Document 14257302

Academic Senate Minutes
February 10, 2015 3:00-5:00 PM, A-116
Carol Kimbrough, President
Chris Moss, 1st Vice-President
Ann Wright, 2nd Vice-President
Nancy Schur-Beymer, Secretary/Treasurer
Liz Estrella, Senator At-Large
Tony Anderson, Past-President
Fernando Cabrera
Melissa Hornstein
Slava Bekker
Jason Hough
Salina Lopez
Peggy Mayfield
Sam Pacheco
Lisa Storm
Steve Triano
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Adjunct Faculty
Language/Fine Arts
Adjunct Faculty
Social and Behavioral Science
Social and Behavioral Science
Advanced Technology & Applied Sci.
Language /Fine Arts
Kinesiology/Athletics, Health Ed.
Nursing & Allied Health
Counseling & Categorical Programs
GUESTS: Willard Lewallen, Lori Kildal, Mary Dominquez, Loyanne Flinn, Sharon Alheit, Shannon Bliss,
Cheryl O’Donnell, Debra Kaczmar, Eric Becerra, Celine Pinet, Kathy Mendelsohn
Call to Order and Welcome, 5:03 pm. Introduction of new members .
Adopt Agenda (M/S Vote: unanimous)
Approval of Minutes, 12/9/2014 (M/S Vote: unanimous)
Public Comments: ten minutes (3-minute maximum per person) are set aside to receive comments on
agenda items or items not on the agenda but within the authority (10 + 1) of the Senate
A. Loyanne Flinn and Sharon Alheit – shared a handout and updated the Senate on pending grants
and their proposed function.
5. Reports:
A. Facilities Master Plan and Space Request Form. Dr. Lewallen discussed updates to the final draft
including current labor market data. He has met with faculty from the athletic department to
address concerns related to the auxiliary gym; he has also met with library faculty to address
concerns relating to housing IT servers. Academic programs and students will always be a priority
when updating these areas.
A new form has been developed to propose use of newly opened space (attached to support
documents for this meeting). The form will be considered by the Administrative Services Council
and forwarded to the College Planning Council for action. This form will also link to PPA plans and
create more transparency in the consideration of facilities use.
Dr. Lewallen indicated that after meeting with constituent groups, his impression is that concerns
raised by faculty have been addressed and no further changes to the Master Plan are needed.
B. ACCJC Accreditation Follow-Up Report, Dr. Kildal. This report addresses the seven remaining
recommendations from ACCJC, as well as 44 items on the planning agenda that are linked to the
original accreditation self-study report. The follow-up report was disseminated to the campus
constituencies for review and has been approved by the Accreditation Council. Senator Lisa Storm
asked several questions and discussion ensued surrounding the review of distance education
faculty and review of “student evaluations” by a DE Specialist. Student appraisals are part of the
confidential evaluation process. Dr. Kildal agreed to have the sections in question flagged for
further review and clarification. Also Ms. Storm indicated that information reported in her
“MOOCSICLE” project could be used to support DE outcomes in the follow-up report.
C. Enrollment update, Grading in PAWS, Mary Dominguez. Ms. Dominguez addressed the Senate
with current figures to support our target goal 7100 FTES. Our funded base is 6957; current
predicted number is 6987.66 FTES. This does not include hour-based (positive attendance) labs,
like those in computer and PE areas Head count 8202 students as of 2/9/15 (yesterday). Seat
capacity indicates that the students are taking more units. Census day was yesterday. Adherence
to submission deadlines for Drop Rosters is needed to have enrollment numbers be accurate.
D. Outcomes & Assessment Committee: Update on eLumen Training, Kathy Mendelsohn, Cheryl
O’Donnell. 70 faculty members have participated as of this date and more training labs are
scheduled for later in the week. The pilot faculty have been working on training, philosophy, and
trying to roll out the system keeping it simple. Every faculty member needs to be involved. The
assessment of learning outcomes is not only about the eLumen software, but must include
discussions and analysis of the robust data that will be available as we are work with eLumen.
6. Action Items
A. Support final draft, Facilities Master Plan. Motion/Anderson, second/Hough. Approved (vote:
B. Support ACCJC Accreditation Follow-up Report: Motion to TABLE so that questions can be
addressed by our Accreditation Liaison Officer.
C. Faculty Committee Appointments
1. Student Affairs Council- nomination: Sam Pacheco to replace Kelly Locke. Motion/Anderson,
second/Cabrera. Approved (vote: unanimous).
2. Administrative Services Council- nominations Marty Glazier to replace Melissa Stave.
Motion/second: Approved (vote: unanimous).
3. Student Success Committee: nominations of interested faculty per committee
recommendation: James Beck, Michael Hooper and Nick Pasquali. Motion/Anderson,
second/Lopez. Approved (vote: unanimous).
4. Mo Yahdi as designee for SLO Coordinator on Curriculum Committee. Motion/Hough,
second/Cabrera. Approved (vote: unanimous).
D. Selection committees:
1. Diesel Technology: Val Rodriguez, Al Graham, Nancy Schur-Beymer - Moved/Anderson,
second/ Hough. Approved (vote: unanimous).
2. Adaptive PE: Chris Moss, Nancy Schur-Beymer - Motion/Anderson, second/Hough. Approved
(vote: unanimous).
E. Request to Initiate Program Revitalization, Suspension, or Discontinuance: REALESTATE. This
program exists in the catalog despite no classes being offered recently. There are no full time or
part time instructors to assess the curriculum and assure that it is relevant to the needs of our
students and the community. The program needs to go through a review process as outlined in AP
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4021 with consideration for revitalization or discontinuance based on current market data and
community interest. The request to initiate program revitalization, suspension or discontinuance
will move to Academic Affairs Council for consideration. AP 4021 is built upon a consensus model
and both bodies (Academic Senate and Academic Affairs Council) will work together to review this
program and make recommendations.
Senator Lisa Storm spoke in favor of revitalization because of market changes. Senator Ann Wright
stated that the review process is detailed in the AP and includes an attempt at revitalization prior
to discontinuance. There may be other programs that are in need of review.
Motion/Wright, second/Schur-Beymer to forward Request to Initiate Program Revitalization,
suspension, or Discontinuance to Academic Affairs Council. Approved (vote: 1 abstention – Lisa
F. Request to initiate Sabbatical Leave Review Committee: Motion/Anderson, second/Wright to
request formation of a sabbatical leave review committee as per Article 7 of the HCFA Agreement.
Approved (vote: unanimous).
7. Discussion
A. Update on bachelor’s degree proposal: Hartnell’s proposal for a Food & Safety BA degree was not
selected by the Chancellor’s Office. The announcement was met with shock and puzzlement as we
felt we had a solid offering and could document a unique and sustainable need.
B. Update on task force for consideration of Faculty Chairs – Needed for tracking SLO’s and
curriculum, facilitating communication, and issues that impact faculty. (Selena, Jason, Carol, Lisa,
8. Announcements (Senators): updates on standing committee/shared governance activities
A. Jason Hough– Student Success Committee – Putting together an Accuplacer prep with 100
students. There is interest in this pilot from other institutions. Safety Committee – No Smoking
Policy – being put forward through the governance councils and then the next step is how to
implement. Hartnell Speech Team – We may be able to qualify students for the National
B. Lisa Storm– Research link for PPA Resource page with the information needed to report on PPA go to the Hartnell website, A-Z directory, then Research home page. PPA data is on the left menu
bar. Also can be found from Academics – Faculty Resources – Teaching Learning Resources -- PPA
data. Lisa also reported on MOOCSCYLCE and how it has helped assessment processes in her
online courses.
C. Ann Wright: Accreditation Council – report is now fairly complete - today’s discussion has
highlighted additional areas to examine. The STEMART lab will be using the new facility proposal
process that Dr. Lewallen introduced today in his report. STEMART lab curriculum is currently
being developed. The full-time faculty hiring committee has made its recommendations and the
committee will now examine its decision process in order to make improvements. Dr. Wright is
very involved in STEM internship program as a lead instructor.
D. Nancy Schur-Beymer has been actively involved in the eLumen pilot task force, developing training
modules for Hartnell faculty.
E. Sam Pacheco – Currently focused on service learning opportunities at the Community College level;
CSUMB currently has service learning components to their degree programs. Started the History
club on campus.
F. Slava Bekker – is currently serving as an activity director for a grant to help students with
pathways for transfer. She helps with physics student club and has focused on rebuilding
membership and promoting the Physics Olympics. She is also an Advisor for the Sustainability
G. Salina Lopez – attended her first meeting of the College Planning Council as a new member. She
enjoys the opportunity to become involved in the broader aspects of the campus. Salina also
wanted to promote the week’s activities on campus. The “Week of Love” will culminate in a
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performance of the Vagina Monologues/Men’s Monologues on Thursday at noon and in the
H. Carol Kimbrough announced upcoming ASCCC events: Accreditation Institute, February 20-21;
Academic Academy, March 13-14; and Spring Plenary Session, April 9-11. She provided updates on
statewide initiatives and encouraged participation in eLumen training and the PPA process. From
Curriculum Committee, she reported the approval of 2 new AA-T programs (Music and Economics)
that will be forwarded to the Board and the Chancellor’s Office for approval. The ACCJC site team
will visit Hartnell sometime in April. Ms. Kimbrough attended the CTE Curriculum Institute in
January and the First Economic Summit for Monterey/Santa Cruz counties.
9. Adjournment : 5:00 PM
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