Hartnell College Foundation Office of Advancement and Development Public Grants Report SSeepptteem mbbeerr 22001144 U UPPD DAATTEESS Student Success In progress Innovation Partnerships STEM Research Internships submitted Student Access and Success STEM Harvest Scholarships submitted Student Access and Success Pathways submitted Student Access Nursing and Allied Health Awarded $187,287 Student Access and Support Partnerships Foster and Kinship Care Student Access Not Awarded Student Success Not Awarded Center for Advanced Technology – US Department of Education Student Support Services TRIO – The college proposes to develop two TRIO applications: 1) to continue the successful existing program and to create English as a Second Language (ESL) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) programs. The RFA is expected in October. National Science Foundation – Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) The Hartnell College “REU Site Hartnell College” project proposes to improve the enrollment, persistence, retention, graduation and/or transfer of student by engaging them in internships doing original STEM research in Physics, and offering an opportunity to experience working in professional laboratory settings at Hartnell College, Stanford University Medical Center, and Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois. $358k over three years. 24 students will receive $211k in support. National Science Foundation – Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM) The Hartnell College “Improving Student Success in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics” project proposes to improve the enrollment, persistence, retention, graduations and/or transfer of students through the disbursement of and is based on a previous, successful S-STEM project. $624K over 5 years. 102 students will receive $512k in scholarships. US Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), First in the World Program (FITW) Developmental Grant. The “Hartnell College FITW Community Learning Project” proposes to develop a project to study new approaches to assisting underrepresented and low-income students in improving their academic success. The project will include three cohorts participating in four college divisional academic pathways (Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Technology). 2,400 students over a four-year period. $3.9M CCCCO Enrollment Growth for Associate Degree Nursing (RN) Program to optimize the college’s registered nurse program through: 1) increased enrollment and enhanced student support services, and 2) assessment, remediation and retention. Multiple state and local grants to support Foster and Kinship Care Education Program to increase collaboration with Monterey County Department of Social Services, support foster youth in achieving their goals in higher education, and provide community education to foster and relative caregivers. $778,257 CA Dept of Education AB86 Career Pathways Trust (CPPT) to build robust partnerships between employers, schools, and community colleges in order to better prepare students for the 21st century workplace and improve student transition into postsecondary education, training, and employment. $15M over 4 years US Dept of Education College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) to assist migrant and seasonal farmworkers and members of their immediate family to complete their first academic year of college and to continue in postsecondary education. Up to $425k per year for five years = $2,125,000 Monterey Bay Air Pollution Control District (MBUAPCD) Four applications were submitted; three to support the diesel program and one to support the information technology program. The information technology proposal is to create a game app about proper wood burning practices. The diesel “clean air” proposals include equipment related to emission control inspection and diagnostic procedures. $12,262 for diesel technology and $4,548 for information technology. First 5 Monterey County – 4-year grant through the Workforce Development Incentive Program (WDIP) to support a variety of early education students to move up the Permit Matrix 1 and/or achieve a Child Development degree through the provision of specialized counseling and access to resources. Total grant amount $319,948. US Department of Education Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) will support the success of parents and children through no-cost preschool; enrolling parents in postsecondary education and training programs; coordinating and delivering comprehensive support services; expanding child care delivery times; and linking to Hartnell’s High School Equivalency Program (HEP). 2013-14 $117,217; college leveraged funds $131,988. Total grant period 4 years $468,868. Information CCCCO Deputy Sector Navigator Information Communication Technology (ICT) Communication and Digital Media to fund a position at Hartnell College to coordinate pipelines and Technology training for careers in the ICT and Digital Media sector. Hartnell College’s region Digital Media includes 8 community college districts reaching into the Bay Area. Funding is $300k AWARDED for first year and requires a $200k match. The grant is renewable for 4 years if $1.5 M outcomes are successfully met for a total of $1.5 million. Partnership Grants with Other Applicants Innovation US Department of Agriculture Non-Land Grant College of Agriculture Capacity Partnerships Building. This project with CSUMB is titled “Capacity Building for Agricultural CSUMB Sustainability on the CA Central Coast through Research and Education”. Ag Business In progress and Technology staff will help develop/deploy curriculum, coordinate student research activities and evaluate the project. This project presents an opportunity to work with many new partners. Total grant up to $300k. Hartnell to receive $39k. Student Access US Department of Education Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Partnership Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP). CSUMB’s Early Outreach and Support GEAR UP Program will partner with Hartnell College’s South County Education Services for the CSUMB 2014 GEAR UP grant competition to serve middle and high schools in south Monterey submitted County. Hartnell’s commitment is in-kind work ($24k) by south county staff. Student Access US Department of Education Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Partnership Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP). The UC Santa Cruz Educational Partnership GEAR UP Center will partner with Hartnell College for the 2014 GEAR UP grant competition to UCSC serve middle and high schools in Salinas and north Monterey County. Hartnell’s submitted commitment is in-kind work ($249k) by staff. Student Access CA Dept of Education AB86 Adult Education - Salinas Union High School District is AWARDED the lead for this one-time funding for adult education consortia planning. $260,572 STEM / Ag National Science Foundation – Advanced Technological Education Cal Poly-San Submitted Luis Obispo and Hartnell College partnered on a proposal to assess the use of COINS $50k (COnstruction INdustry Simulation) in Construction Management courses to provide Awarded project-based learning and industry simulations. Three years $50k. Diesel/IT AWARDED $16,810 Student Success ECE AWARDED 2013-14 $77k Student Access CDC AWARDED $468,868 Hartnell College Foundation Office of Advancement and Development Private Grants Report SSeepptteem mbbeerr 22001144 U UPPD DAATTEESS Student Access Partnerships submitted ACE AWARDED $37,000 Center for Adv Tech AWARDED $500,000 Allied Health & Health Sciences proposed STEM proposed Arts The Western Stage proposed STEM Awarded $250,000 Various Campus Areas AWARDED $50,000 Center for Adv Tech AWARDED $300,000 STEM, PITL South County Awarded STEM $15,000 AWARDED NASA SEMAA Awarded $7,500 Community Foundation Monterey County – Promoting Access to Literacy (PAL). Hartnell College will partner with the Monterey County Free Libraries on this project “PAL for Adults and Non-School-Going Youth in South Monterey County for Increased Academic Readiness and Job Trainability”. $17k for one year. California Endowment - To support capacity building for the Academy for College Excellence program at Hartnell College. Nancy Eccles and Homer M. Hayward Family Foundation – five year proposal for the continued support of the Sustainable Design and Construction program at Hartnell’s Alisal Campus. Proposal for $500,000. The California Endowment proposal for year 4 of the Alisal Health Professions Workforce Pathway Partnershipn (AHPWPP) creating pathways of students that are interested in pursuing a profession in allied health and the health professions. The total amount of the request is $886,314 for one year. Community Foundation Monterey County – to support NASA SEMAA program. Proposed for $25,000. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation – Performing Arts Program – Continuity and Engagement proposal for general support for The Western Stage Capital Campaign. $90k over two years. Monterey Peninsula Foundation – Expansion of science programs, specifically the new 54,000 square foot building will house the science department, including labs and a one stop student STEM support center. Monterey Peninsula Foundation – Youth Fund to support sustainable design, CSITin-3, ACE, Career Advancement Network, College Outreach and Preparation, Math Tutoring, Mathmorphosis, Physics Club, Technovation, WELI, Artists in Residence, Family Science and Health Day, NASA SEMAA, and Homestead Review/Poetic Voices. Grant term April 2014-May 2015 Harden Foundation proposal in support of the capital campaign for the new Technical Training Building at the Alisal campus. Overall project is $8million with $5.4million secured (bond funding) and$2.6million to be raised from private businesses and individuals. $600,000 requested. Chevron – to support STEM Program, South County Scholarships and Party in the Library. $55k Chevron – to support STEM robotics for King City High School. Pebble Beach Foundation – NASA SEMAA Youth Program focuses on the underserved, low income, minority Latino students from Kindergarten through 12th grade in Monterey County, specifically students below grade eight and in the Alisal community located in East Salinas where the SEMAA site is located. The Western Stage Proposed $150,000 CDC AWARDED $25,000 CDC AWARDED $55k Planned Giving SELECTED Allied Health and Health Sciences AWARDED $175k STEM NASA SEMAA AWARDED $20k Student Success ECE AWARDED Women’s Education and Leadership & Scholarships proposed $36k AWARDED $26,500 Center for Advanced Tech – Ag AWARDED $75K The Western Stage AWARDED $150,000 Anonymous – support of the first capital campaign for The Western Stage. The capital campaign will create a new community atrium, visual arts gallery, gallery lounge, new ticket office booth and give a new face to the Center for the Performing Arts of Hartnell College. It will also create an endowment for scholarships to support theatre arts majors. Claire Ciannini Fund – to support completion of the Alisal Child Development Center (CDC) recommendation implementation and to support scholarships for family share assistance. Claire Giannini Fund – to support a full-time teacher at the Main Campus Child Development Center (CDC) Lab that serves 120 families per school year. Funding would help our students and their children by retaining our highly qualified staff. Silicon Valley Planned Giving Council Incubator Program 2013-2015 Foundation board members and advancement staff will participate to establish a successful planned giving and endowment-building program for the college. Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System $175k proposed for 2014-15 Natividad Medical Center - $175k To support faculty industry differentials that will help retain our excellent staff; program equipment to provide students with hands-on experience on current equipment; and graduate nursing residency scholarship/stipends. Nancy Buck Ransom – NASA SEMAA Youth Program focuses on the underserved, low income, minority Latino students from Kindergarten through 12th grade in Monterey County, specifically students below grade eight and in the Alisal community located in East Salinas where the SEMAA site is located. $50k request will support the site director, classroom instruction, supplies and equipment. First 5 Monterey County – 4-year grant through the Workforce Development Incentive Program (WDIP) for scholarships to support a variety of early education students to move up the Permit Matrix 1 and/or achieve a Child Development degree through the provision of specialized counseling and access to resources. Total grant amount over 5 years $835k. WELI is a powerful combination of life skills, leadership training, mentoring and financial support designed to increase the academic success of low-income students. Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation (renewal) AWARDED $20,000 Monterey Peninsula Foundation –Youth Fund Awarded $4,000 William McCaskey & Adaline Dinsmore Chapman Foundation – proposed $25,000 American Association of University Women proposed $7,000 Rabobank- AWARDED $2,500 Driscoll’s Philanthropy for continuation of Ag Institute Leader position; farm/lab for hand-on-experience; development and enrollment for Industrial Tech Program, Pest Management and Horticultural/lab technician; implementation of contract education for industry; completion of Technical Training Building; expanding industry advisory committees; continued relationships with K-12, families and the community. Packard Foundation for sustainability of theatre arts program partnership between the Alisal Center for Fine Arts (ACFA) and The Western Stage (TWS) to: 1) build on the work over the past three years; 2) increase ACFA’s theatre program’s independence; and 3) realize an after-school theatre program for youth under the direction of ACFA Executive Director and instruction of ACFA theatre teachers. $50k for three years.