Distance Education Committee Minutes 12/15/15, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00p.m.

Distance Education Committee
12/15/15, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00p.m.
Jennifer Grohol
Maj-Britt Kimm
Zahi Atallah
Renata Funke
Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Faculty
Administrator, DE
Faculty, DE Specialist
Faculty, Chair
Head Librarian
Technologist, CSEA
Student Senate
X (phone)
Title or Representing
David Phillips
Dawn Henry
Information Technology
Carol Hobson
Jorge Sanchez
Lindsey Bertomen
Lisa Storm
Maria Teutsch
Pimol Moth
Tina Esparza-Luna
Peggy Mayfield
Laura Lark
X (phone)
X (phone)
Assistant, Minutes
Meeting called to order at 1:20 pm
Tina Esparza-Luna
Minutes Approved:
Tina Esparza – Luna
The minutes from the 11/17/15 meeting were reviewed and approved.
 Approval discussion started regarding the DE Coordinator and was brought up that not all Deans were
aware of the position, even though it was reported by Ms. Mayfield that it had been on the board
agenda. Dr. Atallah noted he knew about it and that it was part of the prioritization and had been
approved. Dean Funke stated that it should be in the next PPA and that the DE committee needs to
Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute
to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach
academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.
come up with items for the 2016 PPA. Should be put again on the Feb agenda. There was concern if it
was not addressed today and only on the Feb agenda would that give Dean Funke enough time to put it
in the PPA. She said that it would still give her enough time.
2. A loose discussion also ensued in regards to the lack of a student representative. All felt one should be on the
committee and
Tina stated she would follow up with Augustine Nevarez from the Office of Student Life.
3. OEI – Platform with online counseling and common assessment & regarding having a Student Affairs
representative on the DE Committee.
Contact Mark Sanchez by Tina
4. – Funds and stipends for adjunct Canvas training.
Laura Lark to contact Janine on Professional Development Committee
5. FIG Final Proposal
Tina to send out FIG final proposal to committee (Proposal sent 12/16 to committee and Admins.).
Dawn/Kimberly for posting on website.
1. O E I U p d a t e ( I I I . A )
Carol Hobson& Lindsey Bertomen
Ms. Hobson:
 Two (2) groups were formed within the Consortium; Carol in one (1) and Lindsey in the other. Ms.
Hobson’s group covered communication and Mr. Bertomen’s covered MOU.
 Ms. Hobson reported that the OEI has a new website and it is live. (It was distributed electronically by
Mr. Bertomen and Ms. Storm.
 Goal is to make communication friendlier with a single point of contact for student, faculty alike.
Attempt to get OEI in one place and pull all resources together. Anita Crowley is looking to do this. As
all kinds of information are coming at participants – communication is a key issue and how accessibility
at Hartnell College will be handled is a point of focus.
Mr. Bertomen:
 There are two groups – the OEI Steering Committee and the Consortium of which Mr. Bertomen and
Ms. Hobson are members.
 The consortium has mapped out what they are and will do. That map will affect ALL colleges, not just
those considered pilots in the program. A doctrine is being developed by the membership and is about
3 meetings out before completed. The consortium will make the recommendation(s) on how the
community college(s) will operate.
In their (consortium) meeting they elected co-chairs to provide leadership and communication. There
will be 24 initial colleges for the full launch. The MOU for Fall 2016 is close to being done, only some
structural changes. (24 colleges to launch Fall 2016; 8 pilot colleges.)
Will have to get the MOU done as this will need to get back to the colleges to be able to have two(2)
readings at each college’s Academic Senate.
There are three (3) separate SAs being used of which Colleague is one and there is one of the pilot
Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute
to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach
academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.
colleges that uses Colleague which will be an advantage for HC.
Questions being addressed are appearance on transcripts, external and internal; the enrollment data
how will it roll?; is it needed on a 48 hour basis or as most who gave input it would be needed in first
couple of weeks. Will address receipt of information between the colleges.
Mr. Bertomen did have an indirect statement from Bonnie Peters who stated that there is a platform
with same accessibility and same on line counseling with common assessment that is free. This brought
up question of how to get this information to Student Affairs (Mark Sanchez) as the feeling around the
committee is that this Department is not getting this information. Tina will be communicating with Mr.
SPOC role – will be stepping up as there will be a lot of coordination. OEI will send team for face to face
presentations to each college. HC needs to push this. Dean Funke noted that she, Dave Phillips and Lori
Kildal will be having a meeting shortly and can discuss this information. Question was put forward if
Student Services should be on the committee now. Mr. Bertomen noted that SPOC on other colleges
have already coordinated this sharing of information. It was put forward that Frank Henderson would
be a good candidate. Mr. Bertomen also volunteered to see how others are getting information out. He
also noted that Tina and he were interviewed by OEI and that HC is the go to for the readiness module.
2. Canvas Update & Training/Implementation–(IIIB and IV B)
Dave Phillips & Laura Lark
 Dave Phillips stated that the agreement is being signed this week. Dave also asked to make a
clarification to the committee as he stated that Canvas is not an IT project. The IT department is here
and ready to help with its implementation. The contract signing was a step in the process, which IT
aided with, but the remainder of the steps is with the committee. Ms. Esparza-Luna noted she was
aware of the email that may have inadvertently created this misconception, and assured Mr. Phillips
that it was not meant to be construed that IT would be the driving force.
Mr. Phillips then brought to the table questions regarding training that the committee needs to look at.
How to train, pay to train (adjuncts), Flex (DE Flex) for training (Full Time). The committee needs to take
recommendations to the Academic Senate. He noted that the timeline is aggressive even for OEI. The
timeline is that anyone can teach in Canvas this summer, but ALL will be using it by Fall 2017. Spring
and Fall 2016 will be training.
Online class is defined as wholly online and if it is, then HAS to be on Canvas. It is contractual. If Fall
2016 has 25 of 32 faculty using Canvas it will be okay. HC has to pay etudes as cannot be totally off the
program. However, no one wants students to be in a class on etudes and a class on Canvas.
Ms. Lark stated that the training schedule is on the PDC website, and sign up can begin now. There are
2-3 workshops a month between Jan and June and all qualify for Flex. Flex day will have Canvas and OEI
training. Question put forth if Academic Senate has been informed and answer was noted that it had
not as the timeline was not known until today. Ms. Lark is concerned that she will be unable to handle
the load of adjuncts for training, especially if mandatory. If they could complete a self-paced training
she could then accommodate our adjunct staff. Verification could be done through screen shots of the
tests/quizzes etc.
Discussion continued on training and presentation to faculty. Should wording include mandatory or is it
better to use recommend from the committee. Whatever results from the committee want to avoid
presenting to the senate and having groups attack the recommendation as not being contractual, or not
being correct. (With etudes, when faculty told had to train or can’t use it, the mandatory part became a
sticking point and this is what is to be avoided. Dr. Atallah made a clarification that had to train if class
was online not if an instructor was going to use etudes).
Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute
to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach
academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.
Dean Funke asked if those who have already had Canvas training will be given priority. The Deans were
also identified as the vehicle to make sure that DE information (re: Canvas) is received and known.
Committee felt that recommended was the best verbiage to use. (Those already teaching on Canvas
would be exempted anyway). It would be better appreciated and received by faculty. It would be more
welcoming as an option.
Discussion then delved into adjuncts and stipends. Stipend would depend on training taken. Where is
$$$ to come from? Noted that Dean Funke can bring this up to Dr. Kildal – however Dean Funke noted
she would get a question back as to if the committee has any figures as to how much this would be. A
determination was made that the committee should go forward with a recommendation of training and
a stipend. Follow up would be by later and/or by others for the money and disbursement. Laura will
talk to Janine on Professional Development Committee and Tina will put together a recommendation
after she hears back from Dave and Laura. (Side note: Funds for Professional Development are more
geared to reimbursements for travel, conventions, workshops etc.) Stipend amount was identified as
$75 for the training.
Discussion next centered on our students using Canvas. Can link the tutorials for students and it was
also announced that a Readiness module will also be available. For Spring etudes students received an
automated message (etudes) and it was asked if this could also be done for Canvas. Another suggestion
is to create a 0 unit or ½ unit class to learn how to use it – as this has proven to allow students to
perform better in the class. Negatives on this were impact on FTES, and how the Counseling 20 class
3. Regular& Effective Contact Policy Update (III D.)
 It has been approved.
Tina Esparza-Luna
4. Best Practices FIG (IV A.)
Carol Hobson
 Received approval from Stan Crane. Downside is that Gavilan was not approved, but will still hope to
work with them. Will be $500 stipends for 4 instructors. Has two (2) that have spoken to her of their
interest. The logistics are still being worked on. Proposal will be posted on website. The four instructors
will start in Feb and meet every 2 weeks for 6 meetings. Contact Ms. Hobson if interested. She will
follow up with Stan Crane for procedures.
5. DE/Hybrid Growth of Classes (IV C.)
 Ideas that were heard were more for enrollment management – cold calling for students to enroll. Not
well received for growing hybrid classes.
6. Hybrid Policy (III. C)
 Resolution is for faculty to decide the number of face to face hours and the number of frequency – BUT
NOT the time of meeting. The feedback from the Senate is that this fell into the right of assignment and
was rejected. It was still voiced on this committee that hybrid is a benefit and that it offers student a
bridge to a fully on line class and improves their ability to succeed in complete online classes. Input
from Carol Kimbrough to go with this policy is the need to change the DE addendum. This was not
appealing to the committee. Felt it was taking away their ability to experiment. Once put into the
addendum then it is set in stone.
Felt that additional voices to speak on this issue to the senate, besides Ms. Storm and Ms. Mayfield
would be helpful. Ms. Esparza-Luna to add her voice.
Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute
to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach
academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.
7. Resource Allocation (IV E)
Tina Esparza-Luna
 This will be on agenda for next two meetings. Additionally the DE Co-coordinator will also be rolled into
this year’s PPA, and DE training utilize from the savings of leaving etudes. Suggestion was made to
continue to put the same money amount paid for etudes into the PPA.
Agenda Items for next meeting:
Resource allocation
Tina Esparza-Luna
Meeting adjourned at 2:54 pm
Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute
to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach
academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.