HARTNELL COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Distance Education Committee Minutes Tuesday, December 09, 2014 1:00-2:00 PM A-116 MEMBERS Name Representing Present Mai-Britt Kimm Shannon Bliss Renata Funke X X X Liz Estrella Adjunct Faculty Administrator Administrator, DE Coordinator Counselor Vacant Carol Hobson Lindsey Bertomen Jorge Sanchez Maria Teutsch CSEA Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Pimol Moth Rhea Mendoza-Lewis Lisa Storm Tina Esparza-Luna Peggy Mayfield Laura Lark Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty, Chair Head Librarian Instructional Technologist Instructional Technologist Student Senate Megan Blevins Vacant Absent X X X X X X X Others Name Carol Kimbrough Alicia Ramirez Title or Representing Academic Senate President Administrative Assistant, Minutes CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS Present X Absent X Tina Esparza-Luna Meeting called to order at 1:00 p.m. ACTION ITEMS 1. Minutes approved INFORMATION/DISCUSSION/PRESENTATIONS 1. Update from DE Specialist Mai-Britt Kimm 1 Hartnell College Vision Statement: Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. Hartnell College Mission Statement: Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. Reviewed DE plan and Strategic Plan and committee agreed they are aligned. Committee will meet with Brian. Laura and Megan need to get training recommendations. What does DE need- administrative support, data, how much FTE and success numbers. 2. Attendance Policy Renata Funke First 72 hours will be dropped. It was approved and discussed last spring. Dr. Lori Kilda wants to pilot in spring. Policy needs to go to College Planning Council and Board of Trustees to be a policy. Once there’s a policy, faculty and students must be informed. Renata has sent the policy to all Etudes approved instructors. 3. Distance Education Survey Results Megan Blevins Grade book will changing. Committee discussed the ability to customize homepage is a problem. Online proctoring – 35% of responders would use it. Syllabus development – Laura and Megan will begin to support this 4. Length of Time for Online Evaluation Tina Esparza-Luna Negotiations are on Thursday. Currently a module roughly equivalent to no more than one week of content. Standing documents and announcement. Feedback from some faculty, one week is too long. Evaluators looking at other areas of course. Examples1 to 3 days. Comments- to see interaction need a week. Instead of less time, limit areas. Etudes is going to activity meter. Guideline on how to evaluate on online course. Etudes is going to have evaluator access. DEC feels comfortable with one week. 5. Training Opportunities Renata Funke Pat James, Executive Director of OEI, will come by a week before classes and can answer questions. Is doing 3 segments during one of the flex days. Hope to capture PT faculty’s time. Faculty cannot count this as their flex hours. Mai-Britt and Renata have chosen 3 topics. 6. Online Flex Time Requirements Not negotiating this article now, this is not time sensitive. Tina Esparza-Luna OTHER ITEMS/BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. OEI Update Tina Esparza-Luna Lindsay got an evaluation of class – 28 pages. Issues from Etudes. Technical Accessibility – comments on syllabus. Orientation to course: concerns about PowerPoint. Tina got a review as well. DE Summit is beginning of year – Lisa wants to know if others can attend. Concerns about results of having OEI approved courses – detrimental to other courses. NEXT MEETING(S) • • • March 10, 2015 April 14, 2015 May 12, 2015 ADJOURNMENT Tina Esparza-Luna Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. 2 Hartnell College Mission Statement Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.