Advancement Council
12/19/13, 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Aerospace Education Lab, Alisal Campus
Tony Anderson
Debra Kaczmar
Paul Chen
Counselor, Co-chair (Faculty cochair, 2-year
Executive Director of
Advancement (Co-chair,
VP of Academic Affairs
Dean of Student Affairs or
Academic Affairs
VP of Administrative Services
Dean of Education Services, South
Grant Account Manager
Director Community Collaborative
& Articulation (Classified
Instructor (Faculty)
Instructor (Faculty)
Administrative Assistant II
(Classified CSEA)
Computer/Telephone Technician
(CSEA President)
Dean of Nursing & Allied Health
Computer/Telephone Technician
Student- TBD
Student- TBD
Jackie Cruz
Alfred Munoz
Renata Funke
Sharon Alheit
Molly Lewis
Larry Adams
Dan Petersen
Yvonne Carreon
Stephen Otero
Loyanne Flinn
Terri Ugale
Title or Representing
Director of Development
Executive Assistant
Maggie Melone-Echiburú
Bronwyn Moreno
Mayra Gomez
Esmeralda Montenegro-Owen
Tony Anderson
Meeting called to order at 12:15p.m.
Hartnell College Mission Statement
Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to
pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus
environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.
Approval of Minutes of the Advancement Council for November 21, 2013
MSC (Molly Lewis / Al Muñoz) Minutes of the Advancement Council from November 21, 2013 were unanimously approved.
Approval of Agenda of the Advancement Council for December 19, 2013
MSC (Al Munoz / Molly Lewis) Agenda of the Advancement Council was unanimously approved.
1. NASA SEMAA Presentation
Maggie Melone-Echiburú provided an overview of the program including a summary, partners, and some actions. The NASA
Science, Engineering, Math and Aerospace Academy (SEMAA) program is in the third year of a grant from NASA and
includes the SEMAA curriculum, the Aerospace Education Lab (AEL), and the Family Café. The SEMAA curriculum is delivered
to K-12 grades in two after-school sessions during the academic year, as well as a summer session that is open to the
community. The curriculum is grade specific and different between the academic year and summer; a student who started in
kindergarten and continued through 12th grade would benefit from over 400 hours of science enrichment through the
program. The grant requires that 600+ students are served, and we serve over 2000. Part of the reason we can do this is
that we have partners such as Monterey County Office of Education; the Migrant Education program covers costs of materials
and teachers for 1100 students. The AEL is an exceptional resource with flight related mission workstations, a wind tunnel
and micro gravity chamber. The Family Café is an opportunity for family members to learn about the program as well as
partner programs such as CoderDojo and the CSIT-in-3 bachelor degree. Student volunteers from the HC Math, Engineering,
Science Achievement (MESA) program were another great partnership that benefited both the college and K-12 students.
Some action items that came out of the presentation discussion include:
 Tony offered to connect Maggie with Sam Pacheco and the CSUMB Talent Search for additional partnership
 The discussion of the program review for NASA SEMAA helped everyone get on board with the requirements for the
upcoming budget cycles. The annual action plan and resources needed will be brought to the Advancement Council
in January so that it can be reviewed and forwarded to the College Planning Council (CPC) in February for the 201415 budget. Additionally, spring 2014 is the timeframe for completing the process for the 2015-16 budget.
2. Grant Updates
There are two proposals to the National Science foundation pending. Hartnell College is the applicant for a proposal to
support agricultural energy and water optimization through educational pathways with UC Santa Cruz; also, Hartnell is a
partner on a proposal by Foothill College to prepare qualified technicians in the emerging field of energy efficiency in
residential construction. There are a number of grant solicitations coming up in January. One action item that Molly offered
to champion is a meeting with faculty to share this information and discussion.
Private grant activity is in the areas of Advanced Technology, STEM and ACE. The Harden Foundation is planning a site visit
on January 7th from 2-3pm regarding a request for $600,000 for the Technical Training Building. Chevron provided
$15,000 for STEM pathway work with King City High School. And The California Endowment has committed $37,000 for
the Academy for College Excellence capacity building.
3. President’s Task Force
Jackie provided a review of the President’s Task Force process and final funding plan for 2012-2017. The process was
aligned with the 6 college strategic priorities that were identified at the time. Now the Advancement Council will work on
further identifying the funding priorities with the goals and KPIs identified for each strategic priority. The group was asked
to bring the funding plan and strategic priority documents back to the next meeting for a working session.
Hartnell College Mission Statement
Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to
pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus
environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.
4. Program Review
Bronwyn discussed program review for the MESA program. MESA is a model program in California. This grant from the
Chancellor’s office supports the math, engineering and science pathway from middle school through a 4-year degree. An
increase in number and level of participation by students has created a need for upgrading the coordinator position to a
director, as well as additional staff to handle database tracking and reporting and counseling. MESA students need intensive
case management by a dedicated counselor familiar with the STEM educational plans. Currently, one of the Title V grants
will assist with counseling in the Spring. The request for counseling support has been included in the Student Affairs budget.
Program Review for the NASA SEMAA program was included in the presentation.
Tony Anderson
The January meeting was proposed for Wednesday, January 15 th because January 16th is flex day.
Wednesday, January 15, 2013 from Noon – 2:00pm in E112.
Jackie Cruz
Meeting adjourned at 1:30pm
Hartnell College Mission Statement
Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to
pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus
environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world.