Culminating Performance Task GPP3O1: Leadership & Peer Support

GPP3O1: Leadership & Peer Support
Culminating Performance Task
The final 30% of this course’s work will be the completion of a CPT within our school community utilizing all of
the leadership qualities you have developed throughout the semester. There will be several components to
this final phase of the course…
1: Establish a supervised placement within the St. Augustine student community during this course’s
class time. This will need to be scheduled on 6 consecutive Thursday’s beginning November 17th
2011 and completed on Thursday December 22nd 2011.
i. Secure a placement.
ii. Sign your Contract of Commitment.
2: A written report on the placement that will be submitted for evaluation.
i. Define role within the placement. Outline details such as host teacher’s name; course
name and location; your specific role within that class, i.e., peer tutor, teaching
ii. Determine and identify learning styles that supported student(s) work best in… you may
want to ask the host teacher for confirmation of your analysis… Provide anecdotal
iii. Identify any barriers to learning that may be a barrier to the supported student(s).
iv. Identify at least 6 specific strategies you have used to address the needs of the supported
3: A PowerPoint presentation regarding your placement in which you are to highlight what you
learned as a leader from this experience.
i. Define the role of a leader. How did you try to fulfill the very qualities you described in your
ii. Use clips of other leaders, highlighting qualities you have tried to emulate in your
iii. Describe your placement (provide details).
iv. Summarize the details in your written report.
v. Describe your greatest challenge with supportive details. What are areas of leadership you
need to strengthen in the future?
vi. Describe your greatest learning with supportive details. Where do your strengths lie as a
Need help learning how to put together a PowerPoint Presentation?
Visit the following site:
Potential Placement for this semester…
Beskrovny M.
Bobyk K.
Brocke E.
Brooks M.
Daykin D.
De Oliveira M.
Galarion A.
Gauthier, L.
Hohendorf, M.
Jakubowsky J.
Kane E.
Kavanagh J.
London B.
MacGuigan K.
McDowell A.
Mifsud R.
Miotto C.
Nunes A.
O'Leary J.
Picu C.
Stokoe C.
Urso C.
Vingada M.
Weld S.
Ziemnicki D.
Period 3a
10:55 - 11:30
TTJ201-02 110
Period 3b
11:35 - 12:10
KHDANO-01 105
TTJ201-02 110
ENG1P1-01 101
HRE201-06 115
GLE101-01 201
TCJ201-01 109
GLC207-05 114
HFN201-02 112
MPM1D1-02 211
HRE101-02 220
HFN201-02 112
CGC1D1-01 226
PPL10G-01 GYM2
ADA101-01 104
MFM2P1-01 206
KENANO-01 106
CHC2D1-02 222
MFM1P1-02 215
AVI101-01 203
FSF1D1-01 227
ENG1D1-03 207
SNC1D1-01 238
CHV207-06 224
ENG2D1-03 P7
ENG1L1-01 100
MAT2L1-02 214 MAT2L1-02 214
HRE201-02 120
Period 3c
12:15 - 12:55
KHDANO-01 105
ENG1P1-01 101
HRE201-06 115
GLE101-01 201
TCJ201-01 109
GLC207-05 114
MPM1D1-02 211
HRE101-02 220
CGC1D1-01 226
PPL106-01 GYM2
ADA101-01 104
KENANO-01 106
CHC2D1-02 222
MFM1P1-02 215
AVI101-01 203
FSF1D1-01 227
ENG1D1-03 207
MPM2D1-02 210
SNC1D1-01 238
CHV207-06 224
ENG2D1-03 P7
ENG1L1-01 100
HRE201-02 120
GPP3O1: Leadership & Peer Support
CPT: Contract of Commitment
Leadership Student name:
Placement Host Teacher:
Placement Course Code:
Placement Location:
(Leadership Student Name)
commit to working in the above stated classroom at St. Augustine SS as
a Peer Tutor/Teaching Assistant/ (other) . I will use my leadership skills to support student learning over
a five-week period on the following consecutive Thursdays:
Thursday November 17, 2011
Thursday November 24, 2011
Thursday December 01, 2011
Thursday December 08, 2011
Thursday December 15, 2011
Upon completion of the contract I will obtain an evaluation of my performance by the host teacher and submit
it with my Written Report.
Leadership Student Signature
Host Teacher Signature
GPP3O1: Leadership & Peer Support
CPT: Written Report
Leadership Student Name:
Information is very
Information is organized
organized with wellwith well-constructed
constructed paragraphs and paragraphs.
Information is organized,
but paragraphs are not
Amount of Information All topics are addressed and All topics are addressed and All topics are addressed,
all questions answered with most questions answered
at least 2 sentences about with at least 2 sentences
about each.
Quality of Information Information clearly relates
and most questions
answered with 1 sentence
about each.
The information appears to
be disorganized. 8)
One or more topics were
not addressed.
Information clearly relates
to the main topic. It
to the main topic. It
includes several supporting provides 1-2 supporting
details and/or examples.
details and/or examples.
Information clearly relates Information has little or
to the main topic. No
nothing to do with the main
details and/or examples are topic.
No grammatical, spelling or Almost no grammatical,
punctuation errors.
spelling or punctuation
A few grammatical spelling, Many grammatical, spelling,
or punctuation errors.
or punctuation errors.
All paragraphs include
introductory sentence,
explanations or details, and
concluding sentence.
Paragraphs included related
information but were
typically not constructed
Most paragraphs include
introductory sentence,
explanations or details, and
concluding sentence.
Paragraphing structure was
not clear and sentences
were not typically related
within the paragraphs.
GPP3O1: Leadership & Peer Support
CPT: PowerPoint Presentation
Leadership Student Name:
Thorough description of
role as leader including:
details of placement,
analysis of role, challenges
and learning.
Good description of role as
leader including: details of
placement, analysis of role,
challenges and learning..
Good description of role as
leader including some:
details of placement,
analysis of role, challenges
and learning.
Description of role as leader
lacking details of
placement, analysis of role,
challenges and learning.
Facial expressions and body
language generate a strong
interest and enthusiasm
about the topic in others.
Facial expressions and body
language sometimes
generate a strong interest
and enthusiasm about the
topic in others.
Facial expressions and body
language are used to try to
generate enthusiasm, but
seem somewhat faked.
Very little use of facial
expressions or body
language. Did not generate
much interest in topic being
Student is completely
Student seems pretty
prepared and has obviously prepared but might have
needed a couple more
Speaks Clearly
Speaks clearly and distinctly Speaks clearly and distinctly Speaks clearly and distinctly
all (100-95%) the time, and all (100-95%) the time, but most (94-85%) of the time.
mispronounces no words. mispronounces one word. Mispronounces no more
than one word.
Posture and Eye
Stands up straight, looks
relaxed and confident.
Establishes eye contact with
everyone in the room
during the presentation.
Stands up straight and
Sometimes stands up
Slouches and/or does not
establishes eye contact with straight and establishes eye look at people during the
everyone in the room
during the presentation.
Volume is loud enough to
be heard by all audience
members throughout the
Volume is loud enough to
be heard by all audience
members at least 90% of
the time.
Buttons and Links
Work Correctly
All buttons and links work Most (99-90%) buttons
and links work correctly
The student is somewhat
Student does not seem at
prepared, but it is clear that all prepared to present.
rehearsal was lacking.
Volume is loud enough to
be heard by all audience
members at least 80% of
the time.
Often mumbles or cannot
be understood OR
mispronounces more than
one word.
Volume often too soft to be
heard by all audience
Many (89-75%) of the
buttons and links work
Fewer than 75% of the
buttons work correctly.
Background does not
detract from text or other
graphics. Choice of
background is consistent
from card to card and is
appropriate for the topic.
Background does not
detract from text or other
graphics. Choice of
background is consistent
from card to card.
Background does not
detract from text or other
Background makes it
difficult to see text or
competes with other
graphics on the page.
Presentation shows
considerable originality
and inventiveness. The
content and ideas are
presented in a unique and
interesting way.
Presentation shows some
originality and
inventiveness. The
content and ideas are
presented in an
interesting way.
Presentation shows an
attempt at originality and
inventiveness on 1-2
Presentation is a rehash
of other people\'s ideas
and/or graphics and
shows very little attempt
at original thought.
Text - Font Choice
& Formatting
Font formats (e.g., color,
bold, italic) have been
carefully planned to
enhance readability and
Font formats have been
carefully planned to
enhance readability.
Font formatting has been Font formatting makes it
carefully planned to
very difficult to read the
complement the content. material.
It may be a little hard to
Spelling and
Presentation has no
misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Presentation has 1-2
misspellings, but no
grammatical errors.
Presentation has 1-2
Presentation has more
grammatical errors but no than 2 grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Sequencing of
Information is organized
in a clear, logical way. It is
easy to anticipate the type
of material that might be
on the next card.
Most information is
organized in a clear,
logical way. One card or
item of information seems
out of place.
Some information is
There is no clear plan for
logically sequenced. An
the organization of
occasional card or item of information.
information seems out of
Use of Graphics
All graphics are attractive
(size and colors) and
support the theme/content
of the presentation.
A few graphics are not
attractive but all support
the theme/content of the
All graphics are attractive
but a few do not seem to
support the theme/content
of the presentation.
Several graphics are
unattractive AND detract
from the content of the
Project includes all
material needed to gain a
understanding of the
topic. It is a highly
effective study guide.
Project includes most
material needed to gain a
understanding of the
material but is lacking one
or two key elements. It is
an adequate study guide.
Project is missing more
than two key elements. It
would make an
incomplete study guide.
Project is lacking several
key elements and has
inaccuracies that make it
a poor study guide.
GPP3O1: Leadership & Peer Support
CPT: Host Teacher Evaluation
Leadership Student Name:
Routinely provides useful
ideas when participating in
the class and in classroom
discussion. A definite leader
who contributes a lot of
Usually provides useful
ideas when participating in
the class and in classroom
discussion. A strong peer
tutor who tries hard!
Sometimes provides useful
ideas when participating in
the class and in classroom
discussion. A satisfactory
peer tutor who does what is
Rarely provides useful ideas
when participating in the
class and in classroom
discussion. Reluctant to
Quality of Work
Provides work of the highest Provides high quality work.
Provides work that
occasionally needs to be
checked/redone by host
teacher to ensure quality.
Provides work that usually
needs to be checked/redone
by host teacher to ensure
Routinely uses time well
throughout the class to
ensure things get done on
time and needs of
supported student(s) are
Usually uses time well
throughout the class, but
may have procrastinated on
one thing. Needs of
supported student(s) are
Tends to procrastinate, but
always gets things done by
the deadlines. Could
definitely make better use of
classroom time. Needs of
supported student(s) are
Rarely gets things done by
the deadlines AND needs of
supported student are not
Actively looks for and
suggests solutions to
Refines solutions suggested Does not suggest or refine
by others.
solutions, but is willing to try
out solutions suggested by
Does not try to solve
problems or help others
solve problems. Lets host
teacher/supported student(s)
do the work.
Never is publicly critical of
the supported student(s) or
the work of others. Always
has a positive attitude about
the task(s).
Rarely is publicly critical of
the supported student(s) or
the work of others. Often
has a positive attitude about
the task(s).
Occasionally is publicly
critical of the supported
student(s) or the work of
other members of the
group. Usually has a positive
attitude about the task(s).
Often is publicly critical of the
supported student(s) or the
work of other members of
the group. Often has a
negative attitude about the
Focus on the task
Consistently stays focused
on the task and what needs
to be done. Very selfdirected.
Focuses on the task and
what needs to be done most
of the time. Supported
student(s) can count on this
Focuses on the task and
what needs to be done
some of the time. Supported
student(s) are can
sometimes count on this
Rarely focuses on the task
and what needs to be done.
Supported student(s) cannot
count on this person.
Brings needed materials to
class and is always ready to
Almost always brings
needed materials to class
and is ready to work.
Almost always brings
needed materials but
sometimes needs to settle
down and get to work
Often forgets needed
materials or is rarely ready to
get to work.
Work reflects this student\'s Work reflects a strong effort Work reflects some effort
best efforts.
from this student.
from this student.
Work reflects very little effort
on the part of this student.
Working with Others Almost always listens to,
Usually listens to, shares,
shares with, and supports
with, and supports the
the efforts of others. Tries efforts of others. Does not
to keep people working well cause \"waves\" in the class.
Often listens to, shares with,
and supports the efforts of
others, but sometimes is not
a supportive leader.
Rarely listens to, shares with,
and supports the efforts of
others. Often is not a
supportive leader.
Please provide any other comments that you feel may be helpful in fairly assessing the Leadership Student’s
performance in your classroom. Thank you so much for your support!
Please submit this evaluation to my mailbox by Thursday December 22, 2011.
Moira Covent