Ministry of Education and Training Curriculum Expectations Kindergarten for English Language Mathematics Science and Technology Personal and Social Development The Arts 1998 English Language Expectations Page 1 Kindergarten OverallOverall Expectation Expectation Ke1 Ke2 Ke3 Ke4 Ke5 • communicate • communicate effectively • communicate by effectively listening effectively by and listening speaking; by and listening speaking; and speaking; • demonstrate • demonstrate understanding • demonstrate understanding of a variety understanding ofofa written variety of materials a of variety written of materials written materials that are read that to are them that read are (e.g., to them read stories, to (e.g., them poems, stories, (e.g., informational poems, stories, informational poems, informational materials); materials);materials); • make sense • make of simple sense • make written of simple sense materials of written simple (e.g., materials written familiar materials (e.g., words, familiar (e.g.,words, familiar words, signs, labels), signs, using labels), signs, reading using labels), strategies reading usingthat strategies reading are appropriate strategies that are appropriate that for are appropriate for for beginners; beginners;beginners; • communicate • communicate thoughts • communicate and thoughts feelings, and thoughts using feelings, writing and using feelings, strategies writing using strategies writing strategies that are appropriate that are appropriate for thatbeginners; are appropriate for beginners; for beginners; • use and respond • use and to• respond ause variety andtorespond ofamedia variety to materials. of a variety media materials. of media materials. Oral Communication Oral Communication Ke6 Ke7 Ke8 Ke9 Ke10 Ke11 Ke12 Ke13 Ke14 – communicate – communicate needs – communicate to peers needs and to needs peers adultsto and (e.g., peers adults request and(e.g., adults request (e.g., request assistance assistance with clothing); assistance with clothing); with clothing); – listen and – respond listen and – to listen respond others andinto respond aothers varietyto inofothers a contexts variety in a of(e.g., variety contexts of (e.g., contexts (e.g., pay attention paytoattention the speaker; pay to attention thetake speaker; turns to thespeaking take speaker; turnsin take speaking a group); turns in speaking a group); in a group); – follow simple – follow directions simple – follow and directions simple respond directions and appropriately respond andappropriately respond to familiar appropriately to familiarto familiar questions; questions;questions; – describe – personal describe – experiences personal describe personal experiences and retell experiences and familiar retell stories, and familiar retell stories, familiar stories, using appropriate using appropriate vocabulary using appropriate vocabulary and basic vocabulary and storybasic structure and story basic (e.g., structure story structure (e.g., (e.g., beginning, beginning, middle, end); beginning, middle, end); middle, end); – ask questions, – ask questions, express – askfeelings, questions, expressand feelings, express share ideas; and feelings, shareand ideas; share ideas; – use language – use tolanguage –connect use language tonew connect experiences to new connect experiences with new what experiences they with whatwith theywhat they already know; already know; already know; – listen and – respond listen and – orally listen respond toand language orally respond topatterns language orally to in language patterns stories and inpatterns stories in and stories and poems (e.g., poems join in (e.g., poems when jointhe (e.g., in teacher when join the inreads when teacher repeated thereads teacher parts repeated reads of parts repeated of parts of a story; echo a story; wordsecho a and story; words phrases; echo andwords make phrases; and up chants make phrases; up with make chants the upwith chants the with the teacher); teacher); teacher); – demonstrate – demonstrate awareness – demonstrate awareness of individual awareness of sounds individual ofand individual sounds soundand sounds sound and sound patterns in patterns languageinpatterns (e.g., language rhyme, in language (e.g., alliteration); rhyme, (e.g., alliteration); rhyme, alliteration); – use gestures, – usetone gestures, – ofuse voice, gestures, toneand of voice, other tone non-verbal and of voice, other and non-verbal means othertonon-verbal means to means to communicate communicate more effectively. communicate more effectively. more effectively. Reading Reading Ke15 Ke16 Ke17 Ke18 Ke19 Ke20 Ke21 Ke22 Ke23 Ke24 – listen –to stories, listen– topoems, listen stories,to and poems, stories, non-fiction and poems, non-fiction materials and non-fiction for materials materials for for enjoyment enjoyment and information; enjoyment and information; and information; – respond–appropriately respond – appropriately respond to a variety appropriately toofamaterials variety to of aread variety materials aloud of materials read to aloudread to aloud to them (e.g.,them frequently (e.g., them told frequently (e.g., stories, frequently told familiar stories, told poems, familiar stories, letters); poems, familiarletters); poems, letters); – identify –favourite identify–books favourite identify and books favourite retell the andbooks stories retell and the in their retell stories own thein stories their own in their own words; words; words; – demonstrate – demonstrate understanding – demonstrate understanding of a story understanding by of making a story of by predictions amaking story bypredictions making predictions (e.g., anticipating (e.g., anticipating what (e.g., might anticipating what happen might what next; happen might fillingnext; happen in the filling next next; in the filling next in the next word duringword collaborative during word collaborative reading); during collaborative reading); reading); – make connections – make connections –between make connections their between own experiences their between own their experiences andown those experiences and thoseand those of storybook of characters; storybook of storybook characters; characters; – demonstrate – demonstrate awareness – demonstrate awareness of someawareness conventions of some of conventions of some written conventions of writtenof written materials (e.g., materials text materials (e.g., is written text(e.g., from is written text left to isfrom written right; leftwords from to right; left havewords to right; have words have spaces between spaces them; between spaces words between them; are words spelled them;arewords with spelled upperare with spelled andupperwithand upper- and lowercase letters); lowercaselowercase letters); letters); – identify –some identify features – some identify of features books someand offeatures books other written and of books other materials and written other materials written materials (e.g., title, (e.g., illustrations), title,(e.g., illustrations), and title, use illustrations), these and use features these and to use features help these them to features help them to help them understandunderstand the printed understand the textprinted (e.g., thetext tellprinted the (e.g., story text tell in (e.g., thea story book tell the in by astory bookinbya book by looking at the looking pictures); atlooking the pictures); at the pictures); – recognize – that recognize words – recognize that oftenwords consist that often of words beginning, consist often of consist beginning, middle,ofand beginning, middle, and middle, and final sounds; final sounds; final sounds; – identify – most identify of the –most letters identify of of the most the letters alphabet of the of the letters and alphabet of demonstrate the and alphabet demonstrate and demonstrate understanding understanding that letters understanding that represent letters that sounds represent lettersand represent sounds that written and sounds that and written that written words convey words meaning convey words (e.g., meaning convey read (e.g., meaning short read labels, (e.g., short familiar read labels, short signs; familiar labels,signs; familiar signs; use phonicsuse to recognize phonics usetophonics words); recognize to recognize words); words); – use language – usepatterns language – use (e.g., language patterns word (e.g., order) patterns word and(e.g., order) sound word and patterns order) soundand patterns sound patterns (e.g., rhyme) (e.g., to identify rhyme) (e.g., words to rhyme) identify andto words toidentify predict andwords the to predict next and word. to thepredict next word. the next word. WritingWriting Ke25 Ke26 – write using – write a variety –using write of a variety tools using and aof variety tools mediaand of(e.g., tools media crayons, and(e.g., media crayons, (e.g., crayons, paper, computer, paper, chalkboard, computer, paper, computer, chalkboard, colouredchalkboard, markers, colouredcardboard); markers, coloured cardboard); markers, cardboard); – write simple – write messages –simple writemessages using simple a combination messages using a combination using of pictures, a combination of pictures, of pictures, symbols, letters, symbols, phonetic symbols, letters,spellings, phonetic letters, and spellings, phonetic familiar spellings, and words familiar (e.g., andwords familiar (e.g., words (e.g., grocery list;grocery labels list; for grocery alabels block list; for or labels asand block construction, forora sand blockconstruction, orsuch sandasconstruction, a such as asuch as a zoo or a space zoo or station); a space zoo orstation); a space station); Ministry of Education and Training English Language Expectations Ke27 Ke28 Page 2 Kindergarten – contribute – words contribute or – sentences contribute words or sentences to words a class or sentences narrative to a class(e.g., tonarrative a class an (e.g., narrative an (e.g., an account of account a class of nature account a class trip) ofnature that a class istrip) written nature that down is trip) written that on ais down chart written on a down charton a chart by the teacher; by the teacher; by the teacher; – print most – of print themost letters – print of of the most the letters alphabet, of the of the letters their alphabet, ofown the name alphabet, their own and their nameown andname and names of family namesmembers, of names family and members, of family somemembers, and shortsome words and short (e.g., some words Mum, short (e.g., words Mum, (e.g., Mum, cat). cat). cat). Understanding Understanding of Media ofMaterials Media Materials Ke29 Ke30 Ke31 Ke32 – use a –variety use of a– variety media use a(e.g., ofvariety media computer of(e.g., media software, computer (e.g., computer tapes, software, software, tapes, tapes, filmstrips); filmstrips);filmstrips); – use a – variety use of a– variety materials use aofvariety to materials communicate of materials to communicate information to communicate information information (e.g., illustrations, (e.g., illustrations, photographs, (e.g., illustrations, photographs, posters, photographs, graphs); posters, graphs); posters, graphs); – respond– to respond media– materials torespond mediaverbally to materials media and materials verbally non-verbally and verbally non-verbally (e.g., and non-verbally (e.g., (e.g., describe feelings describeabout feelings describe a television about feelings a show television aboutora video; television show move or video; show to or move video; to move to recorded music; recorded paint music; recorded pictures paint music; in pictures response paintinpictures toresponse a filmstrip); in response to a filmstrip); to a filmstrip); – begin to – distinguish begin –to begin distinguish between to distinguish the between imaginary the between and imaginary the the real imaginary and the real and the real (e.g., between (e.g.,folk between tales (e.g.,and folk between personal tales folk andnews; tales personal between and news; personal events between news; in events between in events in cartoons and cartoons eventsand cartoons in real events life). and in events real life). in real life). Ministry of Education and Training Mathematics Expectations Page 1 Kindergarten OverallOverall Expectation Expectation Km1 Km2 Km3 Km4 Km5 Km6 Km7 • demonstrate • demonstrate understanding • demonstrate understanding of setsunderstanding andofwhole sets and numbers; of whole sets and numbers; whole numbers; • measure• and measure compare • and measure the compare length, and the compare weight, length, mass, theweight, length, capacity, mass, weight, capacity, mass, capacity, and temperature and temperature of and objects, temperature ofand objects, demonstrate of and objects, demonstrate awareness and demonstrate awareness of awareness of of the passage theofpassage time;the of passage time; of time; • identify •theidentify characteristics • the identify characteristics ofthetwo-dimensional characteristics of two-dimensional shapes of two-dimensional andshapes and shapes and three-dimensional three-dimensional objects; three-dimensional objects; objects; • recognize• and recognize use •patterns; recognize and use patterns; and use patterns; • collect, display, • collect, and •display, collect, interpret and display, data interpret in and daily data interpret activities; in daily data activities; in daily activities; • show willingness • show willingness to• persevere show willingness to in persevere solving to persevere problems; in solving in problems; solving problems; • seek further • seek information, •further seekinformation, further assistance, information, assistance, or materials assistance, or when materials or materials when when necessary.necessary. necessary. NumberNumber Sense and Sense Numeration and Numeration Km8 Km9 Km10 Km11 Km12 Km13 – sort and – classify sort and – objects sort classify and intoobjects classify sets according into objects sets into to according specific sets according to specificto specific characteristics, characteristics, andcharacteristics, describe and those describe and characteristics describe those characteristics those (e.g.,characteristics (e.g., (e.g., colour, size, colour, shape); size, colour, shape); size, shape); – match objects – match by objects one-to-one – match byobjects one-to-one correspondence by one-to-one correspondence (e.g., correspondence one cup (e.g., one(e.g., cup one cup to one saucer); to one saucer); to one saucer); – estimate– and estimate count – to and estimate identify countand sets to identify count with more, tosets identify with fewer, sets more, or with the fewer, more, or fewer, the or the same number same of number objects; sameofnumber objects;of objects; – count orally – count to 30, –orally and count touse 30, orally cardinal and to use 30, and cardinal and ordinal use and cardinal numbers ordinal andnumbers ordinal numbers during playduring and daily play during classroom and play daily and classroom routines daily (e.g., classroom routines identify (e.g., routines first, identify (e.g.,first, identify first, second, and second, third places and second, third in aplaces and race); third in a places race);in a race); – recognize – and recognize write – numerals recognize and writefrom and numerals 1write to 10; numerals from 1 to 10; from 1 to 10; – demonstrate – demonstrate awareness – demonstrate awareness of addition awareness of and addition subtraction of and addition subtraction in and subtraction in in everyday activities everyday(e.g., everyday activities in sharing (e.g., activities crayons). in sharing (e.g., incrayons). sharing crayons). Measurement Measurement Km14 Km15 Km16 Km17 Km18 – use simple – use measurement simple – usemeasurement simple terms measurement correctly terms (e.g., correctly terms tall/short, (e.g., correctly tall/short, (e.g., tall/short, big/small, empty/full, big/small,big/small, empty/full, heavy/light, empty/full, heavy/light, tomorrow/yesterday); heavy/light, tomorrow/yesterday); tomorrow/yesterday); – order two – or order more two – objects order or more two according objects or more to according objects size or according mass to size(e.g., ortomass size (e.g., or mass (e.g., the Three Bears); the Three the Bears); Three Bears); – use non-standard – use non-standard – measuring use non-standard measuring devices appropriately measuring devices appropriately devices (e.g., appropriately (e.g., (e.g., string, scoops, string, sugar scoops, string, cubes, sugar scoops, sand cubes, timer); sugar sand cubes, timer); sand timer); – use some – use standard some – use measuring standard some measuring standard devices appropriately measuring devices appropriately devices (e.g., appropriately (e.g., (e.g., tape measure, tapebalance measure, tape scale, measure, balance thermometer, scale, balance thermometer, scale, clock);thermometer, clock); clock); – identify the – identify values–the ofidentify some values coins. the of values some coins. of some coins. Spatial Spatial Sense and Sense Geometry and Geometry Km19 Km20 Km21 – use –language use – language accurately use language accurately to describe accurately to basic describe tospatial describe basic spatial basic spatial relationships relationships (e.g., above/below, relationships (e.g., above/below, near/far, (e.g., above/below, in/out); near/far, in/out); near/far, in/out); – identify– and identify sort – three-dimensional and identify sort and three-dimensional sortobjects three-dimensional (e.g., objects cans,(e.g., objects cans, (e.g., cans, blocks, balls, blocks, cones); balls, blocks, cones); balls, cones); – identify– and identify sort – two-dimensional and identify sort and two-dimensional sort shapes two-dimensional (e.g., shapes circle, (e.g., shapes circle, (e.g., circle, square, rectangle, square, triangle). rectangle, square, rectangle, triangle). triangle). Patterning Patterning Km22 Km23 – identify– andidentify reproduce – and identify reproduce simple andpatterns reproduce simple(e.g., patterns simple red (e.g., blocks patterns red (e.g., blocksred blocks alternating alternating with blue alternating blocks; with blue clap-clap-stamp); blocks; with blue clap-clap-stamp); blocks; clap-clap-stamp); – create – andcreate extend – and create simple extend and patterns simple extend using patterns simple a variety using patterns a of using variety a ofvariety of materials or materials actionsmaterials or (e.g., actions popsicle or (e.g., actions sticks, popsicle (e.g., pebbles, sticks, popsicle stickers, pebbles, sticks, stickers, pebbles, stickers, counters). counters).counters). Data Management Data Management and Probability and Probability Km24 Km25 Km26 Km27 – place some – place specific some – place types specific some of objects types specific (e.g., of objects types shoes, of(e.g., objects favourite shoes, (e.g., favourite shoes, favourite foods) on concrete foods) ongraphs foods) concrete and on graphs concrete pictographs; and graphs pictographs; and pictographs; – compare– information compare – information compare on objects, information on using objects, twooncategories using objects, two using categories (e.g., two categories (e.g., (e.g., rough, smooth); rough, smooth); rough, smooth); – use simple – use grids simple –correctly usegrids simple (e.g., correctly grids in games (e.g., correctly such in games (e.g., as bingo, insuch games as bingo, such as bingo, tick-tack-toe); tick-tack-toe); tick-tack-toe); – use language – useoflanguage probability – use language of probability (e.g., chance, of probability (e.g., might, chance, (e.g., lucky). might, chance, lucky). might, lucky). Ministry of Education and Training Science and Technology Expectations Page 1 Kindergarten OverallOverall Expectation Expectation Ks1 Ks2 Ks3 Ks4 Ks5 • demonstrate • demonstrate curiosity • demonstrate and curiosity a willingness and curiosity a willingness to andexplore a willingness toand exploreto and explore and experiment;experiment; experiment; • demonstrate • demonstrate understanding • demonstrate understanding of andunderstanding careoffor and thecare natural of for andthe world; care natural for the world; natural world; • demonstrate • demonstrate an• awareness demonstrate an awareness of the an awareness characteristics of the characteristics of the and characteristics and and functions offunctions some common functions of somematerials; common of some materials; common materials; • demonstrate • demonstrate understanding • demonstrate understanding of strategies understanding of for strategies planning of strategies forand planning for and planning and organizing; organizing;organizing; • recognize • and recognize use• some recognize and common use some andforms use common some of technology. forms common of technology. forms of technology. Exploration Exploration and Experimentation and Experimentation Ks6 Ks7 Ks8 Ks9 Ks10 Ks11 Ks12 Ks13 Ks14 Ks15 Ks16 – describe – some describe – natural describe someoccurrences, natural some occurrences, natural using occurrences, theirusing own their using owntheir own observations observations (e.g., sprouting observations (e.g.,ofsprouting seeds; (e.g., opening sprouting of seeds; of of opening buds; seeds; falling ofopening buds; falling of buds; falling of leaves inofautumn); leaves of in leaves autumn); in autumn); – describe – some describe differences – some describe differences between some differences living between and living between non-living andliving non-living and non-living things (e.g., things animals (e.g., things grow animals (e.g., and grow need animals and food, grow need water, and food, and need water, sun, food,and water, sun, and sun, whereas rocks whereas do not); rocks whereas do not); rocks do not); – describe–local describe natural – local describe habitats natural local (e.g., habitats natural ponds, (e.g., habitats nests, ponds, trees); (e.g., nests, ponds, trees); nests, trees); – identify– patterns identify – and patterns identify cyclesand patterns in the cycles and natural in cycles the world natural in (e.g., the world natural (e.g., world (e.g., pattern of petals patternonofapattern petals flower;on oflife petals a flower; cycleonoflife aaflower; butterfly); cycle of lifeacycle butterfly); of a butterfly); – describe – describe characteristics – describe characteristics of characteristics naturalof materials natural of materials natural and materials and and demonstrate demonstrate understanding demonstrate understanding of some understanding basic of some concepts basic of some related concepts basic to concepts related to related to them (e.g., them wet and (e.g., dry them wet sand, (e.g., andwater, dry wetsand, and leaves); dry water, sand, leaves); water, leaves); – describe– the describe functions – the describe offunctions common the functions ofobjects common of found objects common at home found objects at home found at home and at school and(e.g., at school tools, and at (e.g., cooking school tools, (e.g., utensils, cooking tools, toys); utensils, cooking toys); utensils, toys); – identify –energy identify sources – energy identify used sources energy by familiar used sources by tools familiar used or toys bytools familiar (e.g., or toys tools(e.g., or toys (e.g., electricity, wind, electricity, batteries); electricity, wind, batteries); wind, batteries); – experiment – experiment with simple – experiment with machines simple with (e.g., machines simple pump, machines (e.g., ramp, pump, marble (e.g., ramp, pump, marble ramp, marble run); run); run); – make a –specific make plan a– specific make (e.g., aI’m plan specific going (e.g.,plan toI’m build going (e.g., a tower I’m to build going to hold a to tower buildtoahold tower to hold up my ramp), up my describe ramp), up the my describe steps, ramp), and the describe steps, carry the out andsteps, the carry plan; and out the carry plan; out the plan; – make – appropriate make –appropriate observations make appropriate observations about observations results about or results findings aboutorresults findings or findings (e.g., comment (e.g., on comment the (e.g., difficulty comment on theof difficulty aon task theor of difficulty the a task effectiveness of or athe task effectiveness or the effectiveness of a strategy); of a strategy); of a strategy); – demonstrate – demonstrate awareness – demonstrate awareness of the need awareness offor the recycling. need of for therecycling. need for recycling. Use of Technology Use of Technology Ks17 Ks18 Ks19 Ks20 Ks21 – use familiar – use technology –familiar use technology familiar appropriately technology appropriately (e.g., appropriately overhead (e.g., overhead (e.g., overhead projectors, projectors, cassette projectors, recorders, cassette recorders, computers); cassette recorders, computers); computers); – identify –familiar identify technological – familiar identifytechnological familiar items and technological items describe andtheir items describe use and their describe use their use in daily life in (e.g., dailytelephone, lifein(e.g., daily telephone, life videocassette (e.g., telephone, videocassette recorder); videocassette recorder);recorder); – make things – make using –things amake variety using things ofa tools variety usingand aof variety techniques tools and of tools techniques (e.g.,and techniques (e.g., (e.g., hammer, screwdriver, hammer, screwdriver, hammer, glue, stapler); screwdriver, glue, stapler); glue, stapler); – work with – others work with in – using work others technology with in using otherstechnology (e.g., in using share technology (e.g., tools;share build (e.g., tools; share buildtools; build as a group;as work a group; in pairs aswork a at group; the in pairs computer); workatinthe pairs computer); at the computer); – demonstrate – demonstrate awareness – demonstrate awareness that familiar awareness that objects familiar that areobjects familiar designed are objects designed are designed to suit the human to suit the body tohuman suit (e.g., the body mittens human (e.g., and body mittens gloves; (e.g.,and mittens tricycles). gloves; andtricycles). gloves; tricycles). Ministry of Education and Training Personal and Social Development Expectations Page 1 Kindergarten OverallOverall Expectation Expectation Kp1 Kp2 Kp3 Kp4 Kp5 Kp6 Kp7 • demonstrate • demonstrate a positive • demonstrate aattitude positivetowards a attitude positive themselves towards attitude themselves towards and themselves and and others;. others;. others;. • demonstrate • demonstrate independence • demonstrate independence and independence a willingness and a willingness and to take a willingness to take to take responsibility responsibility in learning responsibility in and learning otherinactivities; and learning other and activities; other activities; • demonstrate • demonstrate an awareness • demonstrate an awareness of health an awareness and of health safety and of practices; health safetyand practices; safety practices; • perform •tasks perform requiring • tasks perform balance requiring tasks and balance requiring co-ordination, and balance co-ordination, precision, and co-ordination, precision, precision, and perceptual and perceptual skills;and perceptual skills; skills; • identify and • identify use social •and identify skills; use social and use skills; social skills; • demonstrate • demonstrate awareness • demonstrate awareness of their surroundings, awareness of their surroundings, of both their natural surroundings, both natural both natural and human-made; and human-made; and human-made; • demonstrate • demonstrate awareness • demonstrate awareness of patterns awareness of in patterns their daily ofinpatterns lives their daily in their livesdaily lives Self-Awareness Self-Awareness and Self-Reliance and Self-Reliance Kp8 Kp9 Kp10 Kp11 Kp12 Kp13 Kp14 – recognize – personal recognize – strengths recognize personal and personal strengths accomplishments strengths and accomplishments and(e.g., accomplishments (e.g., (e.g., ability to print ability their toown print ability name, their to print own count their name, objects, own count name, sing objects, acount song); sing objects, a song); sing a song); – identify –andidentify talk about – and identify talk their about and own talk interests theirabout ownand their interests preferences own and interests preferences and preferences (e.g., favourite (e.g.,activities, favourite (e.g., toys, activities, favourite stories); activities, toys, stories); toys, stories); – express– their express own – thoughts their express own and their thoughts share own and thoughts experiences shareand experiences (e.g., share experiences (e.g., (e.g., contribute contribute to the development contribute to the development toof the class development routines; of class talk of routines; class about routines; talk abouttalk about experiences experiences at home; experiences describe at home;a describe at science home;discovery); adescribe science adiscovery); science discovery); – adapt – readily adapt to– readily new adapt situations toreadily new (e.g., situations to new feelsituations (e.g., at ease feel(e.g., with at ease feel with at ease with classroom classroom visitors; enjoy classroom visitors; participating enjoy visitors; participating inenjoy school participating functions); in school in functions); school functions); – demonstrate – demonstrate self-reliance – demonstrate self-reliance (e.g., dress self-reliance (e.g., themselves; dress (e.g., themselves; know dress themselves; know know their address theirand address telephone their and address number; telephone and make telephone number; decisions make number; on decisions their make decisions on their on their own; know own; whenknow to seek own; when assistance); know to seek when assistance); to seek assistance); – attempt– new attempt tasks – new attempt willingly tasksnew (e.g., willingly tasks select (e.g., willingly andselect complete (e.g.,and select complete and complete challengingchallenging activities;challenging experiment activities; activities; experiment with writing experiment with words); writing with words); writing words); – demonstrate – demonstrate self-control – demonstrate self-control by following self-control byclassroom following by following classroom rules andclassroom rules and rules and routines inroutines differentin routines contexts different in indifferent contexts the school contexts in the(e.g., school in inthethe (e.g., schoolin (e.g., the in the classroom,classroom, gym, library). classroom, gym, library). gym, library). Health and Health Physical and Physical ActivityActivity Kp15 Kp16 Kp17 Kp18 Kp19 Kp20 Kp21 Kp22 Kp23 Kp24 Kp25 Kp26 – name body – name parts–body and name talk partsbody about and parts talk their about and function talk their about (e.g., function eyes, their (e.g., function eyes, (e.g., eyes, teeth, ears,teeth, nose); ears, teeth, nose); ears, nose); – identify nutritious – identify– foods nutritious identify (e.g.,nutritious foods healthy (e.g., snacks); foods healthy (e.g.,snacks); healthy snacks); – select clothing – selectappropriate –clothing select appropriate clothing for the weather appropriate for the(e.g., weather for mittens, the (e.g., weather mittens, (e.g., mittens, boots, raincoat); boots, raincoat); boots, raincoat); – practise – appropriate practise – appropriate practise personalappropriate hygiene personal(e.g., personal hygiene wash(e.g., hygiene theirwash (e.g., their wash their hands); hands); hands); – identify – safe identify –and safe identify unsafe andsafe situations, unsafe and situations, unsafe materials,situations, materials, and materials, and and equipment equipment (e.g., equipment dangers (e.g., dangers associated (e.g., dangers associated with associated handling with handling with handling construction construction tools, using construction tools, scissors, using tools, playing scissors, using on playing scissors, ladders); onplaying ladders); on ladders); – identify –andidentify apply– and basic identify apply safety and basic rules apply safety (e.g., basic rules rules safety (e.g., related rules rules to(e.g., related rulesto related to the school the bus,school traffic, the bus, electrical school traffic, bus, appliances); electrical traffic, electrical appliances); appliances); – identify– substances identify – substances identify that aresubstances harmful that areto that harmful the are body toharmful (e.g., the body to the (e.g., body (e.g., cleaning products, cleaningdrugs); products, cleaning products, drugs); drugs); – demonstrate – demonstrate understanding – demonstrate understanding that understanding adultsthatmake adults that most make adults most make most decisions regarding decisions decisions safety regarding rules, regarding safety and rules, seek safety and assistance rules, seekand assistance when seek assistance when when needed (e.g., needed from (e.g., parent, needed from teacher); (e.g., parent, from teacher); parent, teacher); – participate – participate willingly – inparticipate willingly creative in movement, willingly creativeinmovement, dance, creativeand movement, dance, other and dance, other and other daily physical daily activities; physical dailyactivities; physical activities; – use different – usetypes different – of useequipment types different of equipment types and materials of equipment and with materials ease and materials with easewith ease (e.g., climbers, (e.g., riding climbers, (e.g., toys, climbers, riding balls,toys, paint riding balls, brushes, toys,paint balls, scissors, brushes, paint brushes, scissors, scissors, moulding clay); moulding moulding clay); clay); – demonstrate – demonstrate balance, – demonstrate ease, balance, and balance, ease, flexibility andease, inflexibility movement and flexibility in movement in movement (e.g., in walking, (e.g., in running, walking, (e.g.,jumping); inrunning, walking,jumping); running, jumping); – demonstrate – demonstrate spatial – demonstrate awareness spatial awareness (e.g., spatialwhen awareness (e.g., riding when toys, (e.g., riding when toys, riding toys, climbing steps). climbing steps). climbing steps). Social Relationships Social Relationships Kp27 Kp28 Kp29 – act and talk – act in and appropriate –talk actinand appropriate ways talk with in appropriate peers ways and with ways adults peerswith and during peers adultsand during adults during activity periods; activity periods; activity periods; – demonstrate – demonstrate consideration – demonstrate consideration for others consideration by for helping others for by them others helping (e.g., bythem helping (e.g., them (e.g., assist with assist clean-ups; withassist clean-ups; help with to care clean-ups; help for to materials); care help fortomaterials); care for materials); – share –responsibility share– responsibility share for planning responsibility for classroom planning for planning classroom events and classroom events and events and activities; activities; activities; Ministry of Education and Training Personal and Social Development Expectations Kp30 Kp31 Kp32 Page 2 Kindergarten – identify –feelings identify and – feelings identify emotions and feelings (e.g., emotions anger, and emotions (e.g., excitement) anger, (e.g., excitement) and anger, excitement) and and express them express in acceptable them express in acceptable ways; them in acceptable ways; ways; – use a variety – useofa simple –variety use strategies a of variety simple of to strategies simple solve social strategies to solve problems social to solve problems social problems (e.g., seek(e.g., assistance seek (e.g., assistance from seek the assistance teacher; from thetalk from teacher; about the talk teacher; possible abouttalk possible about possible solutions); solutions);solutions); – recognize, – recognize, in situations – recognize, in situations involving in situations others, involvingadvances involving others, advances orothers, advances or or suggestionssuggestions that threaten suggestions that their threaten that safety threaten their or safety well-being theiror safety well-being (e.g., or well-being (e.g., (e.g., inappropriate inappropriate touching, inappropriate invitations touching, touching, to invitations accompany invitations to accompany strangers). to accompany strangers). strangers). Awareness Awareness of Surroundings of Surroundings Kp33 Kp34 Kp35 Kp36 Kp37 Kp38 Kp39 Kp40 Kp41 – express– their express feelings – their express of feelings wonder their of and feelings wonder curiosity of and wonder about curiosity and the about curiosity theabout the world; world; world; – describe– different describe –kinds different describe of weather kinds different ofand weather kinds the of ways and weather inthewhich ways and the in which ways in which people adapt people to the adapt people weather to the adapt (e.g., weather tobythe wearing (e.g., weather by light wearing (e.g., clothing bylight wearing in clothing lightinclothing in summer, heating summer, their heating summer, houses their heating in winter); houses their in houses winter);in winter); – investigate – investigate and describe – investigate andfamiliar describe and geographical familiar describegeographical familiar featuresgeographical infeatures in features in their area (e.g., their area ponds, their (e.g., fields, area ponds, woods, (e.g., fields, ponds, lakes); woods, fields, lakes); woods, lakes); – identify –ways identify in which – ways identify people in which ways usepeople inthe which natural use people the environment natural use theenvironment natural environment (e.g., people (e.g., usepeople lakes (e.g., for use people swimming, lakes use for swimming, lakes boating, for and swimming, boating, fishing,and boating, andfishing, andand fishing, and for their water for their supply; water forfields their supply; are water used fields supply; forare growing fields used for are food); growing used forfood); growing food); – recognize – recognize special – places recognize specialand places special buildings and places within buildings andtheir buildings within their within their community,community, and describe community, and their describe and function describe their (e.g., function their park,(e.g., function store, park, (e.g., store, park, store, hospital, arena, hospital, public arena, hospital, library); public arena, library); public library); – talk about – talk timeabout –in relation talk time about into relation certain time in to events relation certain ortoevents activities certainorevents activities or activities (e.g., meals, (e.g., the meals, school (e.g., the day, meals, school classroom the day, school classroom routines, day, classroom bedtime); routines, bedtime); routines, bedtime); – identify– patterns identify – and patterns identify cyclesand patterns in cycles theirand daily in cycles their lives daily in(e.g., their livesdaily (e.g., lives (e.g., changes in changes weather; changes in daily weather; in or weather; weekly daily orevents; daily weeklyorclassroom events; weekly classroom events; classroom routines; the routines; water cycle); the routines; water the cycle); water cycle); – identify –some identify events – some identify thatevents occur some that every events occur yearthat every (e.g., occur year birthdays, every (e.g.,year birthdays, (e.g., birthdays, holidays); holidays);holidays); – identify– people identify who – people identify help who others people help in who the others help community, in others the community, and in the community, and and describe what describe they describe what do (e.g., theywhat doctor, do (e.g., theystore do doctor, (e.g., clerk,store doctor, firefighter, clerk, store firefighter, clerk, firefighter, police officer, police mailofficer, carrier). police mail officer, carrier). mail carrier). Ministry of Education and Training The Arts Expectations Page 1 Kindergarten OverallOverall Expectation Expectation Ka1 Ka2 Ka3 Ka4 Ka5 Ka6 Ka7 Ka8 • express ideas • express and •feelings ideas express and through ideas feelings and a variety through feelings ofamedia; through variety of a variety media; of media; • experiment • experiment with techniques • experiment with techniques and materials; with techniques and materials; and materials; • demonstrate • demonstrate basic • knowledge demonstrate basic knowledge and basic skills knowledge and gained skills through and gained skillsthrough gained through exposure toexposure the arts exposure to and the activities artstoand the inactivities arts the arts; and in activities the arts;in the arts; • co-operate • co-operate and collaborate • co-operate and collaborate with and others collaborate with on artistic others with projects; on others artisticon projects; artistic projects; • communicate • communicate their • responses communicate their responses to music, their responses to art,music, drama, toart, music, anddrama, art,and drama, and dance; dance; dance; • demonstrate • demonstrate awareness • demonstrate awareness of new abilities awareness of new they abilities develop of newthey abilities through develop theythrough develop through arts activities, artsand activities, express arts activities, and pride express in and their pride express owninwork; their pride own in their work;own work; • demonstrate • demonstrate awareness • demonstrate awareness of someawareness simple of some artof simple forms someart from simple forms art from forms from various cultures; various cultures; various cultures; • identify and • identify describe •and identify some describe basic and some describe elements basic some ofelements artbasic forms. elements of art forms. of art forms. Creative Creative ActivityActivity Ka9 Ka10 Ka11 Ka12 Ka13 Ka14 Ka15 Ka16 Ka17 Ka18 Ka19 Ka20 Ka21 Ka22 Ka23 – use pictures, – usesculptures, pictures, – use sculptures, pictures, and collages sculptures, andtocollages represent and to collages ideas represent to represent ideas ideas (e.g., select(e.g., pictures select (e.g., of pictures happy select faces ofpictures happy for a faces of collage); happy for afaces collage); for a collage); – mix paint– tomix create paint –new mix to create colours paint new toand create colours textures; newand colours textures; and textures; – show skill – in show cutting, skill – show pasting, in cutting, skilland inpasting, cutting, painting; and pasting, painting; and painting; – use a variety – useofa tools variety – use andof a materials variety tools and of intools materials creating and materials in artcreating works inor art creating works art or works or making presentations making presentations making (e.g., musical presentations (e.g., instruments, musical (e.g.,instruments, musical props); instruments, props); props); – use familiar – use materials familiar – use inmaterials familiar new ways materials in new (e.g.,ways paint in new (e.g., withways natural paint(e.g., withpaint natural with natural materials); materials);materials); – solve – problems solve –creatively problems solve problems (e.g., creatively make creatively (e.g., three-dimensional make (e.g., three-dimensional make three-dimensional constructions constructions with paper; constructions with create paper; dance with create paper; patterns; dance create make patterns; dance musical make patterns; musical make musical instruments); instruments); instruments); – make preparations – make preparations – for make performances preparations for performances (e.g., for make performances (e.g., a stage make for (e.g., a stage makefor a stage for puppets); puppets); puppets); – decide who – decide will take – who decide each will role take who ineach will classroom take role each in drama classroom role activities; in classroom drama activities; drama activities; – take turns – working take turns –ontake working specific turnson tasks working specific in making ontasks specific things; in making tasks in things; making things; – share materials – shareinmaterials –visual sharearts materials in visual activities; arts in visual activities; arts activities; – perform–in perform a group – in(e.g., perform a group in ain (e.g., music a group inband, a(e.g., music puppet in band, a music theatre, puppet band,theatre, puppet theatre, choir); choir); choir); – use their – use creativity –theiruse in creativity movement, their creativity in movement, mime, in and movement, mime, danceand mime, dance and dance activities (e.g., activities invent (e.g., activities dances invent (e.g., using dances invent familiar using dances rhythms); familiar usingrhythms); familiar rhythms); – adapt –songs, adaptfingerplays, – songs, adapt fingerplays, songs, and rhymes fingerplays, and(e.g., rhymes and substitute (e.g., rhymes substitute (e.g., substitute different words different in familiar words different songs); in familiar words insongs); familiar songs); – enact stories – enact from –stories their enactfrom own stories and theirfrom other own their and cultures own other(e.g., and cultures other folk (e.g., cultures folk (e.g., folk tales or nursery tales or rhymes); nursery tales orrhymes); nursery rhymes); – play the– parts play ofthe –characters parts play the of characters from partsfolk of characters tales from and folk legends from tales folk and oftales legends andoflegends of various countries various (e.g., countries various Anansi countries (e.g., stories, Anansi (e.g., thestories, Three Anansithe Billy stories, Three Goats the Billy Three Goats Billy Goats Gruff). Gruff). Gruff). Response Response to Artworks to Artworks Ka24 Ka25 Ka26 Ka27 – identify –feelings identify evoked – feelings identify by evoked art feelings forms byevoked (e.g., art forms happiness by art (e.g., forms happiness while (e.g., happiness while while listening to listening a song; sadness to listening a song; while tosadness a song; looking while sadness at alooking picture); while atlooking a picture); at a picture); – move in– response move –in toresponse move the tempo in response to the and tempo mood to the and of tempo music moodand (e.g., of music mood of (e.g., music (e.g., fast, slow, fast, dreamy, slow, or fast, dreamy, scary slow, music); or dreamy, scary music); or scary music); – select pieces – select of their pieces – select ownofart pieces their for own portfolio of their art for collections; own portfolio art forcollections; portfolio collections; – show appreciation – show –appreciation ofshow folk appreciation songs of folk and songs dances of folk and from songs dances various andfrom dances various from various countries. countries.countries. Knowledge Knowledge of Elements of Elements and Forms and Forms Ka28 Ka29 Ka30 Ka31 Ka32 Ka33 – identify –elements identify – of elements identify visual images, elements of visualsuch of images, visual as colours such images, as and colours such asand colours and variations in variations shape and variations in shape size; and in shape size; and size; – recall and – repeat recall and familiar – recall repeat songs, and familiar repeat dance songs, familiar steps, dance songs, and steps, rhymes; dance andsteps, rhymes; and rhymes; – name different – namemovements –different name movements different they canmovements do they (e.g., can gallop; they do (e.g., can hopdo gallop; (e.g.,hop gallop; hop on one foot); on one foot); on one foot); – demonstrate – demonstrate understanding – demonstrate understanding of rhythmic understanding ofpatterns rhythmic of (e.g., patterns rhythmic clap (e.g., patterns clap(e.g., clap on the beat); on the beat); on the beat); – name different – nameelements –different nameinelements different performances elements in performances (e.g., in performances the stage, (e.g., the (e.g., stage,the stage, the characters, the characters, the audience); the characters, the audience); the audience); – identify –familiar identify instruments – familiar identifyinstruments familiar by sound instruments (e.g., by sound drum, by (e.g., piano, sound drum, (e.g., piano, drum, piano, guitar); guitar); guitar); Ministry of Education and Training The Arts Expectations Ka34 Ka35 Page 2 Kindergarten – describe– some describe aspects – some describe of aspects visual some artofaspects forms visualfrom art of visual forms a variety art fromforms ofa variety from of a variety of cultures (e.g., cultures European (e.g., culturesEuropean paintings, (e.g., European paintings, Inuit sculpture, paintings, Inuit sculpture, African Inuit sculpture, African African masks); masks); masks); – use some – use simple some – terms use simple some correctly terms simple (e.g., correctly terms names (e.g., correctly of musical names (e.g.,of names musicalof musical instruments; instruments; types ofinstruments; arttypes materials). of art types materials). of art materials). Ministry of Education and Training