Document 14266548

God our Father, your Son Jesus gave up His life to free us
from the power of sin and death.
He showed us that the greatest love is in giving up one’s life for others.
We remember those who fought and died for our freedom. We ask you to bless
and console them together with their families.
Help us to understand the sacrifices they made in leaving their loved ones to face
the horrors of war. May we never forget their generosity.
May your Holy Spirit give us the courage to resist evil in all its forms and show
us how to be peacemakers through prayer and action.
Lest we forget who fought, suffered and died that we might have the freedom and
peace we enjoy today. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
QSP Update
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Cross Country
Page 2
RazKids.Com Reminder
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Page 3
Remembrance Day Ceremony Info
Page 3
Hard candy Donations
Page 4
The boys and girls at St. Andrew School
challenged Mr. LaCute, the Principal to see if
they sold 400 magazines as part of the school’s
QSP Magazine Fundraiser, he would have to
dress up as a hamster and roll around in a
hamster ball. Well, the 400 students certainly
enjoyed the outcome!
NEW! Please follow us on Twitter @StAndrewSchool
Together in Faith and Excellence
QSP Magazine Fundraiser
Thank you to all those who enthusiastically supported
our QSP fundraiser this year. We surpassed our goal of
325 subscriptions--the final tally was 479 subscriptions
sold! This results in a profit of $4700.00 for our artistsin-the-school program. We have already benefitted
from this fundraiser with presenters in our school,
including singer/songwriter Julie Kryk who worked with
our grades 6 to 8 students to write a school song and
graduation song. We have many more opportunities for
all of our students in all our divisions coming up,
including authors, theatre groups, musicians, and
storytellers. Prize packages for participating students
should arrive shortly, and will be delivered to each
student's classroom. Remember you can continue to
support this initiative and order online through QSP
throughout the school year, using St. Andrew School ID
password: 3716974.
Attendance Verification
In the interest of your child’s safety, it is very important
to inform us if your child will be late or absent from
school. To record your child’s absence, please call the
school at (519)942-0262. Messages can be left on the
school’s voicemail at any time.
Please leave the following information:
1) Your child’s name
2) Date and time of absence
3) Reason and duration of absence
Nut Allergy Alert!
We have several students who have life
threatening allergies to nuts, sesame seeds
and/or peanuts. We are asking that you help us make
St. Andrew an allergy aware school by refraining from
sending your children with peanut butter or other
products containing nuts or nut oils (i.e., Nutella). If
these students come into contact with anything
containing nuts, nut oils or derivatives, it could be life
threatening. Some students have such a severe allergy
that only the smell of the allergen may cause a reaction.
Cross Country Meet Success
St. Andrew School would like to congratulate all 41
members of the Cross Country running team on their
successful Family meet at Monora Park on October
17th. All runners worked very hard during practices and
their efforts paid off at the meet. Two girls won in their
age group race: Sara Rose and Vanessa . Other top
finishers that will go the board final include: Natalie ,
Dorthy , Leslie , Brie , Hailey , Logan , Julianne, Andrew ,
Keira , Anthony , Mya and Britten. Congratulations to
the St. Andrew cross country team for their success at
the Board wide meet at Centennial Park. With over
1000 students from Dufferin-Peel participating, St.
Andrew students ran their personal best and we are all
proud of their determination and hard work. Special
mention to Vanessa who placed 1st for the grade 6 girls,
Sarah Rose, who placed 2nd for the grade 7 girls and
Bree who placed 3rd in the grade 4/5 girls’ division.
We are looking forward to seeing you all out again next
year! Thank-you to Mr. Malec and Mrs. Cockburn for
coaching this year’s team.
At-Home Reflex Math and
Raz Kids Update
A reminder to all parents that
your son/daughter can continue
incorporating both Raz Kids
(gr.1-3) and Reflex Math (Gr. 28) into their daily or weekly
homework regime to consolidate the numeracy and
literacy skills being learned in class. Your child’s teacher
either has or is in the process of distributing passwords
and using the Computer Lab with students to remind
students how to use the two ‘at-home’ computer
programs. Thank you again to our School Council for
supporting this school-wide initiative. Good luck to all
our students and great work everyone.
Together in faith and excellence
“Movember” is Here!
Volleyball News
Our male staff are challenging each other to
grow a moustache as part of “Movember”
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Other
than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most
common cancer in men. Mason jars with the
participants’ names have been placed in the main office
and children, parents and staff members are asked to
consider donating any change. Let’s encourage the
participants to stay in the race until the last day in
November! We will have a ‘Clean Shave’ assembly on
the last day to celebrate the wonderful contributions of
the entire school community for this worthwhile and
fun campaign. The ‘guys’ would like you to consider
making an online donation by visiting the Movember
website at:> go to Donate>
Search “The Guys at St. Andrew School” in the ‘Search
for a Team’ box. We look forward to watching the
mustaches growing over the month of November and
especially the ‘Shave Off’ assembly on November 28th.
Thanks for your support in helping us raise awareness
and money to help find a cure for prostate cancer!
The St. Andrew Junior Boys/Girls
Volleyball Team did a great job at
the tournament at St. Benedict
School on Thursday, October 9th.
For much of the group, this was
their first interschool team.
Ladies/Gentelmen on a job well
done! We hope you are proud of yourselves. Thank
you for representing St. Andrew School so well on all
levels! Thank-you to Mrs. O’Blenis, Mrs. Sellers and
Before/ After School
Child Care Program
Parents, as you are aware, the YMCA
is offering the Before/After School
Child Care Program separately for the
Full Day Kindergarten Program students and the Gr. k-6
students. Spaces are still available. It is the parents’
responsibility to directly contact the day care provider if
you are interested in this child care service. Please call
Rachel Kameka 519-942-3290.
Monster Mash Was A Smash
See Us In Santa Claus Parade!
We are very excited to be
having a float and participating
in the Orangeville Santa Claus
Parade on Saturday, November
15th starting at 5:00 p.m.
Students and staff will be
walking along the side of our
float demonstrating on Catholic faith and showing our
pride in Catholic education here in Orangeville. Hope to
see you in the crowds!
Tuesday Pizza Lunch Update
Pizza days will be on Tuesday, throughout the school
year. If Bus or schools are cancelled on a Tuesday, then
Pizza day would be on Wednesday.
Student Vote 2014
This year St. Andrew students from Grades 4 to 8
participated in ‘Student Vote’ on October 23. This was a
great experience for students on how to vote and to get
them engaged in the voting process and the election on
October 27th!
Students and staff once again enjoyed their day at the
Monster Mash on Oct. 31th. The costumes were incredible
and the music was awesome! A very special thank you to
Mrs. Prendergast, Mrs. Zeidler and all the Students of Faith
for organizing the event.
Remembrance Day Ceremony
We would like to invite all parents/guardians to our
Remembrance Day Ceremony taking place at 11:00 a.m.
Together in faith and excellence
in the Gym. All Girl Guides, Scouts and Cadets are
encouraged to wear their uniforms.
development, Math and Science.
Hard Candy Drive Collection
Malnutrition shuts down the
body’s digestive track and
often children can not eat,
even when regular healthy
food is given to them. However,
doctors have discovered that
candy, with its high content of
sugar, can start the digestive track
working. This allows children in Third World countries to
consume food, thus saving their lives. Please help our
‘Students of Faith’ in their Annual Halloween Hard
Candy Collection initiative to save children’s lives!
Please collect and drop off hard candy in a plastic bag to
the main office this week and right up until Monday,
November 17. Thank you for your generosity in helping
others who need our help.
November Virtue of the Month
This month we will celebrate the virtue of CONSCIENCE.
God has given us the ability to know the right and decent
way to act and then to act that way. We trust that the
common Spirit we share inspires us and guides us to make
good decisions if we allow our CONSCIENCE to be wellformed. A person of CONSCIENCE allows prayer and
A person of CONSCIENCE:
• Chooses to do the "right
thing" and feels good about it
• Can see how his/her actions
may hurt others
• Admits his/her wrong-doing
and feels badly
• Says "sorry" and tries to make
up for mistakes
• Keeps promises
Reading & Writing: A Parent
Each family with children in K-Grade 6 recently received
an extremely helpful parent guide produced by the
Ministry of Education. Please take the time to read this
informative resource as it can help you support your
child’s learning. As educators, we appreciate the
teamwork between home and school!
Reminders and Resources: Cold
and Flu Season
As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board continues to be vigilant in
ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school
communities are educated regarding good hand
hygiene and cough etiquette. These practices are
promoted on an ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of
colds and flu increases, our board increases the cleaning
of contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to review
cold and flu prevention with students and staff. Many
resources are utilized from our regional health units.
A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be
contracted in public places throughout the year. For
example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are
transferred from person to person through hand
contact. Cold and flu viruses typically peak from
December through February, but can start as early as
Regional Health Unit Resources
Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing
procedures, as well as other preventative measures, as
outlined in the various Peel Health and Wellington
Dufferin Guelph (WDG) resources available to you
through their websites. As always, children who are
unwell, should be kept at home.
TVO Kids Homework
Visit the website for free curriculum-linked videos,
games and activities to help your child with literacy
Together in faith and excellence
Flu Clinics
Also available on the Peel Health and WDG websites,
are the schedules of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the health unit websites:
Peel Health website:
Wellington Dufferin Guelph Health website:
Direct links to the above information can be found in
the Parent Section of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board website at
Christmas Play!
We will be having a Christmas Play, On Tuesday
December 16. The play is called Miracle on Bethlehem
street. More details to follow, so stay tuned.
Important Church News
For parents of students in Grade 2 receiving the
Sacraments of First Reconciliation
(Confession) and First Holy
Communion, some important
dates are coming up throughout
the month of November including:
November 3 – Enrollment Mass
November 9 – First Confession
Retreat (a.m. or p.m.)
November 26 & 28 – First Confession Celebration
•Nov. 5 Gr. 8 Transition Day at R.F. Hall
Secondary School
•Nov. 10 School Council Meeting
• Nov.11 Progress Reports Go Home
• Nov. 11 Remembrance Day
• Nov. 12 Puppet show
• Nov. 13 Pointsetta money due
• Nov. 13 Interview Night
•Nov. 14 PA DAY
• Nov 27 Robert F.Hall information night
 Math at home insert
 Catholic Update
Together in faith and excellence
Together in Faith and Excellence