International Research Journal of Plant Science (ISSN: 2141-5447) Vol. 2(5) pp. 137-142, May, 2011 Available online Copyright © 2011 International Research Journals Full length Research Paper Plant population influence on the physiological indices of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Raouf Seyed Sharifi1, Hasan Bigonah Hamlabad 2, Jafar Azimi2 1- College of Agriculture, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran 2- Islamic Azad University , Ardabil Branch, Ardabil, Iran. Accepted 24 May, 2011 In order to evaluation of effects of different plant population levels on yield and growth indices of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design was conducted in Research Farm Islamic Azad University, Ardabil branch in 2006. Factors were: plant population levels at three levels (400, 450 and 500 seedsm-2) and wheat cultivars at four levels (Azar, Sardari, Frankia and Trakia). The results showed that various levels of plant population affected yield and growth indices of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Mean comparison in compound of treatment cultivar× levels of plant population showed that maximum grain yield was obtained by the plots which was applied -2 500 seed m with Azar cultivar. Investigation of variances trend of total dry matter indicated that in all of treatment compounds, it increased slowly until 172 days after sowing with increasing of plant population and then increased rapidly till 284 days after sowing. From 284 days after sowing till harvest time, it decreased due to increasing aging of leaves and decreasing of leaf area index. Increase in plant population levels also significantly increased the crop growth rate and the maximum of it was observed -2 by the plots that was applied 500 seed m with Azar cultivar. In addition, in all of treatment compounds, CGR increased slowly until 228 days after sowing and then decreased till 298 days after sowing due to increasing aging of leaves and decreasing of leaf area index. Thus, it can be suggested that in order to increasing of grain yield, total dry matter, crop growth rate and the other of physiological indices should be applied Azar cultivar with 500 seed m-2 in conditions of Ardabil Plain. Key words: wheat, population density, physiological indices INTRODUCTION Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important grain crops in the world. The yield of wheat in Iran is very low as compared to other wheat producing countries. One of the most important effective factors is non application of optimal plant population per hectare and wheat genotypes differ in their response to plant density. In the other hand, plant density is one of the major factors determining the ability of the crop to capture resources. It is of particular importance in wheat production because it is under the farmer's control in most cropping systems (Satorre, 1999). Optimum plant density varies greatly between areas according to climatic conditions, soil, sowing time and varieties (Gate 1995). Consequently, there is value in defining *Corresponding author Email:, Tel: 0098-914-3556585,Fax: 00984515512204 relationships between density and wheat yield to establish optimum seeding rates for various regions (Puckridge and Donald 1967; Faris and De Pauw 1981; Frederick and Marshall 1985; Joseph et al 1985; Blue et al 1990; Anderson et al 1991; Campbell et al 1991; Douglas et al 1994; Qi-Yuan et al 1994; Anderson and Sawkins 1997). The physiological indices such as leaf area index (LAI), total dry matter (TDM), crop growth rate (CGR) and relative growth rate (RGR) are influenced by genotypes, plant population, climate and soil fertility (Murphy et al 1996). Weber et al (1966) reported that both total dry matter and leaf area index were poor predictors of grain yield. Dry matter production of crops needs on the amount of intercepting solar radiation and its conversion to chemical energy. When plant density is too high, it encourage inter plants competition for resources. Then crop net photosynthesis process will be affected due to less light penetration in 138 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. the crop canopy as well as increase in the competition for available nutrient which will affect grain yield. On the other hand, application of optimum plant density helps for the proper utilization of solar radiation. Rao et al (2002) suggested that leaf area index (LAI) and leaves architecture are two main characteristics that define light interception in the canopy. Plant population modifies the canopy structure and influenced light interception, dry matter production and yield crop (Fukai et al 1990). Total dry matter is influenced by relative growth rate, crop growth rate and net assimilation rate (Egly and Guffy 1997). Crop growth rate is directly related to the amount of radiation intercepted by the crop (Jeffrey et al 2005). Dwyer et al (1999) reported that increasing in population plant decreased leaf area index and net assimilation rate (NAR) per plant, but increased them in per area. Past research showed a variation in the responses of different wheat varieties to density (Faris and De Pauw 1981; Gate 1995; Couvreur et al 1999; Wiersma 2002). Varieties have different abilities or plastic ties to compensate for low or high plant populations by modifying the number of tillers and consequently the number of spikes per square meter, the number of kernels per spike, or the grain weight. The objective of this study was to obtain the best population density and cultivar of wheat for obtaining maximum of grain yield and growth indices such as leaf area index, total dry matter and crop growth rate in conditions of Ardabil Plain in Iran. MATERIALS A factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted in 2006 at the Research Farm of Islamic Azad University, Ardabili Branch in Iran (lat 38 ْ◌ 15΄ N; long 48 ْ◌ 30΄ E; Alt 1350 m). Climatically, the area placed in the semiarid temperate zone with cold winter and hot summer. Average rainfall was low than 340 mm that most rainfall concentrated between winter and spring. The soil was loam silty with pH about 8.2. Mean temperatures and rainfall for the 2006 wheat growing season is given in Figure 1. Before sowing of the crop the field was well prepared by plowing twice with tractor followed planking to make a fine seed bed. Treatments were three densities -2 containing, 400 (D1), 450 (D2) and 500 seedsm (D3) plus wheat cultivars (Azar, Sardari, Frankia and Trakia). The inter-row spacing was 20 cm. Plot size was 6 m ×1 m with five rows per plot. Plots and blocks were separated by .5 m unplanted distances. The area was mold board-ploughed and disked before planting. Wheat seeds were planted in the first week of October. All other agronomic operations except those under study were kept normal and uniform for all treatments. Harvest sample was taken of 3 m long from the three middle rows for measuring grain yield. For estimation of growth analysis, eight plants were sampled randomly in each treatments and average for recording the change in dry weight in shoots (above ground), interval at different stages of the wheat growth was 14 days. The first sampling was 117 days after sowing. For dry weight determination, samples were oven dried at 70 هC to constant weight. Leaf area index was determined by dividing leaf area over ground area. The variances trend of total dry matter (TDM), crop growth rate (CGR) and relative growth rate (RGR) was determined with using of equations Acuqaah (2002); Gupta and Gupta (2005). Analysis of variance was performed using SAS computer software packages. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Study of trend of variances total dry matter in treatment compounds wheat cultivars × various levels of plant population (Table 1) showed that in all of cultivars, total dry matter increased during plant growth with increasing plant population and reached to a maximum level at 270-284 days after planting, then showed a declining trend at maturity (284-299 DAS). Similar results were also reported by Egly and Guffy (1997). The increase in total dry matter with the increasing of plant population indicates the favorable response of wheat cultivars to plant population. It is perhaps related to accelerating the photosynthesis activity that is caused dry matter accumulation increased. Study of total dry matter trends of Azar cultivar in various levels of plant population shows that dry matter increased slowly until 172 days after sowing and then increased rapidly till 172-284 days after sowing. From 284 days after sowing till harvest time, accumulated dry matter decreased due to increasing aging of leaves, decreasing of leaf area index (Table 1 and 4). On the other hand, total dry matter in unit of area increased with increasing levels of plant population, as the maximum and the minimum biomass in unit of area obtained from 400 and 450 seeds m2, respectively (Table 1). Study the total dry matter in other cultivars (Sardari, Frankia and Trakia) indicated that in all of cultivars increased with increasing of plant population (Table 1) and trend of variances were similar to dry matter acumulation in Azar cultivar. Crop growth rate Study of trend of variances crop growth rate showed that in all of cultivars, the crop growth rate was low in the beginning of sampling, increased thereafter considerably up to 228 days after planting with a peak during 218 days after planting (table 2), then showed a declining trend at 218-298 days after planting. The increase in CGR with the increasing rate of plant Sharifi et al. 139 50 40 30 20 10 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July -10 Tmin(0 c) Tmax(0 c) Rainfall (mm) Figure 1. Minimum and maximum temperature and rainfall recorded during the period of wheat growth (Septamber –June) in 2006-2007 Table 1. Plant population influence on variances trend of total dry matter (TDM) in wheat cultivars Days after planting Treatment compounds -2 Azar × 400 seeds m -2 Azar × 450 seeds m -2 Azar × 500 seeds m -2 Sardari× 400 seeds m Sardari× 450 seeds m Sardari× 500 seeds m -2 Trakia × 400 seeds m Trakia × 450 seeds m Trakia × 500 seeds m Frankia × 400 seeds m Frankia × 450 seeds m Frankia × 500 seeds m 0-172 22.9 24.5 26 20 22.5 24 20 22 23.5 20.5 21.4 22.5 173186 56 60 65 48 52 58 46 49 52 45.2 49.5 53 187200 110 119 123 97.5 105.6 118 90 95 102.3 105 109 113 201214 184 193.5 205 159 172 186.9 153 160 168 172 178 192 215228 258 276.5 284 229 243 271 216 229 243.8 248 260 272 229242 330 349.9 368 290 309.8 342.5 276 289 308 313 328 350 243256 382 413 430 341 362 402 318 335 362 365 380 410 257270 416 448.9 466.5 368 392 436 349 368 392 400 408 446 271284 446.5 483 499 396 419 473.5 366 392 422 430 446 472 285298 433 469 485 383 411.5 459 368 380 409 416 432 460 Table 2. Plant population influence on variances trend of crop growth rate (CGR) in wheat cultivars Days after planting Treatment compounds 0-172 Azar × 400 seeds m-2 -2 Azar × 450 seeds m Azar × 500 seeds m-2 -2 Sardari× 400 seeds m Sardari× 450 seeds m Sardari× 500 seeds m Trakia × 400 seeds m-2 Trakia × 450 seeds m Trakia × 500 seeds m Frankia × 400 seeds m Frankia × 450 seeds m Frankia × 500 seeds m 1.64 1.7 1.83 1.56 1.61 1.73 1.37 1.45 1.78 1.33 1.44 1.53 173186 3.11 3.24 3.73 2.98 3.08 3.3 2.6 2.76 3.39 2.53 2.74 2.91 187200 4.7 4.89 5.63 4.51 4.66 4.98 3.93 4.17 5.13 3.8 4.15 4.4 201214 5.3 5.97 6 5.51 5.19 5.49 4.28 4.39 4.56 4 4.76 4.87 population may be due to the positive response of wheat to plant population. Similar results were also 215228 5.74 5.97 6.87 5.52 5.7 6.1 4.66 4.73 4.88 4.67 5.06 5.37 229242 4.73 4.93 5.68 4.57 4.72 5.05 3.96 3.41 3.17 3.86 4.18 4.43 243256 3.24 3.37 3.88 3.13 3.23 3.46 2.71 2.88 2.94 2.64 2.86 3.03 257270 1.87 1.94 2.23 1.805 1.86 1.99 1.5 1.65 2.13 1.52 1.64 1.74 271284 1.06 1.104 1.27 1.35 1.026 1.06 1.02 1.11 1.41 .86 .93 .99 285298 .87 .95 1 .7 .4 .35 .8 .7 .65 .8 .9 .94 reported by Jeffrey et al (2005). The decrease in crop growth rate towards maturity is due to senescence of 140 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci. Table 3. Plant population influence on variances trend of relative growth rate (RGR) in wheat cultivars Days after planting Treatment compounds 0-172 Azar × 400 seeds m -2 Azar × 450 seeds m -2 Azar × 500 seeds m Sardari× 400 seeds m .0708 .077 .081 .07 173186 .055 .061 .064 .055 Sardari× 450 seeds m Sardari× 500 seeds m -2 Trakia × 400 seeds m Trakia × 450 seeds m Trakia × 500 seeds m Frankia × 400 seeds m Frankia × 450 seeds m Frankia × 500 seeds m .07 .08 .06 .067 .077 0.055 .061 .073 .055 .061 .073 0.0511 .044 .05 .042 .046 .055 0.0390 .034 .0409 .0131 .034 .0409 0.012 .0236 .028 .0215 .0236 .028 0.0199 .0152 .0183 .0139 .0152 .0183 0.0129 .0089 .0107 .0081 .0089 .0107 0.0075 .0047 .0056 .0043 .0047 .0057 0.0039 .0025 .0031 .0023 .0025 .0031 0.0021 .0021 .0026 .002 .0022 .0027 0.0018 0.06 0.056 0.042 0.03 0.021 0.014 0.008 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.07 0.067 0.051 0.03 0.026 0.017 0.009 0.005 0.002 0.002 -2 2 187200 .042 .0466 .048 .042 201214 .0131 .034 .0356 .031 215228 .0215 .023 .024 .021 229242 .0139 .0152 .0159 .0139 243256 .0081 .0089 .0093 .0081 257270 .0043 .00453 .00496 .00432 271284 .0023 .00258 .0027 .0023 285298 .002 .0024 .002 .002 Table 4. Plant population influence on variances trend of leaf area index (LAI) in wheat cultivars Days after planting Treatment compounds 0-172 Azar × 400 seeds m -2 Azar × 450 seeds m -2 Azar × 500 seeds m Sardari× 400 seeds m .076 .07 .06 .068 173186 .18 .2 .28 .15 Sardari× 450 seeds m Sardari× 500 seeds m Trakia × 400 seeds m .072 .078 .05 .18 .273 .168 .47 .604 .35 .906 1.129 .706 1.32 1.6 1.14 1.5 1.84 1.28 1.36 1.75 1.18 1 1.3 .85 .6 .67 .45 .3 .35 .25 Trakia × 450 seeds m Trakia × 500 seeds m Frankia × 400 seeds m Frankia × 450 seeds m Frankia × 500 seeds m .054 .059 .03 .18 .23 .1 .46 .55 .47 .85 .95 1 1.28 1.36 1.4 1.36 1.5 1.63 1.26 1.39 1.39 .95 1 .91 .5 .62 .57 .3 .35 .18 .085 .17 .7 1.2 1.8 1.93 1.68 1.16 .7 .4 .089 .24 .88 1.45 1.96 2.3 2.03 1.46 .94 .5 -2 2 2 187200 .43 .54 .68 .36 201214 .85 1.04 1.26 .705 215228 1.15 1.48 1.72 1.029 229242 1.4 1.72 1.96 1.28 243256 1.17 1.6 1.94 1 257270 .89 1.13 1.44 .7 271284 .48 .65 .83 .38 285298 .214 .276 .4 .15 lower leaves and decrease of leaf area index (Table 4). Similar results were reported by Egly and Guffy (1997). Relative growth rate In the initial stages of the plant growth the ratio between alive and dead tissues is high and almost the entire cells of productive organs are activity engaged in vegetative matter production. In conclusion, the relative growth rate of plant crops is high. In all of treatment compounds, RGR decreased during plant growth with decreasing plant population and reached to a minimum level at 284-298 days after planting. The reason of decreasing in RGR at the final stage can be related to increasing of the dead and woody tissues comparing to the alive and active texture. Similar observations have been reported by Jeffrey et al (2005). Leaf area index Leaf area index increased during plant growth with increasing plant population and reached to a maximum level at 228-242 days after planting. From 242 days after sowing, leaf area index decreased due to Sharifi et al. 141 a 159 b b b 158 c grain yield (gr/m2) grain yield (gr/m2) 160 140 160 a 180 120 100 80 60 40 20 157 156 155 c 154 153 152 0 151 400 450 500 azar plant population (seeds per m2) Grain yield Grain yield is the main target of crop production. The grain yield was significantly affected by both wheat cultivars and plant density. Plant density significantly increased the grain yield. The grain yield varied 2 -2 between 122.68 gr/m in 400 seeds m and 167.51 2 -2 gr/m in 500 seeds m (fig 2). The grain yield was different in wheat cultivars. The grain yield varied 2 2 between 159.6 gr/m Azar cultivar and 154.3 gr/m in Frankia cultivar (fig 3). Our findings are in agreement with observations made by many researchers (Faris and De Pauw 1981; Wiersma 2002). These results are in agreement with total dry matter. This might be related to correlation between grain yields with total dry matter. Weber et al (1966) reported that both total dry matter and leaf area index were poor predictors of grain yield. frankia trakia w heat cultivars Figure 2 . Means of comparison the effect plant density on grain yield cultivars on grain yield increasing aging of leaves, shading and competition between plants for light and other resources. Photosynthetic efficiency and growth in the crop plants are strongly related to the effect of canopy architecture on the vertical distribution of light within the canopy (Williams et al 1968). Increasing leaf area index is one of the ways of increasing the capture of solar radiation within the canopy and production of dry matter. Hence, the efficiency of the conversion of intercepted solar radiation in to dry matter decreases with decreasing of leaf area index. In the present study, trend of variances leaf area index in treatment compounds of wheat cultivars× various levels of plant population was according to crop growth rate. These results are in agreement with trend of variances total dry matter. Similar results have also been reported by Faris and De Pauw (1981); Gate (1995); Couvreur et al (1999) and Wiersma (2002). sardari Figure 3. Means of comparisons the effect wheat CONCLUSION In this experiment, plant population showed significant effects on wheat cultivars yield, and physiological indices of wheat such as total dry matter, crop growth rate, relative growth rate and leaf area index. The highest grain yield and physiological indices of wheat -2 cultivars recorded in application of 500 seeds m with Azar cultivar. In conclusion, it can be suggested that Azar cultivar should be applied to 500 seeds m-2 in conditions of Ardabil Plain. REFRENCES Acuqaah, G. 2002. Principle of Crop Production, Theory, Techniques and Technology. Prentice –Hall of India.Co.Pvt.Itd., pp 460. Anderson, W.K. and D. Sawkins. 1997. Production practices for improved grain yield and quality of soft wheats in Western Australia. 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