AP 7310
Government Code Sections 1090 et seq. and 12940 et seq.
No employee may participate in any way in any decision regarding any personnel matter that
may directly affect the selection, appointment, retention, tenure, compensation, promotion,
termination, or other employment status or interest of a close relative, unless the decision
generally affects all members of the close relative's working group or collective bargaining unit.
For co-employees who become closely related while already employed with the college, the
college shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate the employees through assignment to
positions consistent with this policy.
For purposes of this policy, “relative” includes domestic partner as defined by Family Code
Sections 297 et seq., and “immediate family” means spouse, parents, grandparents, siblings,
children, grandchildren and in-laws or any other relative living in the employee’s home on a
regular basis.
Where an employee or applicant for employment is in the direct line of supervision of a
relative, but is not a direct report of or to the relative, and the District determines that it is in its
best interests to make the hire or retain the employee in that position, the District will make
express arrangements for the supervisor of the employee to report to a different, non-related
manager for all purposes connected to the relative’s employment. Such arrangement will be in
writing and signed by the relative, his or her supervisor, and the non-relative manager who will
assume the new duties.
EXAMPLE: A classified staff member reports to a dean, and the dean reports to a vice president
who is a relative of the classified staff member. The District will assign a different vice president
or other appropriate administrator for the dean to report to with regard to all personnel
matters related to the classified staff member’s employment.
See Board Policy 7310
Approved by Superintendent/President:
Notes for Reviewers:
This BP replaces current BP 5810. There is no current AP.
Districts are not required to have an anti-nepotism policy, but having one is legally advised by
CCLC. This BP is the language suggested by CCLC, except that its definitions of “relative” and
“immediate family” were moved from the BP to the AP. Our current BP 5810 has an absolute
prohibition of an employee occupying a position that is in the “direct line of supervision” of a
close relative. “Direct line of supervision” is not defined, except to say that it would be shown
on the organization chart.