Document 14257282

Hartnell College Academic Senate
March 24, 2015 3:00-5:00 PM, A-116
Carol Kimbrough, President
Chris Moss, 1st Vice-President
Ann Wright, 2nd Vice-President
Nancy Schur-Beymer, Secretary/Treasurer
Liz Estrella, Senator At-Large
Tony Anderson, Past-President
Fernando Cabrera
Melissa Hornstein
Slava Bekker
Jason Hough
Salina Lopez
Peggy Mayfield
Sam Pacheco
Lisa Storm
Steve Triano
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Adjunct Faculty
Language/Fine Arts
Adjunct Faculty
Social and Behavioral Science
Social and Behavioral Science
Advanced Technology & Applied Sci.
Language /Fine Arts
Kinesiology/Athletics, Health Ed.
Nursing & Allied Health
Counseling & Categorical Programs
GUESTS: Christina Esparza-Luna, Lindsey Bertomen,
1. Call to Order and Welcome: 3:05 PM, Carol Kimbrough
2. Adopt Agenda as amended: M/S/A (vote: unanimous). Action item 4, Perkins Fund Review and
Allocation was removed from the agenda
3. Approval of Minutes as amended, 3/10/2015: M/S/A (vote: unanimous)
4. Public Comments: Dr. Celine Pinet presented a model for scheduling that will allow for a systematic
staggering of start dates to potentially capture student enrollments after traditional semester start
times. The proposal is called “Stepping Stones.” Options under consideration would superimpose one
6-week and one 8-week session over our traditional 18-week semester (with no overlapping of final
exams in semester- long classes). Dr. Pinet will be invited to a future Senate meeting to discuss this
concept further.
5. Reports
A. DE Committee – Online Education Initiative
Christina Esparza-Luna and Lindsey Bertomen presented an update of the Online Education
Initiative. Hartnell is one of several schools participating in the pilot project. A special feature of
the OEI is an Online Course Exchange: any Community College student will be able to receive credit
for taking these approved courses, despite location. For example, a student at Cosumnes River
Hartnell College Vision Statement: Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute
to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Hartnell College Mission Statement: Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach
academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success
College could enroll in ECON-201 (developed by Hartnell). Hartnell would receive FTES for the
enrollment and the course immediately transfers to Cosumnes (and is C-ID aligned). Hartnell has 3
courses in the Online Course Exchange: one in Administration of Justice and two in Economics.
B. Update: Faculty Chair Task Force
Jason Hough provided an update on the faculty survey:
As of close of survey on Friday, March 20th, we had 116 responses (71 full-time; 44 part-time).
Based upon survey responses, faculty are significantly in support of having faculty chairs. Using the
survey data, the following would possibly be included in a faculty chair job description, pending
Union negotiations. Faculty chairs would work to coordinate:
 Department meetings
 Course scheduling
 PPAs
 Hiring for the department (serving as an H.R. liaison)
 Book orders
 SLOs and curriculum
 Mentoring/orienting new faculty in the department.
Next steps for the task force include:
 Presentation of initial findings to the Academic Senate on 03/24/2015; and
 Estimated financials to implement chairs at Hartnell, based on other institution formulas, and
culminating this research at our next meeting April 24, 2015.
Thanks so much for your efforts!
6. Action Items
A. Faculty Committee Appointments
1. Administrative Services Council: Nancy Reyes
M/S/A (vote: unanimous)
2. Adaptive PE/Coach Selection Committee: Matt Collins, Dan Ortega, Nancy Schur-Beymer and
Chris Moss as alternate
M/S/A (vote: unanimous)
3. Establish Task Force for eLumen PPA implementation and review process -TABLED
B. Board Policies/Administrative Procedures
1. BP/AP 4101, Independent Study (Anderson, Estrella, Pacheco)
a) BP 4101: M/S/A/ (vote: unanimous) to approve as presented
b) AP 4101: M/S/A (vote: unanimous) to approve as presented
2. BP/AP 4105, Distance Education (Storm, Moss, Cabrera)
a) BP 4105: M/S/A (vote: unanimous) to approve with changes
b) AP 4105: M/S/A (vote: unanimous) to approve with changes
3. BP/AP 4020, Program, Curriculum and Course Development (Kimbrough, Hough)
a) BP 4020: M/S/A (vote: unanimous) to approve as presented
b) AP 4020: M/S/A (vote: unanimous) to approve as presented
4. BP/AP 4025, Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education (Wright,
a) BP 4025: M/S/A (vote: unanimous) to approve as presented
2|Academic Senate Minutes, 3/24 /2015
10+1: Curriculum ▪ Degrees & Certificates ▪ Grading Policies ▪ Educational Programs Development ▪ Standards & Policies: Student Preparation & Success
▪ Faculty Roles in Governance Structures ▪ Faculty Roles in Accreditation Processes ▪ Policies for Faculty Professional Development ▪ Program Review
Processes ▪ Processes for Institutional Planning and Budget Development ▪ Other Academic & Professional Matters
b) AP 4025: M/S/A (vote: unanimous) to approve as presented
5. BP 4035, Child Development (Hornstein, Lopez, Bekker)
M/S/A (vote: unanimous) to approve as presented
6. AP 4022, Course Approval (Kimbrough, Hough)
M/S/A (vote: unanimous) to approve as presented
7. Discussion
A. Update: Accreditation Institute, Academic Academy and Pending Resolutions for Spring Plenary
Carol Kimbrough provided updates from the ASCCC Accreditation Institute and Academic Academy.
A focus for both these sessions was placed upon student equity and the ability to resolve areas of
disproportionate impact. Ms. Kimbrough also discussed the formation of a new division within the
Chancellor’s Office, the Institutional Effectiveness Division, under Vice Chancellor Theresa Tena. In
conjunction with this new department, legislation (SB 860, 2014-15 Higher Education Trailer Bill)
will require the development of a “framework of indicators” to measure community college
operations with respect to: 1) student performance and outcomes; 2) accreditation status; 3) fiscal
viability, and 4) programmatic compliance with state and federal guidelines. In order to receive
SSSP funding, each college in the California community college system will be required to develop
and adopt goals with respect to the 4 framework indicators by June 30, 2015 and each year
Resolutions for the State Plenary session were read by the Senate body and discussed for support
or nonsupport during the voting process. The Spring Plenary will be April 9-11, 2015 in San
Francisco. Senators Kimbrough, Storm, and Anderson will be attending plus standing committee
members Carol King and Cheryl O’Donnell.
8. Announcements (Senators): none
9. Adjournment 4:55 PM
3|Academic Senate Minutes, 3/24 /2015
10+1: Curriculum ▪ Degrees & Certificates ▪ Grading Policies ▪ Educational Programs Development ▪ Standards & Policies: Student Preparation & Success
▪ Faculty Roles in Governance Structures ▪ Faculty Roles in Accreditation Processes ▪ Policies for Faculty Professional Development ▪ Program Review
Processes ▪ Processes for Institutional Planning and Budget Development ▪ Other Academic & Professional Matters