October 2015 Principal: S. Galvao Vice Principal: C. Pickering Secretary: C. Panetta PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING SERVING OUR COMMUNITY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS D. Oude-Reimerink 905-890-1221 TRUSTEE S. Xaviour ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH Rev. Joseph Pham 905-793-8030 ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Chair— M. Wilson 905-793-4861 Voicemail #41565 God our Father, We thank you for your many blessings, this beautiful country in which we live, the family and friends that we so cherish, the common language of faith, love and hope that we have within our family, parish and school. Help us to see you through the This Month’s Features people we meet. Events & News Pg. 2 & 3 Guide us to take the time to reflect Homework Policy Pg. 4 and give thanks for your many Staff & Website Pg. 5 blessings. International Education Pg. 6 VIRTUE FOR OCTOBER EMPATHY May your gift of empathy lead us to know and feel your presence among us. A reminder that Monday October 12th is Thanksgiving and that there will be no school for students on that day. On behalf of the entire staff of Lester B. Pearson Catholic Elementary School, we wish you and your families a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving! Literacy/Peel Police Pg. 7 School Council Pg. 8 Programs & Alerts Pg. 7 Kiss N’ Ride Pg. 10 International Languages Pg. 11 This Month’s Calendar Pg. 12 www.dpecdesb.org/LBPEA Page 2 Follow us on Twitter @DPCDSBSchools DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools. TOONIE TUESDAY PIZZA DAY Thank you very much for your support of our first “Toonie Tuesday Pizza Day.” The funds raised from these days are much needed and will be used to support additional classroom resources. The next “Toonie Tuesday Pizza days are scheduled for October 6th and 20th. CCAT TESTING FOR GRADE 4 STUDENTS During the week of October 19th our grade 4 students will be administered the CCAT (Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test). Please try to avoid booking appointments for 4th grade students. The results from this test are used to help identify students who may be eligible for enhanced / gifted programming in the future. Special Assignment Teacher Again this year Dufferin-Peel will have a Special Assignment Teacher visiting each school in the system to assist with curriculum. Our SAT, Steve Quartarone will be working in partnership with classroom teachers. This teacher may be working in your child’s classroom from time to time throughout the year. Mr. Quartarone comes to us with experience in the area of curriculum. We are indeed lucky to have him helping us out. SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE & BBQ Tuesday September 22nd, 2015 The initial connection you make with your child’s teacher in September establishes a line of communication which is important throughout the whole year. We thank everyone who helped with this event. PICTURE RETAKE DAY Tuck Shop Popcorn, Milk and Cookies on Mondays and Fridays $1.00 All products are nut free and PPM150 compliant. Sales begin on October 26th, 2015 October 27th is our scheduled school picture retake day. Any students who were away or would like to have their photo retaken will be done on this day. Edge Imaging is now offering on-line payment and ordering. The link has been provided on School Website. TERRY FOX EVENT 2015 Our school’s Terry Fox charity event will take place on October 2nd. We were happy to participate in the 35th annual walk for Cancer. Rain date: October 5th Page 3 LESTER B. PEARSON CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOOD DRIVE FOR THE KNIGHT’S TABLE SCHOOL COUNCIL 2015—2016 All Hands Are Helping Hands!! T he Knight’s Table is a non-profit organization whose goal is to serve and empower vulnerable members of our community by providing food and access to resources in a safe environment through volunteerism and strategic partnerships. Their Pantry Food Bank helps to provide emergency food supplies to vulnerable families in our community. More than 1800 families are provided with the sustenance they need to feed their family and children every week. The Knights Table is the only soup kitchen in the Region of Peel and they are always looking for donations of canned food for their food bank. C AS (Children's Aid Society) is an organization that has helped thousands of children rebuild their lives. Please find it in your hearts so send the following items with the food drive to help support the young children they care for. The items they are in desperate need of are diapers, formula, baby cereal, and baby jarred food. On October 1st the first Council meeting of the school year will be held. At this meeting, the 2014-2015 council formally concluded their term and our new Council will be elected. Sincere thanks are extended to all members of last year’s council for their hard work and dedication towards the betterment of our school community. Particular thanks are extended to Mrs. Wilson. The council provided valuable assistance with important school decisions and funded very significant student centered initiatives. Their sincerity and commitment contributed much to the success of our council last year. All parents in our school are welcome at our Council meetings. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 5th in the school Meeting Room at 7pm. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Adult & Continuing Education (905) 891-9263 I t is for these reasons that we are holding a Thanksgiving Food Drive at Lester B. Pearson Catholic School. The Food Drive will begin Monday October 5th and will end on Friday October 9th by 10:30am. The types of food that they are requesting this year include dry pasta, pasta sauce, rice, canned soup, canned vegetables, canned fruit, and baby formula. Please encourage your children to bring In food for this very worthy cause. Thank you very much for your Cooperation!! J. Nieznalski, F. Bonura, A. Fall, N. Svirid and the Student Helpers The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board offers a wide range of programs for people of all ages. Please browse our website to find a program of interest to you! www.dpcdsb.org/cec/cne SCHOOL MASS Wednesday, October 7th at 10am School Mass Parents are invited to join us in the school gym for this year’s first school mass. Please sign in at the office when you arrive at the school. Page 4 Homework Policy The policy document addresses the following: definition of homework characteristics of effective homework types of commonly assigned homework timing and quantity of homework general and specific procedures reporting of homework roles and responsibilities of administrators, teachers, students, and families. The homework policy may be viewed in full at www.dpcdsb.org/LBPEA under General Information Tab—Academics. A summary of the key features of the document is available to families in the student agenda. Below are some helpful Be positive. Be consistent. Be available. Be attentive. Be a role model. Be a cheerleader. Be’s to support families in the homework process: Communicate a positive attitude towards homework. Develop a homework routine that includes a set time and a regular space for completing Encourage independent work on the part of your child, but be available for assistance. Take a few minutes every day to chat about the school day. Listen attentively to your child as this may alert you to any academic difficulties, bullying situations or concerns about emoLet your child see you reading, writing, and using math during homework time. Praise your child for the effort displayed in completing homework. Be observant. Note any signs of frustration that your child may display while completing homework. If it appears difficult or confusing or if there are errors, encourage your child to ask the teacher Be involved. Participate in school functions that offer you the opportunity to stay connected to your child’s learning. Contact your child’s teacher if you have concerns about your child’s home- http://www.dpcdsb.org/LBPEA/Learning/ Homework.htm Homework Links are available on Intermediate Classroom Teacher Pages Page 5 LTO (Roussy)– JK/SK L. Carlini— Planning Time R. Coscarelli—JK/SK N. Salameh Planning Time L. Mauro– JK/SK C. Monahan – Educational Resource Worker M. Rousseau - JK/SK G. Resende —Educational Resource Worker E. MacLeod - Gr. 1 A. Byrne—Educational Resource Worker Sr. Rebecca Mak – Gr. 1 C. Cetrullo—Educational Resource Worker L. Carreno - Gr. 1/2 G. DoCampo—Educational Resource Worker L. McCulloch – Gr. 2 M. Sangirardi—Educational Resource Worker M. Sambartolo - Gr. 2/3 C. Cooper— DECE A. Fall – Gr. 3 K. Janczura — DECE S. Calautti – Gr.—4 J. Dean — DECE E. DeBuono - Gr. 4/5 K. Matias – Child Youth Worker P. Varriano - Gr. 5 G. Pugliese —Education Psychologist K. Archdekin—Gr. 5/6 P. Grosso—Social Worker A. DaCosta – Gr. 6 C. Liu—Speech & Language K. Paciejko – Gr. 6/7 S. Quartarone– SAT G. Matthews - Gr. 7/8 G. Francisco - Custodian C. Chow— Gr. 8 A. Teves—Custodian J. Nieznalski — Library/ESL S. Spence - Custodian M. Chubbs – Primary & Junior Resource J. Sullivan – Volunteer P. Mantenuto – Kinder & Intermediate Resource L. Armogenia—Student Monitor N. Svirid – French J. Emanuel—Student Monitor F. Bonura— French M. Rose — Student Monitor L. Bellizzi — Planning Time P. Lisotti — Student Monitor GYM UNIFORM Gym uniforms (t-shirt and shorts) for grades 6, 7 and 8 students can be purchased at any time. $7.00 for TShirts and $15.00 for Shorts. Sizes available Medium, Youth XL, Adult Small, Medium & Large, XL. Forms are available on school website under About/School Activities/Gym Wear LBPCES WEBSITE www.dpcdsb.org/LBPEA For upcoming events, school information, school hours, newsletters, lunch programs, intermediate homework, teacher pages and links to other websites that our students and parents may find helpful. Page 6 STUDENT SAFETY In order to ensure student safety, students have been reminded not to stop at the park on their way to school or on their way home, unless they are supervised by parents/ guardians. Students are also reminded not to climb trees. Please remind your child of these safety reminders. For the last few years, Lester B. Pearson Catholic Elementary School student in Grade 5 to 8 have focused on value formation through our Monthly Virtues Program. This year we will highlight the virtues, Catholic Graduate Expectations and Ministry Learning skills at monthly assemblies. The Lester B. Pearson Catholic community has long been known for its kindness and generosity toward those in need in our community. As part of our focus on Catholic values we celebrate the “I Can Make a Difference in the World” campaign. The Catholic School Council Resource Handbook has been updated to bring it in line with Ont. Reg. 612/00, Ont. Reg. 298 and with Board Policy 4.01, Catholic School Councils (February 24th, 2015). The updated document, Catholic School Council Procedures and By-Laws, is now housed on the Dufferin-Peel website. Below is the path to access the updated Catholic School Council Procedures and By-Laws: www.dpcdsc.org ↓ Catholic Communities ↓ Central Committee for Catholic School Councils ↓ CSC Procedures & Bylaws (top toolbar) The electronic binder has been set-up using the same section numbers and titles as the handbook. An interactive index in each section will take a searcher straight to the information being sought. Fillable forms have been created to use for Catholic school council elections and to complete the Catholic School Council Annual Report and the Catholic School Council Annual Survey. Page 7 Family Literacy Program: talk.read.play.sing! Free workshops for families offered by the Region of Peel At Lester B. Pearson Catholic Elementary School The Family Literacy Program is for families with children aged 0 – 6 years. Families come together for story times, snack, and activities. Research from the University of Toronto has shown this program makes an impact to a child’s Early Literacy skills along with their family’s support. The program will be held in Room 205 on Wednesday nights, from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. for nine weeks, starting September 30th and ending November 25th. We welcome all families with children under 6 years, as well as older children in your family. Please register by calling 905 791 1585 x 7222 or visit our website at www.peelregion.ca and click on Services for Children and Families. We hope to see you there. PEEL REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE The Peel Regional Police Service has been in contact as part of our Safe Schools Initiatives. Our school officer Constable Tim Farrell will be visiting the school regularly to visit classrooms and get to know our students. Rosary Apostolate Once again, we welcome representatives from the Rosary Apostolate organization to lead our students in prayer and reflection. Individuals will be starting this year’s program on October 16th and will be visiting classrooms on a monthly basis until May. Remember...Everyone has the right to be safe! Bullying is not acceptable! Page 8 The 'Nestle Chocolate Fundraising Campaign 2015 is about to start. By now you have read the letter home about this year’s fundraiser. In order to lessen paperwork and time, a letter was sent home offering you the choice to opt out of this year’s fundraiser. Unless a form has been sent back, each family in the school will be going home with one box of chocolates on October 6 th! “But wait! I have two kids, they each want to have a chance at winning the prizes!” NO PROBLEM! When your first box comes home, there will be a form for additional boxes inside the box! Just fill it in and send it back. (form will be available on the website) Again, this year for our Top Sellers, we have arranged for a Limo to take you all to lunch at McDonald’s. There are also gift cards, and other prizes just for participating! Don’t miss out! Since we only run one Fundraiser a year for School Council, this is our one chance to raise money to cover all of the fun things we do at the school. Last year the money raised from this fundraiser funded: Ballroom Dancing Agendas free for all students The Christmas Jingle Family Event Student Transportation to Church Yoga for all Primary Students Communion Retreat for Grade 2`s Girl’s Empowerment Day Rally Hot Chocolate Day Cancer Society initiatives Sacramental gifts for students Bussing for students to competitions Play Day Freezies Student Presentations New Christmas Decorations for the Front Foyer Club Uniforms DJ Costs for Halloween and Valentine Day Dances Swimming lessons for Grade 4`s Confirmation Retreat for Grade 8`s Boys Day Welcome to Kindergarten Night Refreshments Graduation RAZZ kids online reading program Girl’s Night In Events Treats for EQAO students In addition to all the great events our fundraising has supported in the past, we are hoping to do even more this year! To keep our students at LBPCES on the cutting of 21st century learning, our goal this year is to be able to help provide students with access to even more technology. School Council can accomplish this by supporting the purchase of tablets and smart boards for our classrooms. Thank you in advance for all of you who participate! Next School Council Meeting Thursday, November 5th, 2015 7pm in the Meeting Room Contact School Council By Phone: 905-793-4861 Mailbox 41565# By Fax: 905-793-4497 By Email: lesterbpearsoncs.council@gmail.com COMING TO LBPCES! Presenter: Chris Vollum October 22, 6:30-7:30 Please join us for a hand’s on, informative presentation on all things Social Media. Led by a recognized authority on Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat and more, our parent community will be educated and given the tools to help our children navigate their 24/7 connected world. Watch for more information is your child’s backpack, coming soon! You will not want to miss this one-of-a-kind event. Page 9 Math Help for Grades 7 to 10 Homework Help provides FREE, live oneon-one tutoring from Ontario teachers Sundays to Thursdays 5:30-9:30pm KEEPING ALL OUR CHILDREN SAFE We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that there are several students in the school with life threatening allergies to various food products. Birthday celebrations and festivities for special occasions are part of the educational experience, but we are requesting that parents not send treats to the class. Food that is brought to school to share, will be returned home. Stickers, loot bags or other non edible products ensure the safety of all of our students. Allergies at LBPCES include: Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Cashews, Whole Eggs, Raw Eggs, Seafood, Shellfish and Sesame Seeds. Grade JK to 6 Mathematics and Reading Booklets from the Ministry of Education, The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, are available @ edu.gov.on.ca These guides have been developed so that parents, guardians, caregivers and other family members can help our youngest learners further develop their reading, writing and math abilities. Page 10 DROP-OFF, PARKING AND KISS 'N RIDE Please help us to keep all children safe. All motorists are reminded to: Drop off students using the Kiss and Ride Area at the side of the school. Remember that you must remain in your vehicle, and DO NOT PARK IN THIS AREA. DROP OFF AND DRIVE OFF. Please be considerate of others behind you trying to drop off their children. If you need to help your child out of the car or if you are planning to leave your vehicle, park in designated visitor parking spaces only. Do not park, even if you are waiting in your vehicle in any Safety on Our Yard reserved spaces, including handicapped. We are having a number of parents/ Refrain from stopping in the bus grandparents/babysitters waiting for children in our school yard between 8:45 am zones. and 3:30 pm. It is very important that parents wait outside of the fenced area to ensure the safety of all of our students. Please refrain from walking through and standing on the field during school hours. AFTER SCHOOL PICK-UP ROUTINE Young children may make unsafe choices when they are faced with the discomfort of not knowing who is picking them up or when their pick up person is late. Please ensure to review the following guidelines with your child: 1. Designate a regular meeting place and time. 2. Communicate any changes in plans to your child and with a note to teacher. 3. If your child feels uncomfortable waiting outside, he/she should report to the office. 4. Your child should not change the plans without the parent’s permission. 5. If you are sending someone to pick up your child(ren) make sure to send a note indicating who will be picking him/her up and the time. (not later then 3:30pm if end of day pick-up) DO NOT change your child’s routine at the last minute of the school day as we may not be able to get a message to your child. Be Courteous Be Patient Be Kind Be Safe Be a Role Model Page 12 October 22, 6:30-7:30 Sponsored by School Council Page 13 October 2015 Sun Mon 4 Tue 5 Terry Fox Rain Date 11 18 6 CCAT Gr. 4 19 Chocolate Fundraiser finished Thu Fri Sat 1 2 School Council & Election Meeting 7pm Mr. Sub orders are due Terry Fox Run pm Courtesy Seats forms are due Toonie Tuesday Chocolate Fundraiser kickoff assembly 7 8 9 Peel Literacy 68pm 10am Mass @ LBPCES gym Lunch Pails Mr. Sub Lunch 7pm Confirmation Parent Meeting @ St. Anthony Parish Lunch Pails 13 14 15 16 12 Thanksgiving —School is closed Wed Boston Pizza CCAT Gr. 4 20 Toonie Tuesday Aquinas rep @ 1:55pm - Gr. 8 Peel Literacy 68pm Immunization Clinic Gr. 8 Girls & Gr. 7 Hept. B Lunch Pails CCAT Gr. 4 21 Peel Literacy 68pm Lunch Pails Mr. Sub lunch CCAT Gr. 4 22 Mr. Sub lunch 26 Board Cross Country (Centennial Park) 27 Photo Retake Day Boston Pizza Gr. 6 Silvercreek (DaCosta) CCAT Gr. 4 23 Lunch Pails Chris Vollum Social Media Presentation by School Council 28 29 30 Peel Literacy 68pm Gr. 6 Silvercreek (Paciejko) Lunch Pails Mr. Sub Lunch Lunch Pails Halloween Dance 10 17 Chocolate Fundraiser Early Draw deadline Rosary Apostolates Lunch Pails Family Cross Country (Heart 25 3 24