2015 Prayer for Catholic Education

Prayer for Catholic Education
Vice Principal
L. Rossi
Website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/ANNEE
St. Anne Catholic School
M. Gibson
Secretarial Staff
L. Cameron
M. Carli
J. Lemos
S. Steer
(905) 890-1221
Fr. J. Cherickal
Fr. F. Marrone
(905) 453-1303
A. DaSilva
(416) 706-5679
Lord, our God,
Teach us to cherish the gift of
Catholic Education that is ours
And to nourish it by our dedication
And contributions to its growth.
Watch over our ministry of service
And strengthen us in our task
In working for the welfare of our
And for your greater glory.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.
Important Dates
May 3-8
May 7
May 11
May 13
May 18
Catholic Education Week
Talent Show, 7 pm
P.A. Day (No school)
Anti-Bullying Magic Show, 7 pm
Victoria Day (No school)
Graduating Class of 2015:
St. Anne Catholic School
124 Vodden St. E.
Brampton, ON
(905) 459-7621
Follow us on Twitter:
Graduation Banquet: June 17th,
11am -2:30 pm at Professors Lake Banquet Hall. This is a graduation lunch and
dance for students only. They will be
bussed to and from the event.
Graduation Ceremony: June 17th at Cardinal Leger Secondary School, 7:00 pm.
Invitations will be forthcoming in June.
Parents and students are reminded that school starts
promptly at 9:00 am. Arriving on time is an important life
skill and lateness impacts the learning of all. Please call
(905) 459-7621 to let us know your child will be late or
absent. This information is important to the safety of
your child. Any student arriving late or leaving the school
during the day must be signed out by an adult at the Office. If your child will be leaving early for an appointment, please call ahead and/or send a note in this regard
to your child’s teacher.
Parents/guardians are reminded that school ends at 3:30
pm and teachers will dismiss students through their entry/
exit door NOT the main entrance. The main entrance and
the office area are very busy at the end of the day as bus
students and visitors to the school exit by those doors.
hold a valid parking permit for its use. Parents must not
park in front of the large dumpster located next to the
visitor’s parking lot. On several occasions, the garbage
disposal company was unable to access and empty the
dumpster. When this happens, the bin fills up and overflows with garbage. Having the company come back outside of its scheduled pick up time results in a $100 surcharge. Furthermore, parents are asked not to park in the
Sir John A. Macdonald parking lot. It is reserved for staff
use. Please consider parking in the Church parking lot
which is a short walk away. Thank you for your cooperation.
In keeping with Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board Policy, all visitors to the school must report to the
office. No parent or visitor is permitted in the school
without checking in at the office first. If you have an appointment with a staff member, office staff will let them
know you have arrived. If you wish to speak to your
child’s teacher, kindly call the school or leave a message
Parents may drop off lunches at the table outside the of- with office staff and the teacher will be in touch with you.
fice for their child to come and pick up at the start of indoor lunch time (12:25 pm). Please ensure you label your
child’s lunch. Students who go home for lunch are reTeachers acknowledge students’ birthdays in different
minded that lunch runs from 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with
ways in each classroom. We all want to make our child’s
afternoon classes starting at 12:45 pm. Also, any Intermebirthday a special day, however we kindly ask that you do
diate Students planning to go out for lunch, must provide
not send in any food items to school.. This is not only
written consent to their teacher first thing that morning
due to student allergies, but also to minimize disruptions
and sign in/out at the Office. Students will not be given
during the school day. If you want to do something, conpermission to call home during the day to go out for
sider sending in non food items such as pencils, stickers,
The staff of St. Anne will meet over the next few weeks to
discuss class placements for September 2015. When deciding placement, some criteria we consider are: academic
ability, work habits, study skills, social factors and placement history. Our goal is to create a balance of gender,
ability and student needs.
We will be celebrating Catholic Education Week May 3 May 8, 2015. The theme this year is Exploring Paths of
Joy. During this week, the Catholic community celebrates
the distinctive contribution that Catholic schools make to
our students, our community and our province. Each day
Parents are invited to give input to the school with regards of the week will focus on a different sub-theme.
to any special needs or learning profile. Please do not request specific teachers as teacher placements are tentative Monday: Walking Together and Sharing Our Stories
and can change between now and September. Included in Tuesday: Opening the Scriptures
this newsletter is a form parents can complete and submit Wednesday: Welcoming Others to the Table
to the Principal by Friday, May 8. As there are many vari- Thursday: Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread
ables which are taken into account when creating classes, Friday: Proclaiming the Good News
we cannot accommodate all requests. The final decision
Staff and students will be working on a variety of activities
rests with the Principal.
to celebrate Catholic Education Week at St. Anne School
in their classrooms, including the following events: Daily
Parents are advised to please park in the designated areas Prayers, Intermediate Boys and Girls Conference
and to observe parking signs on school property. The (Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Healthy Souls) and
Handicapped Parking spot is reserved for drivers who Talent Show (Time to Shine).
This month we will celebrate the virtue of ACWe STRONGLY encourage parents and guardians to use CEPTANCE.
the RAZ KIDS website to access great books that are An accepting person:
designed to support students learning to read and develop
 Is friendly and open to all God’s people
their reading comprehension. Reading is an opportunity to
 Sees the positive traits in all people even if
share some quality time with your child and support their
he/she disagrees with them
literacy development. The goal is to practice reading
 Avoids judging or stereotyping others
(which includes making mistakes!) and to talk about what
 Understands that there may be more than
you have read. It is a chance to spark curiosity, make conone way to do things
nections to ideas and opinions or identify with a character.
Sticks up for the “underdog” and wants the
This excellent resource is available for use on mobile debest for others.
vices. Reading on the go! Please assist your child to log
Prays for others.
on at least three times a week for a minimum of 20
Accepts the things one cannot change in
minutes per session.
him/herself, others and the world
This year Brampton West Family of Schools has been
involved in Math PODS where four schools are clustered
together to work on Math instruction and inquiry. Administration and two staff members visit each school and GREEN TEAM
work with Board Math Consultants and colleagues to re- This month the Green Team celebrated Earth Day! Stuview curriculum, plan and deliver a lesson in a host class- dents in grades 1-5 participated in mini-workshops about
room (Primary and Junior). This professional learning Earth's water. All students enjoyed these presentations!
opportunity enables administrators and teachers to extend We appreciate students bringing reusable water containers
their knowledge of math curriculum and explore teaching to school. Tap water is not only healthy, but also free of
strategies and resources which can be applied to their charge. If you haven't yet, please consider switching to a
reusable water bottle. You will feel better about your commitment to Earth's environment.
To assist students with preparation for the EQAO provincial assessment, after school tutoring sessions are running
twice a week from 3:30-5:00 pm until May 20 (rain date
May 21). The province wide assessment will take place
from May 25th to June 5th. Please refrain from booking
any appointments during those weeks. Visit the EQAO
website and click on the link for Parent Resources for free
resources and sample assessments:
St Anne School has joined a Terra Cycle Brigade. Students
who bring Schneider's Lunchables to school may recycle
the cardboard, but bring the plastic to room 207. When
we have 100 containers we will send them to Terra Cycle
to be up-cycled. Check their website at https://
www.terracycle.ca In May the Green Team will continue
to promote our school's environmental causes, including
continued work on our school grounds.
This is a student lead project where the students are in
charge of planning and organizing St. Anne's first art gallery showcase. The event will take place May 29 all day
We will showcase April’s Virtue - Love and honour stu- (parents are welcome to attend). In addition to the oppordents who demonstrated it on Friday, May 1st. Thank you tunity to tour the gallery, the students have in store a mini
to Ms. deLemos’ and Ms. Tedesco’s classes for organizing engaging show that will educate the audience on brief
aspects of the visual art world. Last but not least, they will
the assemblies. Please join us:
9:30-10:00 am - Roca, Mesquita, 2, 4, 6, 8
end this vast experience with the fun visual art gym filled
10:45-11:15 am - Lobo, 1, 2/3, 4/5, 5, 7
with art activities to explore and a special treat on the way
out. Many thanks goes to Ms. Stewart and Mrs. GalloReid for offering their time and guidance. Contact the
school for further details.
Grades 6-8 students who are part of the Orienteering
Team have been training for their upcoming competition.
They have a Mini Meet practice scheduled for May 7 at
Duggan Park. The Orienteering Meet is on May 13 at
Albion Hills. Thank you to Mrs. DeRidder & Mme Alaimo.
of the trip for families. On behalf of staff and students,
we want to express our thanks. Your support is most
Four! Grade 6 students will be receiving 4 golf lessons as
part of their Physical Education program starting April 29.
The goals of the program are to teach basic golf skills and
to introduce students to a life long sport. St. Anne School
Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Healthy Souls
will be covering the cost of the lessons in order to provide
Wednesday, May 6. Our Conference begins with a Peel this unique opportunity to students.
Police presentation on Social Media and the Law, followed by rotating sessions involving Dance, Yoga, Martial BALLROOM DANCING LESSONS
Arts, Mental Health & Nutrition, Athlete Paul D’Elia Students in Grade 7 & 8 will be receiving ballroom dance
(Trap Shooting) and Transition to Secondary School (led lessons in May. Thank you to Mrs. Coulas for organizing
by students from Cardinal Leger's Link Crew). The day this and to School Council for subsidizing it.
will wrap up with our parish priest, Father Francesco,
talking about how prayer can fit into their lives. The focus of the day will be the importance of nurturing bodies,
minds and souls and leading balanced lives in a community of faith.
Please join us at our next School Council meeting on
Wednesday May 13, 2015 at 6:15 pm in the Conference
BOYS: The Intermediate Boys Basketball Team compet- Room. All parents are welcome to attend.
ed in a Mini Tournament on April 22 after much preparation and many practices. They played well and lost in the CHOCOLATE FUNDRAISER
semi-finals. Thanks for a good season: Charles A.,
Our School Council Lamontagne Chocolate Fundraiser is
Armando B., Ruben C.-B., Lucas C., Austin D., Mateo D., well under way and runs till May 6, 2015. Students receive
Blake N., Adam P., Jaeden. S, Blake S. and Jacob S. Spe- small prizes for each box they sell and/or prize draw tickcial thanks to coaches Ms. Christie and Ms. Slade.
ets for every box sold. There are Early Bird Draws (April
22 -Canada’s Wonderland Pass; April 29 - $50 Movie
GIRLS: The Intermediate Girls Basketball Team compet- Pass), Grand Prize Draw (Carving Trikke Scooter), as well
ed in the Mini-Family Tournament on April 23. They as prizes for top seller from each class ($50 gift card),
played well and won all their games advancing to the Fam- pizza lunch for top selling class and for the top seller of
ily Tournament on April 30. Good luck to Brianna E., the school., a Family Weekend at Fallsview Waterpark
Leila N., Melody R, Sanaa W., Victoria P., Vicky G., Abi- ($300 value). Thank you for your support; funds raised
gail E., Ciera O., Marie D., Arianna G., Esther P., Noami support initiative like Graduation, technology, dance lesI. Goooooo Titans! Thanks to coaches Mrs. Tedesco, sons, etc. We kindly ask that all money be sent in to the
Ms. Badura and Ms. Stewart.
school by Wednesday, May 6. Draw for the Grand Prize
of the Trikke Scooter will take place on the morning of
Friday, May 8th.
Time to Shine! St. Anne students showcase their many
God given talents in music, dance, song, drama and more ANTI-BULLYING MAGIC SHOW
in our Annual Talent Show. Please join us on Thursday, School Council has booked “Anti-Bullying Magic Show”
May 7 from 7-8:30 pm or on Friday, May 8 at 9:30 am or
on Wednesday, May 13. Husband and wife duo, Brent
1 pm at St. Anne School. Many thanks to the following
teachers for dedicating time to organize this event: Mme. and Sarah Nicholls, take the stage as IncrediBrent & Super
Commisso, Ms. deLemos, Mrs. Del Pilar, Ms. DiZazzo, Sarah in this fast paced and funny magic show for the
whole family. The interactive show delivers inspiring mesMrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Tedesco.
sages about self confidence and understanding
and overcoming bullying. There will be two shows during
The Intermediate trip to Montreal this June is fast apthe day for students and a parent show in the evening
proaching! Teachers continue to organize small fundraisstarting at 7:00 pm at St. Anne. Please RSVP using the
ers (popcorn, ice cream bars, etc.) to help offset the cost
enclosed flyer or by calling the school at 905-459-7621.
We congratulate our Grade 2 students who celebrated
their First Holy Communion on Saturday, April 18th. We
also extend best wishes to our Grade 8 students who will
receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, May
23 at 2:00 pm at St. Anne’s Church.
Please join us for our school Year End Mass on Tuesday,
June 8th at St. Anne’s Parish at 10:30 am. School Council
will be giving our Grade 2 & 8 students pins to commemorate the Sacrament of First Holy Communion and
Thank you to the St. Anne School Community.
Your generosity to our Live Free Campaign raised a total
of $1,315.00 for our Breakfast Program. We doubled our
total donations from last year. 100% of the donations will
go towards purchasing food for our program. Thank you
for your generosity.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to offer a number of Summer Programs for students
and adults. Please refer to the insert in this newsletter for
programs, dates, times and locations.
This is a remedial literacy program for all students from
SK– Grade 6 running from July 6 - July 24, 2015. There is
a fee for this camp and no busing is provided. Principal
approval required. Registrations are due June 5th (see insert for details).
This remedial literacy and numeracy program is for students recommended by the Principal and runs for 3 weeks
from June 29 - July 17, 2015. Registration is due May 29.
Busing is available from students’ home school and will
take place at various schools in Brampton. (See enclosed
May 1st
Virtue of Love (April) Assemblies (Large Gym)
9:30-10:00 am - Roca, Mesquita, 2, 4, 6, 8
10:45-11:15 am - Lobo, 1, 2/3, 4/5, 5, 7
First Holy Communion Luncheon 12:00 pm
May 3-8 Catholic Education Week
May 6
Boys and Girls Conference
May 7
Talent Show @ St. Anne’s School, 7-8:30 pm
Orienteering Practice Meet @ Duggan Park
May 8
Pizza Day
Talent Show, 9:30 am & 1:00 pm
May 10
Happy Mother’s Day
May 11
P. A. Day - No School for students
May 13
School Council Mtg. @ 6:15 pm, Conference Rm;
School Council Event: Anti-Bullying Magic Show
7:00 pm @ St. Anne School, Large Gym
Orienteering Meet @ Albion Hills
May 18
Victoria Day (School Closed)
May 22
Pizza Day
Volunteer Social 2:00-3:30pm (Small Gym)
May 23
Grade 8 Confirmation, 2:00 pm @ St. Anne’s
May 25
Grade 3 and 6 EQAO Assessments start
June 8
P.A. Day - No School for students
June 17
Grade 8 Graduation @ Cardinal Leger S.S.
7:00 pm
Information regarding an allegation of sexual abuse of a
minor related to the late Fr. James (Jim) Roth, OSFS, is
posted on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board’s main webpage at www.dpcdsb.org. Additional
information, including where to report abuse or suspected
abuse, is also posted on the website of Father Roth’s religious order, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, at
www.tdprovince.org and the Archdiocese of Toronto at
www.archtoronto.org . Please consult these sources as