COMPREHENSIVE NON-INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT (Program Review) NASA SEMAA (SCIENCE, ENGINEERING, MATH & AEROSPACE ACADEMY) Author(s): Maggie Melone-Echiburú Date: October 2013 COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT Hartnell College provides the leadership and resources to ensure that all students shall have equal access to a quality education and the opportunity to pursue and achieve their goals. We are responsive to the learning needs of our community and dedicated to a diverse educational and cultural campus environment that prepares our students for productive participation in a changing world. 1. How does NASA SEMAA support/strengthen the college’s ability to fulfill its mission? SEMAA is committed to strengthening the national K-12 STEM pipeline and looks for opportunities to maximize student exposure and interest in STEM subject and careers by offering extended learning activities. SEMAA will significantly improve a situation of entering freshmen who are college-ready in science, mathematics, and technology and create a pipeline of college-ready students from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds. SEMAA has a strong presence in four of the six strategic priorities the college has. Being the only SEMAA site in the west coast, gives us an advantage of access that few programs has, students that come through our program are connected to the college directly and have access to what the college has to offer- Student Access. When students go through our program, they are better prepared when entering college, therefore are better prepared for Student Success. Our program is innovative in nature and is extremely relevant in the current job market, STEM education is highly ranked as a real need not only in our region, but in the nation. Hartnell SEMAA has a great number of extraordinary partners in the community, agencies and is working hard on strengthening our partnerships with local industries, we currently work with a great NASA SEMAA Program Planning and AssessmentPage 1 number of school districts administrators and teachers, as well as local non-profit agencies and more, we believe this is a great strength we bring to the college. 2. What are the key duties, responsibilities, functions, activities, and tasks of NASA SEMAA? Our project goals are: • Inspire a more diverse student population to pursue careers in STEM-related fields • Engage students, parents/adult family members and teachers by incorporating emerging technologies • Educate students utilizing rigorous STEM curricula, designed and implemented as only NASA can. We are an after-school, hands-on science program for students from Kinder to 12th Grade. Our three key components are: 1. Hands-on, inquiry based K-12 STEM curricula 2. Aerospace Educational Laboratory 3. Family Café – parent involvement and outreach 3. What data are used to measure how well NASA SEMAA is performing with respect to the aboveidentified duties, responsibilities, functions, activities, and tasks? What do these data suggest about NASA SEMAA’s effectiveness and its need for continuous quality improvement? We measure our performance by the number of students we serve and the growing partnerships we make. Participating students also fill out a pre and post survey at the beginning and end of their sessions. Forms are collected by the instructors and turned into the Director. Staff will enter the information into the National SEMAA system and the information is analyzed by them. Parents will be given an evaluation form to complete at the end of each session; the form is a tool to collect comments from parents to be entered into our quarterly reports, and to inform the Director, the college liaison and SEMAA headquarters. 4. What are NASA SEMAA’s greatest strengths and most significant accomplishments during the past three years? (Feel free to use information provided in the response to question #3, above.) NASA SEMAA has the capacity to serve a large number of students and and therefore expose what the college has to offer. Since we received this grant, we have served NASA SEMAA Program Planning and AssessmentPage 2 more than 3,000 students in our area. Our grant requires us to serve at a minimum 625 students per year, we have increase de number of direct participants far above the expectations in the two years we have offered the program. With this participation, we expect to have increased the interest in STEM careers and Hartnell College. We have also opened the doors of the college to our students parents with our Family Café events, where we invite the parents/family members to come out to see what their students are learning and what other opportunities are available to them. Most of the families that come to our campus have indicated they have never been to Hartnell College and had no idea all the amazing things that were happening here. We have been a very power tool for outreach during these last couple of years. 5. What are NASA SEMAA’s major challenges during the past three years—that is, what aspects of the service area are most in need of improvement? (Feel free to use information provided in the response to question #3, above.) A system that would allow us to track effectiveness in k-12 through our program is what we feel as a major challenge. If we could have a system that allows us to know what effect our program has in the students future college decisions, it would be easier to know what are the areas of improvement we need to focus on. 6. What are NASA SEMAA’s service area outcomes? To increase number of students served and therefore increase interest in STEM education and career opportunities. 7. How are these service area outcomes assessed? Pre- post surveys – continuing application (grade to grade) returning students 8. Identify the service area outcomes that have been successfully met during the past three years, and explain how they were successfully met. Also, discuss the steps that are being taken to ensure continuous quality improvement with respect to these outcomes. We have increased of students served, we are collaborating with more schools and districts; the number of returning students is growing; we have increased the number of partners and thus, leveraged the cost of having our program. NASA SEMAA Program Planning and AssessmentPage 3 9. Identify the service area outcomes that have not been met successfully during the past three years. Explain the ways in which Academic Services is engaging in continuous quality improvement with respect to this challenge. (Note: Be sure to include and to elaborate upon at least some of this information in the “Annual Action Plan”). We have been slow in carrying out a successful sustainability plan. We have focused on getting our program up and running, getting the number of students to grow and finding partnerships, we have not dedicated enough time to sustaining funds and being able to increase them. Once this program is institutionalized we believe this will be improved. 10.How successfully has NASA SEMAA collaborated with other areas at the college (both instructional and non-instructional)? What steps are being taken to ensure continuous quality improvement in the area of collaboration? Successfully collaborated in partnership at outreach events (tech days, career days, Salinas International Airshow, etc.). Because NASA SEMAA does not have an institutionalized budget and is not identified as a Hartnell program we have not been able to do more than just outreach with our staff. Our staff is not Hartnell employees, we are categorized as professional experts, and do not have access to many resources the college has to offer. 11. Describe the professional development opportunities taken advantage of by members of NASA SEMAA within the past two years. In addition, please explain the ways in which Administrative Service personnel’s engagement in these opportunities has helped NASA SEMAA meet its various obligations and fulfill both its own mission and the college’s mission. Because NASA SEMAA is not institutionalized, we have not participated in any professional development opportunities. No budget is available from the general funds. 12.Does the college provide adequate support and resources for NASA SEMAA (financial, administrative, facilities-related, equipment-related, and so on)? Does NASA SEMAA have sufficient staffing to support its ability to meet its service area outcomes? Please use relevant, specific examples and evidence to support and clarify your responses. No, we do not have enough support, we do need more staff, equipment and facilities access to improve our program. NASA SEMAA Program Planning and AssessmentPage 4 13. If the NASA SEMAA’s current needs—identified in the response to item #12—are not being met, explain the ramifications of this state of affairs. We are not seen as a college program therefore we are almost like outsiders to the eyes of the college population (students, staff and administrators). If we were institutionalized, our program would gain more recognition and the population that we serve would feel that this is a Hartnell program before it being just NASA SEMAA. Our funding could increase and our partnerships with local industries would be easier to establish, knowing we are part of the college itself. 14. How successfully has NASA SEMAA addressed external compliance regulations and issues, and what steps have been taken to ensure complete success concerning this matter? Please use relevant, specific examples and evidence in your response. No issues to address. 15. Please provide any other information or comments that are relevant to this review of the service area. 16. Please provide an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY of this service area review, using the NASA SEMAA “Executive Summary” template. 17. The information requested during this comprehensive review process is intended to be meaningful and useful for the purpose of continuous quality improvement for NASA SEMAA. To this end, each year NASA SEMAA will develop a workable, year-long, follow-up action plan (entitled “Annual Action Plan”) that both derives from and addresses key information provided by the comprehensive review. Each yearly action plan will outline specific initiatives focusing on NASA SEMAA’s identified areas in need of strengthening, its identified challenges that need to be met, and the like. (Please use the NASA SEMAA “Annual Action Plan” template.) NASA SEMAA Program Planning and AssessmentPage 5