The methods used to generate electricity are often not

The methods used to generate electricity are often not
determined by the consumer. To change how power is generated
you can speak to the hydro company, add solar panels or wind turbines or
use geothermal heating in your own home. The installation any of these
features will be at the owner’s expense, although there are grants available to
help with costs. The hydro company will pay your for energy put back on
the grid.
Carbon Footprint: ____________________________________________
 Direct emissions: ____________________________________
 Indirect emissions: ___________________________________
What’s your carbon footprint????
Impact Calculator
 Seal gaps around windows and doors
 Put weather strips around windows and doors
 Lock windows to create a tighter seal
 Use appropriate and layered window treatments
 Use insulated windows
 Open the blinds in the winter to allow sunlight in
 Close blinds in the summer to block sunlight
 Block drafts
 Add insulation to floors above unheated spaces, walls, attic
 Keep fridge at the right temperature
 Clean refrigerator coils
 Keep refrigerator level
 Unplug refrigerators not in use
 Position refrigerator away form heat
 Fill the freezer (it takes less energy to keep cool)
 Defrost the freezer
 Use self cleaning oven option right after the oven was used so it is still hot
 Thaw frozen food in the sink
 Use lids when cooking
 Use pressure to cool
 Keep the oven door closed
 Don’t over fill the oven
 Use the grill
 Share oven warmth in the winter and turn down the heat
 Replace uneven pots and pans
 Bake in glass or ceramic pans
 Limit preheating
 Turn off the oven when done
 Use the microwave to reheat things
 Use a dishwasher rather then hand wash
 Always fill the dishwasher before using
 Air dry dishes
 Wash clothing in cold water
 Keep detergent to a minimum
 Don’t stuff the washer or dryer
 Do multiple loads in a roll
 Remove lint from the dryer
 Avoid ironing
Insulate water beds
Unplug appliances when not in use
Run major appliance at night
Replace light and appliances with energy efficient ones
Turn off lights when you leave a room
Use motion detectors
Use timers
Use task lighting
Clean light bulbs
Keep the water heater at 120ºC
Flush out the water heater
Insulate water heater and pipes
Turn off water heater when away
Take showers rather then baths
Use low flow shower head
Fix leaky faucets
Have a programmable thermostat that lowers use of furnace or air conditioning
when you aren’t home or sleeping
Clean registers and air filters
Maximize circulation (don’t block the vent)
Close unused rooms
Convert a wood burning fireplace to gas
Use space heaters and portable fans
Use Ceiling fans (Clockwise to warm and counterclockwise to cool)
Close registers in the basement in summer
 Plant shade and natural insulation for the house
 Use a rotary mower
 Use pool covers
 Put the pool heater and filter on a timer
 Buy an effective car (ex. Hybrid)
 Ensure tire pressure and oil are optimal for the car
 Driver slower
 Clean out unnecessary items
 Wash and wax the car
 Reduce Idle time
 Avoid the drive thru
 Carpool
 Use public transportation
1. Are their any reasons, other then saving the planet, that the energy
saving tips would be helpful to people?
2. What would you do to reduce your carbon emissions?
3. Calculate what your new carbon foot print would be if you followed
those new steps.
4. In some regions people and companies are converting their roof into a
green space. This would mean that plants and trees would grow
above buildings. This is a picture of MEC in downtown Toronto on
their roof.
a. What are some advantages of doing this?
b. What are the disadvantages of doing this?
c. Is this something you would do? Why or why not?
4. Do you think that if every household did some small changes we would
significantly change things?