President’s Forum April 11, 2014 Willard Lewallen Superintendent/President 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 HARTNELL COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 NEW EMPLOYEES • Sara Sanchez, Program Assistant 1 (Career and Transfer Center) • Laura Lark, Instructional Technologist • Erica Ruano, Accounting Assistant • Brandy Perkins Quitevis, Program Assistant 1 (Deputy Sector Navigator) • Patrick McCreesh, Science lab technician (biology) • Dr. Susan Pheasant, Director of the Agriculture Business and Technology Institute • Dave Phillips, Director of Information Technology Systems • Eric Becerra, Grant Project Director (HEP) 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 STUDENT SUCCESS AND STUDENT EQUITY FUNDING • In the Governor’s Budget Recommendation for Community Colleges for 2014-15, he proposed funds for “Student Success”: • $200 million to support student success programs and strengthen support for the underrepresented students. Included is – $100 million for the Student Success and Support Program and – $100 million to close the gaps in access and achievement for underrepresented student groups, as identified in Student Equity Plans. • However! The Legislative Budget Process has not yet defined or recommended how this second $100 million will be allocated or connected to Student Equity. 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 PLANS – DUE DATES • STUDENT SUCCESS AND SUPPORT PROGRAM SERVICES October 17, 2014 • STUDENT EQUITY November 21, 2014 (Both require Governing Board approval) 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 ACCREDITATION RECOMMENDATION STATUS 1 COMPLETED 2 PARTIALLY COMPLETED 3 PARTIALLY COMPLETED 4 PARTIALLY COMPLETED 5 PARTIALLY COMPLETED 6 COMPLETED 7 PARTIALLY COMPLETED 8 COMPLETED 9 PARTIALLY COMPLETED 10 COMPLETED 11 PARTIALLY COMPLETED 12 COMPLETED 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 ACCREDITATION Date of Follow–up Visit: April 25, 2014 Next Follow Report Due: March 15, 2015 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 STRATEGIC PLAN • Board of Trustees adopted strategic plan at its regular meeting on October 1, 2013 • • • • 6 Strategic Priorities 11 Goals 34 Outcomes 62 Key Performance Indicators 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 STRATEGIC PLAN 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 NEW VISION, MISSION, AND VALUES STATEMENTS Accreditation Recommendation 1 In order for the college to meet the standard, the team recommends that the college develop a process for regular and systemic evaluation of its mission statement. Additionally, the team recommends that the college implement this process to thoroughly review and revise its mission statement to more clearly reflect its intended population and address student learning (I.A.; I.A.3). 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 NEW VISION, MISSION, AND VALUES STATEMENTS March 2013 Employee survey of current mission and vision statements. Suggestions for improving mission and vision statements. Suggestions for developing values statements (none existed). September 2013 Summary report completed for the results of the survey of vision, mission, and values statements. September – October 2013 Governance Planning Task Force started review of vision, mission, and values statements. November 2013 Governance Planning Task Force forwarded recommendations for vision, mission, and values statements to the College Planning Council. November – December 2013 College Planning Council reviewed and discussed recommendations for vision, mission, and values statements over several meetings. CPC approved vision and mission statements on December 4, 2013. CPC approved values statements on December 18, 2013. January 2014 First reading of BP 1200 by governing board. February 2014 Second reading and approval of BP 1200 by governing board. 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 FACILITIES – SCIENCE BUILDING 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 FACILITIES MASTER PLAN Work Plan Phases: 1. Research Phase (January-March) • Gather data & review existing planning documents 2. Analysis Phase (April-May) • Needs Assessment • Prioritize program needs • Assess existing facilities 3. Explore Possible Solutions (May-June) • Opportunities & resources • Develop solution alternatives 4. Prepare Master Plan Document (May-September) 5. College Governance Review (September-October) 6. Final Approval of Governing Authority (October-November) 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 CAREER PATHWAYS TRUST FUND - $250 MILLION • CA Department of Education – 15 grants - $600,000 – 15 grants - $6,000,000 – 10 grants - $15,000,000 • Create innovative programs and partnerships linking rigorous academic standards to career pathways in high-need and highgrowth sectors of the economy 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 ALTERNATIVE CALENDAR (16 WEEK SEMESTER) April-May 2014 • Student Affairs Council and Academic Affairs Council review and recommend approval • Academic Senate review and recommend approval May 2014 College Planning Council review and approval June-July 2014 Board of Trustees review and approval August 2014 Chancellor’s Office review and approval Fall 2014 Begin planning and development for fall 2015 implementation Fall 2015 First semester with 16 week semester 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 BUDGET UPDATE 2/28/2014 Actual Budget Revenue $ 25.6 million $36.1 million Expense Surplus $36.1m $ 0.0 $ 23.1 m $ 2.5 m Projected Year-End: Revenue $36.4 million Expense 36.6 m Deficit $200,000 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 BUDGET UPDATE 2/28/14 50% Rule Calculation as of February 28, 2014 Ratio at 48.99% $191,889 Short of 50% Plan of Action – Vice-Presidents will reduce non-instructional related expenditures over the remainder of the fiscal year. 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 Governor’s January Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15 for CC • COLA 0.86% • Enrollment Growth 3.00% (with strings attached) • End Deferrals of Apportionment Funding • $200 million Student Success • $175 m Block Grant – Maintenance & Ed. Equip 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 Budget Development for 2014-15 • Resource allocation requests submitted through recommendations from program reviews • $8 million in requests • Reviewed by CPC Sub-Committee • CPC adopted recommendations and forwarded recommendations to president • Nothing finalized yet for 2014-15 (with exception of faculty positions) • Business Office to prepare tentative budget for review by CPC 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 Full-time Faculty Positions for 2014-15 Full-time Faculty Hiring Committee prioritized 13 positions in 2 tiers (7 in the highest priority, 6 in the second priority) • Diesel / Automotive Technology • Sociology • Communications / Theatre Arts ___________________________________ • Respiratory Care (grant funded) • Sustainable Design and Construction (grant funded) 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700 FTES 9000 FTES FUNDED VS. ACTUAL 2008-09 TO 2014-15 7,624 8000 7,083 7,506 7,080 7,089 7,000 7,000 7000 6,526 6,465 6,749 6,643 6,843 6,750 6,950 FTES 6000 5000 4000 FUNDED FTES 3000 ACTUAL FTES UNFUNDED FTES 2000 1000 541 624 426 223 0 0 200 200 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 projected 2014-15 projected FUNDED FTES 7083 7080 7000 6465 6526 6643 6750 ACTUAL FTES 7624 7506 7000 7089 6749 6843 6950 UNFUNDED FTES 541 426 0 624 223 200 200 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 93901 831-755-6700