Tuesday, April 23, 2012
3:00 PM
Faculty Resource Center Training Room, L116
Members: Nancy Schur, Tony Anderson, Sunita Lanka, Janet Pessagno,StelvioLocci,
Elsa Brisson , Mark Weber, Jennifer Fellguth,ChrissMoss,Melissa Stave, Carol
Absentees: Carol Kimbrough, Bob Barminski, Mohammed Hussain,StevenTriano
Guests:CorolBogueFeinor, Ann Wright,Stephanie Lowe,Bryan, Mary
Dominguez,Anne Wright
Call to Order: The meeting was called to orderat 3:04pm .
Adopt Agenda: A motion to revise the agenda – to advance the Faculty
Development Committee report and the Board policiesdiscussion prior to the
President’s report was made .It was M/S/A ( Melissa and Tony)
Approval of minutes : 3/27/2012:M/S/A (Tony, Jennifer Fellguth.)
Public Comments: None.
President’s Report: Deferred.
B : Faculty Development Committee- Pam Weiss gave the senate a detailed account of the developing processes to help faculty design and report activities. She talked of the various forms put together for submitting flex activities.These were already approved by the V.P of Academic affairs.
Clarifications were made on deadlines and procedures to submit preapproved activities. These had to be submitted by May 1 st
and the Flex
Completion form was due by May 18 th of every year. She requested the senate review these forms and give the FDC a feedback. Pam Weiss was complimented and the efforts ofthe FDC wereapplauded by the senate.
C . Mary Dominguez presented the following Academic Board policies to the senate.
BP 4226 Multiple/Overlapping Enrollments : A motion to move the policy as it is was made. It was agreed to move it after correcting typo errors.
BP 4230 Grading Symbols : The motion to pass this to an action item (as it is) was M/S/A without opposition and abstentions.
4231 Grade Changes: Senators suggested the need for a secure vault – a need to take security measures and to move this to an action item for the next meeting was M/S/A unanimously.
BP 4235 Credit by Examination: the motion to move this as an action item for the next meeting was M/S/A.
BP 4240 Academic Renewal : After taking 30 units a student may request to disregard a semester’s work. The members sought clarification on how this interacted with course repetition. Mary clarified that there was no stipulated time frame. But the student had to be making a progress, and must complete 30 units before anything can be disregarded- annotated as
“Renewal.”This should be in accordance with the policies in Title V.The motion to move this as an action item for the next meeting was M/S/A.
BP 4250 Academic Probation: Senators identified typo errors and the motion to move this as an action item, with typo edits, to the next meeting was M/S/A.
BP 4225 Course Repetition: Stephanie Low had worked on this – cleaned it up.MW should not be included because MW is only a grade, and has no special connotation.A grid of record symbols were included in this policy.Suggestions to exclude MW was made and it was agreed upon to move this policy forward with necessary changes.The Title V has details of the special circumstances. The policy is about courses that say “No repeats.”The policy must be up for fall 2012. Mary welcomed the steering committee to meet – to come to a consensus on behalf of the senate.
Several clarifications were needed on “repeatability.”These changes were only to help students. Nancy thanked Mary on her input to the senate.
Motion to bring back for discussion again since changes were needed.
President’s Report : Nancy informed the senate the government’s cracking down on private colleges has created a requirement for posting of SLOs and
Program Planning in public web pages. Certificates are the challenge, currently as they either need to lead to the degree, or show benefit, such as job placement. Thus data posted must show enrollments, completions, and appropriate workforce data. Faculty perusing the program review must focus on what is relevant in their respective course areas. This needs to be
displayed on the web page. Stephanie Low commented that there was a slight difference between a degree and a certificate. Nancy accentuated the importance of keeping our certificates current..
Reports: a.
Basic Skills Initiative: Janet reported to the senate that over the last couple of years the endeavor has been making great progress. The new title for the Basic Skills Committee is the Student Success Committee.
The change was sought because the title “basic skills” had connotations
– bringing in very little response from all disciplines because it isn’t recognized that many of our students come in at the basic skills level. Its role now is much broader, providing services to incoming students, and reflecting the blueprint for success that the Senate endorsed in its resolution earlier this year. The intention is to draw more faculty members from all disciplines.The committee was reviewing the goals, and the committee membership. The Initiative started with categorical funding. Nancy commented that when categorical funds are spent, that the Senate plays a role in overseeing BSI funds, in that we sign off on budgets. Carol agreed that this was very relevantand it was important to clarify that the activities were geared at improving student success.
Nancy reiterated that the B.S.I funds needed to be under the review of the Senate because the Senate President wouldn’t want to blindly approve the reports and budgets. One of the outcomes of the Student success committee should be proposal of spending of BSI funds.
Melissa suggested that the committee include a librarian. It was important to maintain the strengths – the DLAs and Title V.
The Senate also felt that regular reports to the senate on plans and budget is needed. She suggested we bring the changes to the committee handbook page back as a discussion item.
The motion was M/S/A (Melissa and Tony.)
PPA proposed changes ISLOs: Cheryl clarified that the PPA and SLOs were two separate committees. PPA was a shared governance committee and SLOs committee was a sub-committee of the Senate.
She explained the updates to the Institutional level outcomes. The multiple bullets were confusing and often hard to measure. The new proposal is necessary to streamline the competencies. Cheryl explained that the bullets were eliminated and language was modified to lend
more clarity. Some more revisions will be made before the
Accreditation. We could vote on it on May 8 th
and it will be forwarded for approval on May 11 th
. It was agreed to move this forward as an action item.The motion was M/S/A unanimously.
Nominations and Election Of Officers :
President: Tony Anderson
1 st
V.P : Chris Moss
2 nd
V.P : Janet Pessagno
Secretary: Carol King
Member at large: Carol Kimbrough
Past President: Nancy Schur Beymer
Liz Estrella ‘s candidature to the Presidentship was turned down because she was not a currently senate member.
Ajournment: 5:04 pm