Document 14257341

Academic Senate Minutes
October 14th, 2014, 3:00-5:00 PM, A-116
Carol Kimbrough, President
Chris Moss, 1st Vice-President
Ann Wright, 2nd Vice-President
Nancy Schur-Beymer, Secretary/Treasurer
Liz Estrella, Senator At-Large
Tony Anderson, Past-President
Fernando Cabrera
Melissa Hornstein, Senator
Jason Hough
Salina Lopez
Peggy Mayfield
Melissa Stave
Lisa Storm
Steve Triano
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Adjunct Faculty - Spanish
Language/Fine Arts
Adjunct Faculty
Kinesiology/Athletics, Health Ed.
Social and Behavioral Science
Advanced Technology & Applied Sci.
Language /Fine Arts
Nursing & Allied Health
Counseling & Categorical Programs
Guests: Shannon Bliss, Kathy Mendelsohn, Cheryl O’Donnell, Elsa Brisson, Eric Bosler, Lawrence Yee
1. Call to Order, Carol Kimbrough
2. Adopt Agenda: M/S Hough/Moss; vote: A/U. Liz Estrella proposed an addition to the agenda for a first read on
a resolution re: Faculty Professional Development & FLEX Committee. M/S Estrella/Schur-Beymer; vote: A/U.
3. Approval of Minutes, 9/23/2014 M/S Estrella/Hough; vote: A/1 abstention-Ann Wright
4. Public Comments: none
5. President’s Report: Carol Kimbrough attended the Research & Planning Group’s Strengthening Student Success
conference and reported that it was impressive with the amount of evidence based research that was
presented. This is a conference that all faculty should consider for the future.
6. Reports:
a) SEP Report, Kathy Mendelsohn : The original due date from the Chancellor’s office was changed and new
data have been requested with a focus on income and ethnicity. The 59-page report now differs from the
original draft submitted to the Senate in August.
The SEP considers data in the framework of five student equity success indicators: access, course
completion, ESL and Basic Skills completion, degree and certificate completion, and transfer. Each of these
success indicators was analyzed using subgroups of gender, ethnicity and age. DE, foster youth and
veterans were identified used as additional subgroups to compare success indicators. The report suggest
some noteworthy trends: our Latino/Latina population is on par with other ethnic groups (no
disproportionate impact). Those students that self-identify as Asian demonstrate better success rates than
average. A significant proportion of students self-identify as “other” (decline to state ethnicity); that group
shows a lower success rate – but who are they?
The SEP executive summary notes the following trends from the data analyzed: 1) a disproportionate
impact exists in the successful completion of distance education (DE) courses; 2) successful completion and
persistence of English and math classes should be further examined, especially for those courses one level
below transfer; 3) foster youth show lower rates of success/persistence; and 4) the “under 17” age group is
more successful in completion of courses than other age groups.
An extensive list of goals and activities has been created to address each of the five student success factors.
The budget for the SEP is being finalized and a revised draft will be forwarded to the Senate for review.
Further work needs to be done to look at disabilities and income and their impact on success. Q – What
are the consequences if the actions are not taken that are delineated in the plan. A -Annual reports are
expected to document how the college is progressing towards the 3-year goals.
b) FIG Report, Eric Bosler, Ann Wright, Lawrence Yee : “STEMART.” The focus of this inquiry group was how
to support critical thinking and creativity to help students think “outside the box.” Beginning with a quote
from Albert Einstein: “The art and sciences coalesce in form and placidity,” the goal was to create an
environment to support students in having an Art/Science connection and advantage. STEM students
need to function in the Art/ Science social environment that exists in San Jose and Palo Alto. Stanford is
committed to this: Stanford requires Art courses for freshmen and is funding a new ART building to
support creativity and the space to problem solve. Cutting-edge universities create a place for this type of
exchange of ideas to occur.
The FIG is supporting the creation of such a space here at Hartnell to better to prepare our students for the
world of science-based jobs. The purpose and rational for this investment is the skill development in
science is supported by Art and also the development of teaching strategies to disseminate to all faculty.
Eric Bosler presented a model of a STEMART Lab, where students can “think with their hands” and where
Art and Science students intermingle to support creative thinking. The Senate was very enthusiastic in
their support of the ideas presented. A suggestion was made and supported by consensus to formulate a
Senate resolution supporting the STEMART concept and the use of the visual arts building space to support
the creation of a STEMART Lab.
8. Action Items
a) Faculty Committee Appointments
1. Continuous Improvement Committee: David Beymer, Tony Anderson. M/S Moss/Estrella; vote: A/U.
2. Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee: Mary Davis, Liz Estrella. M/S Wright/Schur-Beymer; vote: A/ 1
Abstention- Estrella.
3. Student Success/BSI: Senorina Vazquez. M/S Hough/Moss; vote: A/U.
4. Professional Development Committee: Hetty Yelland, M/S Schur-Beymer/Moss; vote: A/ 1 nay
5. Accreditation Council: Ann Wright nominated Rebecca Fields to the council. M/S Wright/Stave;
vote: A/1 Abstention (Hough)
b) Peer Evaluator Appointments (Probationary Faculty).
a) Maya Watson (English) requests Hetty Yelland (English)
b) Marnie Glazier (THA/COM) requests Dan Peterson (English)
M/S Stave/Moss: Approval of a) and b) by consent. Vote: A/U
c) Selection Committee Appointments
1. Two (temporary) full-time English Instructors: Rhea Mendoza-Lewis, Hetty Yelland from discipline
plus Sam Pacheco (or Val Rodriguez as alternate) for non-discipline faculty. M/S Moss/Triano;
vote: A/U.
Senate Minutes, 9/23/2014
2. VP Administrative Services: David Beymer, Val Rodriguez with Ann Wright as alternate.
M/S Triano/Moss; vote: A-U
d) AS Leadership Institute/Mentoring Process for Probationary Faculty – Move to support and implement
moving the AS Leadership Institute forward. M/S Schur-Beymer/Hough; vote: A/U
8. Discussion/Information Items
a) Academic Senate Retreat 9/20/2014 – Feedback Distributed notes regarding challenges and goals that
were discussed from subcommittee leaders at the retreat. Discussed moving the goals outlined in the
document forward for action as Academic Senate Goals for 2014-2015
b) (ADDED ITEM) Resolution: Faculty professional development funds should not be disconnected from the
Academic Senate and the Faculty Professional Development and FLEX Committee. A Senate resolution was
drafted and presented by Liz Estrella. Further discussion regarding other additions took place and a
suggestion was supported by consensus to move this resolution forward for action at the next meeting.
c) Exemplary Hartnell Programs – Mark Sanchez, “On-line Orientation and Panther Prep Days” has been
suggested as a nomination for an ASCCC “Exemplary Program” award. It fits this year’s theme: transitions
from high school to college. Summer Bridge and Math academy may also be considered as candidates. A
written proposal/application will be brought forward for consideration at our next meeting. The Senate will
consider which program to send forward as our nomination at the next meeting.
d) Sabbaticals – a message was sent to faculty from Dr. Lewallen announcing the possible consideration of
faculty sabbatical leave; procedures for requesting sabbatical leave are outlined in HCFA Contract Article
7G. Letters of intent were due October 1.
e) Minimum Qualifications change proposals- We would like to support a revision to the Math Minimum
Qualifications to include a Master’s degree in Engineering. We will need to speak with other community
college partners to have a second college on board for the idea (possibly Gavilan?) Nancy will follow up.
f) Faculty Recognition Awards – The Foundation and Advancement Council are interested in faculty/staff
recognition awards. They have requested input from the Senate for potential categories and criteria. (Lizwill gather some of the ideas). Non-tenured faculty awards, longevity, and other ideas were discussed.
g) Non-Tenured Faculty Workshops – Update and feedback: Four workshops were held. A handout by Carol
Kimbrough was utilized and was very helpful in outlining where the tenure review evaluation team looks
for evidence of meeting contract criteria. We answered questions of probationary faculty regarding what
types of materials to include into their packet. Nancy Schur-Beymer, Ann Wright, Melissa Stave and Carol
Kimbrough were workshop leaders.
9. Announcements (Senators) Jason Hough pointed out problems with the restructured Dean assignments
(separating Language Arts and Fine Arts) have impacted his ability to represent both areas. The Senate just
updated our Constitution to reflect the former structure with Language Arts and Fine Arts combined.
Another issue about representation concerns the flow of communication from Senate to area faculty and the
ability of area faculty to nominate and vote for Senate representatives. Information travels up, but information
does not travel back down because regular Division meetings may not be held.
10. Adjournment
(M= moved, S= seconded, A= approved, U= vote unanimous N- Ney votes, Ab – Abstentions)
"In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and SB 751, minutes of the HC Academic Senate record the
votes of all committee members as follows. (1) Members recorded as absent are presumed not to have
voted; (2) the names of members voting in the minority or abstaining are recorded; (3) all other
members are presumed to have voted in the majority."
Senate Minutes, 9/23/2014