* APPROVED * Facilities Development Council Minutes Thursday, March 10, 2016, 3:00 p.m. E-112 MEMBERS Name Representing Present Marty Parsons Joseph Reyes David Phillips Administration Administration Administration X X X Amy Lehman Administration X Moises Almendariz Slava Bekker Michael Davis Eric Price Ismael Ramirez Ray Nonella Class. Mgr./Supv./Conf. Faculty Faculty CSEA L-39 L-39 X X X Hector Moya (vacant) ASHC ASHC X Title or Representing Crisis Counseling Present X Absent X X X X Others Name Carol Kimbrough CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS Absent Marty Parsons Meeting called to order at 3:02 p.m. Introductions were made to new member, Amy Lehman at Marty Parsons’ request. ACTION ITEMS 1. Consider approval of minutes from the February 2016 meeting Marty Parsons Motion to approve (Hector Moya); Second (Joseph Reyes); all in favor. Minutes approved. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION/PRESENTATIONS 1. Request for New or Additional Space Joseph Reyes Crisis Counseling : Joseph introduced Carol Kimbrough to the members; Carol then provided a presentation which contained an overview of the services Crisis Counseling provides to HCCD’s students. Carol stated that the staff must be able to respond quickly; a two week wait is not conducive to students’ needs – emergencies do not wait. She added that walk in hours are available between 11:00 and 12:00 daily; there are five marriage and family therapists; the staff works closely with Student Affairs and Student Life when students need intervention. Additional space is necessary because currently CC has three offices but six workers (5 interns plus one supervisor); file storage is needed; and a safe, confidential, quiet area is needed to provide services to students. Carol reviewed the strategic priorities and pointed out that a copy of her presentation can be found on the FDC website. Joseph then asked for questions and discussion followed. Joseph pointed out that the space requested is D-127 which is currently occupied by the IPE offices and there would be no additional costs for the move. Hector Moya asked Carol if there is space for CC at the Alisal campus; Carol responded there currently is not but they would love to have space there. She stated that Dean Zahi Atallah is very receptive to the idea but extra budget would be required. Dave Phillips added that having a space at the King City Center might be more important than space at the Alisal campus because of its distance from Main campus. Joseph asked Carol if the plans are in the PPA; Carol responded it will be included in the Student Services PPA. The members thanked Carol for her presentation. 2. Request for New or Additional Space Joseph Reyes CalWORKS: Joseph requested this item be placed on the April meeting agenda since Paul Casey was not in attendance to present this request. 3. Facilities (Display Panels) Update Hector Moya Hector reported they continue working on the design; have exact locations determined but still deciding on how to mount the displays. They are unsure of the cost for mounting in the same manner as the displays in Building B; cost is important. Joseph asked if they are working with the interim Student Life Director; to which Hector replied, yes. Dave Phillips asked if they’ve received a quote that includes a server and licenses because the college pays for licenses to run the screens. More licenses will need to be purchased as well as potentially another server. Currently HCCD has six servers. Joseph asked Dave to work with Hector on obtaining a closer estimate; Dave said he will follow up with Daniel Jimmeye for the estimate. OTHER ITEMS/BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Slava Bekker brought up concerns related to the restrooms in Building N. She said the smell is quite bad and people must go outside for fresh air due to the smells of either the bathroom or the bleach which is used to clean the bathroom. Slava also pointed out she does not believe it to be the fault of the custodial workers but rather it could be an infrastructure issue. Additionally, Slava said that a custodial worker recently came through the area and combined all trash with recycling. Joseph responded they are not supposed to do that; recycling containers should have clear liners differentiating recycling from trash. Joseph said he will speak with the custodial supervisor and have him inspect the bathroom and come up with a plan. Slava also said the custodial staff does a good job of emptying trash cans and asked whose responsibility it is to sweep. Joseph told her it is the custodian’s job to sweep. He added that when the new science building opens, two new custodians will be hired. Marty pointed out that currently the campus has only 1.5 custodians working during the day. Slava added this is not a huge deal; she was just curious. 2. Marty asked Joseph for an update on the new building and asked if August 1st is the opening date. Joseph responded that the total completion date is estimated to be August 18; but the goal is to move in on August 1. He has been working with Dave Phillips to see how all can be accomplished in two weeks. Joseph reiterated the move-in will be on August 1st. 3. Hector thanked Joseph for making sure the door repair was done at the parking structure. NEXT MEETING(S) April 14, 2016 May 12, 2016 ADJOURNMENT Marty Parsons Meeting adjourned at 3:36 p.m. HARTNELL COLLEGE VISION STATEMENT Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. HARTNELL COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.