Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes October 3, 2012

Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2012
Call to Order
Roll Call
Present: Blake Barlow, Elizabeth Bousson, Keenan Collins, Samantha Easterling, Becky Griesmer,
Tiffany Hudson, Katie Keller, Ian Kerley, Kelsey Kirkegaard, Kelly Kleier, Becca Longville, Brian
Murphy, Collin Neri, Megan O’Donnell, Jacquelyn Reineke, Colleen Reynolds, Kat Rivers, Kate Sabetta,
Tyler Sauerbeck, Katie Schad, LeeAnn Scherbauer, Kevin Tighe, Kaitlin Whelan, Morgan Zuziak
Absent: Allie Haar, Danielle Jackson, Rob Kelly
Morgan Zuziak Given by
Rules of Order suspended to change meeting order
Approval of minutes
9/24/12 minutes were approved without change
Public Forum
Jake Hudson
New 1st year Senator, introduction
Are you working on a project or have ideas yet? Not yet
BSA, Obama vs. Woods; What's the Difference, Oct 3rd, 3pm.
Dustin Lewis
SAC Calendars
Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
Report of the SGA Executives
Matt Morefield
Kevin Lavelle from University Communications has asked that we answer the following questions:
What do students read? Not read? What's interesting? With what frequency? Particular devices?
Those sorts of things. Our goal is to create a Xavier Weekly for the student population. Please let us
know if you would like to help.
SDoD - We are working on a plan. Seth has met with DeAngelo Rankin and Lauren White multiple
times and as well as have meetings scheduled for the future. However, I will tell you that when we
took office, Matt, Seth, and I agreed that our policy for all appointed positions would be that the
position exists to fill a student need not being addressed by the administration, has a clear, tangible
goal to accomplish, and is not already being done by SGA. We met with Senators Martin and
Chikwinya last night, and we explained that we hope to have a decision made by the end of October.
Now is the time to have your voice heard about the issue, so please come to us with your ideas!
The Diversity Allocation Fund - Rolling application which we hope will allow for new and original ideas
to come to the table. We will evaluate the applicants in a similar way to how we would evaluate
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2012
applicants for rollover. We seek to be very transparent about this process and will keep both boards
updated with our decisions.
Starting next week we want to implement SAC Proposal sheets. These are similar to Senate Motion
sheets and they will allow for Seth to see the proposals as they go through SAC and also this follows
our Rules of Order. If you guys have any questions or suggestions for the set-up please talk to me this
week about it and next week, if everyone is willing, we can do this as a trial to see how well it works.
Motion, like proposals? yes
Possible to create a writable pdf on t-drive, can email out with proposals? yes.
Report of the SAC Chair
LeeAnn Scherbauer
Why deadline for proposals? enough time to look over them, time to amend.
mind removing that? organization just suspends rules of order anyway.
next chair meeting 16th.
What do you feel like isn't be communicated? mentor surveys example, no one came to get them even
by the day they were due. Felt i communicated in two different ways.
When people don't do things, can you take away voting right? etc?
Can't do that, not in rules of order.
I think you are doing fine job, email is the way i get thing. Think it is other people's fault. Address by
being more forceful.
Report of Advisor
Dustin Lewis
Report of the SGA Resource Assistant
Crystal Guffey
Opinion Entries
LeeAnn Scherbauer
Did you know that was an awesome speech and I appreciate your enthusiasm for this organization
Amend Constitution and Rules of Order: SAC Selection
Constitution and Rules of Order: SAC Selection
Initial Questions
Did senate vote on this? viewing as SAC problem, they tabled it. They did not vote on it.
will there be any contradictions? No, this will remedy this.
Does this move it to 4 members on committee? yes
Does the advisor have a vote? no
Clause if there is a tie? No, we could allow the advisor to be tie breaker if we wanted.
Still have veto powers? yes, 48 hours to veto, need 16 members.
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2012
I'm still uncomfortable passing this, fact misconstrued, felt we gave a lot of feedback and was not
heard. Only one number change. felt this was to make SAC equal to Senate, do not think this does
Don't think this will become mo, after meeting do not feel like change has happen, do not see this as
being more equal. prefer what we did on this past selection.
if non-voting problem or veto problem.
Both, view point not considered.
something needs to be put in about a tie. Advisor or other member on board vote counts.
Did you address range vs. smaller number?
Change to solid #, not range of 22-25.
Friendly amendment to 25.
Not accepted.
Amendment: to 25
like having range, if issue occurs, will need to go back to vote.
Don't mind exact number, would like to see 23 or 24
Idea was that if there were not enough voters, can still pass with 22.
Amendment: Advisor is Tie Breaker
Like idea because we don't a policy yet. Think dustin should have voice. Think this would be a good
If no non-returning member, what happens? mean everyone is apply to return.
Constitution and Rules of Order: SAC Selection - Continued
For those there Sunday, idea Senator being voting member ?
half ok.
a lot of Senators that served on the committee, said they did not know enough to make judgement.
Senator on selection committee, have always caused more problems than helped. Have no heard of
them challenging. Understand principle, but having someone there who is not going to challenge
points, ndo not see that good idea. do not see this as a way to bridge gap.
We've heard senators say we don't know what we are doing on there. We are one organization, auto
org. may be symbolic, show universality. Idea proposed that they are non-woting member. That
person can still bring in fresh ideas.
Being on FAC, feel that FAC member from senate know that they know about event planning. Would it
be okay to say 'senators on a certain committee'. Their role their may know more. feel that way aout
members of FAC.
Good point, They can put that in their rules of order or amend constitution.
Can SAC vote to have certain members from senate?
Keep in mind that only that one member will have a vote. All of senate would not.
Feel like they still hav a voice. They can still express idea. For having them on board, just not as a
voting member.
Do you think they would accept amendment to be non-voting.
Think they would see it as not having any say, no power.
Senate member vote would not turn whole vote.
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2012
2nd para. 2-d. not clear how would work. Would need emergency vote to convene before Senate
votes. Would ultimately be presented by president at meeting, only chance for Senate to veto. This
opportunity for someone who is not getting re-appointed to make issue/commotion about it. Gets
sticky that this could become personal. In order for this to happen, everyone on SAC would need to
know who is appointed, to approve, before presented by president to Senate. Most fair process.
Response: There are 48 hours prior to the Senate Meeting and then 48 hours between the Senate and
the SAC Meeting. But based on how it is written, the President would not present this to SAC - so how
would this work?
SAC does not have veto power, only the Senate has veto power.
Amendment (Tyler): If all members of SAC are re-applying to return, then the Senior-most
member of SAC would vote in the place of the non-returning member.
We should put it that it is up to the discretion of advisor.
Do not think Senate would pass that.
Amendment: senator on committee is non-voting member
Initial Questions
This would be 3 voting members? Yes
How do you think that balance power between board?
Still have a voice. See siting on committee as balance.
Want to remind you Senate is a whole room of people that are our friends, co-workers, they don't
want to see SAC fail, reflects on them, they are not enemy. Taking away their voice to vote worries
Since person can't vote, would it be hard to find senator to sit on board. Waste of time?
Feel like they still have a voice. They can bring up new ideas for SAC to think about, not at meeting
every day. not taking side, not hearing what happens in meeting.
They don't plan SAC events, but they still plan Senate events, can make judgements on good workers.
Don't think simply knowing what a hard working is, not qualification enough to know what it takes to
be on our committee. Don't think it gives them enough authority to vote.
having sat on selection committee, usually slanted- people agree. Should give them the one vote, get
out clean.
Agreed. If we don't like that, we can put in amendment that we can select person.
How is the Senator chosen?
Senate choses designee, like whole senate vote is represented in that vote
We don't vote on any Senate appointments.
We plan to change that.
Senate vote nominal, still expressing opinion.
STill don't think this will pass in Senate, based on Sunday meeting. Feel like changing this will put us
back a square one.
Constitution and Rules of Order: SAC Selection - Continued
Can we table this until we talk to rest of SGA. This is all based on assumption, changing opinion.
Invited Sunday at 5pm to talk about this.
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2012
Chapter One Rules of Order
Movie on the Xavier Yard (Late Night Snack)
Date: October 25th
Time: 10 p.m.
Location: Xavier Yard
Est. Attendance: 300
Event Description: While a movie is playing on the Xavier Yard, we will be handing out cupcakes
ordered from A Sweet Life. There will be three to four flavors: chocolate, vanilla, and one/two others
that I would like suggestions on!
Total Amount Proposed: $560.00
Budget Requested From: Late Night Committee
Cost Breakdown:
Cupcakes $520.00
Promo $60.00
Total: $580.00
A Sweet Life:
Initial Questions
Why did we choose a sweet life?
Did yum last year, other expensive. This place in cincinnati, can serve a larger amount of people.
Great way to introduce people to new place.
Movie on the Xavier Yard
Date: October 25th, 2012
Time: 9:00pm
Location: Xavier Yard
Rain Site: GSC Atrium
Est. Attendance: 300 Snack, 150 Movie
Event Description: Late Night Programming and Campus Traditions are collaborating to host a
Halloween Themed Late Night Movie/Snack on Xavier Yard.
Budget Requested From: Campus Traditions
Movie Rights
Initial Questions
Why is Campus Traditions involved in planning this?
Our movie was movie on the yard, paid last year, wanted to contribute. We are collaborating.
Already had a movie idea planned? we wanted to do a halloween event.
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2012
I suggest not doing Hocus Pocus, this would be fun to have scary movie.
Did you know we thought about showing the Ring or Halloween
Straw Poll
HP - 11, ring - Halloween - 12
Can't get the original Halloween.
HOcus Pocus only cost $500.
This is just on night? yes
This is not Late Night Movie.
Cost usually that high for one day?
Depends on movie.
Open to suggestion, this is just proposing money. Open to suggestions. proposing this amount looking
at past proposals.
HP, disney theme is cute, but would appeal to more people if you consider differeent movie. Last year
we had a disney movie, it was in clock tower, but only one person came. those movie will be on tv
Can we do The Shinning?
I think we did hocus pocus two years ago.
Rated-R movies, peopel cannot 'choose' to watch it. Keep that in mind.
Movie on yard Continued
Budget Requested From: Late Night Programming
Move Rights
*Snack, Promo, and Movie Screen already paid for/proposed separately
Suspend Rules of Order
Blue Man Group
Date & Time: October 28, 2012 at 1:00pm
Location: Aronoff Center for the Arts
Estimated Attendance: 40 students
Event Description: We approved for 40 tickets to be purchased this summer during one of our April
meetings. We are hoping to bus 40 students to and from the Aronoff Center on October 28th. We will
be selling tickets on October 22nd at 1pm in GSC for $10 per ticket. Students can only get 1 ticket per
AllCard and must ride the bus.
Budget Requested from: Life and Culture
Cost Breakdown:
1 Bus:
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2012
Initial Questions?
Publicity still needs promo check list? will give after meeting.
Because I'm curious, why is this event late? had internet problem late Sunday night.
NACA Proposal
Proposed by: LeeAnn
Date: October 31st – November 4th
Description: The following costs will be to allow six (6) members of Student Activities Council to attend
NACA Mid-America in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Here the members will attend educational sessions to
further their development in programming, gain new insights, and book artists to perform on campus
during the Spring Semester.
Cost Breakdown:
3 Double Hotel Rooms @ Amway Grand Hotel……………………………..$1,896.00
6 Conference Registrations for NACA…………………………………………….$1,128.00
1 Rental Van from Enterprise…………………………………………………………$ 267.63
2 fuel-ups……………………………………………………………………………………….$ 120.00
Meals @ $35 per day x 7 people x 5 days…………………………………….$1,050.00
Parking @ $12/day x 5 days………………………………………………………….$
TOTAL COSTS: ……………………………………………………………$4,521.63
SAC Member Delegates:
Keenan Collins
Katie Keller – presenting
Becca Longville
LeeAnn Scherbauer – presenting
Kevin Tighe –presenting
Morgan Zuziak – presenting
TOTAL FUNDS TO SPEND AT NACA:…………………………………$7,500.00
During the following two SAC meetings after Fall Break (October 17th and 24th), the delegates will
choose 2 performers from the program to present to the board. The board will then be straw polled to
indicate whether to pursue this performer further at the conference. Keenan, Katie, and Becca will
present on October 17th and LeeAnn, Kevin, and Morgan will present on October 24th. After the
polling, we will determine how to best stretch the $7,500 for the Spring.
Initial Questions
Presenters have been accepted? yes, were in the summer
Can i say I'm exited.
LeeAnn, could you explain why we are voting on this?
In chapter 10, we must propose conferences we will be attending and money spent.
Did you know that NACA is....
Are we going to talk about how we will be spending the money at a meeting?
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2012
Do delegates having spending power?
Did you know what you did last spring, worked well, gave spending power to NACA delegates and
giving delegates specific tasks. Points of presenting artists in the next few weeks, to get general
Chapter one - Order of Business Amendments
Open Executive Session
Blast from the Past
Boat Dance
Went great. On front page of Newswire.
Bus broke down, police not showing up to load buses.
miscommunication with JDs, bus companies when the event ended
Here and Now
Tickets on sale today at six. Seats right above 'club level'.
Friday at 9pm, come at 7:30 to help set up.
Late Night Movie
Magic Mike this weekend.
Halloween Haunt
Sold out.
Committee Reports
Late Night Programming
I like x-glow as title.
Liked lights out
Campus Traditions
Hey SAC! I just wanted to say thanks again for everyone's help and support with this year's Boat
Dance. It was definitely a success, and we could not have done it without all of your help. Also, thanks
for passing our proposal today for Movie on the Yard. I'm sure you will be hearing from us soon about
which scary movie we decide on. Traditions is moving forward with Lecture and Mr. Muskie, and that's
about all that updates we have for now. Thanks again!
Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2012
Life & Culture
Halloween Haunt sold out so we’re looking forward to that event Saturday night. We’re leaving from
Buenger Circle at 6:30 and coming back at 11:30.
Bengals ticket sales are tonight at 6:00. We’ll be leaving for that event Sunday at 11:30 from
Today we met with Tamika from the women’s center to brainstorm ideas for our Life Skills/ College
Issues Panel in November. Katie S. will be working on booking the GSC theater and getting into
contact with professors.
Today is Allie’s birthday so everyone be extra nice to her!
Financial Affairs Committee
So Monday we voted unanimously to allocate $1,400 from the special request fun to Xavier students
against sexual assault in order to bring Debbie Gardner, a self-defense and empowerment speaker, to
campus. Additionally, we fielded a request from alliance which was unable to be completed because of
lengthy discussion and further questions. Therefore, we will meet with them again on Monday. The
event they proposed for is not until next semester so temporally, we are all good.
Fac is beginning its outreach program, essentially assigning Fac liaisons to clubs whom will send
monthly emails to clubs and be the immediate contact for all financial issues. This will be a sga
transparency initiative and begin relationships for budget requests to assure the best allocations.
We have begun new ideas time for the Fac constitution! If you have any ideas on what Fac should and
should not do, let me know.
Ian kerley is single and ready to mingle. Wednesday's he is free after the sac meeting and before
men's club volleyball. He's really smart and funny.
This year’s first presidential debate is tonight at 9 pm. I urge everyone to view it. I look forward to
entertaining tweets from Blake Barlow during it.
Closing Sentiments
Cynthia Bear was given to Late Night, Favorite Home Cooked meal?
Adjourned: (5:20PM)