SAC Meeting Call to Order: Roll Call

SAC Meeting
Call to Order: (3:00PM)
Roll Call: Travis Moose not present
Prayer: Given by Ryan Alleman, Kevin Tighe to give prayer at next meeting.
Approval of minutes: 1/11/2012 and 1/18/2012 minutes were approved without change.
Public Forum
Kevin Tighe: Unified for UNIFAT adopted child Otim.
How long will this last?
Covers all expenses for one year. Note, we are also able to Skype him.
Gab Boise: freshman, interested in SAC.
Katie Keller: Cooking with the Cafe, if you would like to attend sign up!
Lydia Gerlach: Zach Aliberti, CFJ;s Community night Monday Feb 13th 5-7pm. Embrace your
neighbor March 15 5-6:30pm. International Coffee Hour Feb 1st 3:30-5pm.
Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
Please check out the budget report at my desk.
Report of the SGA Executive
Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran
Only a few quick updates for you all today:
1.) Provost Committee, we will be meeting on the following dates at the following times:
a. Sunday, Janruary 29 @ 12:00p
b. Tuesday, Janruary 31 @ 1:00p
c. Sunday, February 5 @ 12:00p
All of these meetings were scheduled in response to the WIG I sent out earlier in the
week. If you are unable to attend for part or a whole meeting, please let me know so
that I can get you up to speed on everything.
2.) Next week three different vendors are coming to campus to demo their
products/services for the Parking Technology Committee. Unfortunately, the times that
are scheduled directly conflict with my academic schedule so I will only be able to
attend bits and pieces of each session.
3.) The University Parking Committee is meeting next Friday. As I can only be there for
half of the meeting, I have asked the new Student Life Chair, Needmon Mitchell, to
take my spot.
4.) Lastly, SDoD Williams sent the Execs her bi-weekly update yesterday morning, so if
you are interested, please let me know and I will be sure to pass it on to you.
Did you know Nia contacted me wants to know if any SAC were able to represent in Mosaic
Report of the President, Ryan Alleman
Today the Executives are announcing our intention - and we are asking for your support - to
transfer $7,500 from the Association Rollover into the SGA Budget.
As you can see from the proposal that has been distributed, we intend to transfer $2,500 to
Interfaith Community Engagement. The Executives have committed to supporting Interfaith's
recent trip to Guatemala in the amount of $4,500. After working with Student Director of
Diversity, Nia Williams, we have decided to support that trip through $2,000 from the
Diversity Initiatives Fund (currently an $8,000 pool) and $2,500 from rollover.
In addition to the funding for Interfaith, we also intend to transfer $5,000 to the Executive
Fund. The Executives have now committed all of the funding that was in our original
allocation, and would like additional funding to support our work throughout the rest of the
semester. As a reminder, the Executives transferred nearly $4,000 to Senate and $7,000 to
SAC in our last allocation.
Following our first allocation, there was roughly $33,000 of rollover remaining. With this
second allocation there is roughly $25,000 remaining. Prior to this second allocation decision,
the Executives reached out to Morgan Zuziak on SAC and Senate Coordinator Walsh, asking if
they felt that either board had additional need for funding. If any of you have additional
projects or ideas for the remaining $26,000 we are more than open to hearing them. The
Executives will likely bring forward another allocation in the next 4 to 6 weeks for the
remainder of the funding.
At this time, we will ask for a straw poll vote of support for our second rollover allocation.
Straw Poll: like-25, don't like - 1
Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach
Jacquelyn, thanks for the snacks. Next week, we will be attending COFFEE HOURRRRR!! Get
Here are some very internationally festive updates for you:
I met with Ismael Betancourt and Laura Johnson from the Center for International Education
to discuss study abroad. We are currently exploring possibilities on how SGA can assist in the
expansion of study abroad opportunities for students.
There are only three spots left for ISS’s annual WorldQuest trivia competition extravaganza.
If you want to go (which it’s so fun, everyone does) make sure you sign-up! WorldQuest will
be held on Friday, February 10th in the Cintas Banquet room from 6:00-9:30. Dinner is
SGA is hosting Coffee Hour! For those of you who don’t know, ISS’s Coffee Hour is a
casual meeting time for students, faculty and staff to relax and chat together every
Wednesday from 3:30-4:30. During this time, international students take turns
providing samples of food from their home countries, giving us a chance to try
something new. Sometimes university offices also sponsor Coffee Hours (like we are
on February 1st!). That lovely description was courtesy of ISS's website. Anyways, this
is a great opportunity for SGA to showcase our cultural diversity through this popular
ISS event! Sign up on my door to bring a dish made from a great family recipe! Please
make a label for the dish with its name and its cultural origin (and of course it's fine if
it's pure-bred American!). Do your best to avoid including pork in your dish.
Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak
First, Id like to apologize in advance for leaving the meeting today at 3:45 today to make-up a
quiz that I will be missing tomorrow because I am leaving to go home after the meeting today
because a close family friend has passed away and I will be attending the wake and funeral on
Thursday and Friday.
In case I’m not here for committee reports I’d like to say congrats to Megan and Matt on Open
Mic Night – from what I saw it went well! I wish I could’ve been there longer. I’d also like to
say great job to Becky “MAD” Maddigan and LeeAnn “MAD” McGee on our first MAD of the
semester - I loved the pony hops as you both know (: and I enjoyed watching you all ride the
bull too! Lastly, yesterday after Open Mic Night a student came up to Matt and I asking where
he can find out more about our events and conveniently we had a nice SAC magnet to give
him, so great job Publicity!
Thank you all for filling out the address list and office hours sheet at last weeks meeting. I
have e-mailed you all the address list and the office hours sheet is posted in the office. I have
also posted the event list that I handed out to the committee chairs, feel free to make a copy
of it if you’d like.
Committee Chairs – thank you all for filling out the whenisgood! However, there is not one
time that worked for us all so I chose 3 times that worked for most of us. Please tell me if you
absolutely cannot make it to these times. Monday @ 3:00pm - Thursday @ 4:00pm -Friday @
A few updates for you all – don’t forget proposals that are due to me on Sunday, January 29th
are LNM on February 23 – February 26. There is no promo that needs to be up before the next
meeting – but if you want to put up promo early, go for it!
Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis
First off, I want to congratulate Ian Kerley for being our Grand Prize Winner at the Spring
Involvement Fair. Several SGA members were winners and I think that’s awesome – thank
you for the support with the event.
For your Senate Minute, James Alexander and Mike Czopek presented the Report of the
Administration, representing the Club Sports Council. Congrats to Jess Finkel who is going to
receive an appointment from President Alleman at the next Senate Meeting to the Disability
Services Advisory Board. Jess will be representing the student body and SAC on the advisory
board with our Disability Services Office in the Learning Assistance Center. I also want to
officially announce Lauren White’s appointment to the Student Life Committee. Please
welcome and congratulate him when you see him around the office.
I would like to schedule a meeting with Xavier Showcase (Kevin and Jess) and with A Night of
Love (Margaret) when you have time to do your pre-event meeting. I also had a great, brief
meeting with Margaret and Kevin to discuss Xavier Fest – which sounds like its going to be
great if they can make it happen the way they want it to.
A few reminders from Student Involvement:
Orientation Team Applications for Group Leaders and Staff Members are due on
January 30th at 11:59pm. I hope several of you plan to apply to join Manresa OT this
Emerging Leaders Retreat members will be leaving at 3pm from Buenger Circle on
Friday. Please be packed and ready to roll! Have a great weekend!!
OSI is working on developing an awards ceremony, “The Muskies,” as a fun
recognition program for student organizations, advisors and individual organization
members. Molly Dugan and I are co-coordinating the program and Bobby Nichols
along with Colleen McHugh are co-chairing the event.
Next week, you will be getting a NACA proposal for the $10,000 dedicated to Block Booking
per last week’s discussion. Blake will be working on this proposal.
Finally, I’d like to get feedback about changing the SAC Rules of Order one more time –
Chapter 2, Section 2 being amended so that the dates for SAC selection are not connected
with Senate elections. By having this change, which Morgan and I have been discussing, SAC
would be able to have applications this spring and next fall due earlier to bring on new SAC’ers
and have more time for training and transition. Our proposed dates are that SAC applications
become available next week (February 1st) and are then due Friday, March 2nd. I’ll then work
on copying/scanning applications while you’re on Spring Break so that the committee is ready
for interviews immediately after Break. You would then know your new SAC’ers by March 18th
– giving you 5 weeks of transition time before the end of the semester.
(When straw poled, the vast majority of the board was in favor of this change).
New board April, mentoring period of 1 month.
Wise idea, nice to have that month to let people apply.
I feel like we just throw people in, this would be a lot easier.
Have chair assignments sooner in the year.
If new board is acquainted with old board, should they have a say in who is the chairs?
March 28, know who SAC chair and Committee chairs are.
Straw poll: change rules of order for SAC selection -24, Don't change -1
Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey
Opinion Entries
Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)
FAC, Jim Reitenbach
A Night for Love - (BSA collaboration) Chairs:
Date: February 17th
Time: 7PM
Location: Andy’s
Est. Attendance: 60+
Event Description:
Poetry night featuring main event speaker Truth B. Told. Students will also be featured at the
Budget Requested From: Concerts
Cost Breakdown:
$60 will be used to pay for promo, BSA will be paying for everything else.
Total Amount Proposed: $60
(Initial Questions)
How did you decide only you would be paying for promo, BSA for everything else?
I'm on exec board of BSA; we decided we'd pay for most.
How are you getting other students/poets?
Has been to campus before, decided to bring him back, other artist we've seen before.
(Debate and Discussion)
I think this sound good, excited to collaborate with BSA
Debate Ended
Xavier Showcase
Chairs: Kevin Tighe & Jess Finkle
Date: February 19th
Time: 7-9PM
Location: Kennedy Auditorium
Event Description:
A classy showcase of Xavier’s performance groups. Each group will get 10 – 15 minutes to
perform. A reception with desserts will be held after the performances.
Xavier Players
Xavier Singers
Blue Fire Step Team
Gospel Choir
Slam Poets (via the Xavier Athenaeum)
Wrecking Crew pending
Budget Requested From:
Cost Breakdown:
Food: $200
Promo: $ 75
Contingency: $25
Total Amount Proposed: $300
(Initial Questions)
Have you talked to all these groups, agreed to come?
Everyone except wrecking crew.
For money sake and to have soon, having it in Kennedy.
I Like that SAC is reaching out to the arts at Xavier.
Judging? No
(Debate and Discussion)
Debate Ended
Blast from the Past
Late Night Movie: little over 400 people, good show.
Did you know I liked that movie and props for so many people showing up?
Open Mic Night: 80-100, good acts, good times.
MAD: 415 people, successful had a lot of fun.
Here and Now
Cooking in the Cafe Monday: sign up to go!
Ski Trip ticket sales: tickets going fast. Will be at CIE for the rest of the week.
Committee Reports
Publicity, Annette Frac
Our SAC magnets have come in, I will send around a stack for you to keep for yourself or give
to your friends. Any opportunities you guys see to hand them out feel free to grab a stack
from the box on the promo table. Yesterday was the involvement fair and I think it went
really well, it was a great opportunity to get the word out about our SGA events and projects.
We also had a bunch of people sign up for the SAC email blast, so that will be going out soon.
Thanks to Abby, Jacklyn and Lydia for helping publicity work the event. Lastly late night
movie and sense and sensibility are next to meet with us for promo.
When and where are these going to be passed out?
Do not want to give to random students who will never come to a SAC event. Pass them out at
SAC events, res life.
You should give to CIE.
Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer
Hi SAC! During our committee meeting we discussed the past events from this weekend. We
thought we were fairly successful and were really happy with the turnouts especially for
50/50. On Monday, I was going through the closet to tidy up and I noticed that one of the
prizes was missing an item. This would be the movie from the popcorn bucket with an
additional candy bar. I was not aware of there being prizes remaining when I left the office
Friday evening after clean up, but I would assume that there should be a movie with this
prize. Therefore, if anyone knows the whereabouts of this movie, Late Night Programming
would appreciate it to be returned to the closet with the other left over prizes. We intend to
use these left over prizes for the future MAD in March. In addition, thank you for signing up for
helping out at Late Night Snack. We will be proposing Late Night Movie next week and we
have had an active discussion about what movie we would like to bring to the students. That is
all I have and I hope you all have a great rest of your week!
Concerts, Matt Morefield
Not Emailed
Campus Traditions, Colleen Reynolds
Hey SAC! Nothing new from Campus Traditions this week. Ski Trip ticket sales kicked off today
at 1:30 and last until 5:00. If you're interested but don't have your money with you today,
you can just stop by GSC 230 through next week. Just a reminder that Ski Trip itself is next
Friday, February 3rd, and buses will be leaving at 8pm. Snowtube tickets are $15 and Ski and
Snowboard tickets are $20. Hope you guys can make it, it should be a blast! Thanks!
Life & Culture, Analisa Condon
Hey SAC! Thanks for passing Xavier Showcase. It is going to be a great event! I really
encourage more of you to sign up for Cooking In the Cafe! That's all for now! Have a great
Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach
Not Emailed
Closing Sentiments
Cynthia Bear was given to Becky, what is your dream job?
Adjourned: (4:15PM)