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Hartnell College Foundation Office of Advancement and Development
Public Grants Report M
Maarrcchh 22001155 U
Student Access
Ctr Adv Tech –
CA Dept of Education AB86 CA Career Pathways Trust (CCPT) The big idea is to
align workforce needs - as local employers and labor market data define them with sound academic and career technical education opportunities, leading to
student success by preparing them for college and work. Selected pathways
include: Ag Business, Ag Mechanics, Networking, Software & Systems
Development, Patient Care and Legal Practices. Students will access an online
Pathways tool that defines required sequenced coursework, college and workreadiness skills, work-based experience opportunities, study and social support
resources, and types of high-wage, in-demand jobs available locally. $6M grant
funds over two years. $8M matching funds over four years showing sustainability.
Materials Research Society Foundation, workshops for 25 Hartnell students
and 5 high school students to apply and extend their knowledge in physics,
chemistry, engineering and mathematics through conducting experiments which
involve assembling and characterizing single photon detector modules from
semiconductor silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) light sensors. $10k
US Dept of Ed, Student Support Services, TRiO grants: Three proposals were
submitted: 1) to continue the existing program (serving 160 students), 2) to expand
capacity and focus on ESL (140) students, and 3) to expand and focus on STEM
(120) students. Services include Academic Advising, Tutoring, Financial Aid
Workshops, Financial Literacy, Graduation and Transfer Advising, Monitoring
Academic Progress to Degree Completion, Academic Support, Individual NonCognitive Development, and Transitional Activities. Each grant $1.1M - 5 years.
National Science Foundation (NSF), Improving Undergraduate STEM
Education (IUSE), to implement, test, and evaluate strategies to
increase/strengthen preparation and success of underrepresented/ educationally
disadvantaged students in mathematics courses throughout the STEM pipeline
resulting in improved transfer rates; research-based, redesigned instructional
approach; upgraded Math Academy Plus programs; adaptive learning technology
integrated with active learning inside and outside class; and using increased
collaboration and engagement to better prepare students for transfer, graduation,
and entering the STEM workforce; $1.9M for 60 months to begin October 2015.
CCCCO Career Technical Education (CTE) Enhancement Funds (EF) 60%
share allocated to colleges, labor market demand driven, Agriculture $13,000,
Industrial Systems Technology and Maintenance focus on hydraulics and
pneumatics $35,000, Auto/Diesel Technology $35,000, Welding for Agriculture,
Water, Energy and Construction $50,000, Nursing and Allied Health: Respiratory
Care Practitioner $50,439 for a total of $183,439 to be expended by March 2016.
CCCCO Career Technical Education (CTE) Enhancement Funds (EF)
40%: Hartnell is proposing to be the lead agency/fiscal agency for a regional
proposal for a paramedic program in collaboration with the public safety JPA for
$1.3M to update curriculum, and purchase equipment and supplies. Additionally,
Hartnell would receive $46k as an equal share to fund regional alignment efforts.
Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District (MBUAPCD) Applications
were submitted to support the diesel program with equipment related to emission
control inspection and diagnostic procedures. $4,935 over one year.
Student Success
ICT/Digital Media Sector – SiGNAL (Student Gains with NDG Available Labs)
will increase the quantity of labs which can efficiently hosted, enabling extended lab
offerings to local community colleges and high schools interested in cyber security.
CCCCO Deputy Sector Navigator Information Communication Technology
Student Success
Student Success
Student Success
Student Success
Student Success
Communication (ICT) and Digital Media to fund a position at Hartnell College to coordinate
pipelines and training for careers in the ICT and Digital Media sector. Hartnell
Digital Media
College’s region includes 8 community college districts reaching into the Bay Area.
Funding is $300k for first year and requires a $200k match. The grant is renewable
$1.5 M
for 4 years if outcomes are successfully met for a total of $1.5 million.
Partnership Grants with Other Applicants
CA Department of Finance Awards for Innovation in Higher Education CSU
Innovation &
Monterey Bay and Hartnell College submitted the CSIT-in-3 program for recognition.
CSIT-in-3 was ranked very high and a final decision is expected March 20. CSUMB
and Hartnell staff members are meeting to determine the best use of the funds to
continue innovation and collaboration.
CCCCO Career Technical Education (CTE) Enhancement Funds (EF) 40%: Los
Innovation &
Medanos College is the lead on an application with Hartnell, Cabrillo, Chabot,
Advanced Tech Laney, Las Positas and Solano to enhance existing welding programs by investing in
industry standard equipment and supplies so students are prepared for higher-level
in progress
welding careers. $1,076,600 for consortium
CA Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) Guided
Exploration of Social Work as a Career project with CSU Monterey Bay will engage 50
Student Access selected community college students from rural areas in a year-long program of
mental/behavioral health career-related workshops, guided by MSW social work
professionals with emphasis on linguistic and cultural competencies. No $
CCC Student Mental Health Program with Monterey Peninsula College (MPC)
- Making Sense of Student Life will provide training for staff, faculty and
students, as well as online resources to increase awareness and effective response to
address student mental health needs. Emphasis is on suicide prevention and mental
health needs of veterans. Grant-funded staff and resources will serve both colleges.
US Department of Agriculture Non-Land Grant College of Agriculture
Capacity Building. This project with CSUMB is titled “Capacity Building for
Agricultural Sustainability on the CA Central Coast through Research and Education”.
Ag Business and Technology staff will help develop/deploy curriculum, coordinate
student research activities and evaluate the project. This project presents an
opportunity to work with many new partners. Total grant up to $300k. Hartnell to
receive $39k.
Student Access US Department of Education Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for
Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP). CSUMB’s Early Outreach and Support
Program will partner with Hartnell College’s South County Education Services for the
GEAR UP program to serve middle and high schools in south Monterey County.
Hartnell’s commitment is in-kind work ($24k) by south county staff.
Student Access CA Dept of Education AB86 Adult Education - Salinas Union High School District
is the lead for this one-time funding for adult education consortia planning. $261k
National Science Foundation – Advanced Technological Education Cal Poly-San
Luis Obispo is the lead on this project to assess the use of COINS (COnstruction
INdustry Simulation) in Construction Management courses. Three years $50k.
Hartnell College Foundation Office of Advancement and Development
Private Grants Report M
Maarrcchh 22001155 U
in progress
$3 million
in progress
Up to $100k
$3k +
South County
in Progress
Education and
Leadership &
Center for
Adv Tech
Arts Place America -Combining grant funds with access to experts in the longstanding field of arts and community development practice to develop a plan that
weaves the arts into community-wide planning.
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Art Works proposal to support
exploration of the bracero movement in Monterrey County through the development
of the script “One More Day’ an original work by a local playwright centered on
bracero stories. The Western Stage will partner with local community organizations to
bring the play to the community in nontraditional settings relevant to bracero history.
S.T.A.R. Foundation – Professional equipment and enrichment for Choir
Programs. Hartnell College Choir and the community will benefit from professional
sound equipment, K-12 outreach transportation, and enrichment activities. Requested:
$26,726. Funded $2,960 plus $5,000 matching grant (August 1, 2015)
Community Foundation Monterey County – The Stephen and Madeleine Conran
Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County supported an award for $17k
for a collaborative partnership with the Monterey County Free Libraries to provide
basic literacy skills for adults in South County.
NASA SEMAA Youth Program focuses on the underserved, low income, minority Latino
students from Kindergarten through 12th grade in Monterey County, specifically
students below grade eight and in the Alisal community located in East Salinas where
the SEMAA site is located.
Community Foundation Monterey County $35,000
Nancy Buck Ransom Foundation $43,000
S.T.A.R. Foundation – Capital support for Center for Performing Arts building
upgrades. The capital campaign will create a new community atrium, visual arts
gallery, gallery lounge, new ticket office booth and give a new face to the Center for
the Performing Arts of Hartnell College. Request for $100,000.
WELI is a powerful combination of life skills, leadership training, mentoring and
financial support designed to increase the academic success of low-income students.
Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation (renewal) AWARDED $20,000
Walmart Foundation- Submitted $25,000
Rabobank- AWARDED $2,500
Salinas Valley Business Women’s Network- Submitted $500
First 5 Monterey County –Workforce Development Incentive Program (WDIP)
for scholarships to support early education students to move up the Permit Matrix
and/or achieve a Child Development degree through the provision of specialized
counseling and access to resources. Total grant over 2 years $333,500.
Pacific Gas and Electric- Early Exposure to STEM Education and Renewable
Energies. Proposal for increased youth engagement through NASA SEMAA. Funding
will support additional outreach, partnership with Hartnell’s MESA program, and
upgrades to computer software in AEL laboratory.
Nancy Eccles and Homer M. Hayward Family Foundation – five year proposal for
the continued support of the Sustainable Design and Construction program at
Hartnell’s Alisal Campus.
Allied Health
& Health
Arts - TWS
The California Endowment proposal for year 4 of the Alisal Health Professions
Workforce Pathway Partnershipn (AHPWPP) creating pathways of students that are
interested in pursuing a profession in allied health and the health professions. The total
amount of the request is $886,314 for one year.
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation – Performing Arts Program – Continuity
and Engagement proposal for general support for The Western Stage Capital
Campaign. $90k over two years.
Monterey Peninsula Foundation – Expansion of science programs, specifically the
new 54,000 square foot building will house the science department, including labs and
a one stop student STEM support center.
Center for
Adv Tech
South County
Harden Foundation proposal in support of the capital campaign for the new
Technical Training Building at the Alisal campus. Overall project is $8million with
$5.4million secured (bond funding) and$2.6million to be raised from private
businesses and individuals. $600,000 requested.
Chevron – to support STEM Program, South County Scholarships and Party in the
Allied Health
and Health
Center for
Tech – Ag
The Western
Chevron – to support STEM robotics for King City High School.
Anonymous – support of the first capital campaign for The Western Stage to create a
new community atrium, visual arts gallery, gallery lounge, new ticket office booth and
give a new face to the Center for the Performing Arts of Hartnell College. It will also
create an endowment for scholarships to support theatre arts majors.
Gihon Foundation – Support for the capital campaign which will create a new
community atrium, visual arts gallery, gallery lounge, new ticket office booth and give
a new face to the Center for the Performing Arts of Hartnell College. It will also create
an endowment for scholarships to support theatre arts majors.
Claire Giannini Fund – to support a full-time teacher at the Main Campus Child
Development Center (CDC) Lab serving E 120 families per school year. Funding will
also support development of transitional kindergarten model with common core
Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System $175k
Natividad Medical Center - $175k
To support faculty industry differentials that will help retain our excellent staff;
program equipment to provide students with hands-on experience on current
equipment; and graduate nursing residency scholarship/stipends.
Driscoll’s Philanthropy for continuation of Ag Institute Leader position; farm/lab for
hand-on-experience; development and enrollment for Industrial Tech Program, Pest
Management and Horticultural/lab technician; implementation of contract education
for industry; completion of Technical Training Building; expanding industry advisory
committees; continued relationships with K-12, families and the community.
Packard Foundation for sustainability of theatre arts program partnership between
the Alisal Center for Fine Arts (ACFA) and The Western Stage (TWS) to: 1) build on the
work over the past three years; 2) increase ACFA’s theatre program’s independence;
and 3) realize an after-school theatre program for youth under the direction of ACFA
Executive Director and instruction of ACFA theatre teachers. $50k for three years.