DATE May 30, 2014
TIME 8:30 – 10:00
LOCATION Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles, Auditorium
Opening Remarks - Christina Smith, Chair
Meeting began with introductions of attendees on phone and present at HSMV
Update: Department of Management Services
Division of Retirement - Gary Green
o Gary reviewed changes to the contribution rates (see handout) and indicated the
information would be sent to each Agency’s retirement coordinate in the next week
o Gary explained a new initiative for the DMS Contact Center. 40% of the calls are not
getting into the center timely. DMS is centralizing the people and process so that they
can get more of the phone calls answered. The staff are targeted to move into the DOR
building in September.
Human Resource Management – Libby Farmer and Jim Parry
o Libby mentioned that the Employee Bonuses are scheduled for loading today
o Libby provided the group with a summary of bills monitored during the Legislative
session (see handout)
o HB 7015 Military and Veteran Support changes the recruitment process. Removes the
Florida residency requirement for Veteran’s preference and increases the qualifying
categories from 5 to 7. There is a People First impact to this bill; all open requisitions on
June 30 will be closed to accommodate the system changes required. The People First
Service Center will contact the hiring managers to discuss impacts to open requisitions.
o Jim provided an overview on the negotiation process for Collective Bargaining (see
People First Update – David DiSalvo
o David gave an update on performance evaluations. On June 1, 2014, managers will
receive the following emails for each of their employees:
 Begin completing performance evaluations for the evaluation period that ends on
June 30, 2014. [Note: Managers have up to 60 days after the end of the evaluation
period to complete their employees’ evaluation. If the evaluation is not completed,
the system will administratively close-out the evaluation on the 61st day, which is
never recommended. Administratively-closed evaluations default to a score of a
“3.0”, potentially having a negative impact on employees (e.g., bonus payments if
their score would have been 3.5 or higher)].
 Begin setting performance expectations for the July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
evaluation period.
o Agency cascaded performance expectations have been loaded into People First for the
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 evaluation period.
The following performance management communications regarding two new system
enhancements will be sent to agencies on May 30:
 Copying Performance Expectations Reminder – managers have the ability to copy
job-specific performance expectations from one performance evaluation period to
another evaluation period. The copy feature will be available beginning June 1,
 Adding Attachments to an Evaluation Form – a new system enhancement is being
implemented to allow mangers to attach documents to an employee’s
performance evaluation form. The enhancement will be available beginning with
the July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 evaluation period.
David reminded the agencies that today (Friday, May 30) was the last day to provide the
People First team completed mass loads for the employees who will be receiving the
bonus payments. 18 agencies have provided files. If the People First team doesn’t
receive the files by close of business today, the agency will have to manually input the
payments on the Awards Payments screen in People First.
EOG has not approved the final bonus recipient list. DMS recommends that agencies
not announce bonus information to employees until EOG approves the list. Group
questioned the June 6 deadline for employees to submit deferred compensation
paperwork for the bonus payments. Although the bonus list is not approved, Treasury
recommended that employees who want to bonuses to be directed to deferred
compensation to submit the appropriate paperwork to the Treasury and the Treasury
will process the request is the employee receives a bonus.
Real Estate Development – Tom Berger
o Tom reviewed the deadlines for data collection (see PowerPoint) and the progress to
date on data collection (see handout)
Update – Department of Financial Services
New Hire – Christina Smith
o Jennifer Reeves is the new Assistant Bureau Chief in Auditing. She’s joining DFS from
the Auditor General’s office. Please contact either Laura Anderson or Jennifer if you
have questions that your assigned Financial Administrator cannot resolve.
FLAIR and CMS Replacement Project – Christina Smith
o The Department received FY14/15 funding for the project including 22 new positions.
The first two years are focused on planning and procurement activities. Christina will
continue to provide updates to the group as the project progresses.
Standardized Object Code Project – Christina Smith
o Team is currently reviewing object code impact statements and will provide the
agencies that submitted impact statements responses. Several agencies have indicated
that specific object codes are required for reporting needs; DFS recommends leveraging
the external FLAIR fields.
A&A is targeting an object code workshop in the third week of June. During this
meeting expect to discuss existing reporting that can be amended.
FLAIR Education will continue standard training classes throughout the summer. New
object code courses will be available in August
Statewide Vendor File Scorecard – Rachel Lieblick
o Agency personnel may lose Statewide Vendor file add access if 25% or more of the
records they add do not follow policy for any three months out of a six month period.
BVR will require the employee to retake the SWVF training and pass the test. If the
errors continue after the retraining, the employee’s access will be terminated for 30
days. (see handout)
o These changes are effective beginning with the August review of the July records added
to the Statewide Vendor file by agency employees.
o Please contact if you have any questions.
Year End Agency Training – Christina
o The Year End workshop is scheduled for June 3rd at the DCF Winewood Complex,
Building #4. The workshop will over CAFR, SEFA, and new GASB standards
Open Floor – No topics for discussion
Meeting was adjourned