record Status should be changed to Inactive. If after twelve months from the Contract Ending Date the contracts Record Status is not Inactive it will be systematically changed to Inactive. Contract records with Inactive Record Status will forward to FLAIR to update the Contract Information File with a Record Status of Deleted for the FLAIR’s standard Semi-Annual Purge process. 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM 22 of 23 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Phase One Contract Metadata Document revision control: Name Bill DuBose Christina Smith Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Christina Smith Bill DuBose Bill Dubose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose 10/6/2011 10:11:00 AM Action Initial Draft Revised Revised for Batch Extract of FLAIR Files for Web Field Data Validation and Batch interfaces from Web application to Departmental FLAIR Revised for Tricia Nettles changes and comments Accepted changes and provided to DOT for review Revised base on DOT Meeting comments Revised based on June 27, 2011 Meeting comments Revision based on July 12, 2011 Meeting comments Revised to clearly identify data to validated against FLAIR data and make changes requested by Christina Smith Revise to clearly that the current requirements are only for Phase One of the Six Phase Project Revised for comments received during the 9/2/11 JAD Secession Revised for comments received during the 9/9/11 JAD Secession Revised for comments received from TN 9/912/11 Revised for comments received CS 9/27/11 Revised for comments received CS 10/3/11 Revised for comments received during 10/4/11 Bureau of Auditing Staff Meeting Revised for comments received during 10/4/11 Bureau of Accounting and FLAIR meeting. 23 of 23 Date 5/24/11 6/7/11 6/10/11 6/14/11 6/15/11 6/21/11 7/6/11 7/13/11 8/18/11 8/30/11 9/7/11 9/9/11 9/12/11 9/28/11 10/3/11 10/4/11 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting Website Appendix A Proposed Method of Procurement or Applied Exemption Codes Current MFMP Code Current DFS 1 Code Competitive Solicitation and Exemption Descriptions None ITN2 Invitation to Negotiate [s. 287.057 (1) (c)] None ITB2 Invitation to Bid [s. 287.057 (1) (a)] None RFP2 Request for Proposal [s. 287.057 (1) (b)] None RFQ2 Request for Quotes [s 287.056 (2) & Rule 60A-1.002 (4)(m)] 0 ADP Adoption Placement [Rule 60A-1.002 (4)(j)] V APR Academic program review [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 2 & Rule60A-1.002 (4) (d)] U ART Artistic services [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 1 & Rule 60A1002 (4) (c)] X AUD Auditing Services [Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (f)] Q CCN W CEP Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act [s. 287.055] Continuing education and events paid for by collected fees [287.057 (3)(g)] 10 CITR Department of Citrus advertising and promotional items [s. 601.10 (12)] None COL None COUN2 Agency may contract with independent, non-profit college or university within the state [s.287.057 (22)] Use County Procurement Standards S CPR Commodities purchased for resale [s. 287.012 (5)] Agency Unique INVITATION TO NEGOTIATE / NEGOTIATION COMPETETIVE BID / COMPETITIVE BID (287.057,F.S.) / INVITATION TO BID REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL / REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (287.55,F. S.) / REQUEST FOR APPLICATION ALTERNATE COMPETITIVE (FOR FUTURE USE) / INFORMAL BID(287.057,F.S.) / REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (287.057,F.S.) ALTERNATE SERVICE PROCUREMENT METHOD (65-28.001) EXEMPTION-APR (ACADEMIC PROGRAM REVIEW) / EXEMPTION ACADEMIC PROGRAM REVIEWS EXEMPTION-ART / EXEMPTION-ART (ARTIST)/ EXEMPTION-ARTIST EXEMPTION- AUDITING SERVICES / EXEMPTION-AUD (AUDITING SERVICES) COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION EXEMPTION-CEE (CONTINUING EDUCATION EVENTS) / EXEMPTION-CEE (CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS / EXEMPTION-CONTINUING EDUC. EVENTS OR PGMS. / EXEMPTION-CONTINUING EDUCATION EVENTS COUNTY PROCUREMENT STANDARDS / COUNTY PROCUREMENT STANDARDS (CPHUS ON Appendix A-1 Proposed Method Of Procurement Or Applied Exemption Codes.Docx 1 of 5 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting Website Appendix A Proposed Method of Procurement or Applied Exemption Codes Current MFMP Code Current DFS 1 Code None CSR2 Single or No responses to a competitive procurement [s. 287.057 (5)] R DOT Department of Transportation s. 287.057 Exemption [s. 287.57 (3) (f) 11 and s. 337.11 & Rule 60A-1.0002 (4) (k)] Y DUES O EMG O2 O1 EMGO EMGP Payment of membership dues [s. 216.345 (4) & Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (h)] Emergency procurement [s.287.057 (3) (a) & 60A1.046, FAC] Emergency Purchases Per Executive Order Emergency Purchases Per Public Property And Publicly Owned Buildings [s. 255.0525 (5)] Z EXAM 6 FAP 3 HPM Health services [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 5a & Rule 60A1002 (4) (k)] L IGA Services or commodities provided by governmental agencies [s. 287. 057 (3) (f) 12] 9 LAW Federal or state law prescribes with whom the agency must contract [287.057 (10)] Competitive Solicitation and Exemption Descriptions Professional Examinations [s. 455.217 (1) (c) & Rule 60A-1.002 (4)(i)] Family placement [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 8 & Rule 60A1002 (4)(k)] Agency Unique ONE RESPONSE TO ITB/RFP / ONE RESPONSE TO ITB/RFP/ITN / ONE RESPONSE TO ITB/RFP/ITN/ASPM / NO RESPONSE TO ITB/RFP / NO RESPONSE TO ITB/RFP/ITN/ASPM / NON COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION COMPETITIVE BID (337.11,F.S.) EMERGENCY(287.055(3)(A);287.057(3)(A) ;337.11 / EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT EMERGENCY DIST. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION(F.S.255.29) EXEMPTION-FAP (FAMILY PLACEMENT) / EXEMPTION-FMLY PLAC./ADOPT. SVCS. LIC. BY DCF EXEMPTION / EXEMPTION-HEALTH SERVICES / EXEMPTION-HPM (HEALTH SERVICES) / EXEMPTION-MEDICAID SERVICES / EXEMPTION-MEDICAID SERVICES (287.057(3 / EXEMPTION (287.055F.S.) / EXEMPTIONIGA (ANOTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY) / GOVERMENTAL AGENCY (287.057,F.S.) / GOVERNMENT AGENCY ASSIGNMENT EXEMPTION (287.057(3)(F).F.S.) /EXEMPTION-FED. OR STATE LAW PRESCRIBES / EXEMPTION-FED. OR STATE LAW PRESCRIBES VENDOR / EXEMPTIONLAW / EXEMPTION-LAW (FEDS/STATE Appendix A-1 Proposed Method Of Procurement Or Applied Exemption Codes.Docx 2 of 5 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting Website Appendix A Proposed Method of Procurement or Applied Exemption Codes LAW PESCRIBES VENDOR) / LEGISLATIVELY MANDATED Current MFMP Code W Current DFS 1 Code LEC Lectures by individuals [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 3 & 60A1.002 (4) (e)] 11 LEP 2 LES Lottery – Emergency Purchase [s. 24.109 & Rule 53ER07-55(9)] Legal services [s.287.057 (3) (f) 4] 11 LSCS Lottery – Single Source Purchase of Single Source Commodities or Services [s. 24.109 & Rule 53ER0755(8)(d)] 11 LSSL Lottery – Single Source Purchase of Licenses for Trademarks or Intellectual Properties [s. 24.109 & Rule 53ER07-55(8)(b)] 11 LSSP Lottery - Single Source Purchase of Promotional Events and Sponsorship Opportunities [s. 24.109 & Rule 53ER07-55(8)(a)] 5 MES Medicaid services [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 7 & Rule 60A1.002 (4) (k)] EXEMPTION-MES (MEDICAID SERVICES) C MFMC Purchase made from contracts let by the Fed. Gov., another state, or a political subdivision for commodities and contract services if determined to be cost-effective and in the best interest of the state. [s.287.042 (16) & Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (l)] AGENCY CONTRACT 4 MPD Services to persons w/ mental/physical disabilities by non-profit corporations [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 6 & Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (k)] EXEMPTION-MPD (MENTAL/PHYSICAL DISABILITIES) / EXEMPTION-SVCS TO MENTL/PHYS DISAB. BY NON-PROF / EXEMPTION-SVCS TO MENTL/PHYS DISAB.BY Competitive Solicitation and Exemption Descriptions Agency Unique EXEMPTION- IGA (OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES) / EXEMPTION-ANOTHER GOVERMMENTAL AGENCY/INDEPEND / EXEMPTION-LBI (LECTURES BY INDIVIDUALS) / EXEMPTION-LECTURES BY INDIVIDUALS / EXEMPTION-LES (LEGAL SERVICES) EXEMPTION (287.057) EXEMPTION (946.519,F.S.) / EXEMPTIONLEGAL SERVICES EXEMPTION 337.02,F.S. Appendix A-1 Proposed Method Of Procurement Or Applied Exemption Codes.Docx 3 of 5 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting Website Appendix A Proposed Method of Procurement or Applied Exemption Codes None NCC2 1 PAD Current MFMP Code N Current DFS 1 Code PRD Purchase made from PRIDE - Department of Corrections; prison industry programs. [s.287.095 (3) & s. 946.515] 7 PRE Prevention services [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 9 & Rule 60A1.002 (4) (k)] 9 REA Rate of payment is established during the appropriation process [287.057 (10)] M RESP Purchase made from RESPECT - Qualified nonprofit agency for the blind or for the other severely handicapped [s. 413.036 (2)] T RUTF Regulated utilities and government franchised and public communications, except long distance telecommunications services or facilities, [Rule 60A-1.002(4) (a) & (b)] RAILROAD/UTILITIES AGREEMENT None SETT2 Settlement Agreement [s. 17.03 (1)] SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT None SCYO Special contracts with charitable youth organizations [s. 255.60] P SSA D STCP None TDC2 Transpirations for the Disadvantaged [427.011 (5)] 8 TRG Training and education services [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 10 & s440.491 (6)] Agreement for goods or services below the competitive solicitation CATEGORY TWO threshold [s.287.057 (1)] Prescriptive assistive devices [s. 287.057 (3) (e)] Competitive Solicitation and Exemption Descriptions Single source approval [s. 287.057 (3) (c) & Rule 60A-1.045] State Term Contract Purchase [s. 287.057 (b) & Rule 60A-1047] SMALL PURCHASE Agency Unique ANOTHER GOVT AGCY CONTR S287.042(17)F.S. / EXEMPTION-ANOTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY EXEMPTION-PRE (PREVENTION SERVICES) / EXEMPTION-PREVENTION SVCS BY NON-PROFIT CORPS EXEMPTION-RATE ESTABLISHED BY APPROPRIATION / EXEMPTION-REA (PMT ESTAB DURING APPROPRIATIONS) / EXEMPTION-REA (RATE OF PAY,ESTABLISHED BY APPROP SINGLE SOURCE / SINGLE SOURCE(287.057,F.S.) / SOLE SOURCE DMS STATE CONTRACT PER S287.057(18)F.S. / STATE CONTRACT / STATE TERM CONTRACT TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGE (427.011,F.S.O.) EXEMPTION-TES (TRAINING & EDUCATION SERVICES) / EXEMPTIONTRAINING & EDUCATION SERVICES / EXEMPTION-TRNG & EDUC SVCS TO INJURED EMPLOY. Appendix A-1 Proposed Method Of Procurement Or Applied Exemption Codes.Docx 4 of 5 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting Website Appendix A Proposed Method of Procurement or Applied Exemption Codes The following Agency Unique Procurement Code Descriptions are agreement types, not procurement methods or exemptions. GRANT APPLICATION PROCESS LIMITED PURCHASE ORDER RENEWAL - ALTERNATE SERVICE PROCUREMENT METHOD RENEWAL -INVITATION TO BID RENEWAL ITB RENEWAL ITN RENEWAL IVITATION TO BID RENEWAL ONE/NO RESPONSE TO ITB/RFP RENEWAL ONE/NO RESPONSE TO ITB/RFP/ITN/ASPM RENEWAL REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RENEWAL- REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RENEWAL RFP RENEWAL-ONE/NO RESPONSE TO ITB/RFP SNAPS AGREEMENT 1. Currently used in the DFS’ None Competitive Solicitation Of commodities and Services Reporting website application. 2. Proposed new codes. Appendix A-1 Proposed Method Of Procurement Or Applied Exemption Codes.Docx 5 of 5 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting Website Appendix A-1 Proposed Method of Payment Codes Current MFMP Code DFS Proposed Code Descriptions Current Unique Agency Code Descriptions None 11 Fixed Price - Lump Sum 2 FLAT FEE / FIXED PRICE None 21 Fixed Price - Unit Cost 2 FIXED COST UNIT COST Fixed Price - Fixed Fee Schedule Fixed Price - Percentage Of Completion 3 FIXED PRICE FIXED FEE 3 5 ADVANCE 5 FIXED PRICE ADVANCE FUNDED ADVANCED - FIXED PRICE UNIT COST ADVANCE - FIXED PRICE FIXED FEE ADVANCE - COST REIMBURSEMENT COST REIMBURSEABLE 1 None None None 3 41 1 5 None 61 None 71 None 81 None 91 None 1 10 Advanced - 100 Percent ADVANCE - 100% Advanced - Fixed Price Unit Cost Advanced - Fixed Fee Schedule 4 Advanced - Cost Reimbursement Cost Reimbursement 3 Cost Reimbursement Plus Fixed Price Component(s) 3 COST REIMBRSEMENT/FIXED FEE SCHEDULE 4 OTHER COST REIMBURSEMENT OTHER PERFORMANCE BASED WIA COST REIMBURSEMENT 7 1 None 112 Performance Based 3 None None None 122 132 142 WIA Cost Reimbursement 2 1 5 WIA Performance Based Other 6 WIA PERFORMANCE BASED OTHER FISCAL AGENT PAID 1. Currently used in the DFS’ None Competitive Solicitation Of commodities and Services Reporting website application. 2. New proposed DFS codes. Appendix A-2 Proposed Method Of Payment Codes.Docx 1 of 1 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Appendix A-2 Proposed Contract/Agreement Type Codes Current MFMP Code DFS Proposed Code None MA Multiple-Party Agreement for Goods/Services None DO Direct Order for Goods/Services None PO Purchase Order for Goods/Services None GR Revenue Producing Agreement None NR Expense Netting Revenue Producing Agreement None FA Federal Financial Assistance Agreement None SA State Financial Assistance Agreement None MA Master Agreement None TO Task Order/Assignment None MA Memorandum of Agreement None MU Memorandum of Understanding None CA Cooperative Agreement None IA Interagency Agreement None RA Research Agreement None GA Grant Agreement None LA License Agreement None IP Installment Purchase Agreement None FL Facilities Lease None EL Equipment Lease None LL Land Lease None FR Facilities Rental Agreement None ER Equipment Rental Agreement None LR Land Rental Agreement Descriptions Appendix A-3 Proposed Contract - Contract Type Codes.Docx 1 of 5 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Appendix A-2 Proposed Contract/Agreement Type Codes The following Agency Unique Contract Type descriptions appear to be who contracting with or where the contract is funded instead of contract/agreement types. ADVANCE & RETAINAGE CONTRACT ADVANCE INTEREST DUE QUARTERLY APPRAISAL OF REAL ESTATE COMMODITIES COMMUNITY COLLEGES COMMUNITY FACILITIES FID 000366 COMMUNITY SUPERVISION FID 000365 COMMUNITY/STATE COLLEGES CONSTRUCTION GAAFR 30 CORRECTIONS DATA CENTER - WORKING CAPITAL T.F. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING TRUST FUND FID 148001 CUSTODY & CONTROL - FID 000364 CUSTOMIZED TRAINING CUSTOMIZED TRAINING AND TRADE DELINQUENCY SERVICES OTHER DELINQUENCY SERVICES PURCHASE ORDER DELINQUENCY SERVICES STANDARD CONTRACT DELINQUENCY SERVICES STANDARD RATE AGREEMENT DRUG / ALCOHOL TREATMENT EDUCATION FID 000370 FEDERAL AND/OR STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FID 523001, INMATE WELFARE TRUST FUND FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FSP CHILD PROTECTION INVESTIGATION GRANTS Appendix A-3 Proposed Contract - Contract Type Codes.Docx 2 of 5 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Appendix A-2 Proposed Contract/Agreement Type Codes GENERAL CONTRACT GENERAL REVENUE GRANTS & DONATIONS FUND INMATE (BANK) TRUST FUND INMATE WELFATE TRUST FUND FID 339063 FID 800004 FID 800003 LIFE SKILLS MAJOR INSTITUTION FUND FID 000364 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT UNDERSTANDING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT/UNDERSTANDING NOT BEING USED BY DOH AT THIS TIME NOVA UNIVERSITY OFFENDER WORK & TRAINING FID 000935 OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET FUND FID 000361 ON THE JOB AND CUSTOMIZED TRAINING ON THE JOB TRADE AND CUSTOMIZED TRAINING ON THE JOB TRAINING ON THE JOB TRAINING AND TRADE OTHER OTHER CONTRACT TYPES OTHER MEDICAL/HEALTH SERVICES FID 000908 OTHER SUBRECIPIENTS PAID FROM MORE THAN ONE FUND PAROLE & PROBATION FUND FID 000365 PROGRAM SPECIFIC CORE Appendix A-3 Proposed Contract - Contract Type Codes.Docx 3 of 5 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Appendix A-2 Proposed Contract/Agreement Type Codes PROGRAM SPECIFIC MODEL PROGRAMS FUND FID 000362 PROGRAMS FUND (12/17/94 USE PR INSTEAD) PUBLIC WORK SQUAD FUND FID 388001 PURCHASE ORDER RATE AGREEMENT RATE CONTRACT RATE CONTRACT(RATE AGREEMENT) REGIONAL ADMIN & OPERATIONS FUND FID 000363 RETAINAGE AND TASK ASSIGNMENT RETAINAGE HELD ON INVOICES REVENUE GENERATING (G&D JAIL INSPECTIONS) ROAD PRISON OPERATING TRUST FUND FID 510014 STANDARD CONTRACT STANDARD RATE AGREEMENT STATE AGENCIES STATE UNIVERSITIES STATE/FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT TASK ASSIGNMENT TRADE TRANSITIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TRUE GRANT TRUE GRANT -- FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TRUE GRANT -- STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TRUE GRANT FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Appendix A-3 Proposed Contract - Contract Type Codes.Docx 4 of 5 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Appendix A-2 Proposed Contract/Agreement Type Codes TRUE GRANT STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TRUE GRANT WITH RETAINAGE VENDOR Appendix A-3 Proposed Contract - Contract Type Codes.Docx 5 of 5 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for Contract Reporting System Appendix A-3 Proposed Contract/Agreement Status Codes Current MFMP Code DFS Proposed Code None None None None None None D E I T R A Descriptions Active Deleted Extended In Dispute Terminated Renewed Current Agency Unique 1 Descriptions None None None None None None 1. FLAIR does not have a Contract Status Code Appendix A-4 Proposed Contract - Contract Status Codes (2).Docx 1 of 1 October 12, 2011 Introduction - DFS Team Members Legislation Project Overview Reporting Requirements – Phase 1 2 The 2011 Legislature passed Senate Bill 2096 amending Section 215.985, Florida Statutes – Transparency in Government Spending. The bill made DFS responsible for the development and maintenance of a Contract Reporting Website. 3 Project Manager ◦ Scott Tomaszewski Executive Leadership ◦ Tami Torres – Deputy CFO ◦ Terry Kester – Chief Information Officer ◦ Christina Smith – Director, Div. Acct. & Auditing Key Technical Staff ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Robert Foster – Web development Patricia Nettles– Departmental FLAIR Joy James – Departmental FLAIR Marjorie Wilder – Database Administrator 5 Functional Lead ◦ Bill Dubose Communications Lead ◦ Chan Leonard Training Lead ◦ Ella Hinson 6 Build a consumer- friendly contract reporting website with robust queries that will allow the public to search for contracts by agency, by vendor, or by service type Consolidation of contract reporting requirements to that Agencies will only have to report contract information in one place. Replaces EOG’s data base and CFO Non-Competitive Solicitation of Commodities and Services Reporting and FLAIR’s Contract subsidiary Website will contain contract information and images of contracts. Contract information will be validated with the State’s accounting system (FLAIR) and the State’s purchasing system (MyFlorida MarketPlace – MFMP). 7 Provide a secure sign-on to the application for state agencies and Department staff Ability for state agencies to submit manually or via interface general information related to individual contracts Ability to download contract information from the web into an Excel format Ability to validate the contract information with data from the State’s accounting system 8 Ability to transmit contract information to the State’s accounting system Ability to retrieve each contract’s disbursement data from the State’s accounting system and include as part of the reporting for the web Ability to accept scanned procurement and contract documents from the state agencies for reporting on the web 9 Ability to report appropriations information (Fund, Budget Entity, Category) on each contract Provide robust queries that allow the public to search at a minimum by state agency, by vendor, or by contract service type for the current fiscal year and retain ten fiscal years. Note: The records available will grow with each FY, for a maximum retention of the previous 10 FYs. 10 Phase 1 Completed by March 1, 2012 Development of the web-based application for receiving, maintaining, editing, querying and presenting contract information. Phase 2 Completed by July 1, 2012 Tying contract data to FLAIR Disbursements and General Appropriation. Phase 3 Completed by July 1, 2012 Links scanned procurement and contract documents to each contract. 11 Phase 4 Completed by December 31, 2012 Provides new screens for reporting audit findings related to the contract. Phase 5 Completed by April 30, 2013 Provides new fields for reporting information that is specific to grant agreements. Phase 6 Completed by October 31, 2013 Add new reporting entities to Statewide Contract Reporting System. 12 13 14 Phase 1 51 Total Required Fields ◦ 27 are identical to FLAIR’s Contract File ◦ 24 are new fields Two fields for Contract/Agreement Number ◦ Agency Assigned Number – 50 alphanumeric ◦ FLAIR number – 5 alphanumeric ◦ Agencies can input a specific number for FLAIR or let the web application assign a sequential FLAIR number 16 4 Agency Unique Fields converted to State Standard ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Method of Procure./Exempt Code (see Appendix A) Method of Payment (see Appendix A-1) Contract/Agreement Type (see Appendix A-2) Contract/Agreement Status (see Appendix A-3) Amendment(s), Extension(s), or Renewal(s) will be tracked as a contract change(s). Agencies will be required to report all changes and update the contract dates and/or amounts when applicable. 17 FLAIR Optional Fields that will now be required in Web Application: Contract/Agreement Type Contract/Agreement Status Date Contract/Agreement Executed Method of Procurement Method of Payment Original Amount CFDA Code, if applicable 18 FLAIR Optional Fields that will now be required in Web Application: CSDA Code, If applicable Recipient Type, If CFDA or CSFA used Vendor ID Contract Manager Name Contract Manager Phone Number 29 Digit Account Code for Correlations Change Amount, if applicable New Ending Date, if applicable Change Description, if applicable 19 New Required Fields: Agency Assigned Contract/Agreement ID Contract’s Recurring Budget Amount Contract’s Nonrecurring Budget Amount Deliverable Description Deliverable Price, if applicable Financial Consequences Performance Measure Description Statutory Authority for Service 20 New Required Fields: General Comments Regarding the Contract Exemption Code from Competitive Solicitation, if applicable Justification for non-competitive solicitation, if applicable Contract Manager Email Address Materially Modified for 3% Withholding (Y/N) No Cost Change for 3% Withholding (Y/N) Change Executed Date 21 22 23 Increases visibility, and transparency of the goods and services that the State purchases Improves monitoring of procurement and promotes better contracts 24 Next Workshop Date: October 26, 2011 Location: Conference Center at Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Connor Blvd Time: 1:30 – 4:30 Agencies can submit comments/concerns by completing an Impact Statement no later than Friday, October 21st. Comments/Concerns will be discussed at next workshop 25 To find out more about the SCRS Project, please contact us: Bill DuBose, Financial Administrator 850.413.4627 26