Fall 2014 Convocation Willard Lewallen, Ph.D. Superintendent/President August 2014 GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu New Full‐time Faculty Emily Brandt, Respiratory Care Practitioner Program Gabriel Bravo, Counselor Marnie Glazier, Theatre Arts/Communication Studies Hortencia Jimenez, Sociology Samuel Pacheco, History (temp) Nicholas Pasquale, Math (temp) Robert Ward, Sustainable Design & Construction Mohammed Yahdi, Math GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Vision and Mission Statements Vision Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. Mission Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Values Statements Values Values are the essential enduring tenets that guide Hartnell College. They set forth what we believe and they define how we conduct ourselves. At the core of these values is the student. • Students First We believe the first question that should be asked when making decisions is “What impact will the decision have on student access, learning, development, achievement, and success?” • Academic and Service Excellence We commit to excellence in teaching and student services that develop the intellectual, personal, and social competence of every student. • Diversity and Equity We embrace and celebrate differences and uniqueness among all students and employees. We welcome students and employees of all backgrounds. • Ethics and Integrity We commit to respect, civility, honesty, responsibility, and transparency in all actions and communications. • Partnerships We develop relationships within the college and community, locally and globally, that allow us to grow our knowledge, expand our reach, and strengthen our impact on those we serve. • Leadership and Empowerment We commit to growing leaders through opportunity, engagement, and achievement. • Innovation Through collaboration, we seek and create new tools, techniques, programs, and processes that contribute to continuous quality improvement. • Stewardship of Resources We commit to effective utilization of human, physical, financial, and technological resources. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Student and District Demographics • 15,000 students annually (unduplicated headcount) • 85% receive federal and/or state financial assistance • 65% of students are Latino/Hispanic • 90% unprepared for college level math • 85% unprepared for college level English • Less than 10% of adults in District have a bachelor’s degree or higher • 39% of adults over 25 years old do not have a high school diploma GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Governance and Planning Model – Implemented 2013‐14 GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Accreditation Status ACCJC Action Letter July 2014 • Removed from probation • Issued warning • 2007 deficiencies completely resolved • Recommendations 1, 6, 8, 10, 12 completely resolved • Recommendations 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 11 to be resolved by March 15, 2015 follow up report. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Schedule for Preparing March 15, 2015 Accreditation Follow Up Report Now – November 2014 Drafts of recommendation responses November – December 2014 Editing of report, review by constituent groups January 2015 Review by entire college community, review and approval by Accreditation Council February 2015 Review and approval by College Planning Council February 2015 First reading by Governing Board March 2015 Consideration of approval by Governing Board March 2015 Submit follow up report to ACCJC April 2015 Site visit from Commission representatives GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Strategic Plan 2013‐2018 Board of Trustees adopted strategic plan at its regular meeting on October 1, 2013 • • • • • 6 Strategic Priorities 11 Goals 34 Outcomes 62 Key Performance Indicators First report on outcomes will be fall 2014 GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Strategic Plan 2013‐2018 Strategic Priority – Student Success Key Performance Indicators • SENSE – Survey of Entering Student Engagement • CCSSE – Community College Survey of Student Engagement GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu SENSE – Aspects of Lowest Student Engagement GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu SENSE – Aspects of Highest Student Engagement GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu CCSSE – Areas of Lowest Student Engagement GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu CCSSE – Aspects of Highest Student Engagement GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Development of 3 Major College Plans Plan Spring Planning* Student Success and Support Program Plan 5/1/14 ‐ 5/30/14 Student Academic Summer Work Success Senate Committee Academi c Affairs Council Student Affairs Council College Planning Council 9/3/14 6/1/14 ‐ 8/15/14 9/9/2014 8/18/14 9/10/14 8/28/2014 5/1/14 ‐ 5/30/14 6/1/14 ‐ 8/15/14 9/9/2014 8/18/14 9/10/2014 8/28/2014 5/1/14 – 5/30/14 6/1/14 – 8/15/14 9/9/2014 8/18/14 9/10/2014 8/28/2014 GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu 9/11/14 and 10/1/14 9/17/14 Basic Skills Initiative Plan 9/4/14 and 9/17/14 9/17/14 Student Equity Plan ASHC and 10/1/14 Hartnell College CCCCO Board 9/16/2014 an 10/17/201 d 4 10/7/14 10/24/14 an 11/21/201 d 4 11/4/14 N/A N/ A 10/10/201 4 Facilities – Science Center (Opening January 2016) GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Facilities – Science Center (Opening January 2016) GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Facilities – Science Center (Opening January 2016) GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Facilities Master Plan GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu FOUNDATION FUNDING PLAN Funding Plan Goal Public and Private Raised to Date Fund for Major Facilities and Innovative Programming $9,774,500 $4,067,981 Fund for Student Success $900,000 $793,711 Fund for Salinas Valley STEM Harvest $1,035,000 $740,519 Fund for Excellence in Athletics $1,300,000 $133,917 Fund for the Arts $900,000 $360,622 Fund for South County $250,000 $15,000 Projects in Queue for Special Interests TOTAL $3,120,974 $14,159,500 $9,232,723 GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu Highlights • Strongest private fundraising year $2.8 this year versus $2.6 last year • These figures do not include CSIT in 3 scholarships‐$3 million pledged from Matsui Foundation (paid directly to students‐not included in the funding plan totals) EMPLOYEE PHILANTHROPY Total Dollars Contributed By Employees Number of Employee Participants 154 150 111 50 27 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 78 100 $62,253 $70,000 200 $30,000 $20,000 39 $44,520 $27,000 $23,885 $19,352 $10,000 $0 0 2009‐10 2010‐11 2011‐12 2012‐13 2013‐14 2009‐10 2010‐11 2011‐12 2012‐13 2013‐14 Funded Areas Student Scholarships ‐ $20,556 Student Emergency Fund ‐ $4,829 Area of Greatest Need ‐ $28,647 Campus Area Funds (WELI, Athletics, TWS, Nursing) ‐ $8,844 2014‐15 Goal ‐ $65,000 GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu BUDGET 2013‐14 Actual Budget % Revenue $ 36.6 million $36.1 million 101.39% Expense $ 36.52 m $36.1m 101.30% Surplus $ 80,000 GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu BUDGET 2013‐14 6/30/14 6/30/13 Diff. Academic Salaries 14,485,342 12,904,100 1,581,242 Classified Salaries 7,765,091 6,986,388 778,703 Benefits 7,905,919 7,064,188 841,731 Supplies & Materials 382,476 332,151 50,325 Other Costs 4,696,114 5,008,884 312,770 Capital Outlay 129,444 146,738 17,294 Total $35,364,386 $32,442,449 $2,921,937 Ratio increase over prior year – 9% GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu BUDGET 2013‐14 50% Rule Calculation as of: 6/30/2014 51.13% $333,484 Over 50% (Tent) 5/31/2014 50.65% $173,579 Over 50% 4/30/2014 49.83% $41,723 Short of 50% 3/31/2014 49.64% $77,127 Short of 50% 2/28/2014 48.99% $191,889 Short of 50% GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu BUDGET 2014‐15 Scheduled Maintenance Block Grant 2013‐14 $109,000 with required match 2014‐15 $906,000 with no required match A portion of deferred maintenance can be allocated to the purchase of educational equipment. GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu FTES HISTORY AND PROJECTION 6,957 7,100 UNFUNDED FTES 6,526 6,750 6,749 6,721 6,833 6,854 ACTUAL FTES 6,465 6,900 7,089 7,000 TARGET FTES 7,000 7,057 7,000 8,000 7,080 7,257 7,506 9,000 7,083 6,800 7,624 FUNDED FTES 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 133 223 624 0 1,000 426 541 2,000 0 2008‐09 2009‐10 2010‐11 2011‐12 GROWING LEADERS Opportunity. Engagement. Achievement. www.hartnell.edu 2012‐13 2013‐14 2014‐15 projected