Document 14266528

God our Father, your Son Jesus gave up His life to free us
from the power of sin and death.
He showed us that the greatest love is in giving up one’s life for others.
We remember those who fought and died for our freedom. We ask you to bless
and console them together with their families.
Help us to understand the sacrifices they made in leaving their loved ones to face
the horrors of war. May we never forget their generosity.
May your Holy Spirit give us the courage to resist evil in all its forms and show
us how to be peacemakers through prayer and action.
Lest we forget who fought, suffered and died that we might have the freedom and
peace we enjoy today. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Movie Night RSVP due Friday!
Page 2
Movember Challenge
Page 2
Fundscrip is SO Easy!
Page 3
Pita Pit Lunch Information
Page 4
Halloween Hard Candy Collection
Page 4
Church News
Page 5
Please follow us on Twitter @StAndrewSchool
The boys and girls at St. Andrew School
challenged Mr. LaCute to wear a bull’s eye and
have students toss a wet sponge if everyone
sold 400 magazines, as part of the school’s QSP
Magazine Fundraiser. The students didn’t quite
reach the school wide goal but the students
certainly enjoy their ‘treat’ after the Halloween
Dance! Thank you to everyone for participating
in this year’s QSP Magazine Fundraiser!
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
is pleased to announce the appointment of
Marianne Mazzorato as Director Designate of
Education and Secretary to the Board effective
November 16th until January 15, 2016 when she
succeeds John B. Kostoff, who will retire after
eight years as Director. The entire St. Andrew
School community would like to thank Mr.
Kostoff for his incredible leadership in Catholic
education. We would also like to congratulate
Ms. Mazzorato as the new Director and look
forward to her visiting St. Andrew School soon!
Together in Faith and Excellence
Movie Night RSVPs due Friday
Our School Council is excited
about our Family Movie Night
coming to St. Andrew School
on Friday, Nov. 13th! They need
to know numbers by Friday in
order to have the right number
of refreshments. Remember,
the children can come in their
PJs and we’ll have the gym
mats down for them to lay on
(and comfortable chairs for
moms and dads)! At the event,
our School Council will also be
selling warm fleece headbands ($5), have sample of the
Christmas urns they will be selling in early December
(you can order that night), as well as a draw for a $25
Cineplex eGift Card for anyone who places a minimum
$50 order using Fundscrip (year long fundraiser) by
November 12th! What a GREAT way to warm up for the
Orangeville Santa Claus Parade the next night! Please be
sure to use the attached flyer and send in rsvp/payment
for Movie Night by Friday! See you there!
QSP Magazine Fundraiser
Thank you to all those who enthusiastically supported
our QSP fundraiser this year. Your family’s participation
resulted in a profit of approximately $3,000.00 for our
Artists-in-the-School program. We have already
benefitted from this fundraiser with presenters in our
school. We have many more opportunities for all of our
students in all our divisions coming up, including
authors, theatre groups, musicians, and storytellers.
Prize packages for participating students were just
distributed on October 31st. Remember that you can
continue to support this initiative and order online
through QSP throughout the school year by using the
St. Andrew School ID password: 3716974.
board. Skye K. is Dufferin Peel’s fastest Grade 3 girl and
Samantha M. is the Board’s fastest Grade 5 girl. Our
grade 4/5 Girls’ team also captured first place in the
team standings and will get a banner in the gym to
display! The Grade 4/5 team consisted of some of our
school’s lightning fast runners: Ella M., Samantha P.,
Adrianna H., Skye K. and Samantha M. Other top
finishers that were successful at the board meet included:
Brie K. (2nd place), Vanessa W. (4th place), and SaraRose S. (2nd place).
We are looking forward to seeing you all out again next
year! Thanks again for a great season.
“Movember” is Here!
Our male staff have formed a team to grow
moustaches as part of “Movember”
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Other
than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most
common cancer in men. We have challenged the male
staff of St. Peter and St. Benedict Schools here in
Orangeville to see which school can raise the most! A
giant glass jar is located in the Main Office and our staff
will be running some fun events to encourage student
participation in the fundraiser throughout the month.
Parents, please consider setting aside any change you
have and as you receive it during your regular shopping.
Let’s encourage the participants to stay in the race until
the last day in November! We will have a ‘Clean Shave’
assembly on the last day of the month to celebrate the
wonderful contributions of the entire school community
for this worthwhile and fun campaign. The ‘guys’ would
like you to consider making an online donation by
visiting the Movember website at:> go to Donate> Search “The
Guys at St. Andrew School” in the ‘Search for a Team’
box. We look forward to watching the mustaches
growing over the month of November and especially
the ‘Shave Off’ assembly on November 30th. Thanks for
your support in helping us raise awareness and money
to help find a cure for prostate cancer!
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Cross Country Meet Success!
Mr. Malec and Mr. Setler would like to congratulate all
members of the Cross Country running team on a very
successful running season. Runners worked very hard
during practice all season long and their efforts paid off
at the Board finals where 22 runners competed at a tough
Centennial Park race course in Toronto. St Andrew is
now home to two of the fastest girls in the entire school
We would like to cordially invite
all parents/guardians to our
Remembrance Day Ceremony
taking place at 10:40 a.m. in the
gym. All Girl Guides, Scouts and
Cadets are encouraged to wear
their uniforms.
Together in faith and excellence
‘Fundscrip’ is SO Easy to Use!
Farm to School Pilot Project
Fundscrip is an innovative program that lets YOU earn
cash rebates for St. Andrew School based on things you
buy everyday like groceries, gas and other household
items. Every month you typically spend hundreds of
dollars for things like food, gas, clothing, pharmacy,
restaurants, electronics, home renovations, department
stores, and so on. All you have to do is pay for some or
all of your purchases using GIFT CARDS bought at face
value from FundScrip participating retailers (over 140
retail stores!) and a percentage of every gift card
purchased is contributed to St. Andrew’s fundraising
efforts! So instead of paying with cash or a debit card,
you use a gift card that you purchased through our
group. It costs you nothing extra but you just earned
money for our school.
Fundscrip is now offering two awesome programs:
1) Direct Shopping with ‘Letter Mail’ program
2) NEW! – eGift Cards!
Our School Council is very excited to offer this eGift
Cards option. Please see link below. This is another
fantastic, easy option to help you quickly help our
School Council raise funds for St. Andrew School.
Earnings can add up quickly! Parents can generate over
$30 every month at no extra expense to you! Imagine if
everyone got involved. Statistics have shown that it
takes just 25 families/supporters regularly using
Fundscrip and the school can raise $9,200 a year!
Please visit: for more
details and to join today!
for every $50 ordered between now and November 12.
Draw will take place at Movie Night on Nov. 13th!, (Your
name will be entered more than once for orders over
$50.00 (i.e. $200 order will get you 4 chances to win!)
School Code-4CAR2P
Mrs. Kingstone's grade 2/3 class participated in the
Farm to School pilot program hosted by the Headwaters
Food and Farm Alliance. Farmer Brooke showed us the
many vegetables grown on her farm including 13 kinds
of potatoes! We also learned about the conditions
needed to grow seeds. We planted our own seeds. We
made our own granola. We each rolled our own oat
groats into rolled oats! Everyone took home granola.
We learned about vegetables that were new to us. Our
class rabbit loved the Kale that Farmer Brooke left for
him. You are invited to see what this group has to offer
at They offer a school food club. For $20 once
a month your family receives what you need for a
dinner including the recipe, local and organic vegetables
and items for the meal (excluding the meat, cheese), a
specialty item and a loaf of specialty bread. We are
looking into this opportunity that is delivered to the
school in a backpack that your child wears home.
Contact Mrs. Kingstone if you are interested in helping.
Read more about this initiative on their website!
See Us In Santa Claus Parade!
Student Vote 2015
This year St. Andrew students from Gr. 4-8 participated
in ‘Student Vote’ just prior to the election. This was a
great experience for students to learn how to vote and
to get them engaged in the voting process and the
federal election. Thank you to Mrs. Lyon for organizing!
We are very excited to be
having a float and
participating in the
Orangeville Santa Claus
Parade on Saturday,
November 14th starting at
5:00 p.m. Students from St.
Andrew, St. Peter and St.
Benedict schools and staff will be walking along the side
of our float demonstrating on Catholic faith and
showing our pride in Catholic education here in
Orangeville. Hope to see you in the crowds!
Together in faith and excellence
Pita Pit Lunches Coming to
St. Andrew School!
All parents received an email 2 weeks ago (and others
received a hard copy) with details about our NEW Pita Pit
Lunch on Thursdays. Ordering is done all online. Visit:
1) & click on “ORDER LUNCH”
2) Click on green ‘sign up’ button to register your family
3) Add your child(ren) to your account > “add a student”
4) Click ‘Order Now’ (beside your child’s name) to access
St. Andrew School’s ordering calendar
5) Proceed with ordering your child’s yogurt by clicking on
the blue order date.
access to the various sites directly by simply opening up
the hyperlinks! We encourage you to visit the websites,
find the ones that will help YOU and save it it to your
Attendance Verification
In the interest of your child’s safety, it is very important
to inform us if your child will be late or absent from
school. To record your child’s absence, please call the
school at (519)942-0262. Messages can be left on the
school’s voicemail at any time.
Please leave the following information:
1) Your child’s name
2) Date and time of absence
3) Reason and duration of absence
Nut Allergy Alert!
Monster Mash Was A Smash!
Students and staff once again enjoyed their afternoon at the
Monster Mash on Oct. 31th. The costumes were incredible
and the music was awesome! A very special thank you to Mr.
Watters and his Grade 8 students for organizing the event.
Hard Candy Drive Collection
Malnutrition shuts down the
body’s digestive track and
often children cannot eat,
even when regular healthy
food is given to them. However,
doctors have discovered that
candy, with its high content of
sugar, can start the digestive track
working. This allows children in Third World countries to
consume food, thus saving their lives. Please help our
Student Faith Ambassadors in their Annual Halloween
Hard Candy Collection initiative to save children’s lives!
Please collect and drop off hard candy in a plastic bag to
the main office this week and right up until Monday,
November 16th. Thank you for your generosity in
helping others who need our help.
Great Websites for Parents!
As a staff, we have been
collecting a list of outstanding
educational Numeracy (Math)
websites for parents to use to
assist their children in their
learning. An attachment to the
newsletter entitled “Websites
for Parents” enables you to
A reminder especially after Halloween, that
we have several students and staff who
have life threatening allergies to nuts, sesame seeds
and/or peanuts. We are asking that you help us make St.
Andrew an allergy aware school by refraining from
sending your children with peanut butter or other
products containing nuts or nut oils (i.e., Nutella). If these
students come into contact with anything containing
nuts, nut oils or derivatives, it could be life threatening.
Some students have such a severe allergy that only the
smell of the allergen may cause a reaction.
Reminders and Resources: Cold
and Flu Season
As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board continues to be vigilant in
ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school
communities are educated
regarding good hand hygiene and
cough etiquette. These practices
are promoted on an ongoing basis,
but as the prevalence of colds and
flu increases, our board increases the cleaning of
contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to review
cold and flu prevention with students and staff. Many
resources are utilized from our regional health units.
A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can
be contracted in public places throughout the year. For
example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are
transferred from person to person through hand
contact. Cold and flu viruses typically peak from
December through February, but can start as early as
Together in faith and excellence
Regional Health Unit Resources
Please assist us by reviewing good hand washing
procedures, as well as other preventative measures, as
outlined in the various Peel Health and Wellington
Dufferin Guelph (WDG) resources available to you
through their websites. As always, children who are
unwell, should be kept at home
Flu Clinics
Also available on the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph
website are the schedules of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the Wellington-DufferinGuelph Health website:
Also, direct links to the above information can be found
in the Parent Section of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board website at
Important Church News
For parents of students in Grade 2 receiving the
Sacraments of First Reconciliation
(Confession) and First Holy
Communion, some important
dates are coming up throughout
the month of November including:
November 7 & 8 – First Confession
Retreat (a.m. or p.m. as per sign
November 26 – First Confession Celebration (6:30 p.m.)
Why Catholic Education Still
Matters – A Great Read!
Mr. LaCute recently came across an outstanding article
by Fr. Ronald Nuzzi entitled “Ten Reasons Why Catholic
Education Still Matters”. Please take five minutes to
read (attached) to remind yourself why a Catholic
Education is so important for your children.
November Virtue of the Month
This month we will
celebrate the virtue of
God has given us the ability
to know the right and
decent way to act and then
to act that way. We trust
that the common Spirit we
share inspires us and guides
us to make good decisions if
we allow our CONSCIENCE
to be well-formed. A person
of CONSCIENCE allows
prayer and scripture.
A person of CONSCIENCE:
• Chooses to do the "right
thing" and feels good about
• Can see how his/her
actions may hurt others
• Admits his/her wrong-doing and feels badly
• Says "sorry" and tries to make up for mistakes
• Keeps promises
•Nov. 3 Virtues Assembly (11:15)
•Nov. 4 Gr. 8s visiting R.F. Hall S.S.
•Nov. 5
•Nov. 6
•Nov. 9
• Nov. 11
•Nov. 13
• Nov.17
• Nov.19
• Nov. 30
• Nov. 30
Pita Pit Lunch
RSVPs for Movie Night due
Student Exchange Presentation (Ext. French)
Remembrance Day Ceremony (10:40 a.m.)
Movie Night in Gym (doors open 6:40 p.m.)
Progress Reports Go Home
Progress Reports interview Night
Artists in the School for Gr. 4-8 (a.m.)
Movember Shave Off Assembly (2:40 p.m.)
 Movie Night RSVP
 Fundscrip Order Form
 Helpful Websites for Math Help
 Catholic Education Matters (1 page article)
For messages/announcements in
between monthly newsletters!
(see September’s newsletters for instructions to
sign on to Mr. LaCute’s ‘Remind’)
Together in faith and excellence
Together in faith and excellence
Together in Faith and Excellence