Moving forward on a 16-week semester: feasibility Do we have room? (a very specific question) Do we have room? • Task force met in early September • One graphic, showing that existing classes fit into the room, was unconvincing • Look at heavily-used rooms in classroom buildings: can existing classes fit? • Exercise was limited to fitting currentlyscheduled classes into the same rooms- best schedules should be determined elsewhere How did we proceed? • Work group volunteers gathered on October 23 • Used Astra to view current (fall 2015) schedules – We were given read-only access to these files • Took existing scheduled and transcribed them to 16-week schedule (just moved classes to fit the time slots in the same room) • Excel templates were provided (hand-drawn schedules) An Astra file (fall 2015, D261) (most classrooms are not in continuous use like this one!) Schedule slots based on common start times Hand-drawn template, based on common start times Side-by-side analysis I: D261 All math, all the time (most heavily-used room on campus?) Objective: fit all of the existing classes into the room (by any means necessary, but we did veto 5-hour blocks!) current 16-week Side-by-side analysis II: D267 • Room is shared by many disciplines • Not as fully booked; effects less drastic • Best times and sequences? • current 16-week Side-by-side analysis III: N8 (labs) • Labs already scheduled in large time blocks • Effects minimal This type of conversion can be done for all classrooms. But…. • As performed, it’s arbitrary • It assumes room use will not change • It is a snapshot, based on room usage during fall 2015 only • Who should decide what classes should be offered when? Nonetheless… • These preliminary results suggest that we do have the room capacity to effect a 16-week schedule • We have the tools to do the conversion analysis • This is an opportunity to discuss our schedules collectively and suggest changes. • We should do this at the discipline/area level (with counselors!)