SALINAS VALLEY ADULT EDUCATION CONSORTIUM AB104: Adult Education Block Grant Presentation to the Academic Senate of Hartnell College February 23, 2016 Kristen Arps, Interim Director, SVAEC 1 THE STATE OF ADULT EDUCATION IN CALIFORNIA Adult Ed Demand: o • • • • 6.2M adults are English Language Learners (ESL) 5.2M adults are without a HSD, GED, or equivalent 1.1M unemployed adults lack a high school diploma 1.1M adults are eligible for citizenship courses Adult Ed Supply: o • • • • With current funding, AE providers are meeting only 10% of the statewide need (pre-AB104) K-12 AE funding stream was cut by 20% in 2009 Flexed K-12 AE funding led to a 50% reduction in services English as a Second Language and Career Technical Education programs saw the most significant enrollment drops NEED FOR ADULT ED IN THE SALINAS VALLEY • Limited English: 28% (55,000 adults) 2.5 times higher than State rate • 7th Grade Ed or Below: 19% (38,000 adults) Almost 3 times higher than State rate • No HSD or HSE: 32% (65,000 adults) 2 times higher than State rate o o o o Unemployed: 5% (11,000 adults) o Below Federal Poverty Level: 8% (16,000) INTENT OF THE ADULT EDUCATION BLOCK GRANT o To better meet the educational needs of California’s adult learners through the expansion and improvement of adult education services at the state and regional levels o Joint effort between the California Community College Chancellor’s Office and the California Department of Education o Via 71 regional adult education consortia made up of community colleges, K-12 districts, county offices of education, and JPAs, and in collaboration with community partners o Implementation of regional adult education developed by consortia under AB86 in 2014-15 plans AEBG OBJECTIVES 1. Identify and evaluate existing adult education services 2. Identify gaps, barriers, and needs and address 3. Integrate existing programs and create seamless transitions into postsecondary education or the workforce 4. Address the gaps identified 5. Employ approaches proven to accelerate a student’s progress toward his/her academic or career goals 6. Collaborate in the provision of ongoing professional development opportunities for faculty and other staff 7. Develop partnerships and leverage existing regional structures and resources AEBG PROGRAM AREAS 1. Basic skills education, including HSE/AHSD 2. ESL, citizenship, and workforce preparation for immigrants 3. Programming for entry/reentry into the workforce 4. Training to assist elementary and secondary school children succeed academically in school 5. Educational programs for adults with disabilities 6. Short-term CTE with high employment potential 7. Pre-apprenticeship training Includes: • County corrections programs for 18+ year olds • Programs for older adults AEBG PERFORMANCE MEASURES o Number of adults served by consortium members o Demonstration of the following: • Improved literacy skills • Completion of high school diploma or equivalent • Transfer to post-secondary from K-12 adult programs • Transfer from postsecondary noncredit to credit • Completion of post-secondary certificates, degrees, or training programs • Placement into jobs • Improved wages AB104 STATE FUNDING FOR 2015-16 Adult Education Block Grant • AB104, Section 39, Article 9 • $500M block grant funding to consortia in 15-16 • MOE allocations: Stabilization of current K-12 district adult education programs ($337M) • Consortia allocations: Expansion and alignment of adult education programs ($163M) AB104 STATE FUNDING FOR 2015-16 2015-16 Budget $525M ~$337M (AEBG) MOE to stabilize existing programs K-12 Adult Schools County Offices of Education ~$163M (AEBG) Consortia funding Community Colleges K-12 Adult Programs COEs & JPAs $25M to CCCCO and CDE for Statewide Infrastructure (separate from AEBG) SALINAS VALLEY ADULT EDUCATION CONSORTIUM SVAEC Members: • Hartnell Community College • Gonzales Unified School District • North Monterey County Unified School District • Salinas Union High School District • Soledad Unified School District • South Monterey County Joint Union School District • Monterey County Office of Education REGIONAL NEEDS IDENTIFIED o More adult education programs, especially ESL, Basic Skills, CTE, and other workforce prep o Increased capacity: facilities, instructors, staff o Alignment of assessment/placement, curriculum, outcomes, standards o Data tracking and sharing tools, methods, and training o Technology: access and training o Childcare and transportation assistance o Alternative class schedules REGIONAL NEEDS IDENTIFIED o Tailored outreach and recruitment o College and career pathway guidance and prep o Viable options for undocumented/non-resident students o Non-credit post-secondary instruction/training o Professional development in student acceleration, curriculum contextualization/integration, use of technology, and data collection and analysis o Communication, coordination, and collaboration of providers and partners within the region SVAEC 15-16 FUNDING 15-16 Total AEBG Funding Member Consortium Funding MOE Funding (some K-12 districts) 15-16 Allocation: MOE Funding 15-16 Allocation GONZALES USD TOTAL $255,689 $149,250 $106,439 TOTAL $304,388 $304,388 $0 TOTAL $28,000 $28,000 $0 TOTAL $454,242 $206,615 $247,627 TOTAL $1,716,285 $531,000 $1,185,285 TOTAL $342,618 $147,957 $194,661 TOTAL $78,500 $78,500 $0 TOTAL $258,189 $258,189 $0 SVAEC TOTAL $3,437,911 $1,703,899 $1,734,012 HARTNELL CCD MCOE NORTH MONTEREY COUNTY USD SALINAS UHSD SOLEDAD USD SOUTH MONTEREY COUNTY JUHSD SVAEC (consortium-wide funds) SVAEC 2015-16 ANNUAL PLAN o Increase ESL, ABE, and HSE programming • Additional facilities, instructors, materials o Offer new citizenship and family literacy classes o Provide crucial adult learner support services: • College and career advising, child care, and transportation o Increase access to/training in computers o Develop new workforce preparation and career technical education programs o Develop integrated and contextualized curriculum o Align data/assessment tools and metrics o Increase marketing & outreach o Professional development and PLCs PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES ESL Professional Learning Community o Hartnell and Adult School ESL faculty o Laura Zavala, Hartnell College Pathways Coordinator, also connecting with group o Objectives: • Increase mutual understanding and coordination of regional ESL programs & practices • Map educational pathways for ESL students • Align assessment, curriculum, and outcomes • Identify and address gaps and needs for adult ESL learners • Provide recommendations to the Consortium Steering Committee regarding ESL programs and services PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES Basic Skills/HSE PLC o Eric Becerra (HEP) and ABE and HSE instructors and staff from adult schools o Would like 1-2 more basic skills faculty from Hartnell o Objectives: • Align assessment, curriculum, and outcomes • Map educational pathways for ESL students • Increase mutual understanding and coordination of regional ESL programs & practices • Identify and address gaps and needs for adult ESL learners • Provide recommendations to the Consortium Steering Committee regarding ESL programs and services HARTNELL’S ROLE IN THE SVAEC o New fiscal agent for the Consortium o Hiring and housing the new FT Consortium Director and PT Consortium Program Assistant o Hartnell College designees to the Consortium: • Kathy Mendelsohn, Dean, LLS&R • Eric Becerra, Director, HEP o Other Hartnell participants: • Deans Zahi Atallah and Renata Funke • Laura Zavala, College Pathways Coordinator • ESL Faculty – Carol King, James Beck, Diane Harley • Susan Pheasant, Ag Institute Director OPPORTUNITIES FOR HARTNELL o Fulfill our mission and meet our strategic priorities • Better serve underprepared, underserved, nontraditional adult students o Collaborate and coordinate with adult schools o Develop an intentional, viable, and appropriate plan for adult education at Hartnell o Innovative programming, including noncredit and not-for-credit instruction, academic support, training o Build/strengthen community and industry partnerships o Complement other initiatives at Hartnell • SEP, SSSP, BSI, HIS o Regional leadership and stewardship of resources HARTNELL COLLEGE AE PLANS FOR 15-16 Hartnell allocation: $223,250 o Integrated Basic Skills/ESL Learning Support for CTE students (to be developed cooperatively by English, Math, ESL, and CTE faculty) o Spanish Office Technology Workshop Series o Building Trades Pre-Apprenticeship Program with IBEW and WDB o Farmworker Education & Advancement Program with Industry Support o Burlington English Software o PLC participation and other Consortium activities o College Pathways Coordination DISCUSSION Questions? Join us! • Hartnell Adult Education Workgroup meeting on Thursday 2/25 • Consortium meeting on Wednesday 3/9 • Email list