SAC Meeting 4-19-2012 I. Call to Order: (3:00PM) II. Roll Call: All present III. Prayer: Given by LeeAnn IV. Approval of minutes: 4-11-12 minutes were approved without change V. Public Forum Morgan Zuziak: Relay team LeeAnn Scherbauer: Be Great Cincinnati. Need volunteers, sending out email. VI. Review of the Budget Crystal Guffey VII. Report of the SGA Executive Report of the Executives Not Emailed Straw poll LNB: for -28, against -1 VIII. Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak Hey SAC! (Bare with me – this will by far be my longest report of the year, and Matt I apologize now – I may break the Rules of Order and go over 5 minutes, but I’ll try and be quick!) Seeing as this is my last report as the Chair of S.A.C., and the last meeting for the 2011-2012 S.A.C. board, I would like to take this time to reflect upon the year the we have all shared on S.A.C. by recognizing you all for your hard work and the significant contributions that you have made to our organization. I can honestly say that each and every member on the board this year has not only impacted S.A.C. as a whole, but myself as your chair as well. Annette: First of all – I’d like to say Congratulations again to you, Ian, Lauren, and Becca for winning “Committee of the Year!” You all have done an incredible job this year and I appreciate all of the time and effort you have put into promoting S.A.C.’s events. Annette, you have done a great job leading your committee and I know you know this, but I’ll remind you that S.A.C.’s promotional efforts have significantly increased from last year. Not only have we done way more creative promotions this year but even our fliers are looking better! Now they are on the graphic design major’s good promo board and not bad promo board (and forgive me but I obviously don’t know the official names of these boards – but you know what I’m talking about). I think that S.A.C. can successfully say that this year - with the help of you, Ian, Lauren, and Becca – we have accomplished S.A.C.’s new phrase “promo the heck out it” or as Kevin likes to oddly say “promo it out the butt.” Annette – thank you for teaching me that hard work really does pay off. You not only contributed substantially to S.A.C., but to S.G.A. as a whole. There was never a time that I came to you for help with promotions where you weren’t more than willing to help. I’ll miss you on the board next year but I look forward to still seeing you around campus – and don’t be afraid to come in the office during the 1st week of classes next year and pull an all-nighter if you need to! Jimmy: (Or should I say Jim-bag!) I want you to know that I appreciate all of the contributions that you have made to the board this year through F.A.C. Jimmy, Ryan, Travis, and Kevin, I know you all don’t hear this enough, especially around this time of the year, but thank you for all of the time and effort you have spent and continue to spend on forming the S.G.A. budget and allocating all of the club budgets. A special thanks to Jimmy and Elizabeth – I have seen you both get a little stressed and a little crazy lately, but just know that we all are grateful for the work that you are currently doing, and the work you’ve done throughout the year. It’s been legit. Jimmy – thank you for teaching me to not always stress about the little things and to learn to chill when something doesn’t go as planned. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you better this year and I look forward to j kickin’ it this summer and next year – we’ll have to go to Gordo’s again sometime! Analisa: Just this morning you were telling Pat and I how S.A.C. has taught you so much! As you very vocally and dramatically looked through each of your committee’s event proposals, I could see that each one brought back a multitude of memories. As you were going through each one you tended to make note of things such as burnt pudding, salty potatoes, crazy ticket sales, and cancelled events – which I know definitely played a big part in helping you to grow as a chair this year. However, don’t forget that you, Kate, Kevin, Katie, Makenna, Ryan, Jess, and Pat have all contributed to putting on some of S.A.C.’s most meaningful and successful events this year. Life and Culture has done a great job this year at (don’t get excited about this pat but…) enriching the lives of Xavier’s students. Ana – thank you for teaching me that everything is a learning experience. Good or bad there is always something to be learned from every situation. Although sometimes out of order, I will miss your outbursts and excitement during our S.A.C. meetings. Also, I know you said what you are going to miss most are the times when we would all hang out and bond – well don’t worry, we can still do that! Sarah & Colleen: I want to thank you both for leading a committee that has put on some of S.A.C.’s most well attended events this year. Your committee has run into a few obstacles along the way, such as it was a potential criminal for a lecture or potentially food poisoning or a virus from Boat Dance, but because of the leadership of the both of you – I never had a doubt in my mind that Campus Traditions would overcome whatever came in there way. Sarah, Colleen, Katie, Jimmy, Maffew, and Ariana you all have such unique talents and I ‘m glad I got to see them all this year through all of the events you each planned. Colleen – I really do appreciate you stepping up 2nd semester to serve as the chair of Campus Traditions. Sarah – I appreciate all that you did this year to build a tight bond between your committee and contribute to Campus Tradition’s events as both chair and a member of the committee. Sarah – thank you for teaching me to always ask the tough questions. Because of you I have learned that it’s important to challenge proposals, events, and even the Rules of Order – because without asking those questions there is no way to maximize on what we have. Colleen – you have taught me to be adaptable. Things definitely don’t always go the way we want, and because of you I have learned to accept that and quickly adapt to the way things are. Matt: As the Chair of S.A.C., I want to thank you for the two things that I believe consumed the majority of your time on the board this year – Mike Posner and Rules of Order changes. I appreciate all the work you put in to the concert over the summer and throughout 1 st semester. Hey, maybe it didn’t sell-out but just know that you, Margaret, Rob, Megan, Fara, Travis, and Ted did a great job and I can’t even imagine the amount of work that I have gotten myself into for this upcoming year. As for the Rules of Order changes, although we were constantly laughing while we spent 2 hours in my room on a Saturday (yea – we are kinda lame) reading over the Rules of Order – it definitely took a lot of work and I really do appreciate you spending the time with me to work on the changes we made and I look forward to seeing you lead the Constitutional Review this year! Matt - Now, as Morgan, I want to thank you for showing me the true value of friendship in a working relationship. From Day 1 (well maybe around Day 1) when you joined Seth and Kristin’s team, we had our 1st “not so awkward” Executive election conversation over on the couches outside the office. From that day, there was never a doubt in my mind that you would continue to be one of my best friends on S.A.C. before, during, and after elections (regardless of the results). LeeAnn: LeeAnn, I can’t event begin to express my appreciation of everything you have done for S.A.C. this year. I want to thank you for being the leader of a committee that in it’s entirety contributed to S.A.C., not just late night. Because of your leadership you have taught Jacquelyn, Becky, Blake, Whitney, Abby, and Christine, that they are a member of S.A.C. before they are a member of Late Night. Late Night, you all have constantly impressed me throughout the year with not only your own events, but helping out with numerous other S.A.C. and S.G.A. events. I appreciate everything you all have done and contributed to the board this year. LeeAnn- there is a reason I saved you for last in my last S.A.C. Chair report. That’s because it’s you who will be up here giving this report next week. Just know that I have the biggest confidence that I could in you that you will lead me and next year’s board to have one of our most successful years yet. Your passion for S.A.C. inspires me and even this year it has helped me to push myself to become the best and S.A.C. Chair that I can be. I wish you the best of luck next year because I know you will encounter some difficult situations and many obstacles – but I am 100% positive that you can handle anything that is thrown your way. And I know you know this but – I will still be around so if you ever need anything S.A.C. related, let me know! And finally LeeAnn, I want to say thank you for becoming one of my best friends this year. I know that if I ever need someone to talk about S.A.C., S.G.A., or anything personal – you are always there to listen and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that! To the 2011-2012 S.A.C. board, thank you for giving me the best junior year I could have asked for. You all have impacted me in some way and I thank you for helping me to grow this year in ways that I wouldn’t have without you all. To those of you leaving – I will miss each and every one of you and I thank you one last time for helping to contribute to the incredible year that S.A.C has had. To those of you who will be on S.A.C. next year – I look forward to working with you all more and I’m excited for us all to continue to grow within ourselves and to grow our organization into the best S.A.C. it can be. I know you put in more hours than everyone even realizes, you put in a lot of hard work IX. Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis None X. Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey None XI. Opinion Entries Ryan McGoron Please excuse me today at 3:25pm, I will be leaving to run my last SAC event, SustainabiliTEA Forum and Discussion. It has been a great two years on SAC for me. I have met so many friends and learned so much. It seems like just yesterday I walked into the SAC office so nervous and scared as a freshman not knowing what to expect at my first meeting. It was a good thing that I had great people like Kevin Contrera, Hattie Delisle, and Sarah Richardson to comfort and welcome me. Things that I will never forget were a very cold ice bath, picking up a ton of Maggianos for my first SAC event with Megan McQuade, and running the spotlight at Mr. Muskie. (my favorite event) And how could I forget the best trio to sit with at the SAC meetings with Analisa and Ashley Patrick. These memories still bring me great laughter and joy. I want to say thanks to Blake Barlow. You have been a great friend this year and I will never forget what you did for me. Your future is bright in SGA. I also want to say thanks to Analisa for her comfort, leadership, and friendship throughout the past two years. I also want to thank Jacqueline. You have always been there for me this year when I’ve needed you and you too have a very bright future on SGA next year and you will be an amazing Late Night Chair. I look forward to our friendship in the future. For the future board, I would say to be excited and enjoy your time on SAC. It is truly one of the greatest things about Xavier and a family that will always last. Don’t be afraid to voice your opinions in meetings even if they are against common opinion. Speak up and be heard. I hope the board will push in the future to continue to be more creative than in the past. Please don’t forget about those sects of students that might not have a voice on campus. Represent them through the events that you put on even if they might be low attendance you still might be doing a lot for a person that doesn’t have a voice. Also, I hope that the next SAC chair will work to implement a new SAC selection process so that every future SACer’s hard work will be appreciated and honored through fair judgment. I have no doubt that the leadership on SAC next year will do a fantastic job of serving the student body in a tremendous and meaningful way. It has been a great two years and I hope that everyone will keep in touch. Kevin Tighe So shockingly enough, Newswire messed up on the front page of this week’s paper. Weird, right? But, for real, it is because of the error on the front page of the Newswire, specifically with the piece that I wrote, that I would like to apologize. If you look here [referencing Newswire], next to this awesome design for XavierFest (thanks, LeeAnn), there is an article entitled, “Earth Week”. Despite a number of errors on that piece, I would like to focus on one and directly apologize to Ryan McGoron for the lack of acknowledgement for the SustainabiliTEA event. This may seem unnecessary, but the Late Night Snack event was described as a collaborative event with both Sustainability and SAC whereas Ryan’s event was not. Therefore, I am sorry, Ryan. I had originally written your name in there but it was cut by the editor to save space. I am confident that the event today will be awesome and am happy to hear numerous people talk about it as well. I hope you the best with it and everything next year. I am sure and hope that I get to see you around next year. Maybe even having an English class together or something. Finally, thank you for all your work this year. Though we frequently disagreed I know we did so in a respectful and even entertainingly way. And to the new sac board, what up? I am happy to work with you all next year. Please let anyone around this board know if you have questions as we are more than willing to help you with anything. XII. Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting) FAC, Jim Reitenbach None Regular None XIII. Blast from the Past Boat Dance: was really good, nice time, boat was great Thank Katie Sellers, overlooked a lot because she an associate member. She did a great job, should thank her. Disability Awareness Day: 130 attended. Great to have ot work with us, helped out a lot. Special thanks for late night. LNM: not best movie choice only 130 so people attended. Do not plan to do contract that limits our movie choices next year. XIV. Here and Now Xavier Fest: Want to help, volunteer get free T-shirt LNS: Melt on Thursday XV. Committee Reports Publicity, Annette Frac Thanks for volunteering for help with Xavier Fest promo, publicity really appreciates all your help with handing out everything. Just wanted to thank everyone for such a great year. I’ve enjoyed being your publicity chair, and appreciate all your recognition for all of our hard work. I wish Ian the best of luck next year, and I’m sure I'll be hearing from you with a million questions. I hope publicity continues to give it their all when it comes to promo since it is such an important part of planning an event. Always think outside the box, keep it up with giveaways, implement the email blast and other creative promotional ideas. To the rest of the board, I encourage all of you to keep up all the hard work and I look forward to seeing the great things SAC does next year! Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer Hey SAC! Stay with me today, because I will be report on both Late Night and some stuff about workshop. Late Night has its last event tomorrow. It's out on the greenspace and it should be a lot of fun with the DJ, Sustainability Club, and the delicious food! Also, Late Night will be ending the year with a Spaghetti Dinner at my apartment, next week during our normal committee meeting time. Lastly for LNP, I just want to say that I've had so much fun this year and Late Night, I hope you have as well. I appreciate so much all your dedication and hard work! I cannot even begin to explain how much each one of you mean to me. You have made this year amazing! So thank you!! Now for a brief moment about workshop. It's this Sunday, April 22, 2012 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm. We will be meeting CLC -- Kennedy Auditorium. Please take note of this because it was not in the previous email. We will be having dinner and I'm looking for this upcoming year! Thanks! Concerts, Matt Morefield Not Emailed Campus Traditions, Colleen Reynolds Not Emailed Life & Culture, Analisa Condon Well the time has come for me to give my last report. I can't believe what a ride it has been. I would have to admit that my decision to run for Life and Culture chair was one that was very quickly made, and although it has been hard at times I don't regret it. As Morgan mentioned in her report I really have learned a ton being a SAC. I was looking through all of my proposals and I had a sentimental thought cross my mind with every event. If I was to give credit to anyone on this board it would have to be my committee. You guys are all absolutely incredible. The amount of creativity that you all brought to our committee is outstanding. You have made me laugh (sometimes cry) but most importantly you have made me challenge myself. With every meeting you came with questions and ideas. Sometimes I didn't always have the answers but you made me thinking and you made me challenge my leadership skills which is something that I needed. Makenna: Your smile and presences has been great. You have always been so quick to me make laugh and keep me sane through our crazy committee meetings. I am so glad that I got to know you this year and that you were on my committee. Thank you for your events of Milk, An Autumn Affair, Dance the Night Away, and Mayhem Poets. Jess: I have absolutely loved working with you and I appreciated your constant support we were attacked at work. Your dedication and efforts for Sushi Rolling, Home for the Holidays, Xavier Showcase, and Disability Awareness Day were tremendous. You were always on top of your game. Yesterday I was so proud of all of your work. Your job in D.C is lucky to have you next year. Kate: My dear Kate I have loved having you be on my committee. No offense to the other Freshman but you are my favorite. From shopping for An Autumn Affair to tabling for Dance the Night Away we have always had fun and meaningful conversation. You remind me a lot of my freshman year self. Please know you can talk to me any time. Thank you for An Autumn Affair, Home for the Holidays, Dance the Night Away, and Mayhem Poets. Katie: I have really seen you grow so much in the last two years since joining SAC. Your ideas are always so intuitive and extremely beneficial to the board. I appreciate that whenever we came up with an idea you always pushed us to go farther and challenge ourselves more. I commend you for chairing so many events on your own this year and always crossing the bar. Thank you for your work with Sushi Rolling, Wicked, Stress Relief Day, Multicultural Food Fair, Cooking in the Cafe, Sense and Sensibility, and NEDAW. You will be great next year! Pat: Thanks for coming on to my committee this year. I am thankful that we were able to come back together. You were a breath of fresh air that I needed on my committee. Great job with D.A.D. I know Jess really appreciate you support. Kevin: I was a a little intimated of you when you came onto my committee because of your strong and organized work ethic. However, I am so glad that you were put onto my committee and were able to make my committee grow so much. You have much on such amazing events and have always done so with poise, confidence, and organization. Thank you for your work the Multicultural Food Fair, Stress Relief Day, Xavier Showcase and best of luck with Xavier Fest. Ryan: As you know you are one of my best friends on SAC. I am so sorry not to come back next year as I know that you mean it when you say that SAC is your second family. You have made me laugh and have always been there for me when I needed you. If there is one thing I have appreciated it is your challenge you give this board to always reach out to a group of students that don't have a voice. Thank you for your work with Milk, Renaissance Festival, Festival of Lights, Free Rides and SustainabiliTEA. You have been great. To everyone on SAC I wanted to make sure that you all give yourselfs a pat on the back. I hope that you give yourselves credit for all of the work that you do. You have to commend yourself because you volunteer your time to make the school a better place. Not many people can say the same thing. Being here every week shows that you want to better the students and that is something to be proud of. Good luck next year and thank you to the previous board for all of your hard work. Thanks also to Morgan, Crystal and Dustin! Its been real. Its been fun. And heck, its even been real fun! Love Always, Ana. Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach Well we finished the budget and I and the rest of FAC of very proud of the decisions we made. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that helped out we could not have done it without the help of everyone, Thanks E for all the work you did I couldn't have done it myself. It's been a pleasure to be on this board, I will miss it. Until next time SAC, cheers! XVI. Closing Sentiments Cynthia Bear was given to Xavier Fest Committee, weekend plans? XX. Adjourned: (4:00PM)