CAMPUS SECURITY REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING 12-15-12 REPORTED INCIDENTS Date Time Nature of Report Location Details 12-10-12 1445 Attempt Petty Theft LRC Bike Rack A Hispanic male, 5’-11’, 180, 35 to 40 was observed attempting to cut a cable on a bike with a small pair of bolt cutters. When questioned he fled. 12-12-12 1620 Disturbing the Peace CAB 267 A student became disruptive during the class and was told to leave the class room. 12-11-12 12-13-12 2100 2100 Graffiti Annex Men’s Room Writing of an unknown origin. 12-13-12 12-14-12 1730 1200 Malicious Mischief Level 3 Parking Structure Someone destroyed a fire extinguisher box. It appeared to have been hit by a vehicle. 12-14-12 1303 Medical Assist LRC 203 A student suffered an anxiety attack. Medical aid was refused. 12-15-12 0053 Prowling/Trespassing PAF/VAF Two individuals, believed to be homeless teens, observed prowling around the campus buildings. 12-15-12 1702 Petty Theft Lot 3 Two unknown males smashed a window in a faculty member’s vehicle and took an unknown amount of items and then fled.