International Research Journal of Plant Science (ISSN: 2141-5447) Vol. 2(10) pp. 305-310, October, 2011 Available online Copyright © 2011 International Research Journals Full length Research Paper Diversity and agronomic potential of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) landraces under variable production system in Ethiopia Kemelew Muhe1 and Alemayehu Assefa2 1 Ghent University, Faculty of Science, Kwintensberg 54, Ghent 9000, Belgium and College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Wollo University, P.O Box 1145, Dessie, Ethiopia. 2 Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Holetta Agricultural Research Center, P.O.Box 2003. Addis Ababa. Ethiopia. Accepted 28 September, 2011 Study on the genetic diversity and agronomic potential of 181 Ethiopian barely landraces revealed that the diversity among the tested barley landraces was sufficient to made selection for high yield and early maturity. Clustering analysis resulted in ten statistically significant different (P<5%) clusters with high intercluster Euclidian distance. The intracluster Euclidian distances of some clusters were relatively large, implying that landraces within each of these clusters were variable for the traits considered. The intra cluster coefficient of variation for plant height, grain-filling period and thousand grain weight were fairly large for all clusters, signifying that selection among landraces within a cluster would be responsive. The highest yielding clusters contained eighty-eight promising landraces for grain yield, thousand-grain weight, taller plant height and longer grain filling period, whereas landraces included in low yielding clusters were distinguished for being late maturing and short plant height. Systematic exploitation of both intra and inter cluster variability among barley landraces was an important task in the future barley breeding programs aimed at stabilizing barley productivity in areas with unpredictable rainfall pattern during the belg season in Ethiopia. Keywords: Barley, landraces, diversity, intercluster, Euclidean distance and cluster, Hordeum vulgare L. INTRODUCTION Barely is an important food crop in the highland parts of Ethiopia. Landraces represent over 90% of the barley cultivation in Ethiopia (Tanto et al., 2010). It is the crop that matures early and bridging the critical food shortage occurs in September. Ethiopia is the centre of barley diversity for barley (Hordeum vulgare), and plenty of landraces adapted to different barely growing agroecologies of Ethiopian are available (Negassa, 1985b). Barley is cultivated from 1400 to 4000 m a.s.l., and it has adapted to specific sets of agro-ecological and microclimatic conditions throughout the country (Asfaw, 2000). The diversity of landrace increase parallel to an *Corresponding Author E-mail: altitude increase, and the maximum diversity is attained at moderate altitude, 2,460 m a.s.l. (Tanto et al., 2010). Though landraces don’t show clustering on the basis of regions of origin, the presence of high morphological variation within regions and altitudes particularly above 2000 m a.s.l. is also mentioned (Abebe et al., 2010). Ethiopian barley landraces have useful traits, especially for resistance to diseases, such as powdery mildew (Negassa, 1985a), barley yellow dwarf virus, net blotch, scald, and loose smut (Qualset, 1975). Other useful characteristics of Ethiopian barleys include high tillering capacity; tolerance to marginal soil conditions, barley shoot fly, aphids and frost; vigorous plant establishment and quick grain filling period (Hailu and Fekadu, 1991). Despite the immense variability and agronomic potential the Ethiopian barley landraces have, development of high 306 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. yielding barley varieties suitable for low moisture areas has not been progressive. Thus, it was important to study the potential of the available barley landraces and document information, and based on strategic utilization, collection and introduction of barley genetic resources would be designed. MATERIALS AND METHODS In present study, 181 barley landraces representing Shewa and Wollo collections collected from the Institute of Biodiversity conservation, Ethiopian were purified using pure line selection and evaluated between 1995 to 1996 at two locations Ankober and Kotu. Ankober is located on the eastern escarpment of the Ethiopian highlands with a latitude and longitude of 9°34′N 39°54′E and an elevation of 3000 m a.s.l while Kotu is located at the eastern edge of the Ethiopian highlands at an elevations of 2800 m a.s.l with a latitude of 10° 1' 0 N and a longitude of 39°17'60E. The study areas are characterized by cool climate and unpredictable short rainfall of 300-450mm distributed from February to May, hereafter named as belg production system. The AgroEcology of the study areas is sub moist (SM2) with temperatures in the range of 2.21-28.30C. The soil in the study area is classified as clay loam. Five blocks of nonreplicated augmented design in which thirty-six landraces were assigned in each block, and the local check, Kesselie was placed at the interval of five plots per block. Each plots (1m2) was drilled at the seed rate of 85kg/ha of barely and fertilized by 50/100 kg/ha Urea/DAP. Data on days to heading (DH), days to maturity (DMT), grain filling period (GFP = DMT-DH), thousand-grain weigh (TSW) and grain yield (GY) were recorded on plot basis, whereas plant height (PHT) was recorded on randomly selected ten plants and averaged to make plot data value. The data were transformed using Z-scores and used for hierarchical cluster analysis using betweengroups linkage method and interval squared euclidean distance (D2) analysis in SPSS16 statistical software. One-way analysis of variances between ten clusters and descriptive statistics of the traits were done using the same statistical software. Taking X = mean grain yield of all landraces within a given cluster, Y= mean grain yield of Kesselie, and the grain yield advantage of landraces in each cluster as compared (A) was estimated as . RESULTS Diversity of barley landraces Hierarchical cluster analysis distributed the tested barley landraces into ten significantly different clusters (Figure 1). Cluster VI, V, X, III and IV contained the highest number of landraces, respectively, whereas the lowest number of landraces were included in clusters I, II and VII (Figure 1 and Table 1). The popular local check barley cultivar, Kesselie was included in cluster VI. Both inter2 and intra-cluster euclidean distances (D ) were high (Table 1). Eighty-eight landraces were superior to Kesselie in most agronomically important traits such as grain yield. Agronomic superior barley landraces were in clusters I, III, IX, II, X and V, hereafter named as a high yielding clusters while cluster VI, IV, VIII and VII , named as low yielding clusters were characterized by low mean grain yield and 1000-grain weight (Table 3). Relatively high intracluster distances in cluster X, V, VI and III (Table 1), and coefficients of variations for grain filling period, plant height and thousand-grain weight were observed in all clusters (Table 2). Height intracluster range and coefficients of variation were observed for plant height, grain-filling period and thousand-grain weight. Grain-filling period and plant height showed high intracluster coefficients of variation in all clusters except cluster I. Taking the mean values of Kesselie as a reference, landraces in high yielding cluster groups gave an average grain yield, plant height and thousand-grain weight advantage of 49, 8 and 5%, respectively. In contrast, the average plant height, thousand-grain weight and grain yield of landraces in low yielding clusters were decreased by 10, 10, 8 and 29% (Table 3). Analysis of variance between clusters showed significant difference (P < 5%) for days to heading, maturity, grain filling period, plant height, thousand-grain weight and grain yield (Table 4). High yielding cluster were positively associated with early flowering, medium plant height, long grain filling period and thousand-grain weight whereas the low yielding clusters counterparts contained landraces with characterized by late to heading, maturity and short plant height (Table 3). DISCUSSIONS Hierarchical clustering analysis of 181 landraces results in ten clusters, containing landraces with contrasting expression of agronomic traits. Based on the agronomic merit of each clusters, the ten clusters in turn re-classified into high and low yielding cluster groups (Table 3).The maximum intercluster distances between pair of clusters from high and low yielding clusters, indicating that barley landraces included in those clusters are variable for the traits considered. Moreover, having high intracluster distances and coefficient of variation are good indicators for the presence of variability among the barley landraces within each cluster. The result is supported by earlier studies (Asfaw, 1989; Demissie and Bjornstad, 1997; Muhe and Assefa 307 Figure 1. Dendrogram of 181 food Ethiopian barely landrace using Hierarchical analysis, between –groups linkage methods Roman numbers in the root indicating the cluster number 2 Table 1. Dissimilarity (intracluster along and intercluster above the diagonal) matrix using euclidean distance (D ) for 181 barley Ethiopian landraces Cluster number I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Landrace per cluster I 198.40 II 679.43 205.7 III 276.22 403.39 509.1 IV 1582.27 902.89 1306.19 391.8 V 1067.03 387.63 790.98 515.28 701.3 VI 1353.67 674.27 1077.60 228.64 286.65 498.2 VII 1986.44 1307.10 1710.37 404.23 919.49 632.86 230.4 VIII 1809.46 1130.10 1533.39 227.22 742.49 455.86 177.02 291.32 IX 474.61 204.90 198.61 1107.77 592.51 879.15 1511.98 1334.98 257.2 2 2 23 21 33 42 4 14 9 X 894.89 215.47 618.83 687.43 172.17 458.81 1091.65 914.65 420.35 832.7 31 308 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. Table 2. Intraclusters descriptive statistics of 181 barley landraces within each cluster, Ethiopia Cluster I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Parameters Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation % Range Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation% Range Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation% Range Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation% Range Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation% Range Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation% Range Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation% Range Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation% Range Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation% Range Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation% Range DHE 84 1.98 2.36 6.0 89.9 4.06 4.52 11.0 90.6 3.13 3.45 8.0 95.5 4.96 5.19 17.00 90.1 4.13 4.58 14.0 92.8 4.05 4.36 14.0 97.6 2.61 2.67 6.00 97.2 2.48 2.55 6.00 87.8 4.65 5.3 13.00 90.5 3.87 4.28 14.00 DMT 122 2.11 1.73 2.0 127 3.19 2.51 9.0 128 3.13 2.45 7.0 129 2.26 1.75 9.00 127 3.26 2.57 9.0 129 2.12 1.64 9.0 129 0 0 0.00 129 0.58 0.45 2.00 127 3.07 2.42 9.00 128 2.87 2.24 9.00 GFP 38 2.18 5.74 14.0 37.1 3.91 10.54 14.0 37 5.29 14.3 14.0 33.5 3.71 11.07 14.00 37.3 3.45 9.25 16.0 35.9 3.72 10.36 13.0 31.4 2.61 8.31 6.00 32 2.63 8.22 6.00 38.9 3.93 10.1 13.00 37.5 3.42 9.12 16.00 PHT 71 2.98 4.2 4.0 70.8 8.15 11.51 32.0 69.2 5.63 8.14 15.0 60.8 7.78 12.8 31.00 69 6.94 10.06 32.0 66.2 7.69 11.62 10.4 52.2 5.76 11.03 13.00 56.3 4.21 7.48 12.00 75.5 6.77 8.97 25.00 71.7 7.82 10.91 29.00 TGW 44.8 2.89 6.45 6.2 37.8 2.88 7.62 11.0 39 2.59 6.64 7.2 36.1 2.43 6.73 7.20 37.9 2.66 7.02 13.4 37.1 2.3 6.2 31.0 33.2 1.47 4.43 3.60 33.9 4.47 13.19 12.00 40.1 2.45 6.11 10.80 38.9 2.72 6.99 10.80 GY 2634 54.9 2.08 72.0 1898 46.2 2.43 150.0 2242 72.9 3.25 182.0 1051 64.4 6.13 221.00 1567 58.2 3.71 206.0 1280 70.8 5.53 230.0 662 40.2 6.07 104.00 883 63.3 7.17 172.00 2063 50.7 2.46 147.00 1728 44 2.55 157.00 Muhe and Assefa 309 √ Table 3. Mean cluster values of the studied traits of 181 barley landraces, Ethiopia Clusters™ I III IX II X V Kesselie VI IV DF 84,00 90,60 87,82 89,87 90,54 90,15 92,00 92,83 95,46 DMT 122,00 127,60 126,76 127,00 128,00 127,41 129,00 128,76 128,92 GFP 38,00 37,00 38,94 37,13 37,46 37,26 37,00 35,93 33,46 PHT (cm) 71,00 69,20 75,53 70,78 71,66 69,02 66,00 66,17 60,85 TGW 44,80 38,96 40,07 37,83 38,89 37,86 38,00 37,12 36,09 GY (kg/ha) 2634,00 2241,80 2062,71 1898,00 1728,31 1567,02 1358,82 1280,41 1051,85 VIII 97,17 129,17 32,00 56,33 33,93 833,33 VII 97,60 129,00 31,40 52,20 33,20 662,40 ¥ A 93,84 64,98 51,80 39,09 27,19 14,80 0,00 -5,77 22,59 38,68 51,25 ¥ = grain yield advantage of landraces in each cluster compared to the mean of the popular local check barely cultivar, Kesselie ™ = Clusters above and below Kesselie are considered as high and low yielding cluster groups respectively √ Days to heading (DHE), Days to maturity (DMT), grain filling period (GFP), plant height (PHT), thousandgrain weight (TGW) and grain yield (GY kg/ha). Table 4. Analysis of variance for traits of ten clusters from181 barely landraces, Ethiopia Mean Square Days to heading Days to maturity Grain filling period Plant height 1000-seed weight Grain yield kg/ha 142.674 Clusters Degree of Mean freedom Square 9 16.306 Degree of freedom 171 F Sig. 8.750 0.000 16.219 9 7.591 171 2.136 0.029 74.674 9 13,021 171 5,735 0.000 590.299 9 52,088 171 0,000 57.722 9 7.535 171 11,33 3 7.661 3042106.619 9 3225.446 171 Abebe et al., 2010; Tanto et al., 2010). High inter-and intracluster distances indicate that barley landraces in each clusters are variable, and selection of landraces both within and between clusters may be bringing about high genetic gain for the characters considered. Intercrossing of landraces from clusters with high inter cluster euclidean distance would produce highly segregating population for days to heading, maturity, 943.1 59 0.000 0.000 grain filling period, plant height, thousand-grain weight and grain yield. Landraces in high yielding clusters are distinguished by early flowering, long grain-filling period, medium plant high and high thousand-grain weight as opposed to their low yielding clusters containing late heading, short plant height and lower thousand-grain weight. Relatively early heading and maturing landraces produced higher yield and thousand–grain weight during 310 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. the belg barley production system of Ethiopia. Landraces with taller plant height give better grain yield in unpredictable rainfall cropping season. This finding is supported by Acevedo et al. (1991), who reported that tall barley genotypes are yielded better in low-rainfall Mediterranean areas. The positive contribution of plant height with grain yield was also mentioned in barely (Alam et al., 2007). Our finding indicates that the variability among Ethiopian barley landraces is high and sufficient to make selection for the traits of interest. The presence of a high level of diversity in Ethiopian barleys has been very much discussed (Abebe et al., 2010). Earlier studies on the diversity of Ethiopian barley shows that most of the variation is due to differences among characters and only a relatively small fraction due to differences between regions , and almost all characters are considerably influenced by altitude within the regions (Engels,1994). The presence of high morphological variation within regions and at relatively higher altitude indicates the need for strategic collection and evaluation of Ethiopian barley landraces. In general ,because of environmental factors on the observed morphological variation future germplasm collection should consider to explore wide geographical and climatic differences within the country CONCLUSION Analysis of genetic diversity is an important component of barley improvement, and helps to select potential parental materials for hybridization and developing recombinant inbred lines. The variability among the tested 181 barley landraces is sufficient to make systematic evaluation of landraces for the development of improved barley varieties suitable for barley producing areas during the belg season in Ethiopia. Moreover, landraces from both clusters have been maintained for further hybridization, development of lodging resistant and high yielding varieties suitable for high rainfall receiving areas in Ethiopia. Barley landraces from clusters I, III, IX, II, X and V are potential donor parents in breeding for early maturity and high yielding, whereas short plant height and late maturing counterparts from VI, IV, VIII and VII can be used as donor parent in breeding for dwarf, late maturing and high yielding varieties. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I gratefully acknowledge the Amhara regional government for financially supporting this research project. 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