PORTFOLIO Student Name___________________________________________________ Course______________________________________________ Date_______________________ Teacher____________________ Criteria/Achievement Category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Gathering of Information/Completeness All items listed on portfolio assignment Critical aspects of portfolio incomplete Some aspects of portfolio incomplete A few aspects of portfolio incomplete but does not seriously detract from final product All aspects of portfolio complete The organization of this portfolio reflects: - inconsistent planning - no appropriate selection and use of resources The organization of this portfolio reflects: - some planning - 1 or 2 appropriate selections and use of resources The organization of this portfolio reflects: - consistent planning - consistently appropriate selection and use of resources The organization of this portfolio reflects: - thorough planning - consistently appropriate selection and insightful use of resources Writing Skills Ability to communicate information clearly and concisely with regard to English conventions – Spelling, Grammar, Sentence Structure COMMUNICATION Organization/Creativity Presentation, Ideas, Organization and Format capture the workplace experience COMMUNICATION Demonstrates little ability to communicate clearly and concisely. Poor English conventions. Demonstrates some ability to communicate clearly and concisely. Satisfactory English conventions. Demonstrates consistent ability to communicate clearly and concisely. Good English conventions. Demonstrates thorough ability to communicate clearly and concisely. Excellent English conventions. Demonstrates a lack of creativity in providing a sense of the workplace environment Demonstrates an attempt at creativity but needs further development Meets all aspects of creativity and is satisfactory in capturing the workplace experience An excellent portfolio that creatively captures the workplace experience with originality and insight Links to Employability Skills Demonstrates links of transferable skills to the workplace environment THINKING/INQUIRY Demonstrations indicate very few of the transferable skills Demonstrations indicate some of the transferable skills but many gaps are evident Demonstrations indicate many of the transferable skills Demonstrations indicate excellent understanding of the transferable skills Ontario Skills Passport Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of chosen career APPLICATION Demonstrates lack of knowledge and thought re: career Demonstrates some knowledge and thought re: career Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and thought re: career Demonstrates excellent knowledge and thought re: career Exit Documents Exit resume, cover letter, final reflection, placement overview and thank you letter Demonstrates little completion of exit documents Demonstrates some completion of exit documents Demonstrates satisfactory completion of exit documents Demonstrates excellent and thorough completion of exit documents KNOWLEDGE Organization and Selection of Material in Portfolio Planning, selection and use of work to demonstrate understanding of the transferable skills – charts, photos, diagrams, etc. 10 COMMUNICATION APPLICATION % 10 10 10 40 10 10