International Research Journal of Plant Science (ISSN: 2141-5447) Vol. 2(10) pp. 317-322, October, 2011 Available online Copyright © 2011 International Research Journals Full length Research Paper Genotypes X environment interaction in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar development in Ethiopia 1* Kemelew Muhe and 2Alemayehu Assefa 1* Ghent University, Faculty of Science, Kwintensberg 54, Ghent 9000, Belgium, and College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Wollo University, P.O Box 1145, Dessie, Ethiopia. 2 Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Holetta Agricultural Research Center, P.O.Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Accepted 27 September, 2011 Multi-environment bread wheat yield trial comprised of 18 cultivars along with the standard check HAR1899 was conducted at three locations, Inewary, Molale and Mehalmeda during main seasons, July to December in 2001-2004. The objective of the experiment was to identify stable and high yielding bread wheat cultivar suitable for the rainfall wheat production system in Ethiopia. Analysis of variance using grain yield data from twelve environments made of three locations and four years revealed that both the main and interaction components were significant at (P < 0. 01%),suggesting that no matter how productive cultivars may be, selection of cultivars based on grain yield is not reliable if the cultivar x environment interaction is statistically significant. Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction analysis of grain yield combined over ten environments showed that some of the tested bread wheat cultivars were most stable and high yielding, some were less stable and high yielding and one cultivars was stable and low yielding cultivars. The result demonstrated that application of Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction analysis is important in handling the cultivar x environment interaction component and developing specific and widely adapted wheat varieties. Keywords: Genotypes X, bread wheat, Ethiopia. INTRODUCTION Plant breeders have long been aware of the various implications of cultivar x environment interaction/ GEI/ in varietal development endeavors. Given the diversity of wheat agro-ecologies in Ethiopia and elsewhere in the world, differential responses of genotypes to the growing environments is inevitable. Stemming from the differential responses of genotypes to the growing environments, GEI is ubiquitous and complicating wheat varietal development, seed multiplications and production. As the magnitude of a significant GEI interaction increases, the usefulness and reliability of the main effects correspondingly decrease. GEI reduces the correlation between phenotypic and genotypic values, increasing the difficulty in identifying truly superior genotypes across environments, especially in the presence of crossover GEI. Knowledge on the patterns and nature of GEI is *Corresponding E-mail: essential to design strategy leading for progressive wheat breeding program. If the goal of breeding programs is the development of cultivars suitable for possible recommendation domains, information on GEI should be handled properly (Bridges, 1989; Shafii and Price, 1998). In a barley trial, estimates of environmental contribution to yield were 10 to 30% and those of genetic contribution were 30 to 60%; GEI accounted for the remaining 25 to 45% of yield gain (Simmonds, 1981). Thus, detection and quantification of GEI is important to develop specifically or widely adapted cultivars. Stable performance in yield and quality traits across a wide ranges of growing conditions is desirable for management, marketing and profit (Gutierrez et al., 1994). Several methods have been developed to analyze GEI (Kang and Gauch, 1996; Piepho, 1998). The regression approach (Finlay and Wilkinson, 1963; Eberhart and Russell, 1966) are among others. The additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model (Gauch and Zobel, 1996) has received attention in dealing with GEI since recently. 318 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. Ethiopian wheat producing areas have diverse agroecologies, that inevitably bringing about differential performance of commercial wheat cultivars and landraces. Seasonal and spatial wheat yield fluctuation due to climate and soil variability is a common phenomenon in Ethiopia. Thus, GEI complicates wheat breeding and entails uncertainties in wheat production, thereby jeopardize the food security endeavors of millions of Ethiopian wheat farmers. This would be more pronounced in the foreseen climate changes. In this paper, effort was made to apply the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) in analyzing multienvironment wheat variety yield trial to facilitate the identification of high yielding and stable wheat cultivars in Ethiopia. Statistical data analyses Analyses of variance combined over twelve environments, made up of four years x three locations was done using general mixed linear model assuming that year and replications had random effects, whereas the tested wheat cultivars and location were assumed to have fixed effects. Statistical software SAS V8.12 was used for the analysis of variance. Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction/MMI/ model was used partition the cultivars x environment interaction sum square and stability of the tested wheat cultivars analyses was done using AMMI model in AGROBASE99. Stratified ranking of bread wheat cultivars was done using AMM adjusted and normal ANOVA mean yield recorded in each locations and yeas using the procedure (Fox et al., 1990). The AMMI model had the following equation: MATERIALS AND METHODS Study areas Inewary is located at an altitude of 2600 with the slope about 2% and the soil is pellic vertisol with total clay content of 75-78%, which classifies the texture to be heavy clay. The soil at Inewary is characterized by slightly acid (pH = 6.41), low organic matter (1.18%), Phosphorus (7.25 ppm), nitrogen (0.17%) and low C: N (6.4) ratio. The plateau Molale testing site is located at an altitude of 3000 m.a.s.l. and slops of 1.5%. The soil at the site is pellic vertisol with a clay content of 65-73%. The pH is slightly acid (6.11), and with very low organic matter (1.73%) and low phosphorous 8.93 PPM. The total nitrogen status of the soil is low (0.16%) with a narrow C: N ratio (6.41). Mehalmeda site is moderately plateau, with an elevation of 3075 m.a.s.l. The soils are cambisols and the clay content is 57-65%. The pH is slightly acid (6.28) with relatively low organic matter (2.3%) and better phosphorous supply (49.81 PPM). The total nitrogen status of the soil is low (0.17%) with narrow C:N ratio (8.08). Experimental designs In this study,18 superior bread wheat cultivars were evaluated in bread wheat yield trial at three locations, Inewary, Molale and Mehalmeda in four years (20012004). The tested bread wheat cultivars and the then recent standard commercial cultivar, HAR1899 were arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications. Each plot contained six rows, each being 2.5 m long and an interrow spacing of 20 cm, made the plot size of 3 m2. Fertilizer was applied uniformly to all experimental plot at the rate of 60/60 kg ha-1 N/P2O5. The seed rate was 150kg ha-1. Data on days to heading and maturity, plant height and grain yield were recorded on plot basis. is the yield of cultivars ( ) in environment ( ) ; is the grand mean; is the cultivar mean deviation (the cultivar mean minus the grand mean); is the environment mean deviation (the environment mean th minus the grand mean); is the eigenvalue of n principal components analysis (IPCA) axis n; is the cultivar eigenvector value for IPCA axis n; is the environment eigenvector value for IPCA axis n ; is the residual and is the error. RESULTS Analysis of variance Analysis of variance combined over three locations and four years showed that the main effects of cultivar (G), year (Y), locations (L) and all possible interaction effects of these factors were significant (P<0. 01%) for grain yield (Table 1). The result disclosed statistically significant (P<0.0001) cultivar x environment interaction components, suggesting selection based on their respective main effects would not be valid and reliable. Thus, partitioning the relative contribution of each wheat cultivars to the total cultivar x environment interaction effect was important. AMMI analysis Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis based on grain yield data showed statistically significant difference (P < 0.0001) for cultivar and environments main effects, and cultivar x environment interaction. The postdictive assessment of AMMI model resulted in four significant (p<0.02%) interaction principal Muhe and Assefa 319 Table 1. Analysis of variance combined over 12 environments, four years (2001-2004) and three locations (Inewary, Molale and Mehalmeda), Ethiopia Sources of variation Block Cultivar(G) Location (L) Year(Y) L* G Y*G L*Y L*Y*G Error Total 2 R Degree of freedom 2 18 2 3 36 54 6 108 454 683 Sum square 1253211.4 62963064.4 38832824.8 180262861.2 29632821.6 21525058.1 129763101.9 39785953.1 106730142.1 610749038.6 Mean square 626605.700 3497948.00 19416412.4 60087620.4 823133.900 398612.200 21627183.60 368388.5000 235088.4000 0.83 Coefficient of variation% 16.59 F-value 2.67 14.88 82.59 255.60 3.50 1.70 92.00 1.57 Pr > F 0.0707 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0023 <.0001 <.0009 -1 Table 2. Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) for grain yield kg ha combined over four years (2001-2004) and three locations (Inewary, Molale and Mehalmeda), Ethiopia Source Total Environments(Env.) Reps within Env. Cultivars Cultivars X Env. IPCA 1 IPCA 2 IPCA 3 IPCA 4 Residual Grand mean = 3066.2 Degree of freedom Sum square 569 429345538.3 9 265567233.5 20 57312.30 18 63168269.7 162 59752927.4 26 30147402.6 24 11417246.3 22 6213130.6 20 3927181.5 408 85214703.200 C.V. = 10.98%; Mean square 24426771.1 739833.4 5927871.5 476969.4 1159515.5 475718.6 282415.0 196359.1 208859.567 R2 = 0.91 F-value Pr> F 33.02 0.0000 12.43 2.28 10.23 4.20 2.49 1.73 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0268 Genetic variance for entries = 104683.436, with a std. error of 37016.688 and genetic variance for entries x env. = 85170.822, with a std. error of 13864.705 component axis explained about 86.53% of the interaction sum square in the data set, and relegating the remaining sum squares to residual component. The first interaction principal component axis account for 50.45%, and the next three IPAC axis explained 19.11, 10.40 and 6.57%, respectively. The model was adequate enough to explain the total cultivar x interaction component. Biploting was done using each environment and cultivar -1 main effects (mean grain yield tha ) on an x-axis and first Interaction principal component axes (IPCA1) scores as y-axis. In the biplot, the broken vertical line passing through the center of the biplot was the grand mean (3066 2kg ha-1) of the experiment, and the solid horizontal line passed through at the IPCA1 axis score = 0 (Figure 1). In the biplot, nine bread wheat cultivars (c, e, f, g, j , n, o, q and r) and five environments (A, B, D, J and G) located at the right side of the grand mean were considered as high yielding cultivars and environments while their corresponding low yielding counterparts were located at the left side of the grand mean (Figure 1). The relative contribution of wheat cultivars to cultivars x environment interaction sum square were represented by the magnitude of the respective IPCA score (Table 3), which in turn determined their position in the biplot. Bread wheat cultivars (b, f, m, n, q and r) located far from the IPCA axis contributed more to the *cultivar environment interaction sum square than cultivars (a, c, e, and g) that were located either on or closer to IPCA1 axis = 0 (Figure 1). Bread wheat cultivars (a, c, e and g) had IPCA score value closer to zero, and were classified as highly stable whereas the IPCA scores of cultivars (f, j, k, o, p and r) were moderately large, and these group of bread wheat cultivars could be classified as less stable. On the other hand, bread wheat cultivars (b, c, d, h, m, n, and q) had large IPCA score and unstable. Stability analysis of bread wheat cultivars produced three categories of responses: (1) most stable and high yielding cultivars, HAR2975, HAR2941 and HAR3076, (2) less stable and high 320 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. Figure 1. Biplot with abscissa (X-axis) plotting means from 2186.06 to 4270.97 and with ordinate (Y-axis) plotting IPCA1 from -36.841 to 32.476. Wheat Cultivars plotted as a, b , c, ... and environments as A, B, C, as cross-referenced in the IPCA1 axis scores shown. Note lower cases represents wheat cultivars coded in Table 2 and environments designated by capital letter ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ’D’ were data from same location, Inewary in 2001,2002,2003 and 2004; ‘E’, ‘F’,’G’ were data from Molale in 2001,2002, and 2004 whereas ‘H’ ‘I’,’J’, were data from Mehalmeda in 2001,2002, and 2004 cropping season Table 3. Mean grain yield (kg/ha) and other agronomic traits of the 18 bread wheat Cultivars tested at three locations (Inewary, Molale and Mehalmeda) for four years (2001-2004), Ethiopia Cultivars names HAR2448 HAR3009 HAR2975 HAR2939 HAR3076 HAR2481 HAR2941 HAR2938 HAR3004 HAR3008 HAR2932 HAR1407 HAR3016 HAR2923 HAR3030 HAR3010 HAR3080 HAR1899 Mean Standard error LSD 0.05 Cultivar code a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Cultivar IPCA 1 score 2.9382 -33.3423 -0.3012 14.9911 0.5719 12.3335 0.7898 -16.6205 10.0244 11.3338 3.4943 -10.6109 -18.6018 15.2985 -5.4785 -5.2459 14.9461 11.0879 Grain yield kg/ha 2883.47 2525.25 3373.84 2887.74 3239.81 3312.71 3221.20 2940.44 2925.88 3607.14 2890.42 2949.05 2295.35 3357.09 3155.30 2641.90 3430.43 3463.35 2976.4 108.02 Days to heading 84 87 80 79 76 75 85 79 87 83 77 88 84 85 86 86 87 80 79.45 0.3 Days to maturity 158 160 149 150 144 145 151 152 158 152 149 157 150 152 150 157 156 149 145.34 1.4 Plant height 'cm' 77.60 76.60 76.40 79.00 77.10 77.30 74.50 79.00 82.30 70.80 77.50 74.70 70.50 78.10 68.30 68.10 83.70 74.50 72.85 0.90 211.720 0.588 2.744 1.764 Muhe and Assefa 321 Figure 2. Comparison of analysis of variance and AMMI on the ranking of two superior bread -1 wheat cultivars in the first top three ranks based on grain yield kg ha recorded over ten environments yielding cultivars, HAR3008, HAR3080, HAR3030, HAR2923, HAR1899 and HAR2481, and (3) most stable and low yielding cultivar, HAR2481 ( Figure 1). Stratified ranking of wheat cultivars based on AMMI adjusted and unadjusted mean grain yield data from ten environments showed that the use of AMMI brought considerable effect on cultivars ranking. Bread Wheat cultivar, HAR3008 appeared in the top three ranks in three environments based on mean grain yield estimated in analysis of variance while it appeared in the top three ranks in nine environments when AMMI was used for grain yield estimation (Figure 2). The commercial standard check cultivar, HAR1899 took the first three top ranks in six and eight environments when grain yield data were analyzed using analysis of variance and AMMI, respectively (Figure 2). The remaining tested cultivars didn’t appear in the top three ranks in any of the ten environments. As the magnitude of a significant interaction between two factors increases, the usefulness and reliability of the main effects correspondingly decrease. GEI reduces the correlation between phenotypic and genotypic values, increasing the difficulty in identifying truly superior genotypes across environments, especially in the presence of crossover GEI. DISCUSSION Genotype x environment interactions (GEI) is one of the major factors complicating plant breeding endeavors, development and decelerating the breeding progress. In this study, combined analysis of variance over three locations and four years disclosed statistically significant main effects of cultivar, year and locations and cultivar x environment interactions components, suggesting that the data deviate from the additivity assumption of analysis of variances. Thus, no matter how productive cultivars may be, selection based on mean grain yield doesn’t necessarily lead for progress while the interaction components are statistically significant. Genotype x environment interactions are problematic for both the agronomist and breeder because cultivar means (averaged over environments) are unreliable for predicting performance of a cultivar (Ebdon Gauch, 2002). Several methods have been developed to analyze GEI (Kang and Gauch, 1996; Piepho, 1998). In the past decade, the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model (Gauch and Zobel, 1996) has received attention in dealing with Genotype x environment interactions. Quantifying the contribution of each bread wheat cultivars to cultivar x environment interaction sum squares explained is important to know the stability of cultivars and to determine which cultivar do well in which environments. In the biplot, nine high yielding bread wheat cultivars ( labeled as lower cases) have been located at the right side of the grand mean while low yielding counterparts are positioned at the left side of the grand mean (Figure 1). Regardless of the sign of IPCA score, bread wheat cultivars having high IPCA score would be located far from the IPCA axis = 0, and contribute more to the cultivar x environment interaction sum square than cultivars with zero or very low IPCA score. The latter group of cultivars contribute none or less to cultivar x environment interaction sum square, and positioned either on or very closer to IPCA axis = 0 (Figure 1). These group of bread wheat cultivars are classified as most stable whereas cultivars which have high IPCA score are classified unstable. Stability analysis identified three most stable and high yielding cultivars, HAR2975, HAR2941 and HAR3076, six less stable and high yielding cultivars, HAR3008, HAR3080, HAR3030, HAR2923, HAR1899 and HAR2481, and one most stable and low yielding cultivar, HAR2481 ( Figure 1). In the biplot, cultivars and environment (labeled as 322 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. upper cases) combinations with IPCA score of same sign produced positive and desirable interaction effects, whereas combinations of opposite sign had undesirable or negative specific interaction. For instance, genotypes HAR3009 and HAR3016 with IPCA score < 0 have a positive interaction with the environments (A, B, C and D) which have negative IPCA score while their counterparts, such as HAR3008, HAR2923 and HAR1899 produced a negative interactions with environments (A, B, C and D) , but interacted positively with environments (E, F, H,I ,J and G) (Figure 1). In other words, cultivars and environments positioned below or above IPCA axis = 0 interact positively and the otherwise interact negatively. This finding has been supported by (Thillainathan and Fernandez, 2001), who reported that integrating biplot display enables cultivars to be grouped based on similarity of performance across diverse environments. Application of AMMI analysis in multi-environment cultivar yield trial has been reported (Ebdon and Gauch, 2002; Gauch and Zobel, 1989). Stratified ranking of cultivars using AMMI and analysis of variance ranked the same cultivar differently, indicating how genotype x environment interaction affects the performance of a given cultivar across environments (Figure 2). Earlier studies indicate that cultivar ranks on individual environment based on observed data can be quite different from expected according to AMMI model (Crossa et al, 1990; Gauch and Zoble , 1997; Ebdon and Gauch ,2002). CONCLUSION Knowledge on the nature, pattern and causes of cultivar x environment interaction is vital in plant breeding, including varietal development, parent selection. establish breeding objectives, identify ideal test sites and formulate recommendations domains that can optimize wheat adaptation. The analysis of variance doesn’t give adequate and reliable information to make decisions in varietal selection program if the cultivar x environment interaction is statistically significant. Thus, handling of cultivar x environment interaction using AMMI deemed necessary not only to account all confounding variances and determine the specific and wide adaptation potential of wheat cultivars but to streamline seed multiplication and production of the released cultivars. The superiority of AMMI over joint regression for modelling adaptive responses has already been reported for cereal and forage crops as well as for several grain crops worldwide. However, the application of AMMI would be more powerful if soil and climatic variables should be included to know which abiotic factors contributed more to the genotype x environment interaction. REFERENCES AGROBASE (1999). Agronomix Software, Inc. 171 Waterloo Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Annicchiarico P (1997). Joint regression vs AMMI analysis of genotype– environment interactions for cereals in Italy. Euphytica 94:53–62. Annicchiarico P, Piano E (2005). 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