April 2016 Sun Mon Tue

April 2016
Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Elementary School
1 April Fool’s Day 2
World Autism
Awareness Day
Gathering of
P.A. Day - No
sponsors and
School for Students
grade 7
candidates, 1:00
pm mass, followed
by meeting at
2:00 pm, St.
Patrick’s church
Lunch Break
Educate, grade 2
Lockdown Drill
Scientists in the
School, grade 6,
Opening Doors of
Mercy (refer to
page 3)
Treat Day
proceeds to Down
Lunch Break
Educate, grade 2,
FitKids grades 4-6
Lunch Break
Educate, grade 2,
FitKids grades 1-3
Forests Alive
grades K-6
Earth Day
School Council
Meeting, 7:00pm
Lunch Break
Educate, grade 2
Virtue Assembly,
Susan Aguilo
Author Visit
Class placement
parent request
letters due to office
Secretaries’ Day
Kortright Trip, FDK
Catholic Education Week
P.D. Day - Provinical Priorities in a Catholic Context
Crowning of Mary Mass, 9:30am
First Communion, Paolella 12:00pm, Deputat/Agas/Stewart 2:30pm
Dental Screening (JK/SK & gr. 2), Waterworks Presentation
gr. 1-5, Book Fair 3:15-7:00pm, School Council Bake Sale
Welcome to Kindergarten Night, 6:30pm
Grade 7 Confirmation, Ms. Trentin’s class, 7:00pm
Victoria Day - No School For Students
Dress Loud Day for Hearing Impaired
DrumFit FDK Mother’s Day presentation
Mathletes - School Wide activities for students during the day,
parent engagement in evening (6:30-8:00pm)
Canadian Children’s Book Week
EQAO begins, to June 9
Mother’s Day
School Council Hot Dog Day
Grade 7&8 Trip to Chicago
Virtue Assembly, 2:00pm
Session #5 Sat. Apr. 2 from 10-11 am at St.
Patrick’s church
Meeting for First Communion, Sat., Apr. 2,
3:00 pm at St. Patrick’s church
Gathering of sponsors and grade 7
Confirmation candidates, Sun. Apr. 10, 1:00
pm mass, followed by meeting at 2:00 pm at
St. Patrick’s church
Sacrament of Confirmation Grade 7
Costabile: Wed., Apr. 27, 7:00 pm at St.
Patrick’s church
Sacrament of Confirmation Grade 7 Trentin:
Wed., May 4, 7:00 pm at St. Patrick’s church
Sacrament of Communion: Sat., May 14 at
St. Patrick’s church
Upcoming Events
Jesus made one lesson clear above all other
lessons – the lesson to love. Love is not about
us – it is about forgetting ourselves and
looking out for the good of others. That’s what
Jesus did – he intentionally forgot about
himself. He chose to give up his life for the
good of others – us!
 Grade 7 & 8 Confirmation candidates,
Grade 7
Confirmation, Mr.
Costabile’s class,
Phone (905) 913-1703
Dear friends of our parish school
communities. HAPPY EASTER.
School Council Hot
Dog Day
Brampton, Ont. L6P 1W3
FAX (905) 913-2918
April 2016
Easter Liturgy,
International Day
of Pink
Hepatitis B,
Meningitis & HPV
Grades 7&8
Scientists in the
School, grade 5,
25 Mount Royal Circle
Chess Tournament
at Lester B. Pearson Grade 7 & 8
Wear Blue in
candidates, Session
Support of Autism
#5, 10am
The Virtue for
April is
 Easter Liturgy: Fri., April 15, 1:00pm
 Crowning of Mary: Mon., May 2, 9:30 am
 Year End Liturgy: Tues., June 28, 9:30 am
It is a partnership with parents and other
members of our community that we are able to
assist students on their educational journey.
Once again, we will hold a volunteer
appreciation on April 13 to thank those who
have volunteered time to our students, teachers
or to the school as a whole. Volunteers help
promote student success!
Easter is more than one day. Liturgically
it is FIFTY days, culminating with the Feast
of Pentecost.
Practically, it is EVERY DAY. Our journey
as Christians is a journey with CHRIST.
Day by day, in our homes, our places of
work, our schools, everywhere we go,
with everyone we meet, in every
circumstance of life, THE RISEN LOIRD IS
PRESENT. We are called to give witness
to his life and his love in the simple
actions of daily living. Let us remember
that we are in his company especially in
moments and situations that make us feel
alone, lost or misunderstood. The Lord is
also sending us, each one of us, to help
others understand this truth as well. Not
only when we are present at a religious
celebration, or opening the Scriptures or
standing before a Crucifix or a sacred
image, but in the words and actions of
daily living. Christ is there and we are all
ambassadors of his love.
Over the next few weeks young friends
from our schools and parish community
will be celebrating their First Holy
C omm u nio n a nd o t her s , t heir
Confirmation. Let us pray with them. Let
us pray for them and for their families.
Let us welcome them to the Table and to
the mission of giving witness.
My prayers are with all of you as I thank
you for whatever each and everyone
does to give witness to the faith. May
the Risen Lord continue to bless your
families, your neighbourhood, and
everyone you love.
With prayerful best wishes,
Fr. Vito Marziliano,
Your pastor.
S. Rotino
M. Doria
D. Finegan-Downey
S. Xaviour
Parish Priest
Fr. V. Marziliano
Visit our School Website:
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For
the latest board news and
information, follow us
April 2016
On Thursday, April 21, the Intermediate Boys’ and Girls’
Basketball teams will compete in the Brampton
North East Mini Basketball Tournament. Good
luck to the players: A special thank you to our
parent volunteer, Mr. Talamo, and Mrs. Stewart
for coaching the teams.
Viewing: Monday & Tuesday during school hours.
Purchasing: Tuesday 3:15 to 7:00pm and
Wednesday during school hours.
Preview flyers will go home with students the week
before. Thank you for your continued support.
Opening Doors of Mercy Conference & Marketplace for Dufferin-Peel CDSB
Catholic School Council Chairs, Members &Volunteers
On Thursday, May 19 at 6:30
p.m. we will be hosting a
Welcome to Kindergarten
evening for students and their
parents who will be starting
school for the first time in
September. Children and their
parents will be involved in
activities that promote student
school readiness. At the end of
the evening, each child will
take home a bag of materials
to promote readiness at home.
These bags are provided in
conjunction with The Learning
Sat., Apr. 9, 2016, St. Joseph Secondary School, Mississauga
Keynote Address: Dr. Susan Williams, Psychologist, speaking about Reducing Stress
and Increasing Resilience in Children. Registration information is available through the
website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/CCCSC/ Alternatively, you may complete the Survey
Monkey™to register using thisURL: www.//surveymonkey.com/r/M9BFLTY.
Before March Break, students were given the opportunity to view Disney’s The Good
Dinosaur. Through donations, we raised $350 for ShareLife.
We collected a dozen boxes of food for the Knight’s Table. Congratulations to Ms.
Rennick’s class for having the greatest class participation. They will be rewarded with
a pizza party.
We are in the process of planning
staffing and organizing classes for the
2016-2017 school year. If you are
planning to move out of the school
area, or are simply changing address
within our boundaries, please let the
office know as soon as possible.
If your child(ren) will be returning to
Our Lady of Lourdes School and have
particular learning needs that you feel
we should consider when we work on
class lists, please put this in writing,
addressed to the Principal by April 29.
Educational reasons will be considered
in this process. Please do not make
requests for specific teachers. We
cannot guarantee your request but we
will consider your concerns along with
other factors. Class placements are
tentative until the second week of
September when staffing is confirmed.
Page 2
There continues to be an overwhelming number of students arriving late to
school in the morning. It is very important that students arrive to school on
time and ready to work, as late arrivals disrupt instructional activities and
classroom routines. Once the bell has rung at 8:45 am, students who come in
through the front doors must let the secretary know that they have arrived so
that we can change our attendance information. Arriving on time and being
prepared to learn helps students form good work habits and provides a
positive beginning to the day in addition to demonstrating respect for
themselves, their classmates and their teachers. Thank you for your
cooperation and attention to this matter.
Administration of Grade 3 & 6 Assessment of Reading, Writing and
Mathematics 2015-2016 will be held May 25–June 8, 2016. Specific dates
will be forthcoming. Please try to avoid vacations or the booking of
appointments for your grade 3 or 6 child during this assessment period.
If parents would like to have their children practice
EQAO questions prior to the test at home, they may go to
www.eqao.com and click English, then click Parent
Resources. There are assessments available from previous
years as well as the exemplars for marking.
Our Lady of Lourdes
Web Resources
CLIPS (Critical Learning
Instructional Paths Supports)
While whole numbers represent quantities of whole units, fractions signify parts of whole units
or parts of sets. Although fractions are all around us, learning about fractions may be
challenging for some children. Identifying fractions in our environment makes them meaningful
and easier to visualize.
Family Math Activity K–3:
With your child, gather several similarly shaped objects, such as a piece of paper, a towel, a placemat, a picture frame, a
magazine and a book. Ask your child to show you one half of each object, perhaps by using a ruler to mark the halfway
point. This is an opportunity for your child to see that fractional portions must be of equal size.
Extension: Ask your child to show you one fourth of each object.
Family Math Activity 4-6:
Ask what real-life situations might these fractions describe: Two fifths 2/5, Three sixths
3/6, Five eighths 5/8. (e.g. Five eggs have been eaten from the dozen. This represents
5/12 of the set. Can your child describe the fraction of eggs eaten (5/12) and the
remaining eggs (7/12)?)
Grades 7 & 8: Continuing the Conversation about
Financial Literacy! Explore Career Possibilities
Talk to your child about:
What two things do you enjoy most in life?
What career possibilities are there in these areas?
What are you best at in terms of your own abilities?
Are there career possibilities that fit with these talents?
All intermediate students have access to My Blueprint
(Career Pathways Planning): Have your child go online
and share his/her profile with you. http://
Our Lady of Lourdes Chess
Teams will represent our
school at the Family level
competition to be held at
Lester B. Pearson Catholic
School on April 1, 2016.
Thank you to Mme.
Mastrangelo, Mme. Ignoto
and Mme. Bzdyk for running
the club and coaching the
team. Good luck to the
A fraction shows the
relationship between a
part and a whole.
Developing Mindsets that Promote Growth
What do we mean by “growth mindset”?
Mindsets change is not about picking up a few pointers here and
there. It’s about seeing things in a new way… changing from a
“judge and be-judged” framework to a “learn-and-help learn”
– Carol S. Dweck
Tips for Fostering a Growth Mindset:
Tip # 7. Provide Honest, Constructive Criticism That Emphasizes
Work with your child to identify strategies for improvement. Use
phrases like: “Let me add new information to help you solve
this…” or “What parts were difficult for you? Let’s look at them.”
Our school community will
celebrate Catholic Education Week
from May 2-6 2016 in ways that
are appropriate to our students’
age. We invite you to participate
in one or more of these activities as
your personal time and work
schedule may permit. Details will
be forthcoming.
Lunchbox Lunches: Mondays
Rainbow Lunches: Tuesdays &
Pizza: Wednesdays
Treat Days: Thursdays
During the month of March, the Eco-Team worked
hard to raise awareness for different
environmental issues. The Eco-Team wants to thank
all classes for participating in “The Great Gulp”
on March 23, and Earth Hour on March 11.
Upcoming Events…
April is Earth Month and the Our Lady of Lourdes
Eco-Team has many eco-friendly activities
happening during the month. Our energy hog will
be back this month to visit any classes that are
wasting energy, and the energy hog will remind
them to conserve energy. Additionally, we will be
having a clothing drive during Earth Week (April
18th-April 22nd), and all clothes collected will be
donated to St. Vincent de Paul Society. On Earth
Day, April 22, we are encouraging students to
wear green to show their love and support for the
environment. There will be many other initiatives
happening, so we encourage students to listen
carefully to announcements. Happy Earth Month!
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