Digital Citizenship By Ella Jones STLP Hiseville Elementary Cyber-Reporter

Digital Citizenship
By Ella Jones
STLP Hiseville Elementary Cyber-Reporter
As l walked around looking at the projects, this one caught my eye. It was
called Digital Citizenship. I bet you’re wondering what that means. This booth
was all about how to be safe online and boy did I want to know. My parents are
always concerned about what I am doing on my iPad or iPod while online. They
remind me daily how dangerous it can be for children my age. Therefore, I
thought this showcase was just for me.
I thought this project was good because the whole project was done
by elementary students in Allen County. I also thought the group came up with a
very clever idea. The project board also had lots of pictures and captions. The
word DANGER was used as an acronym to tell people how to be safe online.
What a great way to help you remember! D stands for do you really know who
you are talking to? A stands for any photos or videos can be changed. N stands
for never cyber bully and G is go to websites that are appropriate. E stands for
everybody can see everything you post or put online. R stands for respect all
When I went up to the table, the students began explaining the
importance of being safe while using the internet. I never realized that everything
you put on the internet stays on the internet FOREVER! Wow, that’s a long time.
They reminded me to be very careful of everything I post because one day it could
come back to haunt me. I now know to go to safe websites that can be trusted.
That’s very important.
I learned from this STLP project an acronym that will help me
remember online safety. The word DANGER will help me remember all the things
that will keep me safe while using the internet. I learned how important it is to be
a good citizen while being online. Hopefully, many others will learn how to be a
good digital citizen too.