3/30/12 Performance of Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting March 17, 2012 Kirsten Boedeker, Rich Mather Toshiba Medical Research Institute Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN CT overuse Sodickson A, Radiology, 2009 251:175 1 3/30/12 Dose Reduction ! Conventional Approaches ! mA Modulation, Gating ! Post-processing algorithms ! Bowtie ! Active Collimation Quantum Noise ! Noise ! Random background variations ! Competes with true signal ! Static on radio, “snow” on television ! More photons ! less noise ! Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) Quantum Noise N = 225 25 75 150 Image noise is heavily dependent on the number of photons (quanta) that define it! 2 3/30/12 100,00 90,00 25,0 80,00 70,00 20,0 60,00 50,00 40,00 15,0 10,0 30,00 20,00 Exposure [mSv] Image noise [%] 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 0%noise noise 5,0 10,00 0,00 0,0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Tube current [mAs] Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN Dose Reduction made easy! 100%? 75% 50% 25% Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla 3 3/30/12 Image Reconstruction ! Have raw data, need to make an image ! 2 major ways to do this ! Fourier Backprojection ! Iterative Reconstruction ! Both older than dirt ! Different strengths and tradeoffs for each Acquiring Projection Data red e t l Fi Backprojection 4 3/30/12 Filtered Backprojection 5 3/30/12 FBP Advantages ! Speed ! 50-60+ images per second recon ! Well characterized ! Primary recon since beginning of CT ! Noise properties known; linear relationship between noise and resolution ! Familiar look and feel ! Artifacts known ! Linear ! Predictable reconstruction behavior FBP Disadvantages ! Simplified assumptions ! Point focal, point detector, pencil beam ! Limits precision ! Trouble with truncated data ! Needs to know all the projections ! Slight non-uniformities ! Can be calibrated out ! Direct tradeoff between noise and resolution can be limiting Simple Iterative Example 13 11 7 10 17 18 1 8 9 8 18 15 11 15 Total variation = 12 8 13 6 3/30/12 Simple Iterative Example 13 14 6 11 17 18 Total variation = 7 3 5 8 9 16 11 11 15 8 13 Simple Iterative Example 13 13 8 10 18 18 Total variation = 0 3 5 8 11 15 13 11 15 8 13 Traditional Iterative Reconstruction Forward Project (modeling) Compare ~ equal Update Initial guess 7 3/30/12 Modeling for IR ! Statistical Modeling ! ! ! ! Focused on controlling noise Models only noise properties Takes quantum noise into account Does not improve resolution! ! Physics modeling ! ! ! ! Models all aspects of the scanner Focal spot size, system geometry, beam energy, cone angle Extremely complex- better the model, the better the image quality Can improve both noise and resolution Possible Iterative Advantages ! Modeling ! Allows more precise reconstructions ! Can help with noise and resolution ! Artifact reduction ! Good with truncated datasets ! Short scans ! Cone beam Traditional Iterative Disadvantages ! Slow ! Depending on model can be 400x slower ! Complex ! Modeling noise is relatively fast ! Modeling physics is slow! ! Non-linear ! Can create plastic images ! Poorly characterized 8 3/30/12 Vendor-specific Iterative Reconstruction GE Philips Siemens Toshiba Algorithm • Veo • iDose4 • SAFIRE • AIDR3D • Data domain • Data and Image domain • Data and Image domain • Data and Image domain GE’s iterative reconstruction- Veo ! Traditional IR- Model based IR ! Forward projection incorporates ! ! ! ! ! ! Real focal spot Real detector geometry Cubic voxel Broad beam Statistical model of noise Physics model ! “Lower noise and higher resolution can be achieved within a single image. ” – GE website ! ~ 1 hour / case – Katsura et al, ECR March 2012 Philips’ iterative reconstruction- iDose4 ! Hybrid ! Works in both raw data domain and image domain ! Raw data ! Targets noisy projections ! Noisy data penalized, edges preserved ! Image data ! Noise model ! Multi-frequency noise reduction ! “The majority of factory protocols are reconstructed in 60 seconds or less ” – Philips website 9 3/30/12 Siemens’ iterative reconstruction- SAFIRE ! Hybrid ! Works in both raw data domain and image domain ! Primary work done in image space ! “Iteratively ‘cleaning up’ and removing image noise without degrading image sharpness” ! Periodic comparison to sinogram ! Forward project into raw data domain ! Compare with original acquisition data ! “SAFIRE can achieve significant radiation dose reduction ” – Siemens website 10 3/30/12 Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction (AIDR3) AIDR 3D* is the latest evolution and Toshiba’s 3rd generation of iterative reconstruction technology that has been fully integrated in to the imaging chain. AIDR 3D* has been optimized for a busy workflow and adds mere seconds to total reconstruction time. Scanner Model AIDR Image Anatomical Model Based Optimization Update Object Projection Noise Reduction + Statistical Model Blending % Iterative Adaptive Dose Reduction – AIDR 3D Standard dose FBP Full Dose – 2mm sl *Pending FDA Clearance IR AIDR (Std) – Low Dose Abdomen Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN 11 3/30/12 Reduced dose FBP IR 35 % Dose reduction AIDR (Std) – Low Dose Abdomen 35% dose reduction Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN Reduced dose FBP IR 50% dose reduction Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN Low dose FBP IR 65% dose reduction 12 3/30/12 Low dose FBP IR 75% dose reduction Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN Low dose FBP IR 85% dose reduction Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN Image Quality Medical: Technical: • we can see very small structures high contrast resolution • we can see subtle density differences low contrast resolution • no motion artefacts temporal resolution • low image pixel noise pixel SD, noise power spectrum • sharp contours, crisp image kernel, edge preservation • tissue contrast tube settings, CM Mental: • “nice images” psychology Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN 13 3/30/12 Evaluating Image Quality ! Noise ! Spatial Resolution ! Detectability SD=21.5HU SD=21.5HU Both images have the same standard deviation Impacts Detectability 14 3/30/12 Sagittal Plane Axial Plane Iterative Reconstruction Texture Changes 15 3/30/12 Noise Power Spectrum ! Based on Fourier technique, images of uniform, noise-only material are converted into frequency space to yield a power spectrum. ! Shows in which spatial frequencies the noise power is concentrated. ! Area under NPS curve is equal to the variance. Low Frequency NPS, Large Grain Noise Smooth Filter 0.00025 HU2pix 2 0.0002 0.00015 Smooth 0.0001 0.00005 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 frequency (lp/cm) High Frequency NPS, Fine Grain Noise Sharp Filter 0.0045 0.004 0.0035 HU2pix 2 0.003 0.0025 Sharp 0.002 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 frequency (lp/cm) 16 3/30/12 Iterative Reconstruction and NPS ! IR can shift the NPS to lower frequencies ! Amount of the shift can depend on: ! 1. Dose level ! 2. Algorithm Strength Marin D et al Radiology 2010 Dose = 3.4 mGy 150 FBP IR1 IR2 NPS (HU2mm2) 100 IR3 50 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Spatial frequency (mm-1) Courtesy of Ehsan Samei 17 3/30/12 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 frequency (1/mm) 600 500 Amplitude 400 300 200 100 0 0 NPS (HU2mm2) 150 100 0.2 Dose = 3.4 mGy FBP IR1 IR2 IR3 50 0 0 0.4 150 100 0.6 0.8 frequency (1/mm) Dose = 13.5 mGy FBP FBP IR1 IR1 IR2 IR2 IR3 IR3 0 1.2 150 Dose = 27.0 mGy FBP IR1 IR2 IR3 100 50 50 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Spatial frequency (mm-1) 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Spatial frequency (mm-1) 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Spatial frequency (mm-1) Dose reduction and texture change of IR 18 3/30/12 Noise and Iterative Reconstruction ! Like with FBP, standard deviation does not tell the whole story ! NPS can vary with IR algorithm and strength ! NPS can vary with dose level ! SD and NPS should be quantified for range of typical use. Resolution MTF Bead or Wire 19 3/30/12 MTF MTF 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 MTF 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 lp/cm Slice Sensitivity Profile Slice Sensitivity Profile 1.2 Amplitude 1 0.8 0.6 64-row Helical 0.4 160-row Ultrahelical 0.2 0 -0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Position (mm) Modulation Transfer Function ! Highly attenuating wire or bead for test object ! Presumes linear behavior of algorithm ! Linear algorithm =>Performance at high contrast reflects spatial resolution properties at low contrasts 60 20 3/30/12 Iterative Reconstruction ! Non Linear Algorithms spatial resolution preservation depends on contrast level and noise level ! Traditional test objects not robust ! Traditional test condition (very small FOV or pre-sampled) do not reflect clinical scanning/display conditions Adaptive image filters Edge Definition 1 Edge Extraction 0 k(0~1) 1-k Image Smoothing Original k Enhancement Non-linear Algorithms Taken from : Okurura, et al,. New Method of Evaluating Edge-preserving Adaptive Filters for Computed Tomography (CT): Digitial Phantom Method. Japanese Society of Radiological Technology. 2006 21 3/30/12 TTF measurements: Task-specific, edge technique • Edge of rods. Similar to MTF measurements, but Air Teflon Acrylic • Task-specific: object contrast, dose, and recon Polystyrene Courtesy Ehsan Samei Low contrast, high dose High contrast, high dose 1 1 FBP FBP IR1 IR2 0.8 IR1 IR2 0.8 IR3 IR3 0.6 TTF TTF 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Spatial frequency (mm-1) 0 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Spatial frequency (mm-1) 1 1 FBP FBP IR1 IR2 0.8 IR1 IR2 0.8 IR3 IR3 0.6 TTF TTF 0.6 0.4 Courtesy Ehsan Samei 0.8 Low contrast, low dose High contrast, low dose 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Spatial frequency (mm-1) 0.8 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Spatial frequency (mm-1) 0.8 Detectability and Image Quality ! What is low dose? ! Full Dose w FBP vs Reduced Dose w IR 22 3/30/12 Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN Dose Image Quality Diagnostic information comes from dose! Diagnostic information comes from dose 23 3/30/12 Simulated dose: 0.4 mAs van Gelder et al. Radiology 2004 Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN 50 mAs 25 mAs 6.3 mAs 1.6 mAs From: Dr. Jaap Stooker The Netherlands Courtesy of Patrik Rogalla, UHN poor low contrast detectability FBP 0.5 mm slice Courtesy IR 0.5 mm slice Patrik Rogalla UHN 24 3/30/12 Courtesy of Ehsan Samei 73 3/30/12 ! How do we quantify dose reduction associated with IR? ! Objective phantom data ! Reproducible ! The focus is on the detection tasks -> most challenging in low dose imaging conditions is Low Contrast Detectability. Observer study B. Imaging Task / Phantom Choice (Lesion contrast / size, background) A. Observer (Human / Model) C. Protocols & dose levels to assess (Clinical relevance) D. Study (AFC, ROC…) Courtesy MITA CT Physics Committee 75 25 3/30/12 Choose an observer Human observer Model observer Positives Challenges Human Observers Model Observers • Straightforward implementation. • Objective and consistent • Directly incorporates human perception • Demonstrated correlation with human performance for certain tasks • Time consuming – observer fatigue – statistical power • How choose from the wide variety of published observers? • Controlled study needed • Need validation with human observers for CT non-linear algos • Inter- and Intra-Observer variability 77 • No single model observers can do all the tasks (detection, estimation, etc) Courtesy MITA CT Physics Committee Model Observers Choice of model observer • Many observers to choose from • • • • • Ideal Observer Hotelling Non-prewhitening (NPW) Channelized models Eye and Internal Noise filters NPW = ∫ O( f ) 2 MTF ( f ) 2 df 2 2 2 ∫ O( f ) MTF ( f ) NPS ( f ) df Each observer represents a different set of starting assumptions. The ideal observer, for example, assumes the correlations in the noise can be undone. The non-prewhitening model assumes they cannot (bc the human eye cannot undo them). The NPWE (with Eye filter) incorporates the frequency response of the human eye. 26 3/30/12 Courtesy of Ehsan Samei Observer Study Design: Imaging Task ! Type of Task 81 ! Classification task? ! Estimation task? 27 3/30/12 Observer Study Design: Imaging Task 82 1. Defining the test object (i.e. signal) • What is the object of interest? • • • • • What is background of interest? • • • ! Sphere? Simulated anatomy? Contrast level Size Position in field Correlated electronic and quantum noise (water phantom) Anatomical noise SKE/BKE? Search? Known Object (SKE) & Location, BKE ! Known Object (SKE), Unknown Location, BKE Possible Object Locations ! Shape discrimination and size estimation Courtesy of MITA CT Physics Group Positives Industry Standard Phantoms (Catphan, ACR phantom, etc.) Custom Phantoms • Standardized • Can be tailored to task • Reproducible Challenges • Fixed object sizes and contrasts • Limited ability to isolate and analyze individual objects • Non-standard • Not readily available to the field • Need to be defined 84 Courtesy of MITA CT Physics Group 28 3/30/12 Imaging Task ! Phantom/Task Ø Low contrast detection task for different contrast levels: 0.3%, 0.5%, 1.0% Ø Selectable disk sizes (9 cylinders of diameters): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 mm ! Positives Ø Industry standard phantom Ø Radial symmetry in object locations Ø Background closer to soft tissue Ø Relatively higher flexibility in reference dose selection due to availability of multiple contrast and disk sizes ! Challenges Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Limited ability to ioslate and analyze individual test objects Single realization for each object (contrast & size) Available disk sizes and contrast may not be enough to cover range of all dose levels/protocols Known pattern may reduce imaging task to “Signal Known Exactly” Inter-phantom variability due to tolerance (some Catphans better than others) 85 Courtesy of MITA CT Physics Group Imaging Task ! Phantom/Task Ø Low contrast detection task for 0.6% contrast (fixed) Ø Selectable disk sizes out of five cylindrical objects (discrete) ! Positives Ø Industry standard phantom Ø Better spacing processing Ø Multiple realizations of the same object (4) ! Challenges Ø Requires flexibility in reference dose selection/protocol due to fixed contrast and discrete diameters. Ø Compromise from radial symmetry in object locations. Ø Background denser than soft tissue -- clinical relevance ? Ø Not commonly used outside the US. Ø Known pattern may reduce imaging task to “Signal Known Exactly” 86 Courtesy of MITA CT Physics Group Imaging Task ! For non-linear processes (where performance varies nonlinearly with contrast, position, dose, etc) what protocols of interest capture a good representation of performance? ! Typical Performance (i.e. Clinical protocols) ! Max Performance ! Produce non-trivial comparisons in a dose range typical for the organ (e.g. a non-trivial ROC curve) ! The choice of imaging task should result in clinically relevant dose levels. ! Reproducible with commercially available phantoms in the field? 29 3/30/12 Study Design ! ROC Study 88 ! Traditional method with a “confidence” rating scale. ! More time consuming to run, requires greater observer expertise. ! Many options: LROC, FROC, etc Study Design ! Alternative Forced Choice (AFC) ! 2-AFC experiments are the easiest / fastest to run. ! 4-AFC experiments are not much more difficult, and provide better statistics for reasonable sample sizes (~100 images). Figure of Merit -AUC -d’ -SNR -Percent Correct 30 3/30/12 1. Model Observer 2. 0.5% rods Catphan at 50mA vs 150mA 3. 2AFC How does PC and AUC compare? Template 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Sample Signal Present Image 10 20 10 20 Value 1 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 31 3/30/12 Sample Absent Present Image 10 20 10 20 Value 2 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Who won? ! If Value1 (signal present) exceeds Value2 (signal absent), then a correct “hit” is recorded. ! If Value2 exceeds Value1 a “miss” is recorded. ! Process is repeated for a large number of signal present and signal absent images 32 3/30/12 AUC vs. dose 1 AUC 0.9 0.8 Dose reduction 0.7 FBP IR1 IR2 IR3 0.6 Courtesy of Ehsan Samei 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 CTDIvol(mGy) 25 30 • Medium patient • 10 mm lesion diameter, 250HU lesion enhancement Courtesy of Ehsan Samei Conclusions ! Goal = Dose Reduction ! Iterative Reconstruction offers excellent potential dose reduction and good noise/resolution properties ! ! ! ! Slow “Unnatural” look and feel Some loss of edge/detail NON-LINEAR ! IQ Characterization ! Traditional Metrics come up short ! NPS at variety of dose levels and IR strengths ! Contrast-dependent MTF ! Detectability Studies 33