Document 14257510

Hartnell College Professional Code of Ethics
The Hartnell College Code of Ethics was developed with input from representatives of
each constituent group at Hartnell including faculty, staff and management.
We, the employees of Hartnell College, agree to act in a responsible and ethical manner
by adhering to the principles listed below, by modeling those principles in our everyday
lives, and by acting in a way that allows our peers, students, and colleagues to do the
We support the following principles:
We are individually accountable for our own actions and as members of the college
community are collectively accountable for upholding these standards of behavior and
for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Brought to Hartnell College Academic Senate for approval, April 29, 2008
Motion: Kelly Locke
Division/Department: Mathmatics
Second: Ignacio Pando
Division/Department: Counseling
Passed: Unanimously
C:\Academic Senate\Ethics\Professional_code.doc