SAC Meeting Call to Order: Roll Call

SAC Meeting
Call to Order: (3:00PM)
Roll Call: Matthew Graczyk not present
Approval of minutes: 2/8/12 minutes tabled pending changes
Public Forum
Meghan & Brianna - Unified for UNIFAT. Mardi Gras Dance, prizes and more, Feb. 24 9:30 in
Cintas. Tickets $3 or 2 for $5.
Darci Meiners - I’m the SGA representative for an awesome project through the Office of
Interfaith Community Engagement with Rabbi Abie where the participants get the opportunity
to walk in the shoes of someone living on food stamps. The program will be a week long,
starting February 20th and ending February 26th. Participants are given a Kroger gift card to
shop for food for the week. This enlightening program will make students more aware of social
issues and make them better leaders. It will lean towards being a reflective activity where you
can keep a journal of how you’re feeling and any realizations/experiences you might have i.e.
you can’t buy name brands, have to put back items at the check-out because you’re overbudget. It is restricted to leaders on campus, and we are trying to get 40-50 participants. If
you would be interested in participating, please let me know ASAP after this meeting.
Restricted to leaders on campus? Reaching out to other leaders?
Yes, Community Engaged Fellows.
Kevin Tighe - feedback from Schott Hall 10th floor, only received 2 responses, disappointed in
response, still looking for feedback.
Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
(Budget passed around)
Report of the SGA Executive
Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran
Two items for you today:
1.) A reminder to Kevin and Margaret- you are both scheduled to be at this weekends
Destination-X event. Be on the lookout for an email in the next day or two with final
2.) X-perience Day and Preview are both scheduled for this weekend. Are any of free to
work these events? Both will be held on Sunday and you would be done by 1:00pm.
Please let me know if this still works for you.
Report of the President, Ryan Alleman
Not Emailed
Question from student - the first Friday shuttle to Newport still exist? No. Tues night shuttle to
Kroger? No, Sat. shopping.
Shuttle schedule on SGA website.
Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach
Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak
Not Emailed
Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis
For your Senate Minute, Dining was the report of the administration this week and one of the
most important pieces I found that is relevant to SAC is knowing that Wednesdays are the
busiest day in The Hoff with over 4,000 diners each week. If you're ever going to table or
promote at the Hoff, it sounds like Wednesdays are the best day. The Senate passed the
Actuarial Club this week. The constitutional amendment was voted down 12-7 with only one
vote shy of passing. I also wanted to encourage you to give a shout out to CAC when you see
them next for a very successful week of International Coffee Hour (135 attendees) and CFJ
Community Night (73 attendees).
Last, I wanted to share some updates from Dr. Chadwick from recent conversations and
meetings we’ve had as a staff and as the Provost Area.
· The Performing Arts department will most likely be transitioning into an academic
program, although we are still finalizing the details with this transition. It is hopeful
that the Theatre program will continue to grow and expand from this move and that
the students involved in Performing Arts will receive the level of support they need.
· From the continued ongoing conversations related to Sexual Assault, you should expect
to begin seeing changes rolling out on campus related to how the campus prevents,
responds to and supports students involved in sexual assault cases. While the
Department of Education is an ongoing probe, the university is being completely
cooperative and is incredibly open to the feedback and findings from the DOE about
how we can better our campus. The DOE probe is still an ongoing process for the
· The redesign of Alter Hall is an ongoing process. Dr. Chadwick is not satisfied yet with
the amount of feedback he has received in developing the new building and anticipates
not having a fully realized plan without the strategic plan in place and without more
conversations with students and the architects. The goal is to make sure that we are
not only meeting the needs of today, but the needs of the campus for years to come.
It is not a process we are ready to rush into quickly and just toss up a generic
academic building. We need something that will really carry us through the next
several decades.
· The name of the new development on the east side of campus is DanaMont. This space is
being developed now with hopes of a health care organization moving in as well as a
450-bed apartment complex and a 160-bed hotel.
· The Core reform is one of the next major academic hurdles. Dr. Chadwick was clear that
he is not satisfied with the progress that has taken place (or not) related to reviewing
the Core. He challenged the Faculty Committee to really get moving on this review
process now.
Did you know I encourage everyone to write nominations for The Muskies?
Will be happy to create survey or something so everyone can vote.
Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey
Opinion Entries
Ryan McGorran
Today I wanted to express my thoughts on the recent decision by Senate to not pass the
amendment that would take away their ability to approve of the SAC board. I voted with the
rest of SAC for this amendment and I felt that it was a fair argument for our board to make.
However, just in two days time tempers have flared, senators have talked badly about SACers,
and SACers have talked badly about senators. This is not what SGA should be about. Just
because SAC overwhelmingly supports an amendment that does not mean that Senate must
also support it. That is why we have separate bodies, with different ideas and ways at looking
at proposals. Senate made a fair argument that they want to continue to approve all of the
president’s appointments, which includes the SAC board. This is not a power pursuit for
senate like some have said; it is simply a difference of opinion. I would like to see SAC move
on from this amendment and let it be reviewed next year under a constitutional review year.
We are here to serve the students and they would not want us to spend time on something
like this. Let’s get back to planning events and make this a great last few months for SAC.
Thank you.
Not everyone voted for that to pass, I didn't.
Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)
FAC, Jim Reitenbach
Luck on the Levee
Chairs: Campus Traditions
Date: March 17, 2012
Time: 5:00-11:00pm
Location: Newport on the Levee
Estimated Attendance: 120
Event Description:
Shuttling students down to Newport for St.Patrick’s Day! For $5 students can get a movie
ticket and a $10 gift card for food. Should be the and a blast in a glass.
Budget Requested From: Campus Traditions
Cost Breakdown:
Gold unrestricted movie passes $7.50 per person + S/H
120 tickets will be 900 + 40
Restaurant Giftcards: $10 + 1.00 activation fee
1 Looping bus from Petermann for 6 hours
Students pay $5/each
Total Amount Proposed:
(Initial Questions)
(Debate and Discussion)
Awesome, every year, will be this year.
Debate Ended
Get Ready for Spring Break Promo
Event Description:
Publicity Committee would like to order mini beach balls to give away in order to promo for the
Get Ready for Spring Break event.
Budget Requested From: Promo Committee
Cost Breakdown:
Beach balls
Total Amount Proposed
(Initial Questions)
How many beach balls? 100
(Debate and Discussion)
Great idea, promo team is always taking events and going beyond expectation.
Debate Ended
Open Executive Session
Open Executive Session Closed
Blast from the Past
Here and Now
A Night for Love - Fri Ryan's
Xavier's Showcase - this Sunday, need help getting attendance up, please spread the word &
Arvin Mitchell - Tuesday 28th 9pm. Need SAC's help getting people to choose to go to this at
that time.
Committee Reports
Publicity, Annette Frac
Not Email
Can you make reminder sheet to give out when we are selling tickets?
Yes, will make one that looks like promo.
Per your rules of order must provide info sheet for anyone who rides on the bus (emergency
contact) and one SACer must be on every bus.
Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer
Hi SAC! MAD and LNM proposals will be coming to SAC next week. Late Night will be binding
this weekend on Sunday. We will begin our evening at Xavier Showcase and end at Yagoot.
Also, as Whitney said we will need all the help we can get with promoting Arvin Mitchell. So try
to get the word out to all your friends. Lastly, I also brought Valentines for you all. So take
one and pass the bag along. There are fun temp tattoos in each one :) have a great rest of the
Are we doing hunger games?
Will give you answer by next week.
Concerts, Matt Morefield
Not Emailed
If I know a local band that will be interested should I let you know?
Yes, send email.
Campus Traditions, Colleen Reynolds
Hey SAC! Just a few updates this week. Thanks for passing our proposal today! I hope you all
are looking forward to our spring break event and luck on the levee. Since St. Patrick's Day
falls on a Saturday, we're hoping for a great attendance this year. Special thanks to Ian for
the awesome spring break event promo. Be on the lookout for that soon! As far as lectures go,
we've made an offer that we're anxiously waiting to hear back from. Hopefully we can discuss
this in greater detail during the next meeting, but for now we're keeping things under wraps.
NACA delegates, we will let you know sometime next week if you guys should pursue Zach
Wahls for next semester/year. Campus Traditions is also re-thinking our 5K event and may
possible do something else. If you have any ideas for another event, or suggestions for this
year's boat dance theme, feel free to let us know! Thanks, and I hope you all have a great
Has the boat been reserved?
Need to communicate with TEDx.
Issue they are trying to rush outcome, need a large amount of money.
Life & Culture, Analisa Condon
I encourage everyone to attend Xavier Showcase on Sunday night! The Superbowl or the
Grammy's are not on, so I think you may have time to go! It is at 7pm in Kennedy
Auditorium! You will be getting reminders about sign-ups for tickets for Sense and Sensibility.
Thanks in advance for selling tickets! Also, I really encourage everyone to nominate someone
for the MUSKIES! Thanks!!
Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach
Not Emailed
Closing Sentiments
Cynthia Bear was given to , Where is everyone going for spring break?
Adjourned: (4:30PM)