Document 14257328

Academic Senate Minutes
November 11, 2014, 3:00-5:00 PM, A-116
Carol Kimbrough, President
Chris Moss, 1st Vice-President
Ann Wright, 2nd Vice-President
Nancy Schur-Beymer, Secretary/Treasurer
Liz Estrella, Senator At-Large
Tony Anderson, Past-President
Fernando Cabrera
Melissa Hornstein, Senator
Jason Hough
Salina Lopez
Peggy Mayfield
Melissa Stave
Lisa Storm
Steve Triano
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Adjunct Faculty - Spanish
Language/Fine Arts
Adjunct Faculty
Kinesiology/Athletics, Health Ed.
Social and Behavioral Science
Advanced Technology & Applied Sci.
Language /Fine Arts
Nursing & Allied Health
Counseling & Categorical Programs
Guests: Christine Svendsen, Stephanie Low, Kathy Mendelsohn, Romero Jalomo, Brian Lofman,
Call to Order
Adopt Agenda
Approval of Minutes, 10/28/2014
Public Comments: ten minutes (3-minute maximum per person) are set aside to receive comments on agenda
items or items not on the agenda but within the authority (10 + 1) of the Senate -None
5. President’s Report: Carol Kimbrough
6. Reports (15 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q/A)
a) Facilities Master Plan, Final Draft: Joseph Reyes - The Senate did not have the final version in their hands
to review (our last version is 54 pages.) That was being finalized this afternoon. Lisa Storm asked if the
issues about hybrid teaching and the mixed statements about the King City campus would be modified as
discussed last week. Jason Hough asked about adequate handicap spaces if the front lot would be
converted for event parking in the future, Brian Lofman shared that the plan is still subject to the planning
and budget process and Joseph Reyes said the facilities committee would have further discussion on items
as the college has budget and time to implement various aspects of the plan. Christine Svendsen shared
that the union has not reviewed the plan nor entered into negotiations regarding class size. (This is in
response to changing the goal for average class sizes.)
b) Student Equity Plan, Final Draft: Kathy Mendelsohn, Romero Jalomo – Discussion the SEP and the different
areas where budget funding comes in to support the plan. Two positions were presented. One a pathway
coordinator for high school to college transition, and a Research position to focus on research needed to
create student equity and success. The SEP project planners agreed to come back to the Senate next year
to report out on how the money was spent, and what was accomplished.
8. Action Items
a) Accept and support Facilities Master Plan M/S Moss/Cabrera - Discussion took place about the lack of
having a finalized plan to review. The Senate does not wish to approve a plan that is not in its final version.
MOTION Failed Schur Beymer – For, the rest of the Senate against.
b) Accept and support Student Equity Plan M/S Moss/Anderson - Discussion – do we have a complete plan –
the budget is not finalized, however, there are more details about how the money allocated will be spent
and the goals. There is not adequate information on how the budget is to be documented or which funds
will be used to support each area of the report. – Approved Two abstentions – Hough, Estrella
c) Consider Resolution 3.15: Establish Part-Time Faculty Positions on Governance Councils & Standing
Committees. We have a high percentage of part time instructors. The resolution is asking to add a parttime faculty person to each counsel. This is not to replace a part time faculty member. M/S
Anderson/Moss – Discussion – is committee membership indirectly guaranteeing an assignment for the
two year term. A constituent wrote in that the part time faculty do not have the same vetting process as
the full time faculty. Also there is a concern if this would put undo pressure on a faculty member to serve
if they do not desire to be on committee. There is no contract language to support compensation for
service. Also we would like to look at how this is handled at other colleges. Cabrera stated that some
faculty wish to volunteer and that they recognize that it is not tied to contract. Some schools do have paid
flex and do have compensation available for service. Dean Low said that we are moving forward to being a
year ahead in developing the schedule. We debated the merits of tapping into the great knowledge and
talent of our part-time faculty, and the fear of imposing committee service. Motion Failed Unanimous
M/S Moss/Hough – To bring back the perfected amendment next meeting. Approved. 1 Ney – Hough.
d) Reprise: Resolution 4.15 DE Attendance Policy M/S – Anderson/Hough –Discussion – this was approved in
the past and we want to reapprove to move it forward to Academic Affairs to take action. Approved -U
e) Faculty Committee Appointments
1. Full-Time Faculty Hiring Committee: Ann Wright, Juan Serrano (student) M/S Hough/Anderson AU
2. Advancement Council: Fernando Cabrera M/S Schur-Beymer/Hough AU
f) Selection Committee: Counselor
1. Liz Estrella, Bob Maffei and Tony Anderson M/S Hough/Moss AU Abstain – Storm/Anderson/ and
9. Discussion/Information Items
a) First Reading: BP/AP 3570 Smoking on Campus (Moss/Hough) We discussed the possibly of adding a
designated smoking area. Also discussion about prescription marijuana products that may not be smoke
product. There is also state law Students – want parking lots designated.
b) First Reading: AP 5530, Student Rights and Grievances (Anderson/Schur-Beymer) Questions came up about
challenging a grade, and a “urban legend” of a two year time period to grieve. The other aspect of the
conversation is that the time lines are quicker in the policy, than what faculty have experienced in practice.
c) Institution-Set Standards (Discussion/First reading) A hand out was provided as a sample of a way to set
standards of completions, retention and success, to look at the last five years and their percentages and
then set a basement of a standard of 5% lower than the last five year average. There were many questions
about the process of implementing program success goals. One clarification – success in this document is
using the Chancellor’s office formula for success, so it is not a measure that is independent.
d) Faculty Recognition Awards (Estrella) Proposed award categories were presented and the will of the Senate
is to move them forward to the foundation for support.
e) Use of a standard template for course syllabi (please bring a sample copy of your course syllabus to
facilitate this discussion) Mr. Moss distributed his syllabus for consideration. Jason is hoping to at least
have guidance of “must haves” and “may haves” on syllabus.
f) Sabbatical Leave – update
Senate Minutes, 11/11 /2014
g) Communication within departments/areas – update
1. Department Chairs—Has the time come?
h) Bachelor’s Degree programs – update
10. Announcements (Senators): updates on standing committee/shared governance activities
11. Adjournment
(M= moved, S= seconded, A= approved, U= vote unanimous N- Ney votes, Ab – Abstentions)
"In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and SB 751, minutes of the HC Academic Senate record the
votes of all committee members as follows. (1) Members recorded as absent are presumed not to have
voted; (2) the names of members voting in the minority or abstaining are recorded; (3) all other
members are presumed to have voted in the majority."
Senate Minutes, 11/11 /2014