Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Samuel Battista (Student Council)
Jason Boily (Vice-Principal)
Maria Borsato (Chaplain)
Rochelle Keil-Caspersz (Treasurer)
Maria Canning (Teacher Rep)
Dan Compagnon (Principal)
Sarah Donovan (Chair)
Michele Drenters (Secretary)
Anna Maria Foldhazi (Parish Rep)
Taljit Nijjar (Student Council)
Leslie Marchand (Vice-Principal)
Scott McLauchlan (Trustee)
Kathy McQuire (Vice Principal)
Gena DiGiovanni
Nicola Gibbs-Reilly
Lorraine Hoareau
Graciela Ransom
Joseph Wanyama
Dina Scheitzbach
CALL TO ORDER Meeting began at 7:00 pm
Motion to approve November 15, 2011 minutes made by Anna Maria Foldhazi, seconded by Rochelle KeilCasperz, approved by council.
Motion to approve February 7, 2012 agenda made by Gena DiGiovanni, seconded by Anna Maria Foldhazi,
approved by council.
STUDENT COUNCIL REPORT: Samuel Battista and Taljit Nijjar
Senior Dance was held on Dec 16th. 350 tickets were sold at $8 each. The dance was well plnned,
organized and supervised. Social media response afterwards was very positive. The Juniors worked
at the Senior dance. The Seniors will work at the Junior dance in April.
The week before Christmas involved 5 days of activities, including a food drive that raised over 1500
cans of food.
Classroom representative elections will be held next week.
The week of the Cardinal returns next week. February 14th will be a dress down day. Roses will be
sold for $3 each.
The Junior Dance will be on April 27th.
Sarah provided information from the OSTA (Ontario Student Trustees’ Association) on their efforts
against bullying. Over the last few years, through their annual Ontario student and parent surveys,
students were asked if they experienced bullying at school (46% said yes) and parents were asked if
they felt the schools should take action against cyber bullying (70% said yes). The results were
shared, and as a result the Ontario Liberal & Conservative parties have both presented bills for antibullying legislation.
Opportunity for a student music scholarship through the T-Rox Music Academy was shared.
Sarah asked Dan Compagnon to provide his opinion on the People For Education survey. Dan will
review the survey and provide his feedback.
Enrolment & Financial overview
DPCDSB enrolment down 1% to approx. 85,000 full-day students.
Still considered by Ministry of Education as one of only a few current growth boards in Ontario.
2 new Brampton elementary schools have received Ministry funding approval for F13 opening.
Have balanced budget approval for this year, investing in Special Education at a historical level.
Maintenance, text book and library/guidance underspending has compensated for Ministry
underfunding for classroom staffing.
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Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Full Day Kindergarten
Recent election results will help ensure 5-year phase in program continues as scheduled.
Class sizes have increased by 2 students (now average 28 students per class) as per other Boards.
Contract Renewals
We are headed into negotiations with ALL our union groups as contracts expire August 31st.
Our Board and most Ontario Catholic School Boards have appointed OCSTA as our official bargaining
agent for Tier 1 (provincial) issues. Tier 2 (local) issues will be handled by our Employee Relations
staff in concert with a hired external bargaining expert.
This process is dependent upon the financial status of the Government and potential implications of
the Drummond Report which remain currently unknown.
“Our Story. Our Tradition. Our Journey” is a historical Board-created resource celebrating Catholic
faith and education throughout our area. It is part of the grade 7 & 10 curriculums.
Parent information brochures have been produced to help parents understand the role of the Trustee
and better direct them through appropriate channels when they have concerns.
EQAO & Specialist High School Major (SHSM) results
Outstanding progress trending, surpassing Provincial averages and the local Peel Board, is very
evident in primary and junior literacy skills + secondary academic and applied math scores.
Attention must now start to focus on primary and junior math abilities and appropriate resources.
To date we have offered 4,000 SHSM credits and 4,000 SCSM credits have been earned. Our Board’s
graduation rate for SHSM students is over 80% and double the provincial average. It is 10% higher
than the Peel Public School Board.
Georges Vanier Catholic Elementary School: Hazardous Material Concern
Over the Christmas holidays and extending into the first week back, removal of non-friable asbestos
materials were conducted following Ministry of Health and Labour safety protocols.
Following the clean-up process, and in response to parent concerns due to various student-related
health symptoms, air quality tests were conducted by the Ministry of Health.
Trace amounts of asbestos beyond the acceptable level were identified in air testing and 2nd floor
school access was temporarily prohibited until additional clean-up and testing was done.
Parents questioned why notice of this work was not publicized to let them determine whether or not
they should send their child/children to school.
The issue was discussed with our Director, creating a new awareness policy to address this concern.
New Zero Tolerance Bullying Legislation (Bill 13) and Open Arms Clubs: Respecting Differences
The Board is working to understand the implications of the Ministry’s new proposed legislation (Bill
13) and how it relates to our progressive discipline model.
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) remains assertive in trying to establish GSA-specific school clubs.
With input from many stakeholders, including the Organization of Catholic Bishops of Ontario
(OCBO), Open Arms Clubs: Respecting Differences will be established, as requested, in a manner
that is consistent with our faith to inclusively support students of discrimination/bullying.
New Positions on the Board of Trustees
Mario Pascucci is the new Chair of the Board of Trustees. Linda Zanella is the Vice Chair.
The annual $500 Parent Involvement grant was received.
Next meeting we should prepare to discuss allocation of our funds.
Balance is at $3532.65.
The Knights of Columbus Pasta Dinner will be held on Sunday, Feb. 12th at 5pm at Aquinas.
March 16th will be the date of the Youth for Jesus Convention at Pope John Paul II Polish Cultural
Centre. Youth aged 15 – 25 can attend.
REPORT FROM THE DRAPCE (Dufferin Peel Association of Parents in Catholic Education) REP: Michele Drenters
The Annual General Meeting of OAPCE (Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education) will be
held May 4 & 5 in Whitby. Cardinal Collins will celebrate the mass.
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Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, February 7, 2012
A “21st Century Learning Unit” is being developed. Information and Communications technology is
the focus. It will involve grades K-12. Involves exploring how technology can enhance student
The curriculum unit is working to develop materials for financial literacy to be integrated into the
curriculum from grades 4-12 across all subjects.
A survey of Catholic Secondary School graduates by ICE (Institute for Catholic Education) will take
place to determine the success of Catholic School graduates. It will include determining to what
extent graduates participate in the democratic process.
Students in high school who are applying for bursaries or financial awards must have a Social
Insurance Number in order for them to receive any funds.
STAFF REPORT: Maria Canning
Maria stressed the importance of students using the organization tools available to them i.e agendas,
to keep track of things.
Now that semester one has come to a close, students are being asked to remember to return their
The season of Lent has started. Maria has been sharing teachings from the document ‘Bringing Lent
Home With Mother Theresa’.
Thinkfast is on March 1st. It is a 25 hour fast that raises awareness of global poverty and
environmental justice. There are activities after school.
May 10 is March For Life.
Enrolment & Staffing
Projected at 2006 students for Sept. 2012 (projected at 2015 for Sept. 2011, enrolled 2059 students
by Sept. 30th).
Allocated 128.67 full time teachers for Sept. 2012 (currently have 130.33 teachers).
Will lose some staff to transfers.
Change of school timetable
Need to eliminate 5 minutes of travel time between 3A and 3B lunches and 3B and 3C lunches in
order to comply with Board standard.
End result; a reduction of the school day by 5 minutes. Dismissal time moved up to 2:15 pm.
No change to instructional time (length of classes).
Open Arms… Respecting Differences
Document released by OCSTA.
Board will provide support and training for administrators, chaplains and teachers who act as staff
liaison for this student group.
Student conference and awareness week being planned for the Fall.
More information will be provided at the next Council meeting.
Semester One final marks
Significant improvements noted in semester one final marks.
We saw a 21% increase in the pass rate of grade 10 Applied Math.
More details will be provided in the near future.
Report cards will be distributed on Friday, February 10th.
Grad photos and school rings
Grad photos February 13 – 15; last opportunity to have grad photos taken for the Graduation
Composite picture. Students are to sign up for their appointment Tues., Feb. 7th and Wed., Feb. 8th.
Jostens will be in the school selling school rings February 14th and 15th.
Priority Grant
General Sharing and Reporting Meetings: March 22nd and May 17th 2012 – 2:45 pm.
Recommendation for a Catholic School Council member to be on UPG Steering Committee.
Members can express their interest to School Council Chair, Sarah Donovan.
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Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Regional Arts Program
Auditions are now complete and the offers of acceptance are on the website.
Registration date for our upcoming grade 9’s is on Wednesday, February 29th between 1:30 and 7:00
pm. Once the registration is completed for the initial offerings, we will go to the waitlist. Our
numbers were up this year for students auditioning. We especially saw increases in Vocal and Dance.
“You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” is being staged this week: Feb. 8 – 11th at 7:30 pm.
This classical musical is the second instalment in the Grade 12 Theatre Season.
Being staged in our Brian J. Dunn Theatre. Tickets are available at the door and are $8 for children
and $12 for adults.
Dance trip to LA departs on Thursday, February 16th.
Drama students are actively preparing for their One Act Festival and entries into the SEARS Festival.
“The Secret Life of Girls”, a one act play depicting bullying (and cyberbullying) will be competing on
Tuesday, February 21st in the first round of the SEARS festival, here at STA.
We will be arranging 2 additional dates for audiences to view as seating is limited the night of the
“Cabaret”, our annual musical evening will take place on Saturday, February 25th.
Safe Schools Action Team
The Safe Schools Action Team will meet at the end of February.
VP Leslie Marchand will send out the date once it has been confirmed.
Parents are welcome to attend.
Sound and Lighting Equipment
The sound and lighting system has been updated. We have a new sound board, a new amplifier,
better speakers and lighting has been rewired.
We now have a fully usable theatre space, which will allow us to hold more in-house productions
rather than holding them at the Rose Theatre.
We will be hosting several performances during the SEARS Festival.
An update on traffic congestion at the school was given by Scott McLauchlan. When the Brampton
Safe City before and after school observation groups did the school’s site inspection of traffic around
the school and at the adjacent intersection on December 6th, it was their opinion that the bottleneck
at the school’s entrance would only be made worse by a potential advanced green onto Corporation
drive (especially realizing that they have to quickly move from the left lane to the right within a very
limited distance and cars are already backed up in that lane).
Motion to adjourn made by Rochelle Keil-Caspersz, seconded by Gena DiGiovanni. Meeting concluded at 9:05
20011 – 2012 SCHOOL COUNCIL FUTURE MEETINGS (7:00 p.m., Library)
April 17, 2012
May 15, 2012
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