Academic Senate Minutes March 8, 2016

Academic Senate Minutes
March 8, 2016
3:00-5:00 PM
Faculty Resource Center Training Room, A-116
Members Present are in bold: Carol Kimbrough (President), Christopher Moss, Ann Wright, Nancy-Schur-Beymer, Liz
Estrella (Steering Committee); Senators: Slava Bekker, Isabel Ferraris, Melissa Hornstein, Jason Hough, Salina Lopez,
Peggy Mayfield, Cheryl O’Donnell, Sam Pacheco, Lisa Storm, Aron Szamos, Burton Ward, Andy Vasher
Guests: Mary Dominguez, Loyanne Flinn, Brian Lofman, Layheng Ting
1. Call to Order and Welcome: 300 PM
2. Adopt Agenda: M/S vote: unanimous
3. Approval of Minutes, 2/23/2016 M/S vote: approved (1 abstention: Hough)
4. Public Comments: ten minutes (3-minute maximum per person) are set aside to receive comments on
agenda items or items not on the agenda but within the authority (10 + 1) of the Senate: no comments
5. Discussion and information items
A. Loss of priority enrollment and BOG fee waiver, Mary Dominguez presented on priority enrollment,
probation, and BOG wavers.
B. Institution-Set Standards and Goals for Institutional Effectiveness, Brian Lofman (second reading)
Dr. Lofman, Dr LayhengTing – Research analyst was introduced. The chancellor’s office now has
records on employment data. Using the data from the chancellor’s office includes both those that
complete and leave the program, and is a change from what we have previously chosen as a
measure. We could report back on more cohorts. Discussion: the proposed standard is a
percentage that was forwarded by the faculty and dean in the area.
C. Grant Updates, Loyanne Flinn. Loyanne highlighted a new grant that we are seeking to for Food
Safety and Seed Technology programs. The College is also seeking monies to work with K-12 to
develop pipelines to our programs and jobs in the community. Loyanne also presented a funding
plan for Hartnell projects that are supported by grant monies. Lisa Storm added information on a
10+1: Curriculum ▪ Degrees & Certificates ▪ Grading Policies ▪ Educational Programs Development ▪ Standards & Policies: Student Preparation & Success ▪
Faculty Roles in Governance Structures ▪ Faculty Roles in Accreditation Processes ▪ Policies for Faculty Professional Development ▪ Program Review
Processes ▪ Processes for Institutional Planning and Budget Development ▪ Other Academic & Professional Matters
2|Academic Senate
grant related to building an online degree. (See the current legislative report). RFPs may be coming
from the chancellor’s office.
D. Legislative Updates and AB 1690 (Medina)
This bill is asking for legislation that will help support part-time faculty obtain seniority rights and
have the ability to be guaranteed a load after they have successful evaluation periods.
Discussion migrated to allowing part time faculty priority for in-house hiring for full time positions.
A resolution supporting AB 1690 was not supported by the Academic Senate at the State level.
However the Union has supported this bill.
6. Action Items:
A. Institution-Set Standards and Goals for Institutional Effectiveness -M/S Hough/Storm Motion to
TABLE, Approved -Unanimous. (New data may cause additional reflection at different meetings
and adjustments may still occur.)
B. Confirm appointments to governance councils and faculty selection committees: (Voted on by
1. Technology Development Council, Nancy Wheat (Confirmed)
2. Selection Committees
a) FT Nursing Instructor (non-discipline faculty): Alex Edens, (Confirmed)
b) Director, Information Technology Systems: Deborah Stephens (Confirmed)
C. Establish Nominations Committee for Senate Officers for AY 2016-17 and 2018-19: Nancy SchurBeymer, Tony Anderson
7. President’s Report/Updates
A. Report from 3/1/16 Board of Trustees Meeting: the following individuals were granted tenure by
the Board of Trustees: Sonia Arteaga, Steve Ettinger, Albert Graham, Tanya Ho, Meagan Plumb and
Debra Stephens. BP/AP 4101 Independent Study was approved. The BP and AP were reviewed by
the Senate on 3/24/2015.
B. Report from 3/2/16 CPC Meeting: a number of BPs and APs have finally reached the CPC for
approval and will have second reading on March 16th (see CPC website for 3/2/16). UC System President Janet Napolitano will visit Hartnell
College on April 21st. Results from the community survey regarding the feasibility of a facilities
bond measure were presented.
8. Announcements (Senators): updates on standing committees/governance councils/task forces/ASCCC
A. Chris Moss, CPC – Also was able to do a walk through the new science building – it was “Quite
B. Melisa Hornstein – revised Hartnell Engineering degree now has 4 tracts!
C. Jason Hough – changing process for SLO’s; Outcomes and Assessment Committee – is working on a
standard senior survey to measure the institutional Outcomes.
D. Lisa Storm: Law day (on May 2nd ) will have a supreme court justice along with other speakers to
present. A $500 scholarship will be offered.
E. Isabelle Ferraris – involved with Title III grant, and student success. She is representing adjunct
faculty as a negotiator.
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Faculty Roles in Governance Structures ▪ Faculty Roles in Accreditation Processes ▪ Policies for Faculty Professional Development ▪ Program Review
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3|Academic Senate
F. Nancy Schur-Beymer -- LVN 100 applications – pinning ceremony will be on May 27th at 1330.
G. Sam Pacheco – conducting an “oral history” of our veterans with students. Highly recommends
attending the movie “East of Salinas” March 24th at 6PM.
H. Slava Bekker -- Physics Olympics are coming up.
I. Ann Wright– serving on negotiation team. Everyone Invited Friday at 3 pm in M -12. We want to
inform and be informed about what does faculty need. Robert Hayes has written a book and is
presenting at 2 pm this Friday – Book “The Cells Made Me Do It” it is on free will. Will be in M-12
(just before the Union meeting.) Working towards holding workshops for faculty to discuss how to
put together, and convert to a 16- week semester.
J. Andrew Vasher-- introduced himself as replacement to Andy Watt (based on sports schedules.
“Hunting Ground” 3 sophomores to showcase.
K. Aron Szamos – working on student success. On April 9th there will be a habitat for humanity
9. Adjournment: 4:40 pm.
10+1: Curriculum ▪ Degrees & Certificates ▪ Grading Policies ▪ Educational Programs Development ▪ Standards & Policies: Student Preparation & Success ▪
Faculty Roles in Governance Structures ▪ Faculty Roles in Accreditation Processes ▪ Policies for Faculty Professional Development ▪ Program Review
Processes ▪ Processes for Institutional Planning and Budget Development ▪ Other Academic & Professional Matters